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Hillary: Trump embraces the alt-right, a fringe racist element. Enough is enough

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Reading the transcript doesn't do this justice. This is something you want to listen to if at all possible.

Powerful annihilation of Trump and the people he surrounds himself with. This is what a President sounds like.

Yeah, a lot of Hillary's speeches are meh, but every once in awhile she has a great one like this.


Unfortunately she's speaking to the choir. Kinda getting bored watching the back patting.

She's not, though. The target of this speech isn't back-patting progressives who love safe spaces and trigger warnings, it's moderate Republicans who are already a little bit uncomfortable with Trump and need to be told that they can still back away from the ledge. This is why you see a few people here annoyed that she isn't telling it like it is enough because she's giving them a line of retreat.


The quoted material is the transcription of a speech? God damn. I really hope Trump shows up for the debates. He is going to get obliterated live on national TV.

Lol, I had the exact same reaction.
I'm so used to reading the Donald's ""speeches"" I actually thought that was a press release until one point were she repeated herself (well, in the transcript at least)


There is a breed of Diet Racists out there that don't see themselves as racists. People like my father who are offended by Trump, while somehow secretly holding a lot of the same values. Trump's fake pivot could have been enough to get them on board, but a stark reminder that he's closer to a white supremacist than he is to the usual GOP racist dogwhistles is a smart move.

Yeah, that's what im getting the vibe of. The values of the gop are set in a very divisive way. And they aren't just gop values. A lot of people harbor some of the same feelings who'd call themselves liberal too I'd imagine. I got an ear full from bernie supporters that made me tilt my head.

I just don't belive there are many people on the fence. Or in a position to be won over. The GOP has been at this since before trump, with equally deplorable rhetoric. People have shown their cards this election, and in the run up to trump winning the nomination. They are fine with the alt right, and the other trimmings of their "movement." It's a deeply historic world view. A lot of people don't see what all the fuss is about. Stop making it about race / I see no color folks.

I'm just hoping that nothing bad happens to hilary. She's not who I wanted, but she'll do until something better comes along.

She's not, though. The target of this speech isn't back-patting progressives who love safe spaces and trigger warnings, it's moderate Republicans who are already a little bit uncomfortable with Trump and need to be told that they can still back away from the ledge. This is why you see a few people here annoyed that she isn't telling it like it is enough because she's giving them a line of retreat.

These people have had decades of not changing their minds over the gops platforms, or its support. If Trump was winning, there wouldn't be any conversation about the issues that are making them uncomfortable. Truth is this has been their message and strategy. It was working for them until trump threw away the dog whistle. But I can't pretend that he's a 180 from the core mesages/support from white supremacists etc that the moderates value.

When I say it's more back patting, it's more common sense. Which has been the volley of debate between republicans and Democrats for decades. Pre trump, none of the words mattered. Their party is also anti science, and are constantly at war with women and the poor, even when it's themselves.

Good speech, you bet. But I doubt people are going to reconsider their world views 74 days before an election. As this shit has been supported by the party and all the candidates.

These people, these moderates, are well aware of the company the GOP keeps. Yet, still voting R due to reasons.
I dislike how Clinton seems to be going for the "oh deary me this wonderful and noble Republican party has been hijacked by fringe extremists!" angle as if to absolve the establishment GOP of its faults. Yes, I know she wants to win the election, but you gotta put your foot on the throat of those that fueled the fire of the rise of Trump otherwise we'll just be dealing with the same shit sooner than we think.

You do understand that her Job will be not to crush the 48% of America that will be voting for GOP candidates right? Her job right now and in the future is to try and get the few sane Republicans left to steer their party from this path of lunacy .


Why is the youtube video so disliked?

Poor sad alt-righties.

I agree and disagree with this. I think you are totally right that Trump is actually a direct outgrowth of the GOP's positions and policies. But I am not sure that Hillary saying that will have the effects she wants to have -- people who are GOP voters who are now upset and depressed about Trump will be very resistant to that message, and those are the target here.

Since the GOP is in the middle of a huge collapse anyway (hence Trump getting nominated in the first place) I think you may as well just move to the side and let them fall over. They need to take responsibility for purging the alt-right on their own or they'll become an a third party in a decade (which I expect to happen).

Is the GOP actually in the middle of any such collapse on the state/local level, though?

It's one thing if she's trying to get GOP voters to stay home, quite another if she's giving them an out to split the ticket and vote for years more of gridlock.
Americans downplaying Trump as "just like one of those far right guys we're seeing everywhere", this is dangerous. Don't fall for this.

If Trump didn't win the nomination, it would have been Cruz of Rubio, both people who have pretty fascist and racist ideas of their own. As pigeon said, a lot of Americans are racist, and in this election, the three most popular Republican candidates were the three who were the most racist.

The real danger comes from people acting like Trump is an anomaly that came out of nowhere. Just because he's one of the most extreme examples doesn't mean that he's not a part of a larger trend.


I dislike how Clinton seems to be going for the "oh deary me this wonderful and noble Republican party has been hijacked by fringe extremists!" angle as if to absolve the establishment GOP of its faults. Yes, I know she wants to win the election, but you gotta put your foot on the throat of those that fueled the fire of the rise of Trump otherwise we'll just be dealing with the same shit sooner than we think.

The GOP throwing off the alt-right and other racist idealogs to become a functioning national party would be good for everyone.
This is why these elections make no sense to us outside of the US. It makes no sense that Trump has gotten so far, it makes no sense that Clinton could lose this, it makes no sense that people who aren't blatantly racist actually ask themselves who they should vote for, it makes no sense that some people call Trump the "lesser evil".

All of this makes no sense.

The rise of nationalism, racism and the far right isn't exactly a trend isolated to just the US.

