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I hope CD gets another shot at Tomb Raider.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Just finished Rise of Tomb Raider and I have to say its a pretty damn good game. Hell, its probably the best Tomb Raider since Anniversary. It would have been a great game if they had just added a third large open world area before the climax and could fix the shooting mechanics (bow and shotgun are the only weapons that feel good in the game).

Its sad just how poorly the game has sold though. I fear the franchise might be dead after this one. I do think if a third game is made CD needs to bring back some of the features of the old games. Things I would like to see are:

-Globe trotting - take me to more than one location. Use Dragon Age Inquisition as an example for using multiple open worlds. Lara can travel back and forth via her private plane.
- Croft Manor - give it to me! Make it her base of operations for the globe trotting. As she collects more gear for traversal allow her to open up more of the secrets of the manor
- Gymnastics - if lara is going to take on the big bads all by herself she needs to train. No more clumsy lara in the future please. Bring back uber gymnast lara with neat combat maneuvers. Put a training room in croft manor too.
- Dual pistols - for Odin's sake give lara her fucking second pistol. Sick of the Katnis pandering too.
- Fix the shooting Mechanics - they are WAY to floaty right now and most of the guns feel like shit.
- Fix Aiming Perspective - when you aim in these new games it puts lara on the far side of the screen which looks terrible and completely fucks up perspective. Look at gears of war or saints row 3 for proper 3rd person positioning when aiming.
- Full ability to swim underwater - The "on rails" under water swimming sucks.

Regardless I just hope a new game gets made.
I thought a 3rd game was already confirmed. I remember looking at the wikia and a comic was announced that bridges rise and whatever the next game is


Un Rama
Its sad just how poorly the game has been received though. I fear the franchise might be dead after this one. I do think if a third game is made CD needs to bring back some of the features of the old games. Things I would like to see are:

The game has been critically well received. It's just corporate bullshit that tanked the games (sales) potential. There'd be no justice in the world if CD gets shitcanned for SE's shitty business practices.


I'm sure they will. Rise of the Tomb Raider is a great game put in a really awkward situation. I fully expect Square Enix to get behind them for the follow up to it as well as avoid any sort of exclusivity deal after the backlash.
I'm not sure who else would make TR games. But I think they need to bring focus back to exploration and less killing people. More locations, more tombs, more collecting of evidence, clues, artifacts. She has survived twice and should be more than confident in her abilities. We don't need more resource gathering or what not. Let's get some damn treasure!


The game reviewed fine and only underperformed because of exclusivity and strong competition.

CD will be fine.


The game was received very well by critics and players, it's just that it didn't sell very well due to the exclusivity agreement and poor release date.
I admit I haven't played the new TR games since the reboot, but it doesn't look like they put much of an emphasis on the puzzle based climbing the old games had. Where you'd see where you had to go and have to figure out where and when to jump, what to grab onto, etc to get there
I admit I haven't played the new TR games since the reboot, but it doesn't look like they put much of an emphasis on the puzzle based climbing the old games had. Where you'd see where you had to go and have to figure out where and when to jump, what to grab onto, etc to get there

Yes the focus on "survival" or kill everything instead of puzzles and exploration is a sad direction.


Isn't that a given? I see no reason for them to stop. The game was received quite well and it will sell a ton more when PC & PS4 versions are out
I'm sure there will be a third game since it was stated that this will be a trilogy and then after that who knows, maybe they'd do stand alone stories after the trilogy. I guess it'd depend on how well the third game does.
Just finished Rise of Tomb Raider and I have to say its a pretty damn good game. Hell, its probably the best Tomb Raider since Anniversary. It would have been a great game if they had just added a third large open world area before the climax and could fix the shooting mechanics (bow and shotgun are the only weapons that feel good in the game).

