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Horizon Zero Dawn SPOILERS Thread

Sooo The Forbidden West = DLC right?? Sounds way too interesting for the devs not to show it to us.

I think the Forbidden West, Thebes, and the Odyssey are basically the major lore teases. I think Thebes especially is a *very* likely candidate for DLC specifically, since getting more of Ted Faro's story seems like a fairly natural way to lay heavier groundwork for a sequel.
Also this is a little bit nitpicky, but it seems weird that the ZD Prime facility would have access to all the other Eleuthia facilities to delete the Apollo data (at least while Ted was still alive). Weren't they totally locked in and in hiding from the machines at that point? The entire reason Elisabet had to sacrifice herself was to close a tiny seal that could have let radio waves out. Seems like Gaia could only contact the other facilities once Minerva was complete.

Good point. Given that Apollo was hard coded in DNA, I'm also not sure it could just be wiped remotely; it could be possible, though, to sabotage the retrieval method, I guess?


Actually, I thought about it more and maybe the plan was for Apollo to be stored at ZD Prime and then distributed after Minerva took care of the Faro Plague. This would actually make more sense since the Alphas were brought to ZD Prime to continue work on their respective submodules, so Apollo would need to be there and then sent to all the Eleuthia facilities later anyways.

Though yeah, there really has to be backups somewhere. That would be crazy to store all the world's knowledge in one spot with no backups.
Odyssey had an Apollo copy??? I was certain they were coming back before, but now I'm guaranteeing it.

Odyssey had an earlier version, an alpha build of APOLLO that lacked safety measures and restraints.

Given that Apollo was hard coded in DNA, I'm also not sure it could just be wiped remotely; it could be possible, though, to sabotage the retrieval method, I guess?

The encapsulated DNA had to be stored at -18°C, so you'd just need to compromise its storage conditions to wipe it.
Oh yeah, impatience with the Nora, sure. But what intelligent person wouldn't be impatient with them, they were superstitious morons, even Teersa. By the time she comes back to go under the mountain with the fixed registry she has totally outgrown them. Or as she puts it herself, "Not Aloy of the Nora, more Aloy-despite-the-Nora".

And there is more to her character, she's intelligent and curious and yes, she can be impatient, but only when it's totally warranted. But she has no interesting flaws, she never once in the game makes a mistake.

You could say her flaw is that she puts her personal questions (who is my mother, who am I?) over the more important things like saving the world. Sylens even calls her out on that.
Finished last night, absolutely loved it all the way through. Such an awesome world and story, I can't wait to see more. I hope the DLC closes out the Sylens arc, having a sequel that is in a completely different part of the world would be neat.

Surprisingly one of my favourite parts was getting the (chronologically) final vantage. I thought they might have been a super big part of the story, but actually having them be just about a guy who wanted to tell his story and honour his mother was surprisingly affecting.

I didn't find all the text entries on the world so it might be in there, but do you ever find out why Rost was exiled?
Sorry for a stupid question here. I've avoided spoilers for the game so far and I think I might have messed up. I posted in the OT but didn't get any responses.

Just want to check I haven't been spoiled on the games story as I haven't played it yet.

I know these have spoiler tags and the thread probably doesn't require them but I'm certainly not going to check this thread to see if they are or aren't necessary. Its the first spoiler thread I've ever opened so I do apologize in advance but just being very cautious whether I mess up or not.

I was just reading this article:
7 reasons Horizon Zero Dawn is better than Uncharted 4

and I read this little blurb here:
In Horizon, immediately we've got the never-before-seen mesh of sci-fi dinosaur mechs and ancient tribes warring across the land, but that merely provides the backdrop (until near the end, anyway).

Was I spoiled? or
does it just mean the setting of the game goes from being a backdrop to the main focus of the game/story near the end? Or my worst fear, that the setting/world of the game is completely destroyed towards the end?


Is this the premise of the game or a spoiler?
Aloy is on a quest to discover the origins of her own mother

I managed to avoid seeing any posts in here and really don't want to come back and look for a reply to my message and have a chance at seeing something I really don't want to, so if any kind soul would please PM me the answers to my questions, I would be eternally grateful. I decided to get a PS4 for this game!
Sorry for a stupid question here. I've avoided spoilers for the game so far and I think I might have messed up. I posted in the OT but didn't get any responses.

