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Halo Infinite is the currently biggest project in the gaming industry (Update: Reported False by Frank O'Coner)


Biggest flop ever incoming. They already had every chance and killed the franchise. It's not coming back.

I wouldn’t be a doomsayer just yet, can we at least wait until the game comes out before we call it “omg biggest flop ever”

Shit might just surprise you if you’re even remotely interested in it.



That looks like such a cool job to have (if a little dangerous). Is it normal for a AAA game to go to these lengths when recording sounds?

Also, what's with all the constant Xbox/Halo hate? The recent Gears was a fine game - is there any reason this won't be? I swear the Sony fanboys are becoming so arrogant that seeing Scarlet wipe the floor with the PS5 would be almost as satisfying as seeing Trump beat Hilary in 2016. Come on Microsoft, make Xbox great again and win bigly in the 9th gen!
Yeah, add marketing and then try to figure out how many copies it would have to sell to just break even.
Every single xbox owner would have to buy one and the profit would come from the pc users.
Its MS, they can easily afford loss and it will break even in long run


Unconfirmed Member
And we all will play it for 1$ :)
Which is why it would make sense to include it as a digital download with Scarlett to move more systems and profit later on other title sales.
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That looks like such a cool job to have (if a little dangerous). Is it normal for a AAA game to go to these lengths when recording sounds?

Also, what's with all the constant Xbox/Halo hate? The recent Gears was a fine game - is there any reason this won't be? I swear the Sony fanboys are becoming so arrogant that seeing Scarlet wipe the floor with the PS5 would be almost as satisfying as seeing Trump beat Hilary in 2016. Come on Microsoft, make Xbox great again and win bigly in the 9th gen!
I'll second this. I really want to see a win with Halo Infinite, it's one of my favorite franchises. Honestly, the only thing bad with Halo 4 was the Multiplayer then the only thing wrong with Halo 5 was the Single Player. If they can just fine tune and have both of them be great, then it will be glorious. I doubt there are many people that may agree with me, but I went out of my way at times to play Halo 5 MP the same way I did with Halo 3. It was enjoyable.

I just hope the Halo 3 warthog makes a come back.


I miss when halo was on top of shooters before cod4. I will buy the new halo for sure I don’t feel like Microsoft will mess up the next halo.

The Shepard

Halo one still has the best campaign imo and probably had the least amount money spent on it, I played it recently and it still plays amazingly after all these years. Halo odst is my 2nd favourite and that budget would have been quite small in comparison to the other games. You don't need vast amounts of cash to make an amazing halo game.
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What would they spend the money on? are they doing R&D for real Spartans and Mjolnir armor?...
Maybe they are going for a project like Star Citizen

Doubt it tho...
Edit: Just noticed how old the thread is, my mind is blown again
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Here we go again another Microsoft project wasting money down the drain this idiots just fart out money into their departments which are always producing shit. This is fraud!


Gold Member
Good thing then that they are really nailing the marketing with the space Mexican talking to the camera

Should be an easy return on investment when it’s sold for $2 and is packaged with pop tarts
Ay $50 a pop they need to sell 10 million copies to break even?

How many did Halo 5 sell? Not that it matters because this is a 1st party exclusive and going straight to GamePass.

Thank you Microsoft, for being such dummies and giving me a shit load of games for cheaper than the RRP of one game.

well as Halo 5 showed us, they dont need to sell 10 million copies to break even. Actually they can make a killing without selling 10 million copies.

If im not mistaken, Halo 5 was a shining example of wildly successful in-game transactions.

Personally, Halo is one of my all time fav franchises but i agree with the sentiment that 343 doesnt have the chops to make a game worthy of halo 1-3. Idk, maybe im wrong; they did produce a solid MP in Halo 5. I just thought the maps were terrible.

It feasible 343 can make a standout MP game but i wont hold my breath. They need to evolve the game while at the same time maintaining the core Halo gameplay. Its tough
I really hope they aren't going to make the mistake of going GAAS with infinite. but something makes me think we are going to see destiny halo edition.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The only question that needs asking is why, after all these years, and a number of (inarguably) fine releases should the appeal of he Halo franchise suddenly expand to the sort of GTA'esque dimensions that would justify such a huge dev-budget?

