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I Think I Was Wrong About Uncharted 4


i thought this game sucked and i played through the prior 3 three times each. they took the wrong lessons from last of us and removed anything that