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I completely forgot you have to pay to play online on consoles


Its not (used to) much money and you get about 24 free games a year out of it.

Sure some of the games suck, but you will find some winners out of the 24 (PS+)
It is what it is OP. People will pay for convenience and that's pretty much that. I know the argument of Steam is always brought up but people aren't versed on playing games on their computers and would rather buy consoles to do so.

In a way, PC gaming gets away with not costing anything for distributor like steam. Like the least they can do is make playing online free since they are doing just that, but gaming console companies have to make the box, make the games and host other peoples games. Even have to fund some of them and help with marketing cost.....so yeah, paying for online access is wrong but it's also a small inconvenience for me to pay for considering they handle so much of the hard work that we really aren't paying that much for, multi-million dollar company or not. That's just how I see it, so I'll pay for that convenience. And now, there's benefits to paying which isn't just paying to play online but added discounts and free (rentable) games that are yours as long as you have the service, etc etc etc.


On my Xbox One, I pay $40 a year for 4 games a month (48 games a year).

It's an insane value and eliminates the sting of paying for multiplayer.

But you know what, I'd pay $40 a year for Xbox Live even without the free games.
I don't miss my PC multiplayer days at all, god that sucked and still does.


The ๖ۜBronx;249438672 said:
You class Mass Effect Andromeda as your current game of the year, yet some would disagree and may say that by supporting it you're aiding in every trend that it exhibits that they dislike. You're effectively promoting the direction they went in, despite it – to many – having been at the detriment of the series. This could then be extended to say that you're supporting the dilution of AAA sequels and supporting devs in relying too much on the existing fanbase to sell.

This is, of course, ridiculously far reaching and I honestly don't care. You enjoy what you like. You, however, seem to see yourself as some arbiter or guardian angel of the games industry, free to tell people whether what they're doing is good or bad and whether they should or shouldn't be doing it.

Yeah, you're right about your analogy being a ridiculous reach. Enjoying one particular game isn't really comparable to supporting anti-consumer business practices such as loot crate microtransactions and paid online.
In a way, PC gaming gets away with not costing anything for distributor like steam. Like the least they can do is make playing online free since they are doing just that, but gaming console companies have to make the box, make the games and host other peoples games. Even have to fund some of them and help with marketing cost.....
You can't possibly be serious right now.
Yeah, you're right about your analogy being a ridiculous reach. Enjoying one particular game isn't really comparable to supporting anti-consumer business practices such as loot crate microtransactions and paid online.

Well done, you've successfully managed to evade the point and it looks like it won't be coming back any time soon. Since you seem to have done all that you can to miss what I was trying to say, I'll just repeat my condensed viewpoint so it's clear:

I'm asked to pay a small fee to be able to play online, receive discounts for games and receive a selection of games each month. In my experience of that offering it has been worth the cost, so I don't mind paying the fee. The alternative is not paying for it and not being able to do said things, which I am free to do. However, when I weigh up the enjoyment I get for the price of entry I see value from it.

The OP was asking how people could be okay with things like PSN, that is how. People can be upset until they're blue in the face but it all comes down to that question; for what's offered do you feel you get enough for the price? I do, so I'm content paying for it. If you're not, then don't.

Your multiple replies of insults and condescension do more to put people off PC Gaming and the attributed elite attitude surrounding it than PS+ does to push people away from consoles. Of course you really don't care about the industry and the affect paid-online has on it, instead preferring to have a pedestal to stand on so you can belittle others from it.

Let's see:
prag16 said:
One side is on their heels and deep down knows they're wrong.
Cognitive dissonance for the win.

prag16 said:
I think he means that without what seems like a large crew of apologists insecure about having wasted money on Plus/Gold needing to reassure themselves that they didn't get screwed, these topics would not stretch to several pages long every time.

What a contemptuous attitude to hold, embarrassing when you seem to view yourself as some beacon of light across gaming.


