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Here are some issues I have with the Switch launch for us to politely discuss


While I will concede there are issues with the Switch and it may have been rushed to launch I am absolutely loving the system. It feels like what it is: a video game console. Everything is quick. You pop in a game and you're playing instantly. That's what I want out of a console. Others might want more but I am extremely pleased with my experience so far.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Yeah, I"m really glad I held off.

Everything about this console outside it's actual premise seems like a little bit of a cluster. Will definitely wait for a revision to come along DSi style.


I feel like Nintendo took a good bit for granted with this launch hardware-wise, and they will have to work on fleshing out some of the missing key features and flaws with the system itself.

It's a great little device and while games should be the focus first and foremost, the console itself still needs work.
He said it still had a dock for the tv.

Yeah but if it's local, unless you're actually taking the dock with you (in which case you still need a tv), you're not going to be doing any reliable off-dock local multiplayer, which handcuffs your options as opposed to how local multiplayer is designed on the Switch as we know it.


my experience so far is very positive. incredible handheld device. i kinda miss clamshell design though.

Id really like Miiverse and Streetpass down the line though. Those were such good features and the Switch has everything for it to work.

hmm interesting didnt know Zelda was out on PS4 and Xbone... and also sonic mania is out?
What's with the sarcastic remark? Not everyone is a fan of Zelda, and it's the biggest game for a while on the system, to build a fan base Nintendo needs more games, they can't count only on their existing fans they have already done that twice, with the GameCube and Wii U.


That was long OP. Sorry you hurt so bad. Personally I think Nintendo hit it out of the park with this hardware. Zelda is also incredible. Hope this system gets all the support it deserves.


I enjoy the switch. Only held the joy cons, they felt good.

Biggest problem overall is that there is not a mariokart out.

Also, 1-2 switch is not very good. Avoid at all costs. Even as a party game, avoid.
I enjoy the switch. Only held the joy cons, they felt good.

Biggest problem overall is that there is not a mariokart out.

Also, 1-2 switch is not very good. Avoid at all costs. Even as a party game, avoid.

really? ah well, already ordered it, but Bomberman got me covered for multiplayer :)


If there's anything I learned from Nintendo over the years is to wait for the first console revision. Hopefully they will iron these issues out.


I enjoy the switch. Only held the joy cons, they felt good.

Biggest problem overall is that there is not a mariokart out.

Also, 1-2 switch is not very good. Avoid at all costs. Even as a party game, avoid.

really? ah well, already ordered it, but Bomberman got me covered for multiplayer :)

I've played it a bit with the family its ok for what it is but it shouldn't be that price, my daughter and her mum played it all evening the other day, both of them wouldn't shut up about it when i got home the next morning.
All I'm going to say is I'm looking forward to the honeymoon phase for some people to wear off.

I'm sharing a Switch with another member of the household, I'm sure some good things will come out of the Switch, but there's already at launch so many of the trappings that Nintendo has had recently with their console launches, and the physical console and especially some of the accessories have major flaws. I hope the library can pick itself up but outside of Zelda there's not really any big releases for half a year, third party support and how they're approaching indies is not the way to be going about it in my opinion, and I think there's a lot of red flags setting off from the fact all of this is popping up on launch.

I want to believe it'll fix its faults, I want it to do well. But all signs seem to be pointing to this being a handheld follow-up to the WiiU. Nintendo isn't clearly marketing this as a handheld or console experience, it's too limited in its handheld components that it can't really replace that scene, while also being weak and already showing issues as a modem console machine compared to its competition. It will stay afloat because of Nintendo's output unless they can get more support on-board, but due to it being so different and honestly just weaker than the competition there won't be many ports and many companies won't throw much in the ring because they can't co-develop for it and unless the thing grows a big unit base many developers probably won't make much for it after the first couple years. Add to this Nintendo's weird limited quantity thing where they make less units than demand, various launch fuck-ups with several retailers leaving a sour taste for some... and this isn't even getting into some of the same issues Nintendo has had for a while with its digital store front, friend code system, now introducing pay to play online even though they hardly seem to be adding in anything for the new price.

And there's still so much more I could cover. I want this to do well, I think having a weaker console is actually good for the industry with raising development cost and more acceptable creative titles could be made. But I think Nintendo is hampering the success this thing could have, and may very well be the thing in the way of its success in a broader market while also being the only thing which leads to a devoted fanbase if they can't reel in good third party support, basically making a situation that's literally a repeat of the WiiU for them.

