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Have you ever been groped by a stranger in a public place?

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On the street in the Toronto Gay Village, 2am, everyone's drunk. Pretty par for the course.

Countless times in clubs; do those count as public spaces? Haha.


Why are you sad?

I guess I should be happy I haven't experienced being groped by some creepy old man/woman, but most men would enjoy the feeling of pride that comes from being groped by a woman around their age I'd say.

All in all, I feel that life's been fair to me in regards to the subject of groping.
It has happened a few times, though I can't say that it's a regular occurrence. Being a dude, it's felt damn good lots of the time, and weird once. Really weird.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I don't go out much, but strangers don't usually grop other people when they go to the grocery store, movie theaters, restaurants or a mall center.

At least, not from where i come from.


Nork unification denier
Yeah, a really disgusting old man (some stereotypes are true, unfortunately) pinched me really hard on the ass in a crowd when I was in college. I looked around trying to figure out who the dick was and then I saw him moving rapidly away looking back at me and smiling like a creeper, the asshole. I should have gone after him, but I was only 19 and didn't have a lot of practice in standing up for myself. The next time anyone tries that on me I will hurt them though. And I'm definitely going to spring for self-defense training for my niece.

I still feel angry thinking about it. Fucking dick.


I find it funny that guys think getting groped is a compliment, while girls do not.

Actually, it can be a rather strange experience. I was once groped by a girl who was probably no more than 13 years-old. It was on a packed bus and I was standing up. A group of school girls were behind me and one of them grabbed my arse. lol

I didn't know how to react. The main reason being the age of the girl. It was just really awkward.


Black Canada Mafia
Why do guys think getting groped is a compliment, while girls do not?

Maybe a whole bunch of things.Genetics, social conditioning and frequency maybe.

I Think if it happened to me all the time by people I wasn't attracted to, like men (happened all the time until my frame filled out a bit more and I started looking more masculine), it would start to scar me eventually. Might karate chop Everyone who touched me without warning.


I got pinched on the bus by an older girl in middle school. I was weirded out at the time. She looked a little pervy too.
Why do guys think getting groped is a compliment, while girls do not?

Speaking of my experience of the arse pinch in a gayclub, I didn't like it and didn't particularly take it as a compliment. I turned around from the fruit machine and there was five guys all standing there grinning. Obviously one of them did it but what the fuck was I going to do, shout and cause a scene? It helped me appreciate how uncomfortable a female must feel in the exact same situation. My gay friend said I was within my rights to smack whoever did it in the mouth but as I said, five guys grinning.

I'd never arse pinched a girl I didn't know at that point and that incident merely reinforced to me how unwelcome said behaviour is.


Yep. I'm a guy and got groped by another guy walking through Birmingham (UK) City Centre. Really surreal. I thought it was one of my mates having a laugh, as it was my graduation day, and turned round to see this really creepy guy following me with a smile on his face. Was just too shocked to say "The fuck?!" and he just walked quickly off.


Gold Member
Why do guys think getting groped is a compliment, while girls do not?
If a girl wanted to get physical with a complete stranger, it would be kind of easy. So if she were not already engaged in such an act, it would basically be unwanted attention. Not to mention scary.

Men, on the other hand, are animals constantly looking to get laid. And not very selective ones, at that. Getting your ass grabbed by a chick--provided that her looks exceed a certain threshold--would simply eliminate one step in the mating game, thus hastening the whole process.

In the case of guy-on-guy action, reactions could vary depending on your sexuality and/or homophobic tendencies. Some guy once told me I had a "beautiful face" and grabbed my abs, but didn't proceed any further (I'm heterosexual). Given that the situation was not threatening in any way, I simply went about my business. It was kind of flattering, really.


Speaking of my experience of the arse pinch in a gayclub, I didn't like it and didn't particularly take it as a compliment. I turned around from the fruit machine and there was five guys all standing there grinning. Obviously one of them did it but what the fuck was I going to do, shout and cause a scene? It helped me appreciate how uncomfortable a female must feel in the exact same situation. My gay friend said I was within my rights to smack whoever did it in the mouth but as I said, five guys grinning.