Just want to check I haven't been spoiled on the games story as I haven't played it yet.

I know these have spoiler tags and the thread probably doesn't require them but I'm certainly not going to check this thread to see if they are or aren't necessary. Its the first spoiler thread I've ever opened so I do apologize in advance but just being very cautious whether I mess up or not.

I was just reading this article:
7 reasons Horizon Zero Dawn is better than Uncharted 4

and I read this little blurb here:
In Horizon, immediately we've got the never-before-seen mesh of sci-fi dinosaur mechs and ancient tribes warring across the land, but that merely provides the backdrop (until near the end, anyway).

Was I spoiled? or
does it just mean the setting of the game goes from being a backdrop to the main focus of the game/story near the end? Or my worst fear, that the setting/world of the game is completely destroyed towards the end?


Is this the premise of the game or a spoiler?
Aloy is on a quest to discover the origins of her own mother

I managed to avoid seeing any posts in here and really don't want to come back and look for a reply to my message and have a chance at seeing something I really don't want to, so if any kind soul would please PM me the answers to my questions, I would be eternally grateful. I decided to get a PS4 for this game!

Eh, I wouldn't say that's really a spoiler. You'll find out why the world is how it is, but people talk about this post-apocalyptic world throughout the game, and it's based in the real world, so it's kind of obvious that you'll find out the why.

Based on that, you still have no idea what you'll uncover. You're fine. ;)
Sorry for a stupid question here. I've avoided spoilers for the game so far and I think I might have messed up. I posted in the OT but didn't get any responses.

Just want to check I haven't been spoiled on the games story as I haven't played it yet.

I know these have spoiler tags and the thread probably doesn't require them but I'm certainly not going to check this thread to see if they are or aren't necessary. Its the first spoiler thread I've ever opened so I do apologize in advance but just being very cautious whether I mess up or not.

I was just reading this article:
7 reasons Horizon Zero Dawn is better than Uncharted 4

and I read this little blurb here:
In Horizon, immediately we've got the never-before-seen mesh of sci-fi dinosaur mechs and ancient tribes warring across the land, but that merely provides the backdrop (until near the end, anyway).

Was I spoiled? or
does it just mean the setting of the game goes from being a backdrop to the main focus of the game/story near the end? Or my worst fear, that the setting/world of the game is completely destroyed towards the end?


Is this the premise of the game or a spoiler?
Aloy is on a quest to discover the origins of her own mother

I managed to avoid seeing any posts in here and really don't want to come back and look for a reply to my message and have a chance at seeing something I really don't want to, so if any kind soul would please PM me the answers to my questions, I would be eternally grateful. I decided to get a PS4 for this game!

Dont worry just play the game.
Eh, I wouldn't say that's really a spoiler. You'll find out why the world is how it is, but people talk about this post-apocalyptic world throughout the game, and it's based in the real world, so it's kind of obvious that you'll find out the why.

Based on that, you still have no idea what you'll uncover. You're fine. ;)

Haha thanks a lot! Much obliged. I'm just really curious what they mean by this, bolded specifically

In Horizon, immediately we've got the never-before-seen mesh of sci-fi dinosaur mechs and ancient tribes warring across the land, but that merely provides the backdrop (until near the end, anyway).

Do they mean the setting of the game actually becomes a heavy focus of the story towards the end or am I just reading it wrong?
Haha thanks a lot! Much obliged. I'm just really curious what they mean by this, bolded specifically

In Horizon, immediately we've got the never-before-seen mesh of sci-fi dinosaur mechs and ancient tribes warring across the land, but that merely provides the backdrop (until near the end, anyway).

Do they mean the setting of the game actually becomes a heavy focus of the story towards the end or am I just reading it wrong?

Yup, that's what it means.


Haha thanks so much. I was just over thinking it. Going to be able to enjoy the game as soon as it I get my hands on it.

Thanks again for putting my nerves at ease

Why are you doing in the spoiler thread if you havent played the game! Whats wrong with you?!


I don't know if my play through had a glitch, but there is an odd conversation between Aloy and Avad near the end. He apologises to her, for his behaviour towards her before, and the insinuation is there is some kind of sexual move made or something, as she replies to the effect of 'I'm not a replacement for Ersa' who he was in love with.

On my play through, I can't recall anything he should be apologising for - he asks her to stay in Meridian, and she refuses, but that is as close to conflict as the pair even had. Am I missing a scene or something?