I want to be wrong, but this is feeling like a repeat in a number of ways, in some ways its better with Zelda (an amazing game) being available on launch, but in other ways it feels like things are being tackled worse with issues out of the box for a number of people that are less things that can be fixed and some are problems with the physical console and accessories itself. I'm on the train like I was with the WiiU, but my hopes are very dampened at this point and I'd love to see them turn around what seems to be setting up here.

Pretty much nailed everything I would have chimed in with

thanks :)
Sorry Op none of the problems you feel are problems seem like problems to me.

I like the OS because it's quick, minimal, and responsive. While I understand it's nice to have additional features the only feature I need out of the box is the ability to play the games I want to play.

I despise achievements in their current form with a burning passion.

The accessories are completely reasonably priced and in line with competing products within a $10 threshold

The online services are currently free and at the full launch will be less than 1/3rd competitor prices

The gimmick is you can take your games on the go and it does it flawlessly

I haven't experienced a single hardware issues

From my experience It's an amazing system that does everything I want it to do out of the box with enough games I'm interested in to keep me busy until the next big game comes out.

And Zelda is amazing



Aside from being as barebones as it gets; Miiverse, StreetPass, the Internet Browser and Activity Log are now gone. There's no built-in achievement system or party chat which have become industry standards, nor is there apps of any kind such as Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify. Nintendo publicly stated friend codes were going to be eliminated but that's not the case, they have made a return with even the most basic of messaging features being nonexistent. Save data can't be transferred in any way, shape, or form. External media such as audio, video, and images can't be accessed.

The OS not being jammed with crap is a plus in my opinion. I can't count how many devices I own that can play Netflix, YouTube and Spotify, I don't need another and I'm hardly what you'd call an "enthusiast". Achievements for the sake of achievements would be a waste, I'd like to see something akin to them, but only if they were well thought out (aka not just a bunch of points).

You can debate worth but there's no denying the fact that the accessories are expensive. The feeling is amplified due to competitor items being priced much lower. Everything feels like an additional fee, from Nintendo not including a charging grip or mic with the Switch, needing the HORI Compact Playstand to charge and play your Switch in tabletop mode, a screen protector so your screen doesn't scratch while docked, to being forced to buy a microSDXC card sooner rather than later due to the paltry 25GB of available storage.

  • The batteries of the joy-cons make the charging grip omission bearable, and the not including a mic when the device is clearly targeted @ local play doesn't feel like an oversight.
  • Agree about the tabletop + charging problem, stupid design in that respect.
  • There's never enough storage for gaming consoles :)

Everything seems to be either overpriced, compromised in the form of graphical fidelity and performance in comparison to competitors, or just simply a port of an indie game. The few titles that don't fall into this group such as Sonic Mania and Puyo Puyo Tetris are typically handicapped by something such as the the lack of a d-pad. Triple A third-party support is nowhere to be found. The Virtual Console could have helped fill a void but it hasn't been announced as to when it will be available.

The fact we have a game the quality of Zelda @ launch is amazing (I know it isn't exclusive) but for those of us buying the Switch w/o owning a Wii U it's a welcome addition.

You must use a smartphone app to play and communicate with friends. Bluetooth audio devices are not supported.

The online service now costs money with no real value proposition.

It's free for half a year.

It's touted that the Switch comes with two controllers out of the box. Now that I and many of you have experienced it firsthand, there's no way it's more than a novelty. It's just not very comfortable nor is it practical for games with deep meaningful experiences and it's even more frustrating that this was the reason Nintendo removed the d-pad. No one will ever be able to comfortably play a title like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, or Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers with a single Joy-Con. HD Rumble will go down as this generations power of the cloud; it's cool but forgettable.

I think the jury is still out on this one, lets wait longer than a day for them to have a compelling local multiplayer game.

Hardware Issues
The left Joy-Con is having widespread problems causing it to de-sync at random. Nintendo included a dock that scratches your screen after extended use, they also claim if you have a dead pixel on your Switch, it's not a defect. Wi-Fi has limited range with some being unable to connect to the internet. The kickstand is cheap and flimsy which can cause the Switch to fall over.

I want to love the Switch and tell everyone how great it is. It's a solid piece of hardware and I'm sure their games lineup in terms of first party will turn out great, over time. But I do feel like Nintendo is a company run by stubborn old men who are out of touch with reality that take advantage of their loyal fan base.

I haven't had any connectivity issues with the joycons treating the Switch like a normal console ( 2-3 meters distance from the TV).

Since I'm apparently a Nintendo hater, let's talk about what I like...