I really do not see it, because the shooter market is so much bigger and heavily contested these days.
That silly trailer they showed, if that's Xbox Scarlett then they should just scrap it and make a proper next gen game cause to me it's rubbish it looks current gen.


I'll second this. I really want to see a win with Halo Infinite, it's one of my favorite franchises. Honestly, the only thing bad with Halo 4 was the Multiplayer then the only thing wrong with Halo 5 was the Single Player. If they can just fine tune and have both of them be great, then it will be glorious. I doubt there are many people that may agree with me, but I went out of my way at times to play Halo 5 MP the same way I did with Halo 3. It was enjoyable.

I just hope the Halo 3 warthog makes a come back.
Halo 5 MP was just as awful as Halo 4 MP.

They really have to nail the Gameplay first... im still waiting for a successor to Halo 3 and not some kind of frankenstein game that doesnt know what it wants to be.

That silly trailer they showed, if that's Xbox Scarlett then they should just scrap it and make a proper next gen game cause to me it's rubbish it looks current gen.
Because it is made first and foremost for current gen. PC and Scarlett Version will get a fresh coat of paint and thats it.
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Good. H5 just needed a better campaign. Controls are fantastic, multiplayer is also great. Just hope they keep Warzone and expand upon it.


Just finished halo 5 campaign.
What a shitshow.. Geezus christ, that was horrible. Hardly played as masterchief. The story was utter shit and the ending was the worst.

I was thinking. A game like this.. Maybe singleplayer and multiplayer should be 2 standalone games as the halo franchise lends itself for a really epic 40 hour long single player game


Gold Member
i hope for the better, halo 4 and 5 aren't exactly the best halo games...
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Gold Member
Just play through the Master Chief Collection when it comes to PC, bask in the glory of Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo: Reach...and then be done with it.

This is the only path to happiness.

Edit: Maybe ODST, too.
I dunno, they know they fucked up Halo 5's single player. Halo Infinite is their chance for redemption. I give them this shot. I don't think it's fair to say this is an instant flop. I know Game Pass is gonna go through the roof when this drops, that's for sure. I will buy the game day 1. Guaranteed.
Halo 5 MP was just as awful as Halo 4 MP.

They really have to nail the Gameplay first... im still waiting for a successor to Halo 3 and not some kind of frankenstein game that doesnt know what it wants to be.
I mean, how many people have played Halo 5 and gone back to Halo 3? It's a very jarring experiance and I've found they are both great in their own right. But if I had a choice I'd stick with Halo 5's gameplay style without Warzone. The only thing I would add to Halo 3's gameplay is sprint if I had my choice.


It's sad that this studio and franchise are so tainted by failure that even if this was a decent game (it will not be) the most it can hope for is a boost of $2 game pass coupons.
It's sad that this studio and franchise are so tainted by failure that even if this was a decent game (it will not be) the most it can hope for is a boost of $2 game pass coupons.
Awful lot of you folks like talking about THE TAINT OF FAILURE here. Sure, H4 and H5 didn’t live up to expectations, but I don’t see why everyone here needs to pre-judge this game. The last trailer looked fun. I’m cautiously optimistic. For those of you who have apparently lost track of things, Microsoft is still trying to turn around a freaking aircraft carrier and get back to publishing good games again. That shit takes years, but it’s doable, as Gears 5 just proved.
I love how Halo 5 get's a bad rep when Halo 2 gets next to none. The Single-player mode in that game was so poor, and it was only saved by the Multi-player (quite like Halo V ironically)
I love how Halo 5 get's a bad rep when Halo 2 gets next to none. The Single-player mode in that game was so poor, and it was only saved by the Multi-player (quite like Halo V ironically)
Even tho I liked the multiplayer it’s still far from what is expected from a halo game. So many needless aspects remained like sprint and abilities (tbh the thrust was alright)


so Infinite destined to be GaaS in order to try to recover the budget

I love how Halo 5 get's a bad rep when Halo 2 gets next to none. The Single-player mode in that game was so poor, and it was only saved by the Multi-player (quite like Halo V ironically)
Halo 2 has ALWAYS had a bad rep. What you talkin about?
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