Finished up last night, and what a game it was. Bring on the DLC is all i can say.

I'm leaving it installed on my PS4 so i can mop up the collectables, finish the last Errand and get the remaining upgrades and skills.
I didn't. I had them on my map, but had no idea what to do when I was there.

Look for a floating holographic eyeball near a supply crate. Usually up around the highest point in the area (Hence, Vantage point). Go near the eyeball and it'll say Press R3 to access Vantage point. You'll get a short audio clip and a longer text log in the collectibles section. It's a really nice story.
So just finished this literally 10 minutes ago, amazing game. Interested to see what happens with the rogue HADES being captured by Sylens, and if that means he will once again serve HADES or if he will truly get his quantum physics teachings.

Fargo's reasoning behind deleting all of APOLLO kind of makes sense in that he wanted the new humans to start afresh, but the whole idea behind APOLLO was that the "new Earth" could start afresh but be more wary of these machines and what they can do in the wrong hands. Deleting that knowledge basically doomed humanity to repeat itself, thus causing what Aloy had to deal with and the rise of HADES.

I am intrigued though, according to the logs the disaster and fall of original humanity was over 35,000 years ago, correct? So in that time GAIA has been in hibernation, or was she using that time to crack the code on the original robots and placate them, allowing her to reform Earth as per her coded instructions? Because GAIA herself stated that she created Aloy to remove HADES and allow the recreation of Earth to continue, and Aloy being only 19ish means the rise of deranged machines was only happening recently.

Then there's the history of the Red Raids, which sound like they happened before Aloy's birth, at least 30-40 years before. In that time there were deranged robots, and the then Sun King thought it best to sacrifice humans to sate that derangement. So when did HADES become rogue?

LMAO just thought I "finished" the game until I came in here like WTF??? Didn't realize there was more after the credits. So somehow managed to get "spoiled" anyways haha

Great game...definitely my Game of the Year so far. Can't wait for more.


Fargo's reasoning behind deleting all of APOLLO kind of makes sense in that he wanted the new humans to start afresh, but the whole idea behind APOLLO was that the "new Earth" could start afresh but be more wary of these machines and what they can do in the wrong hands. Deleting that knowledge basically doomed humanity to repeat itself, thus causing what Aloy had to deal with and the rise of HADES.

It seemed a bit odd to me, that he was given the power to do that, considering what his lack of judgment had already lead to, and how much was at stake. I guess the billions he put to the Zero Dawn project bought him the way inside, and gave him the possibility to screw up everything once again.
Most machines were created by Gaia, but things like Thunderjaw and Sawtooth were Hades creatures, right? What about Stormbird and Snapmaw?
It seemed a bit odd to me, that he was given the power to do that, considering what his lack of judgment had already lead to, and how much was at stake. I guess the billions he put to the Zero Dawn project bought him the way inside, and gave him the possibility to screw up everything once again.
Basically and when Elizabeth passing away that contributed to his second fall from grace.
Most machines were created by Gaia, but things like Thunderjaw and Sawtooth were Hades creatures, right? What about Stormbird and Snapmaw?

No creatures were HADES creatures and, technically, no creatures were GAIA creatures, as well. GAIA had a subroutine, HEPHAESTUS, responsible for designing and building machines. GAIA was kind of a Executive Director/CEO to the terraforming effort, in that it created strategic plans and executed them, but delegated the specific efforts to the subroutines.

The unknown signal 20 years before the game freed the subroutines and made them into full AIs. HEPHAESTUS hacked into the Cauldrons to regain control over them - after GAIA blew herself and GAIA Prime, all subroutines were locked out, hence why HADES needed the Faro robots to try to execute its extinction protocol.

Once HEPHAESTUS regained control over the Cauldrons, it started weaponizing some of the machines and designing new machines, like the Stalkers, Thunderjaw, Sawtooth, Stormbirds, to cull the human population that it had started seeing as detrimental to the terraforming efforts.
No creatures were HADES creatures and, technically, no creatures were GAIA creatures, as well. GAIA had a subroutine, HEPHAESTUS, responsible for designing and building machines. GAIA was kind of a Executive Director/CEO to the terraforming effort, in that it created strategic plans and executed them, but delegated the specific efforts to the subroutines.

