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How can the games industry resist and push back against Trump & his fascism?

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People are getting banned because they keep thread shitting how is this not getting through to some of you? Like it's literally against the rules.

If they're breaking the rules they're breaking the rules and that's that. I'm just speaking broadly here.


Apologies if I offend, as a non American (living in another country) the types of things in the media I have read/seen on my local news websites have all been very anti Trump. In the lead up to the election there would be new stories each day with sensationalised headlines quoting the things Trump says. Occasionally there would be a neutral article highlighting the positive points from each party but I rarely if ever saw an article that I could consider 'Pro' Trump. From an outsider looking in I don't agree with the things Trump has said or his overall behaviour towards the presidency. However I do believe in democracy and while I don't think he is equipped to be an good, adequate or even passable president for your country. He did still win the election.... How can we say "He is Hitler" then at the same time over turn a democratic vote? I find that idea to be hypocritical. No matter who the leader of the free world is, I have hope that it won't stop people from being tolerant, respectful to one another. Sure there will be people who feel justified in their attitudes towards minorities but if everyone can band together and get passed the prejudice, then it won't matter who is in charge as the everyday man/woman will be doing the right thing to respect and treat one another as equals.
This is a great post.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Hooooly shit the first two pages the amount of bans.

Well for starters, the US need to spend less time screaming about brown people radicals and instead they should spend more energy dealing with white people radicals, since they're the ones pushing Trump to victory. As to how gaming industry can support that, well they can start by including more diversity in their culture.


The opening reads like some crazy Call of Duty fan fiction of an alternate version of america. It's so surreal. Just read this here again people:

With the incredibly depressing and demolishing election results, Trump and his white supremacist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, imperialistic ideology will be sitting with the world's strongest military, a mass surveillance apparatus in the form of NSA and Homeland Security, an extrajudicial drone program, a militarized police force that shoots an kills black and brown people without punishment, an embrace of fossil fuels in the face of cataclysmic climate changes, a legitimization of white supremacist militia like the KKK, a rise in hate crimes following the results, the LGBTQ suicides following the election, deportation of immigrants, and the list goes on and on. And all of these alarming capabilities of fascist ideology is unchecked with the Republicans controlling the house and the senate, and even being able to put in a Supreme court justice.

And that's more or less an objective description of the current situation. All of this is such a massive fuck up, I don't even know where to start.

So, what can the game industry actually do?

Fight the communities. Just a couple of weeks ago there was a thread about a fellow female gamer, who said one line in the Overwatch voicechat and got verbally destroyed. It's beyond me how that still happens. Zero tolerance against harassment. Permanent ban.

Fight the companies. Oculus and Facebook are the most recent offenders. What a fucking joke. Trying to spin the story that everyone was against Luckey, because he was "just" a Trump supporter. There were zero consequences. Time to vote with the wallet.

In general I'd say that gaming related companies are already on a good way content-wise. Hiring is a bit tricky, but in germany handicapped people and women with the required skillset are often preferred to men at IT jobs, so it would be great to see that apply to people with different ethnicity.

Apple and Microsoft currently focus on enabling handicapped people, which is very important, especially as a platform provider. I'd like to see more of that from game devs, like adding color blind options and so on (which already happens quite often, even in indie games). Just saw an outtake where Trump was making fun of a handicapped journalist. Thanks, Mr. President.
God I hope some of these were permed. I cannot suffer shitposts and thread whiners anymore. Let people have the conversations they want to have. If it doesn't interest you, simple: don't enter the thread.

Great thread, TC. I'm glad you made it.


With the incredibly depressing and demolishing election results, Trump and his white supremacist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, imperialistic ideology will be sitting with the world's strongest military, a mass surveillance apparatus in the form of NSA and Homeland Security, an extrajudicial drone program, a militarized police force that shoots an kills black and brown people without punishment, an embrace of fossil fuels in the face of cataclysmic climate changes, a legitimization of white supremacist militia like the KKK, a rise in hate crimes following the results, the LGBTQ suicides following the election, deportation of immigrants, and the list goes on and on. And all of these alarming capabilities of fascist ideology is unchecked with the Republicans controlling the house and the senate, and even being able to put in a Supreme court justice.

As an immigrant who been very fortunate to go from nothing to live "the american dream". With the two options at hand I did support Trump, no way I could support Hillary after the Bernie/DNC issues, he wasn't given a fair chance by his "own" party. ( I did vote for Bernie in primaries )

All these statements are pure hyperbole, in fact left wing extremists are the ones fighting and taking violence out on innocent people.

