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House Oversight panel: "No evidence" that Flynn complied with law in Russia dealings

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House oversight panel: No sign Flynn complied with the law
(CNN)President Donald Trump's former national security adviser did not properly disclose payments from Russia and does not appear to have complied with the law, House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz and ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings said Tuesday after reviewing Michael Flynn's application for a security clearance.

Chaffetz and Cummings announced their findings to reporters on the Hill following a classified gathering of the committee in which they reviewed documents that Cummings described as "extremely troubling."

"I see no data to support the notion that Gen. Flynn complied with the law," Chaffetz said, referring to whether Flynn received permission from the Pentagon or the State Department or that he disclosed the more than $45,000 he was paid for a speech he gave to RT-TV in Russia.

The request comes after the White House declined to provide documents related to Flynn that the panel investigating him had requested, according to a letter obtained by CNN.

White House refuses to turn over documents relating to Flynn
Why did the WH initially deny the request for Flynn's documents..?

Because they're stupid. Or complicit.

One or the other.

They keep acting guilty as they either rush to bury evidence, or they fall over themselves to try and put as much distance between themselves and Russia as possible.


Is this the real reason Chaffetz wants out? He knows he is on the verge of getting fired or kicked out.

But good, arrest Flynn.
Flynn won't be alone as the fall guy if that's what we're seeing. There's also Page and Manafort that's in very similar situations.


Q from @Kasie: Do you think Michael Flynn broke the law?
Chaffetz: “Um…it doesn’t appear as if he complied with the law.”



Lol this is the funniest phrasing ever

"There is no evidence to suggest Mr. Flynn's innocence"


The White House is actively withholding evidence about Flynn. You don't risk your necks covering up for the fall guy.

Exactly what I was thinking. If it's so obvious that he's guilty and there's no way around it, why withhold basic info?
So weird. Has to be intentional. "I'm not gonna say he did anything illegal, but he didn't NOT do anything illegal."

He's trying sooooooo hard to maintain the party line, even on his way out.

Getting him to admit ANYTHING even remotely negative against anyone in the GoP is a fucking epiphany.
That's how I am seeing it. I doubt the IC will do anything to make him sing like a canary in terms of naming people. Wouldn't want a repeat of the McCarthy red scare now would we?

Well, Flynn at one point said he was open to making a deal with the FBI at one point. There's also Page and Manafort, too, who are basically in the exact same situation more or less. I think if Flynn is going to be the fall guy, those two, at least, are falling with him.


Why is this expressed in reverse?

So there -is- evidence he didn't comply with the law, in which case... Prosecution?


Would be sweet if the reason Jason Chaffetz isn't running for reelection is because he knows he's about to bring down the hammer on his GOP brethren.
The request comes after the White House declined to provide documents related to Flynn that the panel investigating him had requested, according to a letter obtained by CNN.

Of course they did. Drain the swamp my ass

So, uh, indictment fucking when exactly?
Why is this expressed in reverse?

So there -is- evidence he didn't comply with the law, in which case... Prosecution?

Probably so conservative outlets can quote him as saying there is "no evidence", even though he was actually saying the opposite. Hell, I'm sure Trump probably would see that quote and believe it meant that Flynn had successfully dodged everything and that the WH coverup was working. That, or Chaffetz is so programmed by the party over country operating procedure of the GOP that this is the only way that he can bring himself to admit the truth.
Why is this expressed in reverse?

So there -is- evidence he didn't comply with the law, in which case... Prosecution?

Chaffetz is walking a fine line. He needs to investigate Flynn, the evidence is too blatant for him to ignore. For the investigation to proceed, he needs documents from the White House. The White House announced to day that they are witholding those documents. SO Chaffetz is forced to respond. His statement is calculated to put pressure on the White House without pushing things to far. "I have no evidence right now that shows that what Flynn did was legal because the White House won't cooperate" Is what he is implying.

It's not the worst political move, honestly. It's making headlines and will put pressure on the White House, but it gives enough margin for the investigation to continue.

I'm also very surprised if Finn gets anything more than stern talking to about how he did naughty thing. Maybe fine and some home arrest for little while, but nothing that would register as hard time.

I just don't trust anything to come out of this.

Have you called your representatives and expressed this to them? Such calls do matter.


Have you called your representatives and expressed this to them? Such calls do matter.

I'm not American, I'm mere spectator.

Seeing how "Party and friends before country" behavior seems to be strong in US politics just has made me doubt anything big comes from things like this.
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