The ๖ۜBronx;249449415 said:
Well done, you've successfully managed to evade the point and it looks like it won't be coming back any time soon. Since you seem to have done all that you can to miss what I was trying to say, I'll just repeat my condensed viewpoint so it's clear:

Your multiple replies of insults and condescension do more to put people off PC Gaming and the attributed elite attitude surrounding it than PS+ does to push people away from consoles. Of course you really don't care about the industry and the affect paid-online has on it, instead preferring to have a pedestal to stand on so you can belittle others from it.

Let's see:

What a contemptuous attitude to hold, embarrassing when you seem to view yourself as some beacon of light across gaming.

Stop requoting the post that I deleted. I acknowledged that it was too far, and not in the interest of any sort of rational discussion. The rest of the condescension stands, because paid online is shitty no matter how you slice it, and it's only made possible by the people in this topic (and others) supporting this practice. So next time a topic like this pops up, the same thing will happen, with good reason.

As I said it's fine that some people get value out of it due to other perks. But it's really shitty that the type of people who are more casual and/or only have the time for a limited amount of games per year to be barred from having the option of playing online from time to time.


The more I read posts in this thread I realize that if this is representative of what the PC gaming community is like these days.......

I'm quite content on continuing to pay for Gold and Plus to play MP online in addition to the convenience (for me) of console over PC gaming. I guess that's the real paywall.

But it's really shitty that the type of people who are more casual and/or only have the time for a limited amount of games per year to be barred from having the option of playing online from time to time.
On a serious note, I absolutely agree with this. It's just a way to fleece them for more money.


I just logged onto my Xbox One to play video games alone for the first time in years. It has been a Netflix/HBO machine for the past two years after buying a decent graphics card.

I just finally agreed to play with my friend and his cousin in ranked 3v3 Rocket League and, upon getting the invite, I get redirected to an add about Xbox Live premium prices.

How the fuck do you all do it? And how the fuck do they get away with charging for one of the most basic features of the internet?

I can't believe I forgot about this.

Worried fake edit: Can Nintendo actually charge money to trade/battle pokemon in their new upcoming Switch game? Because that idea is truly horrifying

XBL and PS+ come with other benefits (and imo more useful benefits) than playing online.

All those free games are worth the price (at least on XBL, PS+ not so much)


XBL and PS+ come with other benefits (and imo more useful benefits) than playing online.

All those free games are worth the price (at least on XBL, PS+ not so much)

Been touched on already, prepare to get quoted and rebutted many times.

And as I touched on a post on the last page, the entire premise of the OP is questionable. It has the appearance a troll concern thread or stealth PC is awesome thread.


Stop requoting the post that I deleted. I acknowledged that it was too far, and not in the interest of any sort of rational discussion. The rest of the condescension stands, because paid online is shitty no matter how you slice it, and it's only made possible by the people in this topic (and others) supporting this practice. So next time a topic like this pops up, the same thing will happen, with good reason.

As I said it's fine that some people get value out of it due to other perks. But it's really shitty that the type of people who are more casual and/or only have the time for a limited amount of games per year to be barred from having the option of playing online from time to time.
Who is barred from online console gaming?


Gold Member
£40-£50 per year really isn't an issue unless you're on the breadline. Gaming is an expensive hobby between hardware, games and online subs.
Stop requoting the post that I deleted. I acknowledged that it was too far, and not in the interest of any sort of rational discussion. The rest of the condescension stands, because paid online is shitty no matter how you slice it, and it's only made possible by the people in this topic (and others) supporting this practice. So next time a topic like this pops up, the same thing will happen, with good reason.
I can appreciate it's annoying to be quoted for something you wish to take back, but in that case I was trying to make the point that I feel that this attitude of absolute intolerance, condescension and belittling of people is as poisonous to the industry and community as the elements you mention – especially when it comes to getting people to start playing on PC. So when you exhibit the attitude you did while trying to say how much what someone else is doing to harm the industry it completely detracts from the point you're trying to make.