I would give him a chance, it is unlikely he will be worse than the previous two we had.


I disagree, if you disagree with his politics (as I do on many things) then push back on those politics , but using gaming as a platform to do so I not the way to go about it, what you need to remember us you are not pushing back against a single man, you are pushing back against 60 million+ people.

I believe despite the negative things said during the run up to election, he, just as every president before him, deserves the opportunity to prove themselves. He may well end up being a terrible president, but who knows, maybe he'll do some things right too.

By pushing such politics into games you alienate a large group of people over a matter that really doesn't need to be in ganes, and anger many more, and that figure of 60+ million gets a lot bigger if you include non-americans or Americans who don't yet have the legal right to vote.

The other danger here is that by forcing aggressive political stances into a medium that should be free of governmental politics, you run the very real risk of encouraging those that are upset with it to push back against your idea, and that could very well result in winning a second term.

Progressive ideas on race, sexuality and gender in games is a good thing when left up to the developers to implement naturally, governmental politics has no place in gaming, putting it in turns the medium into nothing more than propaganda.


Just because he's elected doesn't mean one have to accept and ignore his behavior and actions.

Should the Muslim and LGBTQ community "grow up" considering the ongoing hate crimes that haven't been condemned, proposed policies that threaten them, and the terrifying shortlist of cabinet picks?

This isn't a school yard argument. This is human decency and people's way of life.

What have he done to LGBTQ? I must have missed it, because I remember him being on "their" side, which was an outrage by republicans.


What have he done to LGBTQ? I must have missed it, because I remember him being on "their" side, which was an outrage by republicans.

His Vice President is a man who believes you can convert people from gay to straight. That says it all.
I'd like to see places like Humble Bundle have efforts to raise money for organisations like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU

I don't know how much can be done in the video games themselves, though I am sure there are a lot of independent developers who could do some amazing things, but the video game industry can be very profitable, so seeing that wealth shared with organisations that are incredibly important but may now be threatened is a worthy goal, I think


I disagree, if you disagree with his politics (as I do on many things) then push back on those politics , but using gaming as a platform to do so I not the way to go about it, what you need to remember us you are not pushing back against a single man, you are pushing back against 60 million+ people.

I believe despite the negative things said during the run up to election, he, just as every president before him, deserves the opportunity to prove themselves. He may well end up being a terrible president, but who knows, maybe he'll do some things right too.

By pushing such politics into games you alienate a large group of people over a matter that really doesn't need to be in ganes, and anger many more, and that figure of 60+ million gets a lot bigger if you include non-americans or Americans who don't yet have the legal right to vote.

The other danger here is that by forcing aggressive political stances into a medium that should be free of governmental politics, you run the very real risk of encouraging those that are upset with it to push back against your idea, and that could very well result in winning a second term.

Progressive ideas on race, sexuality and gender in games is a good thing when left up to the developers to implement naturally, governmental politics has no place in gaming, putting it in turns the medium into nothing more than propaganda.

Did it hurt the perception of BioShock?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
As an immigrant who been very fortunate to go from nothing to live "the american dream". With the two options at hand I did support Trump, no way I could support Hillary after the Bernie/DNC issues, he wasn't given a fair chance by his "own" party. ( I did vote for Bernie in primaries )

All these statements are pure hyperbole, in fact left wing extremists are the ones fighting and taking violence out on innocent people.

I would give him a chance, it is unlikely he will be worse than the previous two we had.

You voted for Trump because of the Bernie stuff and not because of his policies? That is the exact opposite of what Sanders wanted his supporters to do.

Also, if you are asking what Trump has done to any of the people that are vocal in their opposition to the man, you should read up on his possible cabinet as well as his running mate concerning LGBTQ rights.


What have he done to LGBTQ? I must have missed it, because I remember him being on "their" side, which was an outrage by republicans.

Trump himself seems fine with gay people (aside from his opposition to the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage). But anyone can talk him into anything, and he is surrounding himself with a vice president and a cabinet who are vehemently anti-gay.


As an immigrant who been very fortunate to go from nothing to live "the american dream". With the two options at hand I did support Trump, no way I could support Hillary after the Bernie/DNC issues, he wasn't given a fair chance by his "own" party. ( I did vote for Bernie in primaries )

All these statements are pure hyperbole, in fact left wing extremists are the ones fighting and taking violence out on innocent people.

