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Halo Infinite Season 3 drops March 7


Pretty sure the unlimited playlist is the two arena maps. Next time it will be a BTB playlist with the third, BTB, map.
Every time I play this I feel like it's so close to being really good. Hopefully that Certain Affinity mode can breathe some new life into the game if it ever comes out.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
We played this for like 4 hours last night.

The new maps and the new "gungame" mode are excellent.

The menus look nicer for sure, but we were debating whether they improved the in game visuals too or not. Either way, plays great, looks great, new maps and modes are excellent.

The cgi cutscenes are great too, just wish they were connected to campaign dlc, rather than multiplayer drops. The story they're outlining there seems much more compelling than the Chief / Cortana story.

Nonetheless, great update.
Excellent update, but like others have said, really bummed that it came one and half years after launch. If this had been day one 🤯
Also, are we not allowed to have some covenant themed maps with the purples? Or how about a jungle themed map? It's all alpine/desert/dirt maps with forerunner/industrial structures. I need some ancient ruins and new climates...


Just watched the Dinh cutscene it was genuinely really cool/interesting :)

Looking forward to putting some time into season 3 😁


Gold Member
Every time I play this I feel like it's so close to being really good. Hopefully that Certain Affinity mode can breathe some new life into the game if it ever comes out.

Its so nearly good that it won GAF's GOTY 2021 award, beating out multiple actually great titles, tottaly not based on inflated honeymoon periods at all. People consistantly called me a console warrior for pointing out that you can't claim the game is GOTY for its coop campaign when that's not even released yet.

Of course now the coop campaign is released and no one talks about it at all, I assume because it's so good that words can not describe it.

People also got super upset when they said I didn't own an xbox or even play the game only for me to show them my legendary campaign achievement, I can't think why...

On the plus side we have 15 official maps and forge now, that's actually something. I think we are at the "it's a decent release" stage now.
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Moderated wildly
Played a game this morning! Fucking awesome...and that CG cutscene...holy shit Blur stay the best in the business!

Really great fun playing this, but Like I said it was one match but performance and everything felt great on my PC. Going to definitely jump back in.


New maps and gungame mode are very fun! Played this all afternoon. Hopefully they can keep rotating maps into the community collection too.


Gold Member
Looks ok but nothing new for ranked is a total deal breaker for me. Will check back in again when they either add ranked slayer and/or the dev made maps & hundreds of community maps they could draw from.


RT support added to PC and will be added to console (Series X only) soon.

Seems like RT shadows only for now.


Players on PC are now able to toggle Raytraced Sun Shadows from the Settings menu. When this feature is enabled, all shadows cast by the sun will appear more detailed in multiplayer gameplay. The Raytraced Sun Shadows option does not apply to the Halo Infinite Campaign.

What the fuck?!
Lol, is that like some weird Earth 2
Chris Kristofferson lol.
i played at lunch time for an hour was decent, though the graphics didnt seem as crisp as i remember, played on the Series S. The 30 Fps mode seemed to look more pixelated than the 60 Fps mode and the HDR looked really washed out. I'll have a mess around with the graphics sliders later.


I know it, I don’t even care if it got shadows and reflections.
RT global illumination is the one that makes the hugest difference for me.
Yes but the fact that they're only enabling it for multiplayer and not for the campaign is completely bonkers.

MP gamers are by far the least likely to enable raytracing for better performance and responsiveness. Why the hell are they leaving single player modes out of raytracing? It doesn't make any sense.


The new playlist is sick. I hate when slayer comes up though since the maps are slightly too big to make fun matches.


Yes but the fact that they're only enabling it for multiplayer and not for the campaign is completely bonkers.

MP gamers are by far the least likely to enable raytracing for better performance and responsiveness. Why the hell are they leaving single player modes out of raytracing? It doesn't make any sense.
Ray Tracing in the Campaign likely requires a lot more work, probably owing to the variable time of day. I'd also wager that, in terms of cost benefit analysis, adding Ray Tracing to the campaign generates no new money but would cost a lot to implement, whereas multiplayer generates income, and helping the game look better with more modern features might actually convince some folks to jump in. Their RT implementation here is honestly probably just 343i getting up to speed on the technology for use in their next game, which is apparently using UE5.


Its so nearly good that it won GAF's GOTY 2021 award, beating out multiple actually great titles, tottaly not based on inflated honeymoon periods at all. People consistantly called me a console warrior for pointing out that you can't claim the game is GOTY for its coop campaign when that's not even released yet.

Of course now the coop campaign is released and no one talks about it at all, I assume because it's so good that words can not describe it.

People also got super upset when they said I didn't own an xbox or even play the game only for me to show them my legendary campaign achievement, I can't think why...

On the plus side we have 15 official maps and forge now, that's actually something. I think we are at the "it's a decent release" stage now.
It won GOTY because it was the best game of that year
It did not have new content to keep being played, and that is why it is not goty of the following years.


Gold Member
It won GOTY because it was the best game of that year
It did not have new content to keep being played, and that is why it is not goty of the following years.

I must be remembering that year incorrectly, I was so sure some great games came out, it must have been a utterly barren wasteland of a year for this to be true, so il just take your word for it.
Yes but the fact that they're only enabling it for multiplayer and not for the campaign is completely bonkers.

MP gamers are by far the least likely to enable raytracing for better performance and responsiveness. Why the hell are they leaving single player modes out of raytracing? It doesn't make any sense.

Because 343 can't do ONE thing right.
Yes but the fact that they're only enabling it for multiplayer and not for the campaign is completely bonkers.

MP gamers are by far the least likely to enable raytracing for better performance and responsiveness. Why the hell are they leaving single player modes out of raytracing? It doesn't make any sense.
Anything 343 does doesn’t make sense. Hope with the recent change of leadership they’ll improve.


Playing Infinite makes me realise how much better it's battle pass system is compared to every single other game on the market.

Played a couple hours, finished the story pass & got to level 16 on the normal battle pass (using a double exp token, what I have 76 off as the game keeps throwing them at you)

Not only that, the pass doesn't expire.

So I don't feel like I'm wasting money or that I have to change my gaming habits to force myself to finish it or burn out on the game.

I usually finish the halo passes fairly quickly as you level up at a decent rate, where as other games can take up to an hour for a single BP level.

But it really helps that I love playing the game and always have a lot of fun when I do.

Absolutely love the new bandit rifle :D
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Tag, you're it.
I like Halo, and the gameplay of Infinite is pretty solid and fun BUT DAMN THERE IS SOME STUPID DESIGN CHOICES.
For example, WHY DO I NEED TO SEARCH A NEW SERV EVERY SINGLE TIME A MAP IS OVER??? Is it too hard to stay connected like how it is for every multiplayer game since... 1990?

Where is the server browser? If I wanna play some gungame, how do I do? Some designer shouldn't be allowed close to a videogame.
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