This is where Nintendo hit it out of the park, the image is sharp and the colors are vibrant.

Ironically enough I disagree here, I feel the screen and implicitly, the joycons should be ~15% larger.


While I haven't had experience with the Pro Controller, the grip is surprisingly comfortable. I thought it was going to be awkward to hold and too light but it's far exceeded my expectations.



The UI is nice and snappy, everything is responsive even when jumping to the menu from a game.


This and Fire Emblem are the two Nintendo series I've least got into in the past but I am enjoying this game far more than any other Zelda title I've previously played. I can't argue with the review scores based on my experience.



Technically, yes. The Wii U is an option. But we're all a bit savvy here when it comes to gaming and we should know that purchasing the game on the Wii U is for lack of a better word, settling.

I mean, no?

Outside of a bump to 900p the games seem to be identical unless you're planning to play exclusively in handheld mode on Switch. I think you're overblowing just how much "better" Breath of the Wild is on Switch compared to the hardware it was originally developed for. I plan on getting it for Wii U and don't feel like I'm settling at all.
I'm by no means the world's biggest Nintendo fan. Haven't been happy with them since pretty much the GameCube. And while all the obviously sucky stuff -- joycon issue, apparent dock scratching, friend codes, etc. -- still sucks, I'm having a blast with my Switch thus far.


You must use a smartphone app to play and communicate with friends.

I'm still baffled by this, yet not because Nintendo.

In regard to everything else, this feels quite a bit like the 3DS launch, only more barebones. I guess that means it'll be a couple of years before it feels like a beefy console with lots of apps, features and games.
So the only problems I've had so far are

a) Don't put on a joycon strap the wrong way. Broke the lock on mine trying to get it off.

b) Mine had a defect where the cart slot cover doesn't stay down completely.

Other than that I love it. I've had so much fun switching (a-hah!) between playing on the TV and hopping in bed. Zelda looks incredible both ways. It's like fucking magic seriously.


I would say that only thing that has been a disappointment for me is the hardware issues. The devices looks premium in pictures, but I guess that's not the case IRL.

Everything else can get ironed out though OS updates and more and more games coming out. Having to pay for online still stings but I guess when everyone else does it you have no choice.
The Switch was simply not fully finished yet on release, just like every other console this generation. I expected as much, and can't really understand how anyone would be disappointed by this. I mean, you did see the pre-release coverage of this thing right?

Updates to the OS and other features will come, games will come, a revision will probably come somewhere down the line. I can't really call some of OP's complaints failures. At best you can say they failed to include these features at launch.

As for hardware, I expect customer service to take care of any issues people might have with their Switch, and if there are widespread issues with the device, they must be fixed. I have not had any problems yet with my particular playstyle, but I hold Nintendo responsible for selling a quality product just like any other company.

Nintendo needs to work hard to improve the system and to keep communicating about what they're doing. That is all.


I was looking at your threads OP... you really hate Nintendo or you just really don't want them to fail but all you do is rant, rant, rant.
While I will concede there are issues with the Switch and it may have been rushed to launch I am absolutely loving the system. It feels like what it is: a video game console. Everything is quick. You pop in a game and you're playing instantly. That's what I want out of a console. Others might want more but I am extremely pleased with my experience so far.

Basically this. People often forget consoles past have launched with sub-par games or missing or broken functionality. Sure, if you're upset at that then don't buy one until they add it.
Even Apple seems to drop the ball sometimes, tech is hard. You're comparing a bold new product against established and iterated on hardware.
In the last few days my girlfriend and I have played hours of Snipperclips, Zelda, 1/2 Switch and Shovel Knight. In the months coming there will be more and more great games to play together and that's all we really care about, any extra is a bonus.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Loving my switch so far op.
Hah same.
Great experience so far... Reading all these threads on GAF is like visiting the taillight zone. So many individual putting so much energy in making people think the Switch is like the worst system ever

I mean I know why most of them do it... It's still kinda fascinating to witness. Def. learned a lot more about online communities and echo chamber after this Switch launch.
I really thought for a long while that this was a system launch, and things get ugly around system launches as people attempt to prove to themselves and anyone else who will listen that their purchasing decisions are the "right" purchasing decisions, but I'm just not sure this is normal anymore. Some posters have made a full time job of going on the offensive, complete with talking points all laid out well ahead of the actual product launch. There's this crazy desire to cast the Switch as an appalling piece of gaming hardware and yet another step in Nintendo's endless history of mistakes and anticonsumer attitudes. I just don't see it; at least not as starkly as some are continually trying to paint it.

