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Husky kills infant, family wants dog back.

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A family of a 2-day-old baby boy killed in a dog attack said they want their dog back.

Howard Nicholson was attacked in his home at 1713 Scott St. by one of the family's dogs at approximately 9:32 a.m. Thursday. The boy was flown by helicopter to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, where he was pronounced dead a short time later at 10:55 a.m.

On Friday, family and friends placed stuffed animals, candles and flowers outside the house as a memorial to the infant.

McKeesport animal control officer Ken Ferree identified the dog as Niko, a 1 1/2-year-old male husky with an unknown background the family recently acquired from another town.

He said he was contacted by the boy's family members about returning the dog.

"We're waiting to see what the (Allegheny County) District Attorney's office decides before any moves are made," Ferree said.

The dog is recovering from a front right leg injury when it reportedly jumped over a fence a few weeks ago. Its leg is in a makeshift cast, and was examined by veterinarians at the White Oak Animal Safe Haven Friday afternoon.

Ferree said he was told by the family the cast was put on by an unknown vet.

"We don't know what vet they had seen, whether (the family) put that type of contraption on themselves or not. We haven't confirmed anything yet," Ferree said. "We haven't had many husky attack incidents like this. Of course any dog has the propensity to attack."

Investigators said the boy's mother who's been identified as Brandy Furlong discovered the dog hovering over the child in the living room. The boy's father Harold Nicholson Sr. was not home at the time of the incident.

McKeesport police Capt. of Detectives Tim Hanna reported Thursday the mother had left the child unattended in a baby carrier tucked near a mattress. When she

returned to the room she saw the dog by the baby and pulled the dog away, but not before the child had suffered severe trauma.

Hanna said local investigators contacted the homicide division of the Allegheny County police to assist with the investigation due to the severity of the child's injuries.

County police will file their findings with the Allegheny County District Attorney's office, which will determine whether charges will be filed against the mother, Hanna said Friday.

District attorney's office spokesman Mike Manko said Friday the case remains under investigation.

"While our review of the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of the newborn is not yet complete, initial findings indicate that there were no crimes committed leading up to and contributing to the death of the baby," he said in a written statement.

The husky and a pit bull were removed from the home by Ferree. Two other dogs remained in the home in the immediate hours following the attack.

"Given the circumstances, the kid could have been doomed from (the) get go," Ferree said. "We found out the dog was new to the family some couple of weeks. They got it from out of (Allegheny) County. They have no idea what background there was on this dog. Subsequently they brought a ticking time bomb into the house, and to introduce a new dog to a new house, to three new dogs, to two new owners, to a new infant, that's asking too much of pretty much any dog. ... It's difficult to put blame specifically somewhere. You have a dozen wrongs. They don't add up to a right."

They had just got the dog a couple of weeks ago. Why would they want a reminder like that in their house? Also, why would they allow a dog they didn't know the history of to be alone with their newborn baby? It was already wounded and an animal in that condition doesn't really feel stable and secure, especially in a strange house with other strange dogs around. It's just stupidity all around.

BTW, McKeesport is filled with idiots so this doesn't surprise me.


This happened near Lexington too. Their dog dragged the infant outside and nearly killed it. They decided to give the dog up for adoption, but changed their minds and have been trying to get it back.


The last paragraph sums it up pretty well. They basically brought a wild animal into their home. Like most dog related incidents, it's the owners fault. Huskies especially need a huge amount of exercise (they are sled dogs). If they aren't given that exercise then they get nervous energy built up inside.

The dog could've been sniffing the child the and he just hit the dogs muzzle or something and it freaked.


Yeah, no. Any dog that attacks a human needs to be put down. ESPECIALLY one that killed a baby. Just the way it is. They get no sympathy whatsoever from me.


Why would they have their baby around big dogs like that?

Because their idiots. Dogs can get very jealous sometimes.

I wouldn't trust any dog around a small infant, it's too much of a gamble. I don't care if you have the most 'nicest' dog in the world. You never know what could set it off and have it go for the child.


Why did they remove the pit bull? It wasn't involved, two other dogs weren't involved were left alone, so what's the problem? Any dog can be dangerous, as the story proves, and pit bulls aren't automatically baby-eaters no matter what the stereotype says.

Cats can smother babies to death.

Knowing you, I'm not sure if serious... assuming the worst though, no. It's a silly old wives tale. http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/catsuck.asp


Sad to hear. Huskies are one of my favorite breeds, but this is a clear indication that any breed can be dangerous in the right circumstances. My money is on either something in the dog's upbringing, or something to do with its mindset regarding its injury...

Cats can smother babies to death.

And cats can steal your breath...er something...

But, I saw it in a movie...


Stupid people will be stupid.

I've got smaller dogs (15-20 lbs), and I wouldn't leave a baby or toddler around them without supervision.

Also, these people are stupid. Lastly, they're stupid.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
This is sad, but it does drive home the need for parents to carefully introduce family pets to a new addition. You can't just throw a baby into the mix and expect a dog to understand the situation.

As an anecdote, my brother, at the time of having his first two kids, owned an Alaskan Malamute and a Siberian Husky. Both dogs are, as you'd expect me to say, perfectly gentle, but he didn't take any chances. I'm not privy to the particulars, but these days, the aforementioned Malamute is admirably protective of even his youngest (barely a year old - and she always wanders into my room and pinches my Malamuteesque stuffed toy).

