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Horizon Zero Dawn on the PS4 pro will render in 2160p checkerboard

There is no "base resolution" for CBR. It is not upscaling. If a game is 1800c, it renders just as many pixels as 1800p. If it's 2160c, it renders just as many pixels as 2160p. Both 1800c and 1800p are upscaled on 4K displays; both 2160c and 2160p are not.

This is pretty misleading. It's fair to say that half of the pixels are constructed, not directly rendered from that frame's source.

I know checkerboard doesn't look as good as true 4k. NBA 2k17 looks sharper and cleaner than WD2 because it. It doesn't fool me.

Of course. Its a sliding scale of image quality.


sony should have waited til vega like ms does. The pro is an underpowered 4k machine

Guess Scorpio must be as well then if MS themselves are advising third parties to use these same checkerboarding techniques instead of native 4k for that machine.


Junior Butler
The most obvious difference between a temporal resolution reconstruction approach and native rendering is the significant increase in shimmering on both polygon edges and surfaces which I'd say could be visible from any distance - if you know what you're looking for. The game does need to be in motion though as in a perfectly stable frame there would not be any difference at all.

True, I almost mentioned that caveat but decided against it because being this early, it's too inconsistent. It really depends on implementation and varies from title to title.

I think the only title where artifacting is/was overly offensive is Deus Ex Mankind Divided.


Meh i wish they optioned to play in 60 fps since this isnt a multiplayer game there wouldnt be problem

Yeah, really wish more devs would get off their asses and hit that 60fps button more often. I mean, it's not like it's a design issue, or that Pro still has a weak as fuck CPU, right?


Guess Scorpio must be as well then if MS themselves are advising third parties to use these same checkerboarding techniques instead of native 4k for that machine.

I'm not one for basking in others misery but some of the upcoming Scorpio threads are going to be a circus. A popcorn.gif circus

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
That depends on what you are comparing. It was worse in spatial resolution definitely but it was better in general image stability.
Yes, the image stability was very good in QB, but I don't think it's any worse in ROTR, or latest CoD on Pro, where it also never appears to fall apart and become low res while in motion. IMO, checkerboard technique is the first of its kind where the performance benefits far outweigh potential drawbacks, to the point that no matter what hardware power I had at the disposal, beyond 2160checkered, I'd never spend any resources into resolution, but rather focus them on anything else.

lord pie

This is pretty misleading. It's fair to say that half of the pixels are constructed, not directly rendered from that frame's source.

Not entirely correct. When using hardware checkerboarding, some elements of the scene are indeed full resolution - this includes things like the depth buffer, stencil and object ID. So while the most expensive parts (gbuffer, etc) are sparsely sampled, there still is native resolution information used during the reconstruction (plus previous frame data) - so things like geometry edges, foliage outlines, etc can be considered native resolution even without the temporal element.


Personally I'm impressed with the results of checkerboard 4k and to be honest I doubt I could tell the difference from true 4k from my couch. I guess a lot of folks would be in the same boat so I think it's great this technology has brought 4k (insert * or another snarky remark to it) to the masses, instead of being something only <5% of PC players enjoy (probably still too generous with that percentage).


Yes, the image stability was very good in QB, but I don't think it's any worse in ROTR, or latest CoD on Pro, where it also never appears to fall apart and become low res while in motion. IMO, checkerboard technique is the first of its kind where the performance benefits far outweigh potential drawbacks, to the point that no matter what hardware power I had at the disposal, beyond 2160checkered, I'd never spend any resources into resolution, but rather focus them on anything else.

Well, that depends on a person - or even a title and a person - I guess. I personally strongly prefer native rendering over checkerboarded one in WD2 on PC - but when combined with a slight supersampling (1.25x) checkerboard is certainly better as the resulting overall image quality is higher because of supersampling while the performance turns out to be somewhat comparable to a native rendering without supersampling.

It's certainly a nice option to have but I'm not sure how I feel about it being the only option like on PS4Pro - it's better than just 1080p or upscaling I guess.

What is the official denotation for this rendering since Scorpio has a form?


Sparse is a more general term as it includes all such sparse grid rendering approaches, not just checkerboarding which is really just one implementation using MSAA 2x.