The unknown signal 20 years before the game freed the subroutines and made them into full AIs. HEPHAESTUS hacked into the Cauldrons to regain control over them - after GAIA blew herself and GAIA Prime, all subroutines were locked out, hence why HADES needed the Faro robots to try to execute its extinction protocol.

Once HEPHAESTUS regained control over the Cauldrons, it started weaponizing some of the machines and designing new machines, like the Stalkers, Thunderjaw, Sawtooth, Stormbirds, to cull the human population that it had started seeing as detrimental to the terraforming efforts.


Liked the Vantage side story... this is the kind of collectibles that you want to spend time. The guy knew the end was coming.


Do not know other players but I will be pissed if Sylens wakes ups those giant spider/octupus robots....


But look at his face....He will fuck it again ....


Dam Sylens !!!



Basically and when Elizabeth passing away that contributed to his second fall from grace.

Regarding her passing, I take it the Metal Flowers are Gaia's tribute to her, considering the similarity of her place of rest. If so, that's a pretty nice touch, that you only realize after seeing the end.

Do not know other players but I will be pissed if Sylens wakes ups those giant spider/octupus robots...

I'm actually looking forward to it, since I wanted to see an awoken Titan towards the end.
Liked the Vantage side story... this is the kind of collectibles that you want to spend time. The guy knew the end was coming.

Banuk figures also have a neat (and pretty sad) side story going on. I really liked the Metal Flowers, but then again, I'm a sucker for poetry, haikus in special.

I hope they keep these aspects for the sequel. Also, I really hope they weave more of the side quests into larger and stronger side, parallel narratives. Stuff like the "blood" drinking Banuk shaman could be amazing stepping stones into some dense world building.

So I just heard Rost's backstory from Teersa. What were the 12 outlanders who came into the sacred land doing? She said they were near the metal devil and were making strange sounds, did this have to do with the derangement?

That's one of the big questions for the DLC and/or the sequel. No time frame was given, but it seems to me that Rost had been an outcast for a while when the Matriarchs gave him Aloy. He spent quite some time tracking and killing the outlanders, so it seems to me that, whatever they were doing, it was years before the unknown signal. Pure conjecture, though.


So I just heard Rost's backstory from Teersa. What were the 12 outlanders who came into the sacred land doing? She said they were near the metal devil and were making strange sounds, did this have to do with the derangement?
I'm open to being corrected and/or informed, but there are quite a few things that I am bothered by. I read every text log and listened to every audio log I came across. It's not that I don't think it's a cool story, but I think there are too many glaring issues that just kind of ruin it for me personally. I'm sure some of my interpretations are subjective, but here are some things:

-Why do so many of the new animal machines have such crazy defense mechanisms if they are there simply to cultivate life and build the new earth's systems? Do they really need lasers, guns, crazy melee abilities, etc?

After GAIA was split with her subordinate functions, HEPHAESTUS (the one in control of designing/manufacturing robots) deemed humans as threats. Therefore designing some to protect the weaker ones, some to be more formidable, and all of them to be aggressive.

-How the heck did Zero Dawn's new animal machines even stay in existence without resistance of the "bad" machines? If the "bad" machines were gone when the new ones came around, I don't understand how they were gone in the first place. The tech in this world seems to be powered indefinitely, if not for a very very long time. Some of the tech from before the crisis is still powered on and working, so it doesn't really add up to me.

The ancient machines (Corrupter/Scarab, Deathbringer/Kopesh, Metal Devil/Horus) would all still be active via renewable energy if MINERVA didn't crack the code over half a century after Earths extinction event in 2066. That was the first step for GAIA. Disable the biomass eating robots. Otherwise, terraforming would be futile.

-There are so many huge carved out under ground systems just for the old world and Zero Dawn. Where did they displace so much dirt and stone and how could they possibly do that during the dangerous context of the world crisis? Seems outlandish.

Project Zero Dawn headquarters was located in a pre-established orbital base. USRC was pre-established. Robots terraformed the whole planet. Moving around some dirt doesn't really seem to be all that big of a leap. GAIAs machines have been messing around with earth for nearly 1000 years. This is a really weird thing to question.

-How does Aloy know how to perfectly interact with the old tech right away? I really hate how nonchalant the game is about it. She just waves her arms and hands around and perfectly does it.