The aforementioned Husky died when she was barely 2. :(


Knowing you, I'm not sure if serious... assuming the worst though, no. It's a silly old wives tale. http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/catsuck.asp

Yet your stupid article says
It is possible a cat might lie across the face of a sleeping child and thus upon extremely rare instances accidentally cause a death, but that is not the old wives' tale at hand wherein the cat does so with malice aforethought

Yay for linking randomly googled things.


This is sad, but it does drive home the need for parents to carefully introduce family pets to a new addition. You can't just throw a baby into the mix and expect a dog to understand the situation.

As an anecdote, my brother, at the time of having his first two kids, owned an Alaskan Malamute and a Siberian Husky. Both dogs are, as you'd expect me to say, perfectly gentle, but he didn't take any chances. I'm not privy to the particulars, but these days, the aforementioned Malamute is admirably protective of even his youngest (barely a year old - and she always wanders into my room and pinches my Malamuteesque stuffed toy).

The aforementioned Husky died when she was barely 2. :(

And don't forget that an injured animal can be unpredictable, even if it is on the mend.
I had a husky when I was a kid. It died and I stayed home from school to help m mother bury him. Weeks later, a neighborhood kid bragged about poisoning him, but we never found out for sure.


Yet your stupid article says

Yay for linking randomly googled things.

No shit, it's saying that it's physically possible for a cat to sit on a baby's face and cause its death in an extremely rare incidental fashion. Great work.

I Googled for articles that refute the inane myth that cats will purposely sit on a baby's face or will actively try and kill it. Snopes happens to be a fairly trusted yet easy to read site. But fuck it, you want some more?


. Cats smother babies. As answered by the U.K. site Safe Kids, the myth that cats will purposely smother babies is just that. While cats have been known to explore the new nursery and curl up next to a heat source such as a baby, it has not been proven that cats smother on purpose. The most important thing for cat owners with an infant to remember is to keep the nursery door closed. Read the entire article with more here.


Christ on a bike.
Making this cat vs dog is kind of missing the point. New animal (wounded even!) being left with 2 day old baby? Fucking dumb really.

Also, my cat has done much worse to my son than my dog lol.
You never leave a baby alone with any animal ever. Especially one that has a very recent traumatic background.

As a Siberian Husky owner this is extra terrible to hear. I know a couple with two of them and a baby. The dogs have been very protective of the child. Bad dog owners can make any breed look bad.


TWO DAY old baby? Holy shit. The dog knew the baby, likely the first baby it's ever had any interaction with, for less than 24 hours. Then the parents leave the baby alone with him/her?

Seriously. I wouldn't leave my TWO DAY OLD BABY with a guinea pig.
TWO DAY old baby? Holy shit. The dog knew the baby, likely the first baby it's ever had any interaction with, for likely less than 24 hours. Then the parents leave the baby alone with him/her?

Seriously. I wouldn't leave my TWO DAY OLD BABY with a guinea pig.


Who the fuck leaves a 2 day old baby alone by themselves with pets of any kind running around the house.


get some go again
only time i've seen cats attack kids is when the kids are smacking or grabbing the cats in a bad way.


I hate to be this guy...but why did they remove the pit bull from the home, too?
Doesn't dog defence force always say it's the owners and not the dog. So give the dog to responsible owners.

If I was in the victims shoes, I think I'd have to see the dog put down, just for some closure.
Doesn't dog defence force always say it's the owners and not the dog. So give the dog to responsible owners.

If I was in the victims shoes, I think I'd have to see the dog put down, just for some closure.

Not sure if we're on the same page. The husky was the attacker...there were four dogs in the home...they removed the husky and the PBT. Just couldn't figure out from the story why they singled out the non-attacking pit bull, too.


From my experience with both dogs and cats, dogs are a lot more curious and excited when it comes to human babies than cats are. Dogs want to play with babies and lick them. Cats don't care about babies, and will actively avoid the chaos that is a toddler.

Most dogs will not maliciously hurt a baby (and the dogs I have had were actually really gentle with babies compared to their treatment of adult humans), but even smaller breeds are capable of seriously injuring a small child. As such I wouldn't let a dog interact with a baby without very active supervision.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And don't forget that an injured animal can be unpredictable, even if it is on the mend.
I had a husky when I was a kid. It died and I stayed home from school to help m mother bury him. Weeks later, a neighborhood kid bragged about poisoning him, but we never found out for sure.

That's beyond horrible. :( Have you posted that story before? It sounds familiar.
Hopefully they'll be charged with some form of neglect/negligent homicide since leaving a baby with any dog is pretty much tantamount to that. How long will it take for people to realise that dogs are simply slightly less aggressive wolves and not toys and that they cannot be trusted on their own with anyone unable to defend themselves?


My dog almost killed one of its pups (severe injuries in head and neck), and I immediately took it away from him. Thank god it's recovering.
My dog almost killed one of its pups (severe injuries in head and neck), and I immediately took it away from him. Thank god it's recovering.

Lol wut? Unless you have a chihuahua you'd better put that thing down, if it's capable of doing that to its own kid its capable of attacking anyone and whilst you may not care about your own safety, it's your responsibility to care about other people's.
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