Unless scorpio has the same or equivalent hardware changes as PS4Pro (object ID, some other things), then I'd consider sparse sampling a purely software technique (like R6:S) whereas checkerboard is hardware assisted with significant additional reconstruction information (full resolution object ID is very important for accurate reconstruction).

All such techniques are using MSAA h/w (and GPU h/w in general) and cannot be "purely software". The extent of benefits which these techniques are getting because of PS4Pro's additional h/w is unknown. All of them are working fine on any PC DX11 class h/w though so it's pretty clear that whatever PS4Pro have in addition is not critical to their functioning. I think it's also pretty much a given that Scorpio will receive whatever Pro has in its GPU since the same can be said about Vega which Scorpio will most likely be based upon.

lord pie

What is the official denotation for this rendering since Scorpio has a form?


Unless scorpio has the same or equivalent hardware changes as PS4Pro (object ID, some other things), then I'd consider sparse sampling a purely software technique (like R6:S) whereas checkerboard is hardware assisted with significant additional reconstruction information (full resolution object ID is very important for accurate reconstruction).
Not entirely correct. When using hardware checkerboarding, some elements of the scene are indeed full resolution - this includes things like the depth buffer, stencil and object ID. So while the most expensive parts (gbuffer, etc) are sparsely sampled, there still is native resolution information used during the reconstruction (plus previous frame data) - so things like geometry edges, foliage outlines, etc can be considered native resolution even without the temporal element.

I'm not seeing how that conflicts with anything I said. You even used the word "reconstructed," where I used the verb "constructed."

This thread is impossible to follow. Everyone is just saying everyone is wrong.

Folks like to be picky, especially programmers whose whole job is predicated on being as specific as possible. Doesn't make for a nice discussion though.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I'm not a fan of the trend to simply 'Downsample' games from 4K when in 1080p mode. It seems like it is a huge waste of the PS4 Pro's Capabilities.

If the PS4 Pro really is close to a Radeon RX 470 or RX 480, it should be a 1080p beast on PS4 games, giving excellent image quality, and 60fps at 1080p. Using downsampling and 30fps doesn't make a lick of sense, unless PS4 Pro support was an afterthought, and the game was never designed or considered for 60fps. It's possible the game is CPU bound, and could not hold a steady 60 due to all the asset streaming from their open-world engine.

Either way, the game looks gorgeous, and even if 4k checkerboarding isn't exactly impressive sounding, I think the end product will look amazing in 4K.

Down sampling is how you get excellent image quality. Proper super sampling will help out with aliasing on surfaces, aliasing on edges, aliasing on very thin polygons such as blades of grass or leaves or power lines (any thin object does not play along with MSAA very well) as you are rendering the game at a much higher resolution and reconstructing the 1080p image from there.
It is a quite expensive process actually (unless you kind of have a 4K mode already there and you need to add the downsampling tax yourself).
based on a totally scientific poll i did, fully 100% of the people whining about "not native 4K!" do not, in fact, have a 4K TV.

Yeah I keep hearing about not many people having 4k TV, which is fair enough, as it's just starting to become more a little more mainstream but there is a hell of a lot more people complaining about checkerboarding not native 4k.

Having a 55" 4k Sony Bravia and a PS4 Pro myself, I can definitely say checkerboarding looks excellent and can look extremely close to a native 4k image, even Digital Foundry and other Analysis sites have said it looks great, anyone who says otherwise, really hasn't seen it in person.


I don't know about this. In Rainbow Six Siege and Watch Dogs 2 if you turn checkerboarding on it's most noticable in motion and really fuzzes up things.

still images of the game in motion, i meant. borked the wording there.

i.e. screenshots of in-game action, not photo mode. because, cmiiw, if the picture doesn't move for 2 frames (60ms) you essentially have a 2160p frame where every pixel has been properly rendered.
whooohoooo...that first page, let the hate consume you warriors. This ain't no Native 4K!!! Sony Ponies believe all the lies...

On another note, this game might justify Sony's decision with to go with a Pro approach and release at a lower price-point rather than waiting like MS did for the tech to get cheaper. Seeing this is 4K (Sorry warriors "faux 4K" or "4K") really looks INCREDIBLE! I would be proud of the techniques used here as well.


Pixel count is the same. It is rendering a full 3840×2160 framebuffer. Slightly less accurate than Native 4K but still it's basically 4K.




Thank you.

Shame it took so long for this to get posted. People seem to have no clue what checkerboarding actually is.


