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Here's to U, Wii U


RIP in peace young prince. I had some good fun with my family thanks to Nintendo World, 3D World, Smash, Splatoon, Hyrule Warriors, Sonic Racing, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Tekken, etc. I only wish it had more stuff like Zelda, Xenoblade and #FE. Hopefully Nintendo finds success with the NX.

Damn how could I forget this?

I loved how third party games on Wii U were entitled to Nintendo properties, Scribblenauts had Mario and Link, Lego City had multiple references and sound effects. I want more of this.

Red Hood

I hope to all that is holy that the NX is backwards compatible, the Wii U has an incredible library. But I don't know if I want to keep the console itself.
If we disregard games that release on multiple platforms, then maybe, but seeing this list makes me realize how little there actually is. I'm glad I only paid $200 for the thing. The Wii U had streaming services and other entertainment features; it wasn't a video game console in the purest sense.

True, but those non-gaming elements aren't waved in front of your face and beaten into you with the Wii U like they are with the Xbox One and, to a lesser extent, the PS4. They're there if you want them, but the Wii U is very clear and up-front about its primary function as a game console, and I love that.

Also, I should have said "far and away the strongest/most consistent lineup in my opinion" or "for the right kind of enthusiast gamer." Didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to state some objective truth!
Unless the NX has some crazy backwards compatibility going on, I think the Wii U will be the first console I actively use once its successor comes along. Gamepad + Virtual Console is bliss. Throw in some Smash, Pikmin, and Mario Maker (and trying to slowly 100% 3D World) and I can see myself relaxing with it long after the NX comes out.


Unconfirmed Member
Looking at that Fatal Frame V euro boxart still makes me salty.


Drinking a PseudoSue or two tonight in its honor, will probably sleep on NX for a year while I work through my backlog, looking forward to Paper Mario, Zelda U and Mother 3...


I have never poured more time into so many titles for one system. I have 90+ hours on Mario Kart 8, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Hyrule Warriors, and Xenoblade Chronicles X alone! Plus, we got some choice VC titles like Demons Crest and Earthbound.
What an interesting console. Even though I wish it had been handled better, I greatly enjoyed my time with it. Lots of quirky, colorful, fun games. It's missing a lot of stuff, but what's there is great.


The Wii U was so good, it just needed better marketing and I'm sure it would've sold much better than it did! I hope the NX's library is as solid and memorable.


Neo Member
The Wii U was great to bring over to family gatherings. My little cousins loved it and 8 player Smash was a blast.

I also really enjoyed playing Hyrule Warriors, glad I picked it up despite all my friends telling me it was going to suck. As my first entry into the Warriors series (kind of), I was definitely impressed.

My hope for the NX is for it to have some killer games though. While I think the Wii U library is filled with good games, only a few really blew me away. Maybe I'm just getting older and more cynical. Still, I'd like to see more games blow me away this time, especially the new Mario.


The Wii U being a failure of a system was likely the reason we got such gems. I've said this about both the Gamecube and the Dreamcast. Even 3DS to an extent. When developers feel the pressure to singlehandedly save a system by pumping out an outrageously good game... naturally you're going to get outrageously good games. Nintendo's Wii U however was such a poorly marketed disaster no matter how good the games were (see: Splatoon and Mario Kart 8) they weren't enough to put the console sales on par with (or even close to) its competitors. In a way, we should thank its failure because Nintendo's back pressed on the wall forced out some stellar titles.

For me it produced some of the best titles of a generation:

Party: Nintendoland
Racing: Mario Kart 8
Shooter: Splatoon
Fighting: Smash 4
Action: W101 / Bayonetta 2
Platformer: DKC: Tropical Freeze
Strategy: Pikmin 3
Shmup: Starfox Zero (Yes, really)
Other: Super Mario Maker

Hell of ride, regardless of how short it was. For anyone that still never took the dive, I feel like buying a Wii U now is a hell of an investment, especially if you can get it used/cheap. The games I listed are worth the price of admission alone. Not to mention the huge library of the Wii with its backwards compatibility (Only system to have FULL BC.)