I would give him a chance, it is unlikely he will be worse than the previous two we had.

So you supported Trump because fuck the DNC even though Bernie and Trump have literally almost nothing in common? Incredible

That's seriously incredible. Fucking hilarious.
governmental politics has no place in gaming, putting it in turns the medium into nothing more than propaganda.

This is just not true. The term propaganda is being thrown around far too loosely recently. A game or film or book or song can have a political message and, as long as it is genuine and truthful, is not a form of propaganda. Labelling anything that skews political as propaganda is almost as dangerous as propaganda itself. It is suppressing peoples voices just because you don't want to hear them.


Keep making games for me to escape the real world. That's all I need from gaming companies. All we should expect.

Just remember....who the bad guys are, all depends on which side youre on. Star wars baby!
So you supported Trump because fuck the DNC even though Bernie and Trump have literally almost nothing in common? Incredible

That's seriously incredible. Fucking hilarious.

It tells you exactly why he wanted to vote for Bernie in the first place. Didn't care about Bernie's actual stances or policies, just a "fuck the establishment" type.


As an immigrant who been very fortunate to go from nothing to live "the american dream". With the two options at hand I did support Trump, no way I could support Hillary after the Bernie/DNC issues, he wasn't given a fair chance by his "own" party. ( I did vote for Bernie in primaries )

All these statements are pure hyperbole, in fact left wing extremists are the ones fighting and taking violence out on innocent people.

I would give him a chance, it is unlikely he will be worse than the previous two we had.

hahahaha no.


Apologies if I offend, as a non American (living in another country) the types of things in the media I have read/seen on my local news websites have all been very anti Trump. In the lead up to the election there would be new stories each day with sensationalised headlines quoting the things Trump says. Occasionally there would be a neutral article highlighting the positive points from each party but I rarely if ever saw an article that I could consider 'Pro' Trump. From an outsider looking in I don't agree with the things Trump has said or his overall behaviour towards the presidency. However I do believe in democracy and while I don't think he is equipped to be an good, adequate or even passable president for your country. He did still win the election.... How can we say "He is Hitler" then at the same time over turn a democratic vote? I find that idea to be hypocritical. No matter who the leader of the free world is, I have hope that it won't stop people from being tolerant, respectful to one another. Sure there will be people who feel justified in their attitudes towards minorities but if everyone can band together and get passed the prejudice, then it won't matter who is in charge as the everyday man/woman will be doing the right thing to respect and treat one another as equals.

I appreciate your positive thoughts. We are all personally responsible for our actions and it starts at home. Some may argue this is naive but we have to try anyway.

This is a great post.

It's not about overturning a democratic election, but about loudly standing up against everything that Trump and his cabinet stands for: We do not accept racism. We do not accept Islamophobia. We do not accept deportation. We do not accept sexism. We do not accept gutting social security, education, healthcare, climate change measures,. We do not accept homophobia. And so on. That is what these current protests also are signaling.

If people start to compromise and remain complacent on these issues that are non-negotiable (human rights), we lose.

The games industry is a cultural force in societies in which they are present and have popular status. Having them standing up against fascist ideology is significant. It would do a lot of good for them to not remain neutral or open towards these things.

Well said. There is definitely always going to be room for disagreement, but neither side is going to end up satisfied if we don't find areas we agree and try to compromise on the others. Everyone is so far left and so far right and nothing changes. People will just find solace amongst those with similar beliefs

You cannot reach a compromise with someone who doesn't respect you. How can someone who's Muslim reach a compromise with someone who wants to deport her/him?


So you supported Trump because fuck the DNC even though Bernie and Trump have literally almost nothing in common? Incredible

That's seriously incredible. Fucking hilarious.

Actually, whats hilarious is the crying from those who do not like him.

I think most ideas he got are fine, its a matter of implementation. Same can be said for Obama. his ACA was good idea, but horrible implementation as we can see with the ridiculous costs now.

Trump is much more a center/independent than he is republican, in fact he been listed as democrat most of his life.

As already stated, Trump has nothing against LBGT, his VP does, look at it as life insurance, I guess.
I would give him a chance, it is unlikely he will be worse than the previous two we had.

Ignoring the petty reasons why you voted Trump, while also blatantly going against the wishes of the man you were "standing up" for, the potential actions of Trump as a president are only part of the problem.