I'd never arse pinched a girl I didn't know at that point and that incident merely reinforced to me how unwelcome said behaviour is.

Yeah, I think that is probably the closest to what the experience is like for women. I used to go clubbing a lot and occasionally we would go to this gay club. I remember looking at some of these gay guys and they were huge. Big muscle freaks. I remember thinking if a couple of those guys grabbed hold of me there would be not a lot I could do. lol

For a woman, she is dealing with guys who would overpower her easily. It can be quite a scary experience I imagine.


I was at the bar in a club and some girl came up behind me, sort of hugged me, then let one hand drift down to basically squeeze my junk. I turned around cause I wasn't expecting that, saw she was pretty cute, and she started to kiss me, before some other girl pulled her off and said, "Sorry, she's drunk, and you look like her boyfriend". Then I saw a guy staring daggers at me as he walked towards us.

Long story short, he also groped me a few times with his fist.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Thumb up the ass once ya. She was pretty hot though.

I remember in middle school some asshole pushed me for some reason. Turned to grab something and grabbed some girl's who liked me boobs. It's like shit, of all people. AND despite being pretty big they still weren't enough to prevent me from falling.
I've been groped many times, both front and back in almost equal amounts. So many times in fact I've got a natural defensive reaction to anyone coming in contact with my front that I notice and a sort of leap away when approached from the back.

Once a pornstar groped me in a crowded club.


I had my Afro straddled once. It was pretty awkward. Some guy wearing a free hugs shirt gave me a hug too. That was also awkward. I'm also pretty sure my ass was pinched and as you can imagine that wasn't so awkward.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Why do guys think getting groped is a compliment, while girls do not?
I didn't take a woman grabbing my junk as a compliment, but I just felt a little uncomfortable rather than in potential danger which is what I imagine women often feel.


A few ass grabs here and there. Usually at bars with drunk girls. I've always been spoken for though, so I never got to scratch that curious itch of if it would really end as badly as I imagine. Anyone followup on an ass grab to see where it got them?
Had my ass grabbed a couple times. Once while at work, jailbait grabbed my ass after asking me to get something off a high shelf for her. Just sorta stood there blinking like "wtf?" so she slapped my ass and told me to hurry. I was 24ish, she was 16.

Second time was during a school theatre competition. Whole place watching, supposed to just be in the back of a scene when one of the girls decided it would be funny to grab my ass hard. Think I went about three feet in the air, both hands on my buttcheeks like a damn cartoon. We won the competiton but when the judge made a comment about making sure to not overpower the main part of the scene, my face went bright red. Thus began several years of hardcore flirting that didnt go anywhere else sadly. (mostly because I am an idiot.)


Thumb up the ass once ya. She was pretty hot though.

I remember in middle school some asshole pushed me for some reason. Turned to grab something and grabbed some girl's who liked me boobs. It's like shit, of all people. AND despite being pretty big they still weren't enough to prevent me from falling.


Came here to post the same thing. Got shoved and reached out reflexively to grab something...ended up copping a feel of the hottest chick in our class.
Some random dude just walked up to me and touched my beard once. It took all my self-control not to try and fuck his shit up.

I know it's invasive, that's the whole point of doing it (create instant sexual tension).

You sound like the kind of person who just won't understand until someone gets seriously violent.
I was seeing The Used(awful band) in concert with my girlfriend at the time and as she was dancing a guy put his hand in her back pocket while I talking to a friend(I was still next to her so she leaned into me thinking it was me). I turned back, saw it and made eye contact with him and he just stared at me with this "what are you going to do about it" look on his face so I knocked him out. Only person I have ever hit that hard in my life. After I explained to my girlfriend that I wasn't a psychopath and it was the guys hand not mine she was horrified and it messed with her for quite a bit.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I've had a random drunk girl grab my junk before while I was in line for pizza one late night.