To me however, what made the Wii U special wasn't just the phenomenal exclusives, but the reason it probably failed: the gamepad. Zelda was sublime with Gamepad controls, as was any instance of off-tv play. I love my Gamepad-=despite its two minute battery life. I actually use it as my TV remote, and I really love playing console games casually as I have the news or what have you on. It's a shame it never took off, because it's a great system. In the end, its hard for me to lament its failures, as those shortcomings ended up being responsible for bringing me much joy.

That said, get your head out of your ass for the NX, Nintendo. You can't afford another fuck up and I enjoy your games too much to see you go.

El Odio

Looking at that Fatal Frame V euro boxart still makes me salty.
Oh yeah, this is why I keep sleeping on FF. It took me almost an hour to download the damn demo over my schools wifi. I'm not biting on the full game till I have a stable connection back home.
As much as the Wii U failed in console sales, the software attach rates are impressive. It's unfortunate that Nintendo couldn't get the marketing right because clearly the quality first party games are there.

with every nintendo console, its their first party games that sell the system and the audience for the console sort of reflects that. 3rd parties and anything else, they're on the other consoles/pc


I enjoy my Wii U and own 12 of those games, but that image is a big wall of "not what the market is interested in buying these days." While they had the casual audience most of that line up made a lot of sense, but given the current home console market audience it's a big whiff and the console's sales reflect that. It's like they don't even care about what would be popular these days and just made titles that they were hoping an audience would spontaneously form for and buy the console. This approach may have made sense initially, but they should have changed course at some point over the last 4 years. I'm afraid the next home console is going to be more of the same, and they will live or die based on how many lapsed gamers they can lure back.


Wii u was a complete failure. Yes it had some good games on it but we're talking about Nintendo here - that will be the case regardless of technology and that's exactly what the Wii u was. Mario maker made it feel like a good idea but that was almost the last good game on the system.. By then it was over. Too bad bc Nintendo killed it with Wii then started losing momentum and tanked it with Wii u.

I hope Nintendo figures it out with the nx. It's such a simple solution. Bring the tech that people want (brings the party support) combine that with the best franchises in the industry and a controller that is basic and you have a winner. Add online for nes, SNES and n64 and just take the crown back bc game over!


Not only do I have games on my backlog, but I have games on the Wii U I still need to buy.

Some of my faves have been on this system.

Ploid 3.0

I remember the launch day, watching people play the games on twitch. The idea looked fun, and people playing the mini games looked like they were having fun. Normal controllers vs the game pad player. I almost broke down and got a WiiU. Seeing the direction the games went in, and the controller not really taking off, I'm kind of glad I just watched from afar. I'm not attached to nintendo games at all.
That other thread made me really think about it - it really was like the modern Dreamcast.

So many awesome games came out on this machine, and that Wii backwards compatibility? Just a solid, solid library of playable games. It was clumsy and awkward and criminally underpowered...but I'll always enjoy what I got to play on it. Probably the last truly collectible console library, too.


I enjoyed quite a few of those games but I was still left disappointed by the console overall, probably my least favorite Nintendo console so far.
Definitely love the time I have and will spend on the console. Plenty of games for me to enjoy personally from Xenoblade Chronicles X to Shantae to Pikmin 3 to 3D World to Bayonetta 2 to The Wonderful 101 to Captain Toad. I still have some indies, VC and other games to get so I'll say it was worth getting for me.

I'll have a wait and see approach to NX since I have a Vita, PS4, 3DS and some Wii U titles in my backlog to go through.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
If the WiiU had all the usual 3rd Party games it would have the strongest Line-Up of all the consoles. And I don't even care about most of Nintendo's games nowadays.


I feel like I must post here. I bought the Wii U on day one, for £275, when I had just £500 to my name as someone a few months into his first job out of uni.

I bought it because of the hundreds of hours of amazing fun I had with the Wii, which was a monumentally great console (fight me).