She puts the focus in her ear because she finds it on a corpse with it in its ear. Pretty easy to understand that. As far as doors go, touching the glowing light doesn't seem all that difficult a concept to grasp and once you've opened one door, you'll open a similar door the same way. Its not like she grabs a mouse and keyboard and writes code. And lets not forget the Focus lets her interface with all that tech. The Focus is literally the first thing tech she interacts with, maybe it told her how to open doors but we don't see it. Kind of like how it showed her the word "BOW" that ones time, but we don't see it label everything we come into contact with.

-The entire concept of them coding an entire AI that is capable of not only simulating the earth and all of its systems, but capable of simulating emotion and empathy. The task alone of doing such a thing, including storing all relevant data in order to do this, seems completely ridiculous. They did this incredibly advanced thing in a short time, but somehow couldn't crack the code/glitch/hack that the machines were using on the surface.

Cracking a polyphasic code, or whatever, will always be time consuming and a program will always be able to do it faster than a human. A human (and apparently true AI), however, can create. And when you take the top minds of a technologically advanced society and light a fire under their asses, shit's going to get done. Suspension of disbelief dude... do you have it?

-The idea that the machines were programmed to use biomass as an emergency energy source is a convenient plot point to set up sci-fi Armageddon. Look at how all of the "old world" technology can just sit there dormant for so long with lights and monitors and computers working properly. They don't need biomass, they just keep running. Seems they have perfected energy sources to keep things running for a very long time, without the need for some crazy dolphin slaughtering biomass meal (from a text log) to keep running LOL. Also, the machines can create other machines on a "as needed" basis, so the idea that they even needed an alternate energy source is just goofy.

Because computers sitting in a base use the same amount of energy as highly mobile giant as all hell death machines.

-I really hated how there are these secret ruins, but the game throws human enemies at you that somehow just drop from ceiling vents in rooms behind locked doors that you have to solve to open. I rolled my eyes so hard.

Honestly don't remember when/if this happened.

-Apparently you take down the "focus network", but can still communicate with Sylens after doing so. LOL okay. If you want to argue that it was just for the villian humans, the game should have told me so. And if that is the case, how did they create a private network when they don't have much understanding of the old tech. Hades just magically assists the bad humans it seems.

Does the game really have to spoon feed you every single thing? If you and Sylens can still speak over comms then logically, your connection has not been severed. Sylens created the entire network. You think he couldn't make a second private one?

-I found the Nora tribe to be incredibly stupid. Felt like a set up to make you compare them to ancient tribes, but just because ancient tribes believed in various gods that controlled nature, doesn't mean they would react to a giant metallic door that says the same thing over and over. Aloy even walks through it and the people could clearly see into it and it was just a bunch of rooms with ancient tech. You could argue that their reactions are plausible, but it's just not fleshed out in a convincing way to me. Especially considering the matriarchs are only allowed inside one of the ancient ruins in the mountain. The fact that the "old mother" was the one that delivered Aloy in the mountain next to the door, but the tribe rejected her is just so strange.

So a bunch of people who never interact with any tech at all, see tech for the first time and are supposed to act how? They have no idea what is going on. To them, it is magic. A voice comes out of no where and speaks to them. They don't know.

There's more I could say and more I could nit pick, but it's probably not worth it. I haven't finished the game (near the last mission), so maybe some of this stuff is explained, although I really doubt it. I just feel like the story has too many questions up to this point and it's starting to hurt my enjoyment. It didn't help that I called the plot set up after the first 2 hours of the game, so by the time I got there I just chuckled. It's a story that is fairly well told, or at least written, from a human character point of view. Just not sure it works as a whole.

Old post but wanted to respond anyway because I read through this whole thread after beating the game and this post in particular is like wtf.


I never really bought what Ted was selling during his little speech. I think he just didn't want future generations to know that it was Ted Faro that fucked everything up. The General made damn sure that his role in the end and what he had done was preserved. Ted never really took responsibility for his actions. He may have financed Zero Dawn but as far as I know, He was still acting like it was just a freak accident.

Why he had to completely purge Apollo and not just references to his involvement, I don't know. Maybe he couldn't alter Apollo, Just delete it.


I never really bought what Ted was selling during his little speech. I think he just didn't want future generations to know that it was Ted Faro that fucked everything up. The General made damn sure that his role in the end and what he had done was preserved. Ted never really took responsibility for his actions. He may have financed Zero Dawn but as far as I know, He was still acting like it was just a freak accident.