But the strangest experience didn't even involve touching. I board the train (NYC) at midnight, and this older bearded man sits across from me. Next to him is some guy chilling with his guitar. Two minutes into the ride I notice the bearded dude holding his phone up, and the guitar guy next to him giving me a, "WTF?" face. Turns out from the reflection in the glass behind the bearded guy he was snapping photos of me. I go, "Hey, you want an autograph too?" He looks up at me nervously, doesn't say a word, and begins to put his phone away. I take MY phone out, point it at him and whistle to catch his attention, and as he looks up I snap my own photo. I then say, "Thank you," and that was that. Was a quiet if not slightly awkward ride the rest of the way.


at last, for christ's sake
happened three or four times while sitting on the couch in nightclubs. These girls sitting next to me always seemed to enjoy intentionally touching my knee while still talking to each other. I was like "Move yer hand just a few inches up lass"


some ugly chick grabbed my junk while we were playing 21. I said "WHOA"!? She then said says "whats the matter, you afraid of pussy"?

my face :|
On the L train last summer my friends and I were coming back from US Cellular when all of a sudden a flood of young adults wearing Gay Pride stuff boarded. The car became so packed that one girl felt obliged to plop down on my lap. We got to talking about the parade earlier that day, and as she was describing it I could feel her hand on my thigh, moving upward and gently squeezing it every so often. I laughed it off and told her I was involved with someone, and she rolled her eyes like "Yeah, RIGHT. Who'd turn ME down?" Nevertheless, I removed her hand from my leg and resumed our chat until her stop.


When I was travelling through Thailand, I was groped like every second day. I think it is pretty common there.

I'll be in Thailand later this year, after reading this I'm looking forward to the groping parade. You're a guy, right? This is rather weird.


Yes, my 8th grade teacher would always find a way to "accidentally" touch me. It was kind of creepy, looking back at it.


Hai guise wats going on in this thread?

Unsolicited? Heck yeah. Unwanted? Rarely.

Just tonight I had a friend unbutton my 501s and show two other friends my cock ring in the middle of a bar. Did I expect him to? No. Did I stop him? Course not. LOL

It's fine. I have no hang ups like that.



So when I was 16 was the stereotypical shy and awkward nerd who had barely touch a girl before.. so that's why I remember all the details here, bear with me.

I had to go on a 90 min bus ride to a friend of mine, I was gonna sleep over at his place so I had this huge hockey bag with me that I had between my legs. The seats in this bus were fairly large and you couldn't really look in to the next two seats in front of you, also there weren't a lot of passengers because this a workday at 9 pm or something.

So 30 minutes pass or something and we arrive at the next stop, this woman (probably in her mid thirties) walks on the bus and sits next to me (in Sweden you never sit next to someone else unless there are absolutely no other seats available) and puts her hand on my thigh.. so I'm thinking;

"She probably mistook it for the armchair because it's dark and my legs are spread out because of the big bag" Yes, this was my actual thought process... Anyway, some fifteen minutes pass and she doesn't move her hand, instead she starts rubbing my thigh back and forth for a while, of course I'm just nervous as hell.

Eventually she starts grabbing my inner thigh by my knee, squeezing it, first soft than harder and harder = instant boner. So she gradually moved her hand with these squeezing motions toward my groin.

Some time had now passed and I was getting close to my stop so I was worrying how to get out of the situation.. she just barely started touching my dick when my stop came up and I had to get off, I just stood up quickly, she moved to the seat next to ours and I got off without saying a word.

Told myself that my friend was waiting at the stop and I didn't know the area, I must get off this bus now! Didn't even get a good look at her, obviously didn't say anything.. beta general I guess.

The only thing I kept thinking this entire time was that if I did anything, she would call me out on it and call me a pervert and embarrass me or something.. so 70% of me thought that this woman must be crazy and the other 30% wanted to stick my hand down her pants...
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