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HobbyGaming or How I learned to stop worrying and love the mods




I get reported because I'm not acting "mature" but other's replies that are way more childish get nothing. And when the poster put words in my mouth. Who would say that Hitman is not a stealth game 🤦‍♂️ I don't even care about a ban either




I personally think that's extremely offensive, and I doubt he can say that as a man on your face, but such disgusting insults shouldn't be taken lightly. Some people are extremely losers in real life and it's pretty reflective here.


Gold Member
It's all good OP, if you're curious about it, just message the mods I'm sure they'll provide some light on the situation. If it's a misunderstanding, then surely it could get cleared up. But yelling from a mountain top like this isn't the way. Don't let it get to you.

Meh mods i notice here are getting as sensitive as reee for my warnings, especially the post the admin wrote as to why I got banned was especially cringy as fuck


Man it must be fun managing these meltdowns (/s)- I'm sure occasionally it must make the mods laugh, not always I'm sure.

Hobbygaming Hobbygaming dude can I tell you something - you need to step away, its pretty obvious both sides of this war of consoles has people getting triggered. I got into a bit of a debate over stupidity over rechargeable built in batteries vs aa batteries in another thread - I noticed a pattern, which I've noticed repeatedly the same 4 - 5 posters regurgitating the same thing, completely ignoring other stuff and posting the same thing again and again. I eventually got my point across but I was getting quite annoyed by the end. The reality is this is the game that is being played, they are trying to actively trigger you, they are trying to actively wind you up to the point where your monkey brain takes over and you end up doing or saying something really childish / stupid and getting temp banned or perma-banned. Its kind of trollish and when you take a look at the pattern, it becomes obvious, but its an easy trap to fall into and the best thing is just to leave it - meh whatever, does it really matter ? Is anyone paying you to defend a specific thing ? If not why waste your time and energy ?

I noticed during that whole thing, the thing I was arguing about, I could not give more of a shit about, honestly who gives a damn ? Most people don't give a crap, what has got you so angry / triggered right now, does it really bug you that much or is it about winning the argument / pride ?

1 Plastic box seems to have a loyal group of fanatics willing to back each other up and defend each other, the other plastic box has a much larger but far more disorganised group of fanatics, each side is trying to trigger the other side and the mods are sitting in the middle trying to balance selling advertising / keeping the site running vs handling the crazies that are getting triggered. This is the reality, its difficult to do, but when you begin to see red and start foaming up a little step away - leave it be.
To be fair, the Sega Genesis is a better system. Sega themselves said it does what their competitors factually are unable (or at the least unwilling) to do.


Gold Member
I mean, this thread isn't really showing your maturity level. If you have a problem with someone reporting you, go to the mods / admins and state your case. Don't do it in a childish way and act like an adult when presenting to them.

Putting my Community Management hat on for a second, it seems like the person reporting you for the first image (I'm assuming it was the quoted post, you're not very clear with it) is pretty immature themselves. But it also seems like your spam reporting. If you're reporting comments that are just people disagreeing with you and are not against the TOS, then of course the reports will be rejected.

Of course, you're giving me no context to really work with. Only one of your reports were rejected. So, if you're going to get me to sympathize with you, you're not doing a very good job.

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member
You were removed from a thread (reply banned) because we don't need you in every TLOU themed thread, accusing people of having not played the game and being unable to deal with any criticism. Anyone can use the search function and verify this using advanced search. You are more interested in shutting down any negative opinion or thought about the game with comments like this:

https://www.neogaf.com/threads/the-...rs-of-high-art-allowed.1560093/post-259647013 (didn't even have time to draw breath before posting again below)

You've reached a point where your only contribution to these threads is to police opinions that align with your own, and if they don't then you start getting bitter and accusing people of not playing the game etc. This is not the first time we've seen it, just the point at where we feel enough is enough. So, as a light touch measure you were removed to avoid the thread becoming embroiled in yet another bitter exchange. That was the extent of any actions that were taken. You were given a reason and no warning was added to your account. Maybe just an opportunity to reflect on why you were removed from the thread and to adjust the attitude going forward.

Subsequently (in what we can only imagine was a purple nosed fit of rage), you then went through the thread and started hitting 'Report' on masses of posts in 'retaliation' for unrelated things against various members. The moderator was watching these get logged in real time. Those reports were triaged and one was closed with a notification to yourself telling you to stop spam reporting posts otherwise you'd be given a couple days cooling off period. The notification made it clear you were acting in an immature manner, which was what got you removed from the thread originally. Just to clarify, there is still no account warning logged to your account, and the spam reporting has stopped. We can only ask that you muse on the above and not be so combative in future threads on The Last of Us Part 2

PS: You earned a sweet custom tag too :)
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REE Machine

Not really tho. Being silly and having a laugh isn't the same as having sand in their vag
Being silly and having a laugh is what i comment for especially when i state facts, guess the mod who changed my name is like arthur fleck standing infront of no audience taking his bow right? Much like how my ban message said lol
Being silly and having a laugh is what i comment for especially when i state facts, guess the mod who changed my name is like arthur fleck standing infront of no audience taking his bow right? Much like how my ban message said lol
You are banned?