As I said it's fine that some people get value out of it due to other perks. But it's really shitty that the type of people who are more casual and/or only have the time for a limited amount of games per year to be barred from having the option of playing online from time to time.

I don't disagree. As I've said in the thread already if there were the opportunity to have it removed from PS+ and made available to everyone I wouldn't hesitate to support it. I don't like that this is the landscape we're in, but I also want to play with my friends and find value in the proposition they give with the additional benefits you get. So instead of choosing to stop playing games with my friends and not getting those benefits (which are good for the price I'm asked to pay) I'll continue to pay, because that's how it is.

I used to play on PC. My Steam library is pretty extensive (relative to the time when I left) and I'm under no illusion as to the benefits it offers. Despite that I currently prefer playing on PS4 for multiple reasons. Not because I love Sony, not because I'm ignorant but because that's the system that's managed to rekindle my love for games and I appreciate it for that.


I'd rather pay £5.99 a month than spend thousands upgrading a PC every couple of years.


I love these threads
As I said it's fine that some people get value out of it due to other perks. But it's really shitty that the type of people who are more casual and/or only have the time for a limited amount of games per year to be barred from having the option of playing online from time to time.

Wouldn't it be pretty shitty if Sony and Microsoft stopped making consoles? They have a good revenue stream in Plus and Gold and I don't think we're ever going back to free multiplayer on the Playstation and Xbox. So if the price is too high or the service is too crap for the price asked, then consumers will ideally stop paying. This doesn't seem to be the case at the moment with data suggesting subscriber numbers are increasing every year.

Why not just accept that there is a large portion of gamers that are happy to pay for the service and leave it at that?

Lastly, you are not "barred" from playing online - you just don't want to pay the asking price which in all honesty is still cheaper than what a gaming PC+peripherals+games would cost. I want to play the latest Metroid on the 3DS but I don't want to spend $200 on a 3DSXL so it's too bad so sad, get over it and move on for me.


remember the time when PS3 users would bash Xbox for this

They were right to do so. Paying to play online was a bad joke then just as it is now.
In what universe does anyone call what they watch on Netflix free. Even your example doesn't make sense.

I want receipts on people talking like that about subscriptions.

It's the equivalent of someone saying 'i don't need to buy the newest game releases because I can play WoW for free'

when that makes zero sense and anyone saying that would get laughed out of the building.
I hear it constantly.


In threads where people are justifying paying for PSN and nowhere else ever.

I know that I've called it free in the past, like in the context of 'Should we rent a movie or just watch something for free on TV or Netflix'. We both know it isn't 'free', but in this instance we're using free as shorthand for 'not needing to immediately spend any more money since we've already paid for it and it's just there'.

You are one of those people.


I want to play the latest Metroid on the 3DS but I don't want to spend $200 on a 3DSXL so it's too bad so sad, get over it and move on for me.

Buy a $70 2DS.

You're welcome.

I understand what you are getting at...... :)

They were right to do so. Paying to play online was a bad joke then just as it is now.
It's actually a much, much, much better proposition now than when Gold first started on the 360.


It's actually a much, much, much better proposition now than when Gold first started on the 360.

Perhaps if the internet had stayed static since then. Given how ubiquitous the net (and free online play in general) is now is, I just can not agree.


Perhaps if the internet had stayed static since then. Given how ubiquitous the net (and free online play in general) is now is, I just can not agree.

I am just meaning originally on the 360, you paid just to play online, no "free/rental" games, no digital game discounts.....nothing but to play Halo, CoD, etc online. That's all I was getting at.


The worst part is that the service isn't really any better that what you get on pc and a lot of games use P2P multiplayer or barely do anything through psn/live and use their own backend.

Yeah, it's actually completely arbitrary: technically console games can connect to whatever internet addresses they want and send and receive packets from whoever they want. But if Sony or MS find out your game allows real-time player interaction without checking for a valid subscription first, you fail certification. You can get a waiver for you game under certain circumstances like games that have their own subscription.


