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HS Basketball Coach suspened for winning a game 161-2

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Is it a coddling attitude when NFL coaches get pissed when the other team runs up the score?

If youth sports is about teaching hard work and sportsmanship, you can't get pissy when they try to teach sportsmanship.


Tell that to Green Bay.

"Dialing it back" lost them a Super Bowl slot.

translation for people that don't know shit about American Football?
translation for people that don't know shit about American Football?
The team in the white was winning until near the end of the game (If you look closely at that GIF, you can see there is only five minutes left in the game, and the team in white is up by two scores). They changed their offensive strategy to a more relaxed one to try and eat up the clock instead of trying to score more. The opposing team came back and tied it up, sent the game into over time, and eventually won.


I will never understand why people have something against playing the game and trying to score as many points as you can. They do this shit in college football and even HS football. If say the score is 50 - 3, the winning team will put in all their 3rd and 4th string players...that part I understand, but if those bench warmer players start scoring more points, say making the game be 70-3 or 100-3...who cares?

When I played high school ice hockey, we had mercy rules, if you were ahead by 15 goals, the refs would call the game. Now 15 goals in ice hockey is insane, but it happens.

One thing I'm going to always teach my children, when you're winning, never let up. Always keep pushing hard, always keep scoring as much as you can.

The opposing team getting their asses kicked could have easily said, "we concede". I've seen it in sports.


I know this is a different sport then hockey, if it was hockey I would expect him to be fired. Especially kids hockey, running the score like that is dangerous. I guess it's not big deal in basketball, but don't basketball games get dirty?

How is scoring as many goals as you can a dangerous thing? I played ice hockey growing up...are you saying there's chance of bench clearing brawls?

I hate this coddling attitude. In real life, nobody is going to stop people from beating you down (figuratively) in life. I've had people cheat in business and it's hurt me. I've been scammed by a company that got off clean by lying in court. I've been promised things by bosses that never came through even after I did everything they asked. Nobody was there to suspend my boss. Nobody was there to fix the disappointment.

Knowing how to deal with loss and disappointment is an important part of being a functional adult. Sports are a great way to teach kids that sometimes you're better, sometimes someone else is better. Sometimes you're not anywhere near the level of those around you. That's ok. You can be better at other things or in different ways. You can't always be as good as everybody at everything. Maximize what you're good at, deal with or work around the areas where you're weak.

Screw this soft mentality. If my kid's team was losing 100-0, I would want him to finish the game, and I would want him to lose graciously and look forward to the next one.

Solid post.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Are people intentionally being this obtuse? It isn't that the other team lost, and it isn't that they lost badly. The score was 104 to 1 at the half. The other team wasn't going to win. They weren't going to rally, they weren't going to adjust and gameplan enough to be competitive, they simply didn't stand a chance. Everyone knew this before the game was over, including both teams playing. Letting up on the gas doesn't mean letting the opponent back in the game.

how? if the other team isn't playing well then what?
Tell that to Green Bay.

"Dialing it back" lost them a Super Bowl slot.

Why post this here?

Honestly the coach should have called the dogs off after the first quarter. No full court pressure, no starters. For the entire second half the forever benchwarmers should have only played. Maybe he was going for some records, easy pickings and all. But really u play to win and once that's clear you chillax. In the NBA if you're up by 20 with 8 mins to go you don't chill, but here they should have after the first.


If you're in a foot race...say the 1 mile race, if you're so insanely ahead of everyone...as in you've lapped the other racers and it's basically going to be physically impossible for them to beat you...do you let up on your speed? Do you start jogging to the finish line because you're gonna win anyway right?


They're in highschool, they're not 9 year olds. They can handle losing.
I was in the worst soccer team as a kid, we lost a few games real bad. It's not a big deal.
If you're in a foot race...say the 1 mile race, if you're so insanely ahead of everyone...as in you've lapped the other racers and it's basically going to be physically impossible for them to beat you...do you let up on your speed? Do you start jogging to the finish line because you're gonna win anyway right?