Great speech, really broke down the alt right and tied Trump to those sacks of shit. Fuuuuck the alt right and Trump.


The Truth shall set you Free, Low Education Medium income White voters...

In spite of Trump's apparent re positioning and appeals to minorities, he has a whole history of biggotry, xenophobia and downright racism that ought to be exposed continuously in plain sight.
Next: Business failures, Scammer, Rapist and Financial pawn of foreign interests.

This being said, I also hope that someone in Hilary's campaign management realizes that they should have a dual approach to this.
Attack Trump with everything they got (and there's a lot to dig in), but also find a positive message to campaign on.



Seriously, though, that was some O-Class stellar burn Hilary brought today. Good on her for shining light on all that bullshit.
I always envision the scene from V For Vendetta where the High Chancellor is sitting in his seat at home and breaks his glass of milk while the comedy sketch aires on TV.
You do understand that her Job will be not to crush the 48% of America that will be voting for GOP candidates right? Her job right now and in the future is to try and get the few sane Republicans left to steer their party from this path of lunacy .

This sounds awfully like Obama's post-partisan spiel in 2008 to me.

The GOP cannot and will not be saved from within. There are simply not enough "reasonable," "sane" Republicans out there who are capable of working in good faith with Democrats.


This sounds awfully like Obama's post-partisan spiel in 2008 to me.

The GOP cannot and will not be saved from within. There are simply not enough "reasonable," "sane" Republicans out there who are capable of working in good faith with Democrats.

Exactly. They'd have jumped ship before trump. Trump is just saying shit in a bold font that was said in code long before him.

This image that trump is going too far is nonsense. Trump isn't being a calculated bigot enough to fool people into voting. And that's the only reason the party cares. It sure as hell isn't the core of the message. Which is why the gop finds it so difficult to disavow is words, and why Cruz got fucking boo'd for suggesting as much.


She's not, though. The target of this speech isn't back-patting progressives who love safe spaces and trigger warnings, it's moderate Republicans who are already a little bit uncomfortable with Trump and need to be told that they can still back away from the ledge. This is why you see a few people here annoyed that she isn't telling it like it is enough because she's giving them a line of retreat.
Exactly. Trump has been trying this past week to make it seem like he's not the racist that he's seen as, in an effort to make it seem safe for middle class suburban Republicans to vote for him guiltfree.

This speech was tailor made to yank the rug out from beneath Trump.


God damn Trump's gonna need some heavy ointment for that burn. Fantastic speech, tore Trump the fuck down. I hope it at least reaches a few people.
It's a fantastic speech. From a political perspective though, I'm not sure who it's pitched to. It's not like Trump's rep could possibly be any lower among minorities, and, well, non-racists.


This speech is brilliant. Hillary drawing a line in the sand. On whose side are you? You know you're not like Trump, you know Trump is bad for America, you know I'm better although I'm a Democrat. So, on whose side are you?
The Sky News Facebook post on this is full of British right wingers insulting her. Calling her a 'stupid cow', etc. So many people in the personality cult of Farage. I saw a guy legitimately claiming that Farage freed the British people from their 'chains of slavery' by leaving the EU.


This speech is brilliant. Hillary drawing a line in the sand. On whose side are you? You know you aren't Trump, you know Trump is bad for America, you know I'm better although I'm a Democrat. So, on whose side are you?

The side they've been on since before trump.
Many of these issues are what the gops strategy had been.

But let's not take my word for it...

Where are all the trump supporters posts, talking about how much ether they just ate?

..there's got to be a ton. Surely none of them were aware of what the gop has stood for all this time.


Exactly. They'd have jumped ship before trump. Trump is just saying shit in a bold font that was said in code long before him.

This image that trump is going too far is nonsense. Trump isn't being a calculated bigot enough to fool people into voting. And that's the only reason the party cares. It sure as hell isn't the core of the message. Which is why the gop finds it so difficult to disavow is words, and why Cruz got fucking boo'd for suggesting as much.

She made the correct play though. It might FEEL good to totally crush the Republican party with fiery words, but it isnt smart. Political views and parties are tied up with a person's identity. If you say that identity was always wrong and racist and evil then the suburban college graduate white woman (and man) if a lot more likely to say fuck you and entrench themselves in that Republican identity even though they might feel like the shit Trump is saying is embarrassing and horrifying. Same with Republican politicians

You need to give people a way out if you want them to change. You need to lead them to a narrative that is appealing to them. A number of Republicans and democrats saying that the Republican party was co-opted by a bunch of alt-right racists and this isn't the party you remember is a much more powerful narrative that can either get the party to change or get those college educated suburban voters to vote democrat.

And I am sure there are lot of Republicans that don't think they are racist and don't think that their party stands for discriminatory practices (even though they might be and the party does). People have a tremendous power to delude themselves into constructing a positive narrative for themselves. Only a small percentage of the population actually identifies as racist and is proud of that even though the percentage of actual racists in our country is a lot higher.


That's one hell of a speech. And she's spoken more or less entirely in facts too, so anyone that disagrees is a moron. Nice.
Unfortunately she's speaking to the choir. Kinda getting bored watching the back patting.

Racist people have been racist. They aren't changing their mind. See: everything trump. No plan no ideas no substance but he's anti brown so that's good enough for most. For the rest he speaks to the racism against obama, which then means government is bad.

Oblivious people have been oblivious, and they aren't going to vote/will continue to vote republican or whatever their bubble dictates.

This election has a threat to Americans world views. This isn't changed by words, especially from a woman. We've got a way to go. Not sure what the solution is.

you already did this shit in another topic

Hillary is so corrupt.

- says who?

Ugh I hate gafs hive mind. I'm out.
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