IDK. It just seems to be silly nonsense.

Maybe you are taking things too seriously? It seems like most are trying to enjoy their time and you desire to be righteous


Gold Member
When you try your damnedest to make someone else's account suicide thread about yourself...

Wish granted.
Hey Tyler it's Best Bout Machine, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there changing my username. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be an Account Suicide | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.


Hey Tyler it's Best Bout Machine, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there changing my username. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be an Account Suicide | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Being silly and having a laugh is what i comment for especially when i state facts, guess the mod who changed my name is like arthur fleck standing infront of no audience taking his bow right? Much like how my ban message said lol
When you try your damnedest to make someone else's account suicide thread about yourself...

Wish granted.

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Hey Tyler it's Best Bout Machine, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there changing my username. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be an Account Suicide | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.

It's heating up, cya guys.


Rossco EZ

Hey Tyler it's Best Bout Machine, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there changing my username. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be an Account Suicide | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
You were removed from a thread (reply banned) because we don't need you in every TLOU themed thread, accusing people of having not played the game and being unable to deal with any criticism. Anyone can use the search function and verify this using advanced search. You are more interested in shutting down any negative opinion or thought about the game with comments like this:

https://www.neogaf.com/threads/the-...rs-of-high-art-allowed.1560093/post-259647013 (didn't even have time to draw breath before posting again below)

You've reached a point where your only contribution to these threads is to police opinions that align with your own, and if they don't then you start getting bitter and accusing people of not playing the game etc. This is not the first time we've seen it, just the point at where we feel enough is enough. So, as a light touch measure you were removed to avoid the thread becoming embroiled in yet another bitter exchange. That was the extent of any actions that were taken. You were given a reason and no warning was added to your account. Maybe just an opportunity to reflect on why you were removed from the thread and to adjust the attitude going forward.

Subsequently (in what we can only imagine was a purple nosed fit of rage), you then went through the thread and started hitting 'Report' on masses of posts in 'retaliation' for unrelated things against various members. The moderator was watching these get logged in real time. Those reports were triaged and one was closed with a notification to yourself telling you to stop spam reporting posts otherwise you'd be given a couple days cooling off period. The notification made it clear you were acting in an immature manner, which was what got you removed from the thread originally. Just to clarify, there is still no account warning logged to your account, and the spam reporting has stopped. We can only ask that you muse on the above and not be so combative in future threads on The Last of Us Part 2

PS: You earned a sweet custom tag too :)
So I can get reported but the personal attack can't be reported, how cool


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I mean, this thread isn't really showing your maturity level. If you have a problem with someone reporting you, go to the mods / admins and state your case. Don't do it in a childish way and act like an adult when presenting to them.

Putting my Community Management hat on for a second, it seems like the person reporting you for the first image (I'm assuming it was the quoted post, you're not very clear with it) is pretty immature themselves. But it also seems like your spam reporting. If you're reporting comments that are just people disagreeing with you and are not against the TOS, then of course the reports will be rejected.

Of course, you're giving me no context to really work with. Only one of your reports were rejected. So, if you're going to get me to sympathize with you, you're not doing a very good job.
I have reported less than 10 reports on this site and 99% of them were from yesterday in that same thread
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I have reported less than 10 reports on this site and 99% of them were from yesterday in that same thread

Quit while you're behind man, take the L on the chin like a man, take a break from GAF for the rest of the day to cool off. Grab a beer, watch some Netflix and chill. Once you've had time to cool off you should be able to see things more clearly, I honestly wouldn't want you getting permed by poking the bear with your misplaced persecution complex.

GAF is a fun place where we can shoot the shit and talk about games and other random topics. We get you love your console, but maybe take a step back from the warz for a bit and reevaluate your priorities/posting habits.


It’s ill advised to try and argue against a ban, since the moderators always have ’the receipts‘. I think I’ve reported someone once, who already had a tag advising against console warring and seemingly just couldn’t help themselves. But even then, I just ducked out of the thread rather than continue to post in what was clearly a Waterloo of bad opinions and console warriors. General rule of thumb is that if it makes you angry on the internet, you need to step away and get some perspective. And try limiting your overall online activity to 20-30m a day if you want to (try to) have meaningful discourse, and if you find yourself too invested in online bickering.

The deeper down the rabbit hole you go the harder it is to stay sane. And these are truly dangerous times, given that we’re three months away from new consoles and prices and face-offs haven’t even happened yet.


Golden Boy
Hey Tyler it's Best Bout Machine, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there changing my username. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be an Account Suicide | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.
Great, nush has turned schizophrenic; thanks OP
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