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I found a vagina in Watch Dogs 2 and Sony suspended me (Update: Ban lifted)


Sort of. The player is still left to guess whats sexually offensive.

Would a simple vista shot with some nude visible in the frame be considered offensive? Or just people spread eagle on the ground? Is there any violent act you could do in a game that would lead to similar suspensions?

There was a dead woman with her vagina hanging out and people reported the photo.

If no one reported it, I'm pretty sure nothing would have happened.


So they temp-ban everyone sharing mass shootings and mass murder that takes place in action games?
Dont be silly. You know we live in a society where violence is all over the news on tv everyday. While nudity is sensored with blur or mosaics.
My Nephew had this game on his Christmas list since he enjoy the first one, now I know he's not getting it for Christmas for sure.........

Nice job protecting your little snowflake from the evils of vaginas. Thank God he won't be able to see them anywhere else.
My Nephew had this game on his Christmas list since he enjoy the first one, now I know he's not getting it for Christmas for sure.........

This brings up an interesting point.

I know lots of parents buy Mature rated games for kids and seem to be okay with the violent/profane content they portray to their kids

Let's say they buy their kid WD2 with no knowledge of the nudity. If they then find their kid viewing the nudity, have they the right to be annoyed at Ubisoft, or is it thier own fault for looking past the M rating in the first place?


best junior ever
Hmmm, looks like the game is rated for the nudity. Whats the issue here OP? Are you upset the game has nudity in it even though it clearly states it has nudity in the ESRB box or are you mad you got banned for sharing a screenshot of said nudity?
I'm all for nudity and pushing the boundaries in games. I'm annoyed that I got banned for not policing myself when posting content online that the platform holders are more than happy to sell to me.


No, because that's not specifically stated as something that isn't allowed.

Aenima just mentioned adult content not being allowed to be shared on PSN. I think blowing someones brains out in game qualifies and sharing that clip or pic. If you (read: Sony) get all hot and bothered from some pics of in-game genitalia maybe you should also get bothered by all that violence being shared.
My Nephew had this game on his Christmas list since he enjoy the first one, now I know he's not getting it for Christmas for sure.........
Killing people was fine. Vaginas though. That's where I draw the line.

Hmmm, looks like the game is rated for the nudity. Whats the issue here OP? Are you upset the game has nudity in it even though it clearly states it has nudity in the ESRB box or are you mad you got banned for sharing a screenshot of said nudity?
I thought the problem was that OP got punished for sharing a pic of a vagina and not feeling like the punishment is fair.


This brings up an interesting point.

I know lots of parents buy Mature rated games for kids and seem to be okay with the violent/profane content they portray to their kids

Let's say they buy their kid WD2 with no knowledge of the nudity. If they then find their kid viewing the nudity, have they the right to be annoyed at Ubisoft, or is it thier own fault for looking past the M rating in the first place?

If the rating is accurate (which in this case it does state nudity) it is the parents fault and they have no right to be annoyed at anyone but themselves.

Aenima just mentioned adult content not being allowed to be shared on PSN. I think blowing someones brains out in game qualifies and sharing that clip or pic. If you (read: Sony) get all hot and bothered from some pics of in-game genitalia maybe you should also get bothered by all that violence being shared.

You are making it seem like Sony was on a witch hunt to take down this content. Someone posted pornographic content (wether from a game or not) and they took action based on their TOS. There is no conspiracy here.


Junior Member
Being okay with mass murder but not anything remotely sexual or even accurately anatomical is pretty much the essence of the USA (as perceived by Europeans)

Fighting competition shows where people beat each other to a pulp, explosions, shooting gallery, I've seen a few videos of people dying in the actual news, talk of drone strikes as if they were handing out free candy, tv shows devoted to showing terrible car accidents, reality shows with nothing more than drunk drugged up alcoholic rich women screaming and cursing at each other etc etc etc...

But if you accidentally show a titty or a ballsack, it's the end of the world. Mass hysteria!

Pretty accurate.

I was born, raised and still live here and i don't get it. It's completely bizarre.


This brings up an interesting point.

I know lots of parents buy Mature rated games for kids and seem to be okay with the violent/profane content they portray to their kids

Let's say they buy their kid WD2 with no knowledge of the nudity. If they then find their kid viewing the nudity, have they the right to be annoyed at Ubisoft, or is it thier own fault for looking past the M rating in the first place?

You just answered your own question
I'm all for nudity and pushing the boundaries in games. I'm annoyed that I got banned for not policing myself when posting content online that the platform holders are more than happy to sell to me.

I can get that. They probably should have gave a warning but I can understand the ban.


Nice job protecting your little snowflake from the evils of vaginas. Thank God he won't be able to see them anywhere else.

This brings up an interesting point.

