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Halo Infinite's head of design Jerry Hook leaves 343 Industries


Gold Member
Who knows what happened. But given how bad Halo Infinite looked when first showed and it was delayed a year, he should be the last one giving cryptic tweets on his way out.

But leave it to video game employees to go out twitter style when leaving a company.
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The game is actually very good, but I see the need for halo to go back to it's roots and back on rails. The mission for Halo 7 should be smaller spaces, better graphics, and a fast paced story with tons of action, mixed with just a bit of space exploration and or wonder. This can be done in 2-3 years. Maybe have ID help out a bit.
It can be a case of leaving for another project. It is a lot more common in this industry than you might think. Well, it could be as well a case of leaving a sinking ship but we never know.
Girl Why Dont We Have Both GIF


4-Time GIF/Meme God
I have a friend that is on her third job in less than two years. Better stuff always shows up in the development department


The game was a failure selling less than older Halo games and out of the top 5 on xbox live, out of the top 100 on steam and it's not even a year old.

In fairness, how many of us didn't buy it because we could play it on Gamepass, or people only cared about MP?
head of design...so was this the guy responsible for shipping the game with a whopping 2 biomes each featuring a vibrant 10 different textures?
It's clear that a ton of things had to be cut from that game, several lead people left within 2 years of the game shipping so clearly there were ongoing issues throughout its development. The lack of any real story is even worse than lack of environmental variety IMO, there was barely any story there and the last level was basically a single player horde mode.


I have a friend that is on her third job in less than two years. Better stuff always shows up in the development department

Well, working on a flagship title for a platform holder was supposed to be a dream job for basically anyone in the industry, the turn over with Microsoft's studios is really weird when they don't seem to have issues like crunch.


Gold Member
Well, working on a flagship title for a platform holder was supposed to be a dream job for basically anyone in the industry, the turn over with Microsoft's studios is really weird when they don't seem to have issues like crunch.

When you are in a position of responsibility people will naturally ask you questions about issues that come under what you are responsible for.

If issues start to become apparent that you would have been responsible for after the launch, sometimes it is much easier to simply get a new job than take responsibility and work through those issues or admit fault.


Inevitable, put yourself in any talented developers shoes, proved, talented, highly skilled dev one day walks into the office and is surrounded by blue haired feminist seat warmers all hired based on their diversity whose output is akin to a three legged dog with rabies randomly kicking a keyboard, would you hang around?.
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This job market is nuts. Tons of people have been switching jobs. I just took a new job for a 40% bump in pay. And I wasn't unhappy at my last job. Money talks!


Gold Member
when someone leaves a position another one is going to be there to replace them. Could be bad or could be good. Who knows. Only time will tell.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
But halo infinite is great! And I recently played through mcc prior to halo infinite release and enjoyed it a lot. Maybe that was after all the bugs were fixed. I don't have an issue with 343
They make shitty halo games and well as a game that should have been delayed another year especially since they havent release any significant online content for it

They are 043 studios because the halo games they make pale in comparison to bungie


They make shitty halo games and well as a game that should have been delayed another year especially since they havent release any significant online content for it

They are 043 studios because the halo games they make pale in comparison to bungie
I dunno. Again, I played through mcc which were halo games originally made by bungie and they're fine, but I don't see a huge decrease in quality from halo infinite. I never played halo 5 but I heard it wasn't great. Infinite is great though! Still playing every week. The new mode is a lot of fun!


I dunno. Again, I played through mcc which were halo games originally made by bungie and they're fine, but I don't see a huge decrease in quality from halo infinite. I never played halo 5 but I heard it wasn't great. Infinite is great though! Still playing every week. The new mode is a lot of fun!
Rofl.. you havent noticed the lack of maps and modes in Infinite? Pls dont be serious
The gameplay is good, agreed. But the battle pass system is absolute garbage. I'm at a stage in my life where I don't have as much time for gaming as I'd like. Why should I have to spend it playing game modes I don't like? If you don't play certain modes, or play a certain way, good luck completing the pass. Just let me play what I want, with the weapons I want, and reward me with extra XP if I do well.

