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Has anybody here 100% completed Assassin's Creed Odyssey?


Like literally did every mission and collectable in the game? If so you have my respect.

How long did it took you to complete everything? 41 hours in and I barely feel like I put a dent on the game. :/

100% completed.


All club challenges.


All the archievements.

Did all the content in it, all special content and all bought content and all dlc content for 100%.

Same with origin.

Will probably make a screenshot tommorow when i get my 1gb internet.

Anyway my advice rush straight through the story and get DLC done first before clearing stuff. Because u will get way more powerful in the DLC which carries over towards the main game.

The base game is utterly bloated tho and story / acting is pretty bad in comparison towards origin. DLC is great.
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I’ve seen a lot of people praise the two newest entries. I really enjoyed all the prior games and actually would like more of the same, so what separates Origins and Odyssey from the games up to that point?
The combat, the size of the world, and character progression. It's all gone a bit Witcher 3. Which I like, personally.


I got the platinum before the expansion stuff came out, and never really went back and did all the expansion stuff... Just clear all the areas, easy platinum for me as I love sneaking around killing people..


Gold Member
Base game: 77 hours and got the platinum, 100% regions etc.
Origins: 70 hours and platinum

However, Odyssey felt much longer and tiresome. Make of that what you will


Endgame gets to be a chore. The "ending" you get even if you make all the right choices is both stupidly short, and confusingly out of place. At least a few of the post ending missions are kind of cute. I got side tracked trying to make the entire map controlled by Sparta, only to realize it's impossible to do since you can't take over either captial. It deflated any enthusiasm I had remaining.


Gold Member
I adore this series, I've gotten 100% in every game, some games multiple times. Odyssey though, I played to about level 20 and just couldn't take it anymore, regurgitating the same bullshit over and over, talk to this person, go to the other side of the island (which looks like every other copy past island you visited, I expected Athens to at least feel unique, but nope) kill these dudes, go back to turn in your mission, new one pops up, recycle and repeat. What an absolute tedious affair that game is. Boring copy paste world, boring missions, characters, music, everything about the game is boring as shit except for maybe the naval shit which is okay but pales in comparison to Black Flag which nails everything naval related imo.

When I played the first AC back when it release I couldn't get very far, shelved it for a year until AC2 release was approaching, which looked great, so I thought I'd give it a try again and fell in love with it. So I'm going to pick it up again some day from the bargain bin and maybe something will click, I don't see it happening, but I'm hoping it will. It's happened to me several times over the years with other games, so who knows.
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The only game I ever did it in 34 years is God of War. I don't know why. Game is amazing but it is still not a good reason lol
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