Its sad just how poorly the game has sold though. I fear the franchise might be dead after this one. I do think if a third game is made CD needs to bring back some of the features of the old games. Things I would like to see are:

-Globe trotting - take me to more than one location. Use Dragon Age Inquisition as an example for using multiple open worlds. Lara can travel back and forth via her private plane.
- Croft Manor - give it to me! Make it her base of operations for the globe trotting. As she collects more gear for traversal allow her to open up more of the secrets of the manor
- Gymnastics - if lara is going to take on the big bads all by herself she needs to train. No more clumsy lara in the future please. Bring back uber gymnast lara with neat combat maneuvers. Put a training room in croft manor too.
- Dual pistols - for Odin's sake give lara her fucking second pistol. Sick of the Katnis pandering too.
- Fix the shooting Mechanics - they are WAY to floaty right now and most of the guns feel like shit.
- Fix Aiming Perspective - when you aim in these new games it puts lara on the far side of the screen which looks terrible and completely fucks up perspective. Look at gears of war or saints row 3 for proper 3rd person positioning when aiming.
- Full ability to swim underwater - The "on rails" under water swimming sucks.

Regardless I just hope a new game gets made.
Great post! I really like the ideas and improvements, especially the globe trotting and mansion ones!


I sincerely hope not. We need a worthy dev to make actual tomb raiding games. You know puzzles, atmosphere, exploration and such? So glad it bombed. I know it's cruel but... Deserved.


I don't, at least not with the current management, whom I'm sure was involved in how that timed exclusive fiasco was handled.
The recent departure of Darrell Gallagher (Studio lead) was a good start imo, but there probably are more suits involved which should go after this.

The devs though apparently did an excellent job, so it would be a shame if they were impacted by terrible business decisions.
Edit: Actually Amos and Rosenberg were probably also at the core of the whole thing, so yeah...


They probably will, but a lot rides on the next one I think. That is unless the PC and PS4 versions of this one come out to amazing sales, which I doubt will happen.


I am sure SE is reasonable enough to understand that Crystal Dynamics is not responsible for the low sales.

I'm sorry, I couldn't even write that with a straight face.


Far from dead, it reviewed well and Rise itself hasn't released in half of its projected platforms. Perhaps the sales of Rise might impact the scope/budget of the third game.


I sincerely hope not. We need a worthy dev to make actual tomb raiding games. You know puzzles, atmosphere, exploration and such? So glad it bombed. I know it's cruel but... Deserved.

Have you played it? The tombs offer tons of atmosphere.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I admit I haven't played the new TR games since the reboot, but it doesn't look like they put much of an emphasis on the puzzle based climbing the old games had. Where you'd see where you had to go and have to figure out where and when to jump, what to grab onto, etc to get there

New game has a TON of this. Traversal is actually more like the old games now, if not a bit easier.


How on Earth could you think the game was poorly received? It's a critical success and most everyone that played it had good things to say. Poorly marketed, yes, but not poorly received.
No thanks to globe trotting and all that other shit that the previous games had. There's a reason that series died. 2013 and Rise felt much more cohesive due to the lack of random trips across the world and, for me, the only thing that needs fixing is the input lag. Hip firing would be nice too, but CD are clearly not going for that kind of combat, so I doubt we'll see that pop up.


Tomb Raider has a future, and I think we will see plenty of Lara in the years to come.
There are plenty of talks about reviving the movie franchise, so I think we can safely assume that everything will be fine....as soon as Microsoft's exclusivity contract runs out.
Hopefully CD, SE and MS learned their lesson from this sales debacle.
Me too. They did a great job with both games, and although I have a soft spot and preference for the reboot, ROTR was a fantastic game. It deserves much better sales because of its quality, and it saddens me.

I'll likely double-dip.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
How on Earth could you think the game was poorly received? It's a critical success and most everyone that played it had good things to say. Poorly marketed, yes, but not poorly received.
No thanks to globe trotting and all that other shit that the previous games had. There's a reason that series died. 2013 and Rise felt much more cohesive due to the lack of random trips across the world and, for me, the only thing that needs fixing is the input lag. Hip firing would be nice too, but CD are clearly not going for that kind of combat, so I doubt we'll see that pop up.

So you don't like Uncharted?