The Wii U sold about 14% of what Wii did and I probably had about 14% as much fun and play time. But that's okay! I played Wii for about 1,000 hours.

In the time I have had Wii U, I've changed jobs, moved house and been promoted and life is a lot more hectic. I couldn't have played it much more even if its lineup was endless killer.

But Wìi U has some fantastic games. Mario Kart 8 is sublime. Truly sublime. SM3DW is fun, although it is not a patch on Galaxy. Yoshi WW is great. Bayonetta 2 is great. SM Maker is great.

The system was badly designed and sluggish, the gamepad feels cheap and I am so disappointed in how badly the system sold and died, but on the whole, I am glad I bought it, glad I got some fantastic HD Nintendo games. Do I wish it was a better handled system, and had some barnstorming games like Galaxy 3 and Wii Sports 3, and it sold better? Yes. But I am glad to have played some good HD Nintendo titles and carry on Wii's legacy a little longer.

I won't buy NX on launch, no matter what. Wii U has been bittersweet, but thanks for the memories. I will keep it many years yet.

Kid Ying

I was an early adopter and I have 27 games for the system.

I would say the system was fair, the games were above average, and the game droughts were the stuff of legend. Thank God it wasn't the only console I owned. The controller was the very definition of wasted potential.

I'm still undecided if I'll be an early adopter for the NX. Nintendo has a lot of convincing to do.
I'm in the same club. I've got 39 games for it. Some games i truly loved and hold quite dear in my heart, while others were huge dissappointments.

I expected more from stuff like Devil's Third, Fatal Frame, Smash bros 4, Donkey Kong, Wonderful 101 and the list goes on, but at the same time the system gave me stuff like Splatoon, Sharp FE, 3D world, Pikmin 3, Bayo 2 and others, which are some of the best games i've played.

3rd party support wasn't the best, but still had it's share of good stuff like 3 Taikos (that very few outside of japan got to enjoy it), DQX (same thing), Tekken Tag 2 (which i really adore), Puyo Puyo, Tank Tank Tank, Zelda Musou... Couple of games that never came to Japan from 3rd parties made me a little jealous, but i guess it's just how it is. There wasn't much, but it's not like all those games were bad and most of them had something to distinct from their other versions.

In the end, i think it's a good system, but didn't made me hopeful for the future of NX and i won't be there to see. Maybe if nintendo really hit a home run, but i'm not expecting it at all.


Neo Member
You can talk about the marketing, the gimmicky gamepad and how under powered it is, but as a video game console the Wii U is a great. I am happy with mine and I won't stop playing the games I love on it just because there won't be anymore new games coming out on it.

DK Tropical Freeze
Mario Kart 8
Super Mario 3D World
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
Bayonetta 2
Super Mario Maker

These games alone have made the console worth it for me personally. And those are only a few in the great library of exclusives it has. Not to mention all the VC games and Wii games you can play on it. It's a beaut.
Wii U was purchased day 1 and it was the only console I ever sold back. Besides Mario 3D World, there was not one game that came even close to grabbing my attention and that was my fault for falling for day 1 hype. Worst gimmick ever with the second screen when the best games on the console didn't even require it.

I will keep an eye out for NX but this time I will wait AT LEAST 1 year to see how Nintendo supports it and wait for the hype to die down
I have every game in OP's post with the exception of Zombi U, Project 0 (Fatal Frame), and Wii Sports Club.

I have a ton more. And Amiibo's...whew....amiibo's. Wii U is not dead to Mii just yet.
Very happy with mine. Bayonetta 2 is still my favorite game of this generation by far and the rest of the first party lineup was pretty damn great. Mario Kart 8, in particular, is my favorite entry in the series and completely took me by surprise. Playing it with GAF was one of my favorite multiplayer experiences this gen.