There are flaws and plenty of improvements to be made, but we're so far beyond rational conversations in so many of these threads.

OP, whatever it is you needed from this thread, I you can move past it.


I agree with almost all of your criticisms, yet have been enjoying the console. As time goes on, these issues may or may not have an increased impact on my opinion of the system, but for now BotW is more than enough for me.
As i was enjoying every second i was playing zelda today i realized that my system will probably never leave the dock...like ever. I am not big on mobile gaming, but i love all of Nintendos IPs and i realized i just bought what is pretty much a Nintendo 360. I mean $300 isnt too bad of a price, but i do feel like id rather of had a powerhouse equivalent to ps4/xbone instead of a hybrid
You must be a blast at parties.
Your hits in this thread keep being great -
"All of these services that have achievements don't have achievements"
"You literally can only play Zelda on the switch"
Then great jokes about how fun I am at parties.

Keep contributing these excellent defenses of legitimate criticisms.
There are obviously issues with Switch, but it's far from a failure. Nintendo set out to make a hybrid console, and I personally believe their solution is remarkable. Obvious as a hybrid console you will have unavoidable compromises, so I won't fault Nintendo for that. Stuff like graphical capabilities and battery power will be inherent issues of a hybrid. The Joycons desyncing is a problem. The dock scratching is a problem (I think a little overblown though). The whole dead pixel thing I'm sure was just a generic statement that does not reflect whether or not Nintendo will ever replace units that have them. The launch lineup is fine, really in line with other launches. Achievements...well, of course they would be cool to have but I certainly don't have less fun with consoles or ecosystems without them. Same with the activity log. You can call the Joycons gimmicky but I find them impressively versatile.

Sorry if my thoughts seem unfocused. I'm on mobile so I'm just typing as I think of things I remember from your post.
While it's feature light I can't say any of what's missing/omitted bothers me much personally. On the go you have your switch + smartphone. At home you have your switch + smart TV and/or laptop. Using the nice screen for Netflix would be neat on the go I'll admit.

My biggest gripe is that if it's going to do just games, it could stand to have more of them. Crazy to me that it didn't launch with a big catalog of VC games. I can understand GameCube down the line along with Wii U remasters but the classics up through the Nintendo 64 should have been available. Maybe they wanted to make sure third parties could make some sales and establish business before unleashing the most nostalgic catalog of games under one roof but third parties did not bring their AAA game, or anything resembling it, for launch.
*Shrugs* Only complaint I have so far is the dock not securing the Switch enough for my satisfaction. Other than that, not much for me to complain about.
I could personally overlook almost everything in the OP (whether chalking it up to launch issues or just Nintendo being a bit eccentric) except for the hardware scratching problems. I don't know why but for me that is the breaking point.

I hope things look better, say, 6 months from now. I would like to own one at some point.


The jury is out as to whether the Switch is a "failure" or not. Personally, it failed to win me over at launch... and the platform's glaring issues with JoyCon desyncs and glass scratching-- along with no Virtual Console, no games that interest me for at least the next few months, and more-- have me at a firm "no" on a console purchase until/unless these things are resolved.
Hah same.
Great experience so far... Reading all these threads on GAF is like visiting the taillight zone. So many individual putting so much energy in making people think the Switch is like the worst system ever

I mean I know why most of them do it... It's still kinda fascinating to witness. Def. learned a lot more about online communities and echo chamber after this Switch launch.
It's not the worst but I think a lot of people were expecting a comeback for Nintendo but got something pretty similar to the WiiU at launch. Compared to most platforms, the Switch seems to be missing a ton of QOL features that have been commonplace for the last 2 gens. It's frustrating for a lot of the people who want to see Nintendo do well
It's not the worst but I think a lot of people were expecting a comeback for Nintendo but got something pretty similar to the WiiU at launch. Compared to most platforms, the Switch seems to be missing a ton of QOL features that have been commonplace for the last 2 gens. It's frustrating for a lot of the people who want to see Nintendo do well

The Switch and the Wii U are night and day. You'll see soon enough.

Gamers are out of touch with reality here.
Honestly, all the things I'm reading just confirms my decision to never get a Switch.
-Build quality is faulty (joycon losing connection, dock scratching screen)
-Online paywall yet online system is beyond pathetic. No party chat throught the console but throught a phone app... And on top of that, friend codes are back. And they dare to ask to pay for this.

Considering Zelda is on Wii U, I dont see a reason for myself to get a Switch. It'll ne too bad too skip Maroo Odyssey, but definitely not worth the 300 bucks.
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