In the following days since Trump's election hate crimes and disgusting, violent action have increased exponentially and are more brazen than ever. Because, after the year+ of Trump's fascist and xenophobic rhetoric, people who share those beliefs now feel validated and encouraged to espouse those views publicly.

The backlash against Donald Trump winning is not entirely about Donald Trump, but about how the country shifted literally overnight. The world has changed in the days following Trump being elected, and it's not just being felt in America. This has emboldened hate groups and racists all over the world, because they all feel validated. A man ran on a platform of hate and that platform won.

So any voices that are brave enough to speak against that, regardless of that medium they are spoken in, are incredibly valuable and important.

Donald Trump may not be worse than presidents who came before him, but the world currently is because of him.


Actually, whats hilarious is the crying from those who do not like him.

I think most ideas he got are fine, its a matter of implementation. Same can be said for Obama. his ACA was good idea, but horrible implementation as we can see with the ridiculous costs now.

Trump is much more a center/independent than he is republican, in fact he been listed as democrat most of his life.

As already stated, Trump has nothing against LBGT, his VP does, look at it as life insurance, I guess.

You realize no one hates Trump because he's a Republican right? That's not why people refuse to be represented by him.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Actually, whats hilarious is the crying from those who do not like him.

I think most ideas he got are fine, its a matter of implementation. Same can be said for Obama. his ACA was good idea, but horrible implementation as we can see with the ridiculous costs now.

Trump is much more a center/independent than he is republican, in fact he been listed as democrat most of his life.

As already stated, Trump has nothing against LBGT, his VP does, look at it as life insurance, I guess.

Have you not listened to a word Trump has spoken this entire election?

Trump has also literally said he wants to appoint SCOTUS judges that oppose Roe v Wade...please stop painting a picture that Trump is pro-LGBTQ.
As an immigrant who been very fortunate to go from nothing to live "the american dream". With the two options at hand I did support Trump, no way I could support Hillary after the Bernie/DNC issues, he wasn't given a fair chance by his "own" party. ( I did vote for Bernie in primaries )

All these statements are pure hyperbole, in fact left wing extremists are the ones fighting and taking violence out on innocent people.

I would give him a chance, it is unlikely he will be worse than the previous two we had.

You have no idea what you are fucking talking about.


This is just not true. The term propaganda is being thrown around far too loosely recently. A game or film or book or song can have a political message and, as long as it is genuine and truthful, is not a form of propaganda. Labelling anything that skews political as propaganda is almost as dangerous as propaganda itself. It is suppressing peoples voices just because you don't want to hear them.

Don't get me wrong, pushing back against racism, sexism, bigotry and such is perfectly fine, and something that ties in well with many games, I just think directly pushing back against a specific person (trump) either by similar effigy or directly, brings it to a dangerous place.
As an immigrant who been very fortunate to go from nothing to live "the american dream". With the two options at hand I did support Trump, no way I could support Hillary after the Bernie/DNC issues, he wasn't given a fair chance by his "own" party. ( I did vote for Bernie in primaries )

All these statements are pure hyperbole, in fact left wing extremists are the ones fighting and taking violence out on innocent people.
In what way are they hyperbole? There's documented and anecdotal evidence over the last week regarding LGBTQ suicides, hate crimes, groups like the KKK among others praising Trump's win, and the potential cabinet members and polices that would greatly impact LGBTQ rights and environmental efforts.


It tells you exactly why he wanted to vote for Bernie in the first place. Didn't care about Bernie's actual stances or policies, just a "fuck the establishment" type.

Very much so, establishment has not looked after the minorities, working class. Despite the issues and the way this country gone, it is still leaps and bound better than where I came from. I am grateful for what I been able to do here through opportunity and hard word, but in same way I do want my children to have a promising future, something has to change.

We need term limit for all politicians.
Don't get me wrong, pushing back against racism, sexism, bigotry and such is perfectly fine, and something that ties in well with many games, I just think directly pushing back against a specific person (trump) either by similar effigy or directly, brings it to a dangerous place.

When that one person is the catalyst for the increase in brazen public displays of racism and sexism than I don't think it's dangerous to push back that against that person at all.


In what way are they hyberbole? There's documented and ancedotal evidence over the last week regarding LGBTQ suicides, hate crimes, groups like the KKK among others praising Trump's win, and the potential cabinet members and polices that would greatly impact LGBTQ rights and environmental efforts.

KKK praising trump, is not him supporting them.

For the other issues, sure his cabinet members could be an issue, but why jump to conclusions this quickly?