Wonderful 101, Mario 3D World, Splatoon, and Donkey Kong were all great as well. Wish it had more but at least Tokyo Mirage Sessions is still coming. I'm a huge fan of Atlus games so I cannot wait and I have no doubt that it will be one of my favorite games this year.
Nintendo games and this console once again return family gaming together. There is nothing like Bros, Party, Maker, Karts and having your wife, daughter, son and yourself all enjoying a social game together. Simple to play, complex to master gameplay and interplay is so well executed for me it's only trademark Nintendo that can deliver this.

It's a shame we got into the Wii U so late in the cycle but at least there's a healthy catalogue of games for us to pick up cheap :)

Kid Ying

Very happy with mine. Bayonetta 2 is still my favorite game of this generation by far and the rest of the first party lineup was pretty damn great. Mario Kart 8, in particular, is my favorite entry in the series and completely took me by surprise. Playing it with GAF was one of my favorite multiplayer experiences this gen.

Wonderful 101, Mario 3D World, Splatoon, and Donkey Kong were all great as well. Wish it had more but at least Tokyo Mirage Sessions is still coming. I'm a huge fan of Atlus games so I cannot wait and I have no doubt that it will be one of my favorite games this year.
I wasn't expecting much of it, but it ended being one of my favorite games on the wiiu, if not the favorite (Although Splatoon and Pikmin 3 are too good too, so it's hard to tell). It's such a charming well done game. If it wasn't for the initial false advertising, i think more people would try to look at it. It's nothing like SMT of Fire emblem, but it got quite a bit of personality in it. Really great game and one of the best.


In my personal opinion, by far the best of the three consoles this generation. I STILL play my WiiU ten times more than my PS4.

Also my favorite Nintendo console since the N64.
Excellent OP! I have all those games. I'm glad you put WIi Fit U and Wii Sports Club in that very nice collection. They truly deserve a spot.


I have a small but sweet library of 40 games (may be at 45 by the end of the year), all from the eShop. It continues to be a lovely ride with Star Fox Zero.
The Wii U was a fantastic system. Its the only console to compete with my PC for playtime since, well, the Wii. Oodles of fun, polished games that aren't found anywhere else. Ages after I sold my PS4, I still boot up Splatoon when I have some time.


Gold Member
Yeah, I can get behind this.

The Wii U basically represents everything I liked about gaming back in the late 90s/early 2000s, which I think was the best the industry's ever been. It's a system where the games have an exceptional amount of polish, didn't feel the need to be super edgy or pandering, and where games are focused on just being games; not overblown cinematic or social experiences. Despite most of the rest of the industry's best efforts, it's a system that remembers what fun is.

And that's kinda cool.

Holy Christ it's like you spoke for my mind. This is why the Wii U is my favorite console of this gen, and actually one of my favorite of all time. My PS4 and XBOX ONE offered me very little that my PC didn't offer a superior version of, but the Wii U offered me a true console experience that focused on fun first and was unique to its platform. I'll always love this console, it'll go right next to my Dreamcast as a timeless classic that was tragically unappreciated.....in the west at least.


I bought my Wii U in December.

Not counting virtual console, I currently have Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Monster Hunter 3U, and Pikmin 3.

My eventual target library is about 15 titles and I might end up picking up 5-10 more depending on how cheap things get when stores do their final clearances.

Not the biggest console library I own, but pretty solid nonetheless.

Thanks to Shoppers Drug Mart for allowing me to snag the system for $80 + taxes.


Worst Nintendo console ever, unfortunately. The sooner this thing is buried, the better.

The Wii was 100x better and brought about VC as a console standard.

The Who's VC is still incredible. A shame Nintendo couldn't match it on Wii U.
Worst Nintendo console ever, unfortunately. The sooner this thing is buried, the better.

The Wii was 100x better and brought about VC as a console standard.

The Who's VC is still incredible. A shame Nintendo couldn't match it on Wii U.

Looks like you won't get fooled again.
One of my favorite consoles of all time.

I really hope there are a couple of great games left for the Wii U. Perhaps Paper Mario and one last unannounced surprise?


All steps in the right direction considering SONY and MS were pumping out HD games since 06'

Great looking catalog there OP
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