Run the Right Way.™

The David & Goliath New Yorker article posted earlier in this thread has a lot of good examples of why the press works. So few coaches emphasize how to run it properly, or actual fundamentals like passing and dribbling with your head up, that it's disproportionately effective at nearly every level of basketball. It's actually the best way to make an otherwise mediocre squad competitive, it gives you a puncher's chance.

If you're on a team that loses a half by 90+ points, do you go home and say "well, that team was a bunch of cheesers, whatever", or do you go home and work on your handles and court spacing?


The bench players for the winning team - don't they deserve a chance to play as hard as they can? I'm sure they're competing for more playing time so it would be unfair if they went out there but were told to not play defense and not shoot the ball.


Run the Right Way.™

The David & Goliath New Yorker article posted earlier in this thread has a lot of good examples of why the press works. So few coaches emphasize how to run it properly, or actual fundamentals like passing and dribbling with your head up, that it's disproportionately effective at nearly every level of basketball. It's actually the best way to make an otherwise mediocre squad competitive, it gives you a puncher's chance.

If you're on a team that loses a half by 90+ points, do you go home and say "well, that team was a bunch of cheesers, whatever", or do you go home and work on your handles and court spacing?

I believe that if you lose a game by that much...you have to work on your fundamentals. The coach of the losing team should be teaching his girls how to play the game on a basic fundamental level...it seems they don't even have the basics down yet.
"People shouldn't feel sorry for my team," Chung said. "They should feel sorry for his team, which isn't learning the game the right way." Said the coach of the losing team.

Instead of teaching her team that sometimes you get smashed and need to walk it off and learn from it.
"People shouldn't feel sorry for my team," Chung said. "They should feel sorry for his team, which isn't learning the game the right way." Said the coach of the losing team.

Instead of teaching her team that sometimes you get smashed and need to walk it off and learn from it.
It sounds like that's exactly what she told her team, or something to that effect. Hence why she doesn't feel sorry for her own players, and neither should anyone here.


Blame whomever was coordinating the matches or placing the school in a league they're overwhelming or the losing coach for not being able to call the game early or accept losing gracefully, regardless of the result.

The worst possible offense you could place on the winners is showboating, but that doesn't even apply here if they pulled all starters and tried to run down the clock. The teams were mismatched, but that's not on the coach.


Don't know much about basketball in general but I don't get why the coach was suspended? Because his team was too good? Eh?


Don't know much about basketball in general but I don't get why the coach was suspended? Because his team was too good? Eh?

Poor Sportmanship would be the simplest way to explain it. But it's more like their school ad/super is getting a ton of heat and just did it to make the heat go away.
Do you tell your players to start throwing the game? How is that ethical?

It's not, but everything needs to be ambiguous and we need to feel sorry for the team that lost, because feels.

Nah don't let such a huge loss motivate you to do better as an individual or as a team, go in with the mentality that no matter what you do or where you compete in life, someone will take their foot off of the gas and allow you to catch up.
Poor Sportmanship would be the simplest way to explain it. But it's more like their school ad/super is getting a ton of heat and just did it to make the heat go away.

Of course it's this. The girls were probably on their cell's texting their besties on the way home from the game. The parents brood and get upset and complain to the school who in turn reacts.


Of course it's this. The girls were probably on their cell's texting their besties on the way home from the game. The parents brood and get upset and complain to the school who in turn reacts.
This. Like I said before, these girls came into game knowing they probably were not a great team, and knew the other team was WAAAAAY better in comparison. They knew it would be a blowout and probably just coasted through to get done with it, and move on.


the point of professional sports is to win. The point of children's sports is to give them tools to cary into adulthood. It's no different than an educational class. You do it to learn.

That's true though one of those valuable tools is losing with dignity - Keeping your temper in check even when you are embarrassed.

Is this an exclusively American thing... because they don't have promotion and delegation in youth leagues as well?
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