People committing suicide, happened before he won.
I wouldn't expect the big budget games to deviate from what profits, the smaller developers hopefully continue to give us great games with different subject matter than the big budget developers.

If the game has a message and delivers it well it will succeed I don't think the industry will change much, developers can chose to hire those who may be affected by trump if they want.

I don't think the games industry is going to change from his election alone(Maybe if he does something crazy in the future.) Artist's will continue to make art.

The online community will be as toxic as ever tho. I was starting to miss the wild west days of chat when people cared more about insulting others over playing, but that's just my opinion.
KKK praising trump, is not him supporting them.

For the other issues, sure his cabinet members could be an issue, but why jump to conclusions this quickly?

People committing suicide, happened before he won.
1) When you're being praised and celebrated by groups like the KKK, not denouncing such praise or condemning the hate crimes since your win speaks volumes
2) Past actions inform future behavior. Read up on the beliefs and actions of Pence, of Carson, of Arpaio, and others
3) You should check out these threads


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
KKK praising trump, is not him supporting them.

For the other issues, sure his cabinet members could be an issue, but why jump to conclusions this quickly?

People committing suicide, happened before he won.

I am going to ignore the other ignorant things and just focus on the bolded....the reason people are jumping to the conclusion that Trump is going to be terrible is because we have listened to him speak for well over 9 months now and have actually understood his hateful rhetoric.


KKK praising trump, is not him supporting them.

For the other issues, sure his cabinet members could be an issue, but why jump to conclusions this quickly?

People committing suicide, happened before he won.

...because we hold people to their word? Like, the platforms of a politician are everything.

Also lol at your other garbage


what's not real about having attacked libya, or having threatened to create a no-fly zone in syria?...

Being involved in existing conflicts is one of the parts that comes with the job of being President, but threatening and discriminating against anyone that isn't a specific gender and skin color within one own's country is not one of them.


A great practical way would be to hold game charity drives/special events that give proceeds to action groups that protect the vulnerable, particularly ones with legal expertise. One present example is Gone Home being free on itch.io right now and donating proceeds from that to Lambda Legal. The ACLU is another very worthy recipient and has received a boost to donations as a consequence of the election.

BTW, trying to stomp out political awareness in the industry is a thoroughly political stance that favors the status quo and those who benefit most from it. I see you, white dudes.


The best thing game companies can do is at least try to fight back against the messages of hatred that Trump's election has empowered. Hate crimes have already become much more acceptable and the policies enabling them are sure to change to provide less security for all different types of minority groups.

Game companies can contribute to making gaming feel unwelcome to those types of people.

One thing neogaf does well is getting rid of scum that share their prejudices or their willingness to accept prejudices based on sex, skin color, religion, and other similar things. Game companies can have that power too over their online communities.

Ban people who belittle and harass others on those things, do everything in your power to prevent them from playing your game and making them feel unwelcome in the gaming community. Purging those individuals to show that their beliefs have real consequences both socially and financially by taking away their access to the games they buy through bans.


KKK praising trump, is not him supporting them.

For the other issues, sure his cabinet members could be an issue, but why jump to conclusions this quickly?

People committing suicide, happened before he won.

Candidate promises fashist policies
Candidate gets elected on fashist policies
Candidate picks Cabinet that is not only in support of the promised fashist policies, but is atually for even more extreme fashist policies than he already was

"Guys. Please don't support the ACLU or otherwise protest like there is danger of him enacting fashist policies! That's hyperbolic and unfair! Just wait a year!"
As an immigrant who been very fortunate to go from nothing to live "the american dream". With the two options at hand I did support Trump, no way I could support Hillary after the Bernie/DNC issues, he wasn't given a fair chance by his "own" party. ( I did vote for Bernie in primaries )

This statement is mind boggling.


Gold Member
Being involved in existing conflicts is one of the parts that comes with the job of being President, but threatening and discriminating against anyone that isn't a specific gender and skin color within one own's country is not one of them.

but there was no existing conflict with libya until the u.s. (with hillary's support) created one? same with syria. it's not like either gaddafi or assad declared war on the u.s, or anyone, for that matter...


I suppose the same way the game industry usually tackles serious issues... with Irony and comedy. Other than that I'm not really sure any publishers would be interested in trying to alienate people.

For the folks that want to discuss the other side of this, maybe someone should create a "How can the games industry support President-elect Trump?". It seems a lot of bans have happened, maybe having an appropriate place for each side to discuss the topic would help.
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