I thought a 3rd game was already confirmed. I remember looking at the wikia and a comic was announced that bridges rise and whatever the next game is

I heard this, but they announced that before the game came out.

It's not unusual to plan for a sequel before the next one hits... and then those plans can suddenly change. I mean, Fox was planning on more Fant4stic movies before the film bombed. Games like Too Human ended on a cliffhanger while their developers talked about how big the franchise was going to be in the next few games.

A lot of plans can shift and changed based on sales performance. They can say they want to make another game, but a lot of history has shown that another game is by no means certain.

A lot of my favorite games were cut shorter than planned or failed to find resolution. Xenosaga went from 6 games down to 3 due to sales performance. I'm STILL waiting for a conclusion to Prince of Persia 2008's cliffhanger ending. We're still a game short of the promised trilogy in Viewtiful Joe. Mega Man's still stuck on the moon in Mega Man Legends...

... I hate to sound cynical, but they can talk up a sequel all they want. Other developers have. That's no confirmation it'll gain any traction.

We'll just have to wait and see and play the long-game for this installment. That seriously sucks because the exclusivity deal and release date(s) absolutely affected sales. Whether it can recover or not is, well, entirely up in the air. We won't know if Tomb Raider is still viable to Square Enix until the dust has fully settled, and that won't be until a year from now.

I'm not optimistic, but if nothing else, Square Enix is a company willing to spend a lot of time and money saving sinking ships (like FF14). But... well, if 3.4 million copies of the last game in one month "disappointed" them, I really don't want to know what they think about this game's performance.

They even outright said they expected this game to "expand" the audience (and every rational person on earth asked how making it a timed-exclusive would do that).


Eh, not everyone. Was cover shooting and stealth kills really the direction TR needed to go? To appeal to the bros and brahs of the world.

So edgy.

So you don't like Uncharted?

Love Uncharted but the first game, in my opinion, compares more favorably to the sequels than it should simply because of the lack of constant plane rides. I prefer the intimacy (wrong word maybe, but I've just woken from a hard night of whiskey drinking) of a single location to the excitement of globe trotting.
While I thinks it's boring, I hope they can continue work. It would suck for SE to let a bunch of employees go because they decided to let the game do poorly.
I sincerely hope not. We need a worthy dev to make actual tomb raiding games. You know puzzles, atmosphere, exploration and such? So glad it bombed. I know it's cruel but... Deserved.

This is a bad comment.

To be happy that other peoples work bomb because you disagree with the direction is a pretty unappealing opinion in and of itself, but then there is the thing about the old TR games not having any amount of thoughtful puzzles and atmosphere as much as you would like to think.

CD made a fantastic tomb raider, and while it lacked the cave exploration, it was EASILY. And I mean, easily the best tomb raider. It reinvented a franchise that was most well known for the boobs of the main character and the pioneering 3D technology, but if you want to paint a picture that suggests that Tomb Raider had great atmosphere and puzzles and exploration. Yeahh, no. Even for its time among its contemporaries you had a vast array of much more thoughtful adventure and exploration games.
I don't get why some are acting as though RotTR disappointed. It's a great game and in fact better than its strongest competitions (read: Fallout and Halo) on many levels. Incompetent business practices is what hurt it the most.


I kinda hope they don't. The direction they've taken with the series is boring and soulless. I'd love to see a new take on it. A legit adventure/action game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
it might happen but it definitely won't have a big budget.

They'll get another shot and it will. Otherwise there's no point. The AA tier is basically gone at retail so if they don't go AAA they won't go.


Gold Member
I don't get why some are acting as though RotTR disappointed. It's a great game and in fact better than its strongest competitions (read: Fallout and Halo) on many levels. Incompetent business practices is what hurt it the most.
I always thought they meant the sales disappointed. Not the game


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I kinda hope they don't. The direction they've taken with the series is boring and soulless. I'd love to see a new take on it. A legit adventure/action game.

What isn't Adventure/Action about ROtTR? It has more platforming and puzzles than Uncharted and probably less shooting.
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