I almost never play online. I keep a subscription just for the "free" games and the additional discounts. It works for me.

But if I had to pay JUST for online play? Screw that.


I am just meaning originally on the 360, you paid just to play online, no "free/rental" games, no digital game discounts.....nothing but to play Halo, CoD, etc online. That's all I was getting at.

Fair enough, if you remove all context from the situation you are correct.

You would make an excellent politician.
It's funny. Back on PS3 I had no issues paying for PS+ and thought it was a great value. Nowadays the games are mostly things I don't want to play or already have played.

I pay the fee now because I 'have' to, whereas on PS3 I gladly paid because I thought the service was well worth it. Sony knows damn well what they've done to the service.


The more I read posts in this thread I realize that if this is representative of what the PC gaming community is like these days.......
Not all of us.
Before I built my gaming PC I was quite content with paying for PS+. I didn't have a PC, so it was worth it for me.
There is nothing wrong with people who pay for the service and are happy with it; they're not stupid or uninformed or anything like that. The problem simply lies with the service itself. Regardless of how sony or microsoft word it, it's a cash grab.

Basically, knowing what I know now about advantages and disadvantages of PC and console gaming, I would have built my gaming PC a lot sooner.
ITT: People who have absolutely no clue whatsoever about what they're talking about and still make ridiculous, self-embarrassing claims.
Pretty much.

It really is pathetic isn't it?
But wait until you read this: people pay for it!

Honest question, do the people that justify this bullshit know that PC has more and better online services and that they're completely free? They should take a look at that before defending this scam. If they still do it well then you can only assume some kind of sad fanboyism and brand allegiance is at work. Ninty, Shu, in Spencer we trust and all that embarrassing stuff.

This is what finally pushed me from disliking Sony to despising them. Absolutely shameful and vomit-inducing.

There are stupid, overblown arguments on both sides of the fence. Not entirely sure you're in a place to be calling them out though.


I forgot about this too until I was playing Bloodborne recently. I was wondering why I didn't see messages, then I tried to do a chalice search. Once I did a screen popped up asking me if I'd like to buy PS+.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Checked out if it myself late last year. Absolutely pointless when online play for PC games is free.


I tend to play single player games on console anyway so I never saw the need to play online with others. I do miss some of the small interactions I'd have in games with online enabled, like in Journey, but that was more of an exception because of how unexpected it was. I tend to play online exclusively on PC, been like that since I started gaming way back in the 90s.


I'll probably let my subs expire when they eventually do... the free games are nice, but as with most of my Steam library, I don't play any of them. I don't play online either, so I'm basically in it just for sales, and at this point, there aren't a whole lot of games I'm still looking for. Damn, I'm kind of an idiot when I lay it all out like that. LOL Good thing it's pretty cheap per year, especially with the occasional discounts on annual subs that pop up.
But Nintendo isn't?

Jesus, the Ninty filter.

Honest question, do the people that justify this bullshit know that PC has more and better online services and that they're completely free? They should take a look at that before defending this scam. If they still do it well then you can only assume some kind of sad fanboyism and brand allegiance is at work. Ninty, Shu, in Spencer we trust and all that embarrassing stuff.

I’m sure most if not all are aware of that, and they probably don’t care. My PC is a Blizzard machine and that’s pretty much it. I’m fine with paying for online for both PSN and Xbox Live because I’m going to play the games on those systems as I don’t want to play them on my PC.


I'm sure it has been pointed out already, but it can't hurt to do so again. None of the console manufacturers host the game servers for anyone other than first parties. All third parties have to provide servers on their own dime.

Basically what that money is paying for is (a bad) chat client and a store to sell you shit.


Fair enough, if you remove all context from the situation you are correct.

You would make an excellent politician.

LOL seriously? Did I say it was good? I just meant it was better than what it was originally on the 360. Jeezus, get down off your high horse.