I know lots of parents buy Mature rated games for kids and seem to be okay with the violent/profane content they portray to their kids

Let's say they buy their kid WD2 with no knowledge of the nudity. If they then find their kid viewing the nudity, have they the right to be annoyed at Ubisoft, or is it thier own fault for looking past the M rating in the first place?

It's fine everyone, I'm sure if it was a niece it would be the horrors of the penis in WD2.

I mean we know if our nephews/nieces can check their pants to see what their organ looks like, its all about protecting them from knowing what that other organ is like!

Unless of course looking at your own body in the mirror is offensive! Omg think of the children #banmirrors


For future reference, don't pose naked in front of your PlayStation camera and stream videos of your wiener, either.


Exactly. Why is Sony suspending him?

Not saying I agree but it's because when he shared it, the screen shot ended up in the what's new section and by doing so, shared it with anyone on his friends list.

I would assume someone or their parent saw it and reported it because they found it offensive when they weren't activity searching for it.

I personally feel like it should've never gone pass a warning but whatever I guess. Has OP called CS to see if they can go ahead get his S account back rather than wait?


finally. Movies had full frontal nudity for ages. Now it's time for games. Good on Ubisoft for pushing new boundaries

Sure. And it's interesting how it has evolved, because aside from the MODs and the adult games, we've seen boobies but I don't think we've seen much of any vulva in video games despite the predominantly male audience (please don't pic-correct me wrong,) yet a bunch of penises have shown up. Like, a whole handful of them. I never would have thought, back when I was playing Dig Dug in a pizza parlor, that later in my video-gaming life I would on a number of occasions look at the screen and say, "oh, hello, that's a dick there." That's something, video game industry! Not sure if you meant it as a good-something or a bad-something, but I'm going to applaud your choices.

But bad on Sony for punishing game buyers simply reacting to said content. I'm not looking forward to the many tasteless uses of these nude bodies now that they've been discovered (OP took a fair approach to sharing; my 12-year-old brother will I am sure not be so concerned for appropriateness,) but it's in the game that Sony approved, so take the strike off and be mature about your M-rated entertainment.

By the by, Mr. Skin, got a new revenue stream for you...
In the middle of work and can't really offer any new points but the discussion about tolerance towards violence but way less for nudity is a really interesting one. Kudos gaffers.

Also - sorry to hear that OP - hope Sony makes it up to you.


I'm not sure if everyone understands, but it was a temporary week long ban. Which is basically a warning. What are they supposed to do if people post regular porn? Delete the picture and warn them? I don't think that would stop anyone like a ban would.


My Nephew had this game on his Christmas list since he enjoy the first one, now I know he's not getting it for Christmas for sure.........

Sorry to break it to you but your nephew is likely already streaming HD hardcore porn and browsing nsfw subreddits/tumblrs. If he's over the age of 13 then odds are he is actually having sex by now and seeing vulvas up close with his own two eyes. I don't see why you'd be so put off all of a sudden by this "news".


I'm not sure if everyone understands, but it was a temporary week long ban. Which is basically a warning. What are they supposed to do if people post regular porn? Delete the picture and warn them? I don't think that would stop anyone like a ban would.

I don't think anyone is posting porn on their PSN accounts that have digital purchases, trophies and so forth tied up in the tag.

For the handful of incidents of this I think Sony will have case by case moderation and most likely issue permanent bans for extreme offences.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
This is a new low for Ubisoft. First they abandon their only worthwhile franchise (Rayman) to work on this cut and paste open world garbage, now they are peddling their pornography onto our unsuspecting youth.



Gold Member
Did Digital Foundry cover this in their analysis? Does it look better on Pro?

(That's probably an old joke by now, but I didn't feel like reading through 9 pages of vagina posts to find out.)


all good things
Ah, the old "penis and vagina" defense to a hostile takeover.

Now you're playing dirty, Ubisoft. I like how you're thinking.

I can't wait to see how you implement it in For Honor!


Why did the models need to have rendered crotches anyway?

Because it's a human being? Because men have penises and women vaginas. Anatomy shouldn't be something to censor when you have a prostitute in a game and it fits the setting (M rated nonetheless).


So few things here. One I think its real dumb that OP got suspended for posting content that is just part of the software he bought.

Two, while I don't find the nudity really moves the needle on my opinion of the game one way or the other I'm kind of just scratching my head as to why they felt they needed to model that?
Too funny. I don't think Sony should be banning people for posting in-game vaginas, but...

Hard to feel bad for the OP considering the lapse in judgment. When it comes to PS/Xbox, you're just asking for it with this kind of stuff.

It's like the guys complaining in the Forza threads because of their "Free Candy" vans and "c*nt" license plates.


Shittiest looking vag I've ever seen. Ditto for the chode.

Shoulda hired some SFM porn makers to make the models/textures.
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