I'd take 1080p at 60fps if I could, but whatever.
I get it when people don't like a game that's 900p or 720p(yuck.) I don't either. Honestly though when the resolution is already this high, it's gonna look amazing anyway. True 4K takes a ton of resources, and it isn't worth cost when that power can be spent elsewhere. I've tried 4k using my PC(GTX 1080) hooking up to my TV so yes I've experienced it.
The PS4 Pro "fake" 4K is still good enough for me. The game looks beautiful.


Cerny is correct. But a checkerboard resolution can't really be expressed in a base resolution as it renders a picture with voids in it. So 1920x2160 is only fit to explain the number of actual shaded pixels (~4.1m), not as the image size which is still 3840x2160 but with holes in it.
So checkerboard rendering means 2160i instead of 2160p? In layman's terms?

Ronald Reagan

Neo Member
Add me to the list of people who'd prefer 60fps options. Even for a game like Resident Evil 7 which is noticeably ugly at times, 60fps still makes it much more fluid, responsive, and an overall more immersive experience. Sucks that 60fps will probably never be the console standard though as most people prefer prettier graphics understandably.
Down sampling is how you get excellent image quality. Proper super sampling will help out with aliasing on surfaces, aliasing on edges, aliasing on very thin polygons such as blades of grass or leaves or power lines (any thin object does not play along with MSAA very well) as you are rendering the game at a much higher resolution and reconstructing the 1080p image from there.
It is a quite expensive process actually (unless you kind of have a 4K mode already there and you need to add the downsampling tax yourself).

I agree with you, supersampling is great if you have the horsepower, but since it is a very expensive process as you point out, I don't think it's ideal for a system like PS4 Pro unless you are targeting 30fps, and can't easily adjust graphic options. As in, it's probably the easiest way to make a 1080p mode on PS4 Pro.

In my experience, you will get far more bang for your buck on PC games by jacking up all the settings, keeping resolution at 1080p or slightly higher, and targeting 60+ fps.

Add me to the list of people who'd prefer 60fps options. Even for a game like Resident Evil 7 which is noticeably ugly at times, 60fps still makes it much more fluid, responsive, and an overall more immersive experience. Sucks that 60fps will probably never be the console standard though as most people prefer prettier graphics understandably.

I think the 30fps/60fps visual quality difference is so subjective and divisive, that developers would do really well to give players the option to choose. Since the majority of games these days are being made for PC, porting those games over to console, with at least some graphical settings, and to give players options like 1080p 30, 1080p60, 1440p, or 4k just makes sense, especially as 4k TVs and monitors are just starting to penetrate the market.

How awesome would it be, if on a console, you could choose to play at 60fps on the majority of games? I think players would love it.


sony should have waited til vega like ms does. The pro is an underpowered 4k machine
Scorpio is going to be an underpowerd for 4k as well, you'll just see relatively less sacrifices being made to hit native 4k compared to Pro. But sacrifices non the less and using checkerboard rendering just like Sony.


Umm, no. Phil Spencer has stated numerous times that first party MS titles will be native 4K on Scorpio. Scoprio is absolutely set to be an actual 4K system, and seems like it will be significantly more powerful than PS4 Pro from the info we currently have.

MS did mention that developers have the option to use 4k checkerboarding though, and to be honest, I would love to see some devs go crazy with that. Games could look mind blowing if they really push scoprio, and use smart rendering techniques like that.
Let's wait Halo 6 sub 4k like Halo 5 was sub 1080p.

Scorpio is not the 4k native machine you want.


Let's wait Halo 6 sub 4k like Halo 5 was sub 1080p.

Scorpio is not the 4k native machine you want.

It totally can be, if you're prepared to sacrifice a ton of visual fidelity for nearly imperceptible improvements.

Non-taxing games will run at native 4K no problem.


There is no "base resolution" for CBR. It is not upscaling. If a game is 1800c, it renders just as many pixels as 1800p. If it's 2160c, it renders just as many pixels as 2160p. Both 1800c and 1800p are upscaled on 4K displays; both 2160c and 2160p are not.

How can the pro render four times the pixels of a base ps4 if it's just two times as powerful?
Calculating the color of a pixel based on the surface properties at that particular point, and the scene lighting.
With that definition, CBR as implemented on Pro is also shading some portion of the reprojected pixels. The ID buffer allows selection of the particular polygon from which the pixel is derived. The surface properties and scene lighting are known (from the previous frame) and are used to determine the pixel color (perhaps adjusted based on current lighting of the surface).