Not all of us.
Before I built my gaming PC I was quite content with paying for PS+. I didn't have a PC, so it was worth it for me.
There is nothing wrong with people who pay for the service and are happy with it; they're not stupid or uninformed or anything like that. The problem simply lies with the service itself. Regardless of how sony or microsoft word it, it's a cash grab.

Basically, knowing what I know now about advantages and disadvantages of PC and console gaming, I would have built my gaming PC a lot sooner.
I'm sure not all of you. I'm not arrogant enough to think that. But see the post I quoted above yours. Much less many of the other PC players in this thread. Toxic, self-absorbed community it appears to be.

And yes, Gold and PS+ are absolutely a way to get more $$ out of their consumer base. And that's great that for you, going PC was the best option. What is being lost here, is that its not the best for everyone. Only blatant arrogance or fanboyism would think that
They were right to do so. Paying to play online was a bad joke then just as it is now.
I hear it constantly.


In threads where people are justifying paying for PSN and nowhere else ever.

You are one of those people.

Lol, where am I justifying paying for PSN? I said I’d rather not pay for it but I do because I have to if I want to play online.


If you pay because you feel forced to because you want to play online, I get it. We gotta do things we don't want to every now and again. But to justify the existence of paying to play online is some ignorant ass shit.


If you pay because you feel forced to because you want to play online, I get it. We gotta do things we don't want to every now and again. But to justify the existence of paying to play online is some ignorant ass shit.

I'm not "forced" to pay. I could always just not play online, or build a pc. But i don't want to do neither, i want to use my console and my console games to play online and get the rental/"free" games, thus i have to pay a subscription. I would rather have not to, but since i have to, tough luck. It's nowhere near as a problem as pc gamers make it up to be. I used to pay for cable TV watching it two, three times per month mostly. At least i can take more enjoyment from videogames to lessen the feeling of wasted money.


If you pay because you feel forced to because you want to play online, I get it. We gotta do things we don't want to every now and again. But to justify the existence of paying to play online is some ignorant ass shit.

Thats the thing, there are very few that are justifying the existence. I wouldnt misconstrue the posts mentioning how you do get some perks, or others downplaying the costs as "justifying" it


It's pretty much why I dropped PS+ completely. I didn't like the service and moved completely to XBL instead, it's now my main gaming device and I only keep the PS4 for the exclusives.

Plus, XBL gets really cheap and at some point I was looking at the option of building a PC, but given how expensive shit gets in my country, I'd still game in a console than spend $900 (save linking me to Newegg to prove me wrong, I don't even care about PC gaming anymore) in order to build something to be able to play decently online.

In short: PC gaming is better and has free online. I don't care, I don't find it comfortable to play there anymore so...yeah, you keep enjoying your platform and I'll keep enjoying mine, it's a fee I can afford to pay and I get a lot of enjoyment from the rental games and the service.


I'm not "forced" to pay. I could always just not play online, or build a pc. But i don't want to do neither, i want to use my console and my console games to play online and get the rental/"free" games, thus i have to pay a subscription. I would rather have not to, but since i have to, tough luck. It's nowhere near as a problem as pc gamers make it up to be. I used to pay for cable TV watching it two, three times per month mostly. At least i can take more enjoyment from videogames to lessen the feeling of wasted money.

Sounds forced to me. You seem to understand that this isn't something that needs to exist, but does, and you choose to play ball. All fine in my book by the way. But knowing that you have to pay a subscription where evidence has proven it is not a hard requirement is definitely forced, regardless of ease, financial or otherwise.

Thats the thing, there are very few that are justifying the existence. I wouldnt misconstrue the posts mentioning how you do get some perks, or others downplaying the costs as "justifying" it

I am not misconstruing those that help validate their position based on the perks. Hell, I try to look at any benefit I can myself when coming to grips with the situation. I speak explicitly of those that defend the pay-model as offering the superior service.
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