Why he had to completely purge Apollo and not just references to his involvement, I don't know. Maybe he couldn't alter Apollo, Just delete it.
Apollo used DNA to store all it's data so there's probably no easy way to edit it. It would have to be destroyed.


Redmond's Baby
I missed more data points / voice logs on last days before the last defenses failed

as somebody wrote several pages ago, it would be nice to get an episode/flashback of Enduring Victory massacres


So Ted Faro never gets fucked for his mess? Also, we never found out where the glitch came from or why it happened.

On a side note, randomly stumbling on that section of the game world that's emulating Arches National Park BLEW my mind.


So, power cells? Only thing I really didnt want to go searching for because i had no clue where they are. I found 1 of the final 3, but I dont even know if the armor is something I'd wear.

Also, the finale is good but dammit if I didnt think I would be fighting a metal devil (horus?) or 2 thunderjaws or something ridiculous. I think they could have increased the stakes a little bit.

Sad that thunderjaw was the best enemy in the game and also the very first one we saw in a trailer. Stormbird, rockbreaker and behemoth are cool too but there was very little reason to fight them optionally. Was sad to see the "kill every machine" trophy pop up

I think the voice cast did a wonderful job. Burch especially, but also Errand, Sun King, Teersa, Varl and Sona. Loved them all.

Fantastic job, Guerilla. Looking forward to whatever you got next.


Power cell locations:

2 in Mother's Embrace
1 in FARO HQ
1 in Bryce Orbital
1 at Gaia Prime

Aloy's Fuck, Marry, Kill:

fuck Nil (Vanasha?), marry Varl, kill Avad.

It's too bad that none of the video recording of the swarms exists. Imagine hundreds of Horus blotting out the sky.


Killing Nil has no effect on the trophies right?

I didn't kill him, but my brother did and he is worried he won't be able to get platinum because some sites say it is impossible to get the All Allies Joined trophy. But afaik you can still get that without Nil.
I was thinking about the weapons you get through the game (not the pickups, the ones you carry) and came to the conclusion that Guerrilla pretty much covered every meaningful ranged weapon archetype with two exceptions: flamethrowers and machine guns.

Bows cover handguns, rifles and sniper rifles. Slings cover artillery/projectile stuff like grenade and rocket launchers. Rattler and tearblaster cover shotguns.

In the context of the game, I think flamethrowers and machine guns can be conflated into a single low precision, high volume archetype. A flamethrower/elemental dispenser with blaze and chillwater ammo could cover this kind of gameplay niche.

Killing Nil has no effect on the trophies right?

I didn't kill him, but my brother did and he is worried he won't be able to get platinum because some sites say it is impossible to get the All Allies Joined trophy. But afaik you can still get that without Nil.

Nope, no effect. Nil isn't part of the All Allies Joined trophy.
I thought the after credits scene was very... Guerrilla. It felt a lot like the after credits scene in Killzone 3.

I'm into it though, I like Sylens's character. He has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and I can respect that. I think that it's quite likely that he will ruin everything, but maybe he thinks APOLLO still exists within Hades somewhere.

Man, I love the story in this game though. I didn't mind the presentation of the story in large data dumps either for the most part. I think it's great how every part of the game world is accounted for in the terraforming system. It's all very neat.


Neo Member
I don't know if my play through had a glitch, but there is an odd conversation between Aloy and Avad near the end. He apologises to her, for his behaviour towards her before, and the insinuation is there is some kind of sexual move made or something, as she replies to the effect of 'I'm not a replacement for Ersa' who he was in love with.

On my play through, I can't recall anything he should be apologising for - he asks her to stay in Meridian, and she refuses, but that is as close to conflict as the pair even had. Am I missing a scene or something?

I had the exact same reaction to that conversation. I pretty much stuck to the main quest and non story based activities (cauldrons, bandit camps, corruption zones) so maybe it's somehow referencing a story point from a secondary quest I haven't done?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I had the exact same reaction to that conversation. I pretty much stuck to the main quest and non story based activities (cauldrons, bandit camps, corruption zones) so maybe it's somehow referencing a story point from a secondary quest I haven't done?
Don't remember what triggers it, but sometime after he finds out his partner died during the rescue attempt and Aloy does something else he mentions something about her being a strong warrior and asks her to stay in the city as his new partner.
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