The pixels which do not meet this definition are only those with low confidence values, derived from the pixel neighorhood. Their proportion of the buffer will vary, but it will only rarely be as high as half (perhaps never?).
You really are hell-bent on confusing people by using "rendering" for something which is completely unlike anything anyone would traditionally call "rendering" in 3D graphics.

I assure you, my aim is not to confuse people. But I haven't seen any definition of "rendering" which excludes all CBR methods, while including all the prior techniques of deriving pixel values you wish to preserve. (I'm not sure such a fine splitting is actually possible. Is it unexpected that terms developed for old processes might not gracefully cover entirely new techniques?)

If it'll reduce the grating effect, however, please feel free to replace "render" with "rasterize".

You're right, the negations are not perfectly equivalent. Though the phrases do not contain any metric of quantification, both simply imply that the subject contains at least some but not all of their comparative criteria. ...the term "basically" has no actual quantification.
I disagree. "Basically" implies "to a large degree" in usual usage. It's like saying "in many ways" rather than "in some ways".

This is pretty misleading. It's fair to say that half of the pixels are constructed, not directly rendered from that frame's source.
As above, you may read "rasterize" for "render" if that helps. But can you supply a definition of "rendered" that effectively makes the distinction, while not excluding accumulation shadows, AA, low-res effects buffers, etc.?
Let's wait Halo 6 sub 4k like Halo 5 was sub 1080p.

Scorpio is not the 4k native machine you want.

I'm not sure who you are trying to convince here. I have a very good idea of what Scorpio will be like, and I'm quite excited/ hopeful about it. Studios at MS offering smart graphical features like Dynamic resolution will only add to the quality of Scorpio games, not take away from it. Nevermind that, I'm not even endorsing the fact that MS should even target 4K. They could probably do amazing things by using checkerboard rendering, and even targeting 60fps. I am saying though, that I am very confident MS and 3rd parties will be able to hit a native 4k 30fps on Scorpio titles should they choose.

I have a lot of experience with almost every GPU and a large amount of the CPUs on the market right now, and I'd say I have a very good idea of how MS first-party games might perform on Scorpio, if they do indeed hit their 6 Terraflop GPU target for the machine.

Hell, boot up any of the UWP Win10 store games on a 6 Terraflop GPU, target 4k, and let me know what you find. In my experience, that usually means 30-40fps with cranked settings, on essentially every AAA title, with substantially improved graphical and image quality.

What exactly this 6 terraflop AMD GPU in Scoprio will actually turn out like is anyone's guess, but if it's a nice improvement over the RX 480, and can perform close to a Fury X, but with 12GB of GDDR5, then the system will be a beast, especially considering the success of async compute support on DX12 games. It will also likely be able to push true 4k quality textures, if it truly does have 12GB of GDDR5, which is something the PS4 Pro doesn't even seem to be trying to do for whatever reason.


It is rendering only half of the 4k pixels... 1920x2160 pixels... the other half is created by the checkerboard.

So an aproximation. OK anyway I read Durante's posts now it's actually quite clear what we are talking about.

Some posts here make CBR sound like magic. XD
Still unclear if the improvements in shadow maps and increasing the quality of the anisotropic filtering is for the PS4 PRO in general or just for the 1080p mode.
As above, you may read "rasterize" for "render" if that helps. But can you supply a definition of "rendered" that effectively makes the distinction, while not excluding accumulation shadows, AA, low-res effects buffers, etc.?

I don't think such a definition is necessary because arguably no game wouldn't use non-native buffers or effects at some point. A game like Quake 1 has low res effects and shadows but it still renders/rasterizes at 4K.

Checkerboard rendering is essentially a really good and somewhat complex post-processing upscaling technique using native elements and temporal frame trickery. I don't consider that slander on the output, which undoubtedly looks very good from what I've seen.
I'm not sure who you are trying to convince here. I have a very good idea of what Scorpio will be like, and I'm quite excited/ hopeful about it. Studios at MS offering smart graphical features like Dynamic resolution will only add to the quality of Scorpio games, not take away from it. Nevermind that, I'm not even endorsing the fact that MS should even target 4K. They could probably do amazing things by using checkerboard rendering, and even targeting 60fps. I am saying though, that I am very confident MS and 3rd parties will be able to hit a native 4k 30fps on Scorpio titles should they choose.

That's meaningless statement - Nintendo can hit 1080p on Wii U gpu since it comes down to design choices.

You aren't getting PS4 quality games using whole 1,8TF for 1080p on Scorpio at native 4k at the same frame rates since that would need over 7TFlops.
What you will be getting at native 4k resolution is games which already hit 1080p on xbox one.


I'm not sure who you are trying to convince here. I have a very good idea of what Scorpio will be like, and I'm quite excited/ hopeful about it. Studios at MS offering smart graphical features like Dynamic resolution will only add to the quality of Scorpio games, not take away from it. Nevermind that, I'm not even endorsing the fact that MS should even target 4K. They could probably do amazing things by using checkerboard rendering, and even targeting 60fps. I am saying though, that I am very confident MS and 3rd parties will be able to hit a native 4k 30fps on Scorpio titles should they choose.

I have a lot of experience with almost every GPU and a large amount of the CPUs on the market right now, and I'd say I have a very good idea of how MS first-party games might perform on Scorpio, if they do indeed hit their 6 Terraflop GPU target for the machine.

Hell, boot up any of the UWP Win10 store games on a 6 Terraflop GPU, target 4k, and let me know what you find. In my experience, that usually means 30-40fps with cranked settings, on essentially every AAA title, with substantially improved graphical and image quality.

What exactly this 6 terraflop AMD GPU in Scoprio will actually turn out like is anyone's guess, but if it's a nice improvement over the RX 480, and can perform close to a Fury X, but with 12GB of GDDR5, then the system will be a beast, especially considering the success of async compute support on DX12 games. It will also likely be able to push true 4k quality textures, if it truly does have 12GB of GDDR5, which is something the PS4 Pro doesn't even seem to be trying to do for whatever reason.
I see... you already made your mind for disappointment.


Gold Member

native is 16 pixels
checkerboard is 8 pixels

so lets work backwards
4x4=16 pixels native
&#8730;8 x &#8730;8 = 8 pixels checkboard

&#8730;8 = 2.82842712475
I'm upgrading to a Pro this week so my body is ready.

I have a gaming PC with a 5820K and a 1080 and I'm still excited about getting my Pro. A lot of stuff isn't native 4K like on my PC but it's still way better than 1080p.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
It is rendering only half of the 4k pixels... 1920x2160 pixels... the other half is created by the checkerboard.

So an aproximation. OK anyway I read Durante's posts now it's actually quite clear what we are talking about.

Some posts here make CBR sound like magic. XD

Ok, so just so this is clear, via approximation, you're still getting a frame buffer with 4K worth of pixels, yes ?

Why do people keep calling it upscaling then ? Upscaling is stretching something from a lower resolution to a higher. With CB, you're still rendering the native amount of 4K pixels. The accuracy might not be 1 : 1 to native 4K, but at least you won't have any up-scaling artifacts.

Either way, IQ will be much better than 1080p, game is shaping up to look like a graphical showcase for Pro.
Check your local deals all the time :p
My local Media Markt got the 55" for 1300€ currently, and they will only continue to drop until March/April when the new models will be part of lineup.

I've seen some of these local offers around Germany but nowhere close to where I live, it's frustrating. 1000€ for the 49 inch an I'm in.
Thank you.

Shame it took so long for this to get posted. People seem to have no clue what checkerboarding actually is.

it's just another form of upscaling

traditional upscaling just multiplies the pizels and uses an algorithm to guess what the pixel should look like

temporal reconstruction borrows pixels from old frames

checkerboard rending is a type of upscaling where pixels are still guessed using an algorithm it's just more effective then traditional upscaling was.

in short all the "non native" techniques still display 4k but not all the pixels are rendered. it's not gonna look as good as native 4k. doesn't mean it looks bad but no matter what you still loose image quality. the less pixels that are "guessed" the better the quality will be. ideally you'd want native where every pixel is rendered and none are guessed.

It's actually funny because regardless of the technique we've seen people say that 900p upscaled looks "blurry as shit" with the upscaler guessing about 633k pixels. checkboard rending a 1440p res upscaled is guessing about 6million pixels. it's not gonna look clean regardless.
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