Instead we get a manipulative, crap system that tries to encourage people to buy challenge swaps. This is precisely the kind of BS that makes people hate F2P games. I wish they'd put as much effort into creating new maps as they did gaudy skins.
Remember all the people excited about and defending the decision to make Halo free to play? Yeah, I do. Well how did that work out guys?
So there you go it’s no biggie but of coarse because it’s Microsoft and halo it will be made into a huge thing as usual
Yeah ..there is a good reason for that. Those 3 entities have been on shaky ground with a history of controversy and management issues. They havnt built up the pedigree and good will of Sony and Nintendo. The other platform holders biggest IP's havn't been in danger of of being irreparably damaged. Sony would never be stupid enough to make a franchise as important as Halo free to play without a sufficient enough amount of content and gameplan for it to be able to thrive. Sony wouldn't be dumb enough to let one of their best single player experiences to be (almost) released with bad graphics, nor would they (eventually) release that game with only 1 biome, especially a series like Halo that's known for having a variety of great environments!

You guys always vehemently defend MS no matter how many fuck ups they make. I don't get it.


Gold Member
Yeah ..there is a good reason for that. Those 3 entities have been on shaky ground with a history of controversy and management issues. They havnt built up the pedigree and good will of Sony and Nintendo. The other platform holders biggest IP's havn't been in danger of of being irreparably damaged. Sony would never be stupid enough to make a franchise as important as Halo free to play without a sufficient enough amount of content and gameplan for it to be able to thrive. Sony wouldn't be dumb enough to let one of their best single player experiences to be (almost) released with bad graphics, nor would they (eventually) release that game with only 1 biome, especially a series like Halo that's known for having a variety of great environments!

You guys always vehemently defend MS no matter how many fuck ups they make. I don't get it.
It doesn't make you less of a fan to criticize your favorite brand. I hate this mentality of just settling for anything from a brand you prefer.
You guys always vehemently defend MS no matter how many fuck ups they make. I don't get it.
I would wager it has much more to do than just Halo. MS doesn't charge upgrade fees for cross gen games and MS respected previously purchased games and didn't require their fans to rebuy games they already owned. They are leading the industry with Game pass as a sub service and have recently acquired several new studios to preserve the long term viability of their platform. Halo isn't where it needs to be but let's not pretend it's only Sony who has built good will.
It doesn't make you less of a fan to criticize your favorite brand. I hate this mentality of just settling for anything from a brand you prefer.
Who is doing that though? There is PLENTY of criticism of the Xbox on this forum from fans and even more from people who don't own the platform at all. Xbox is also doing numerous things other platforms aren't doing at all so not really sure who is 'settling'.


Gold Member
Who is doing that though? There is PLENTY of criticism of the Xbox on this forum from fans and even more from people who don't own the platform at all. Xbox is also doing numerous things other platforms aren't doing at all so not really sure who is 'settling'.
Just a general observation. Wasn't just talking about Xbox fans. Sony, Nintendo, PC, all have the same group of people.
Games get delayed. so, what if it was a year late. It was clearly finished. perhaps in your eyes its unfinished, but you basically know next to nothing about its development outside of regurgitating uninformed sentiment. So tired of people in game forums saying stuff like " it's unfinished " regarding things 343i never said were in the game at launch.
Even 343 admitted that it still isn't finished. They said they're not happy with the state of the game right now, and it's objectively missing features that are series staples. Let's not try and pretend like HI launched as an unassailable product.


Games get delayed. so, what if it was a year late. It was clearly finished. perhaps in your eyes its unfinished, but you basically know next to nothing about its development outside of regurgitating uninformed sentiment. So tired of people in game forums saying stuff like " it's unfinished " regarding things 343i never said were in the game at launch.

if you think Halo Infinite released as a finished game you must have the LOWEST of low standards in the universe.

Infinite will not be a finished Halo game worthy of the name Halo for probably another 2 years.

YOU CAN STILL NOT CREATE BASIC GAME MODES THAT WERE POSSIBLE ALL THE WAY BACK IN HALO 2 FOR FUCKS SAKE... and the whole custom game lobby and maker system is still completely broken

343 themselves basically admitted that the game is not finished

the game is so broken, that in tournaments they often have to restart matches 2 or 3 times because the custom lobbies are so fucked that half the time simply getting into the correct team doesn't work
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I would wager it has much more to do than just Halo. MS doesn't charge upgrade fees for cross gen games and MS respected previously purchased games and didn't require their fans to rebuy games they already owned. They are leading the industry with Game pass as a sub service and have recently acquired several new studios to preserve the long term viability of their platform. Halo isn't where it needs to be but let's not pretend it's only Sony who has built good will.
Just proved his point.


Yeah ..there is a good reason for that. Those 3 entities have been on shaky ground with a history of controversy and management issues. They havnt built up the pedigree and good will of Sony and Nintendo. The other platform holders biggest IP's havn't been in danger of of being irreparably damaged. Sony would never be stupid enough to make a franchise as important as Halo free to play without a sufficient enough amount of content and gameplan for it to be able to thrive. Sony wouldn't be dumb enough to let one of their best single player experiences to be (almost) released with bad graphics, nor would they (eventually) release that game with only 1 biome, especially a series like Halo that's known for having a variety of great environments!

You guys always vehemently defend MS no matter how many fuck ups they make. I don't get it.

bizarre statement as the post is about somebody leaving their job for another job. remember when Sony released spiderman with glitches and spiderman is one off my favoutite games, and as for halo's graphics I don't see any issue with it tbh. as for content I haven't played the multiplayer. how much of the game have you played?

I find it weird how some people are so tribal they will criticise one company but not another. it terms of building pedigree Nintendo has made mistakes and so does Sony. none of the big three are free from it. yes all three release good games

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if you think Halo Infinite released as a finished game you must have the LOWEST of low standards in the universe.

Infinite will not be a finished Halo game worthy of the name Halo for probably another 2 years.

YOU CAN STILL NOT CREATE BASIC GAME MODES THAT WERE POSSIBLE ALL THE WAY BACK IN HALO 2 FOR FUCKS SAKE... and the whole custom game lobby and maker system is still completely broken

343 themselves basically admitted that the game is not finished

the game is so broken, that in tournaments they often have to restart matches 2 or 3 times because the custom lobbies are so fucked that half the time simply getting into the correct team doesn't work
Stop being an entitled system warrior. You're complaining about things missing that were NOT promised at launch. They didn't explicitly say Game mode X is going to be there at launch.

Feel free to chastise them for not delivering on promises after the fact, but you don't get to decide what constitutes an unfinished game based entirely on opinion.


Even 343 admitted that it still isn't finished. They said they're not happy with the state of the game right now, and it's objectively missing features that are series staples. Let's not try and pretend like HI launched as an unassailable product.
Its not like anyone here is suddenly new to games as a service. Those games are never finished if that is what you mean.


Good. Maybe they can get someone in there that will turn the game around. Halo infinite is a diamond in the rough, but 343i seems incapable of figuring it out.
With how complacent and change adverse people are, there has to be more to these 343 departures than just normal turnover. Especially when most were leadership roles. It's not like these were contractor coders getting pushed from project to project every 2 years to avoid paying benefits.


Its not like anyone here is suddenly new to games as a service. Those games are never finished if that is what you mean.
They evolve, but at the same time you can’t just release a splash screen and promise the rest is yet to come. There are limits, and gamers generally have the experience and intuition to smell if something is underachieving. And then there is the second part, the speed at which content is delivered needs to be well executed.


They evolve, but at the same time you can’t just release a splash screen and promise the rest is yet to come. There are limits, and gamers generally have the experience and intuition to smell if something is underachieving. And then there is the second part, the speed at which content is delivered needs to be well executed.
That isn't what happened and you know it. Chastise all you want for promises broken, but not for unchecked expectations.


Gold Member
Yes, staff turnover is normal in the games industry, but there's a difference if it's high-level staff that keeps leaving. If a creative director of a given game keeps changing every 6 months, there's probably something not going well with that game.
I just got an XSX and downloaded halo infinite and the MCC

I’m actually shocked at how much more I enjoy Halo Infinite over the Bungie classics. The controls, movement, and overall gameplay of both SP and MP seem far better with Halo Infinite.

Maybe it’s because the Bungie games are just so dated at this point. I never found halo SP to be all that great, but the open world nature combined with fluid controls and gameplay options of infinite feels a lot better to me


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I think 343's biggest problem is putting everything together

Halo 4 had a decent to good story (it was good for me) but most people didn't care for the multiplayer

Halo 5 had great multiplayer but the SP campaign was atrocious

I haven't played Halo Infinite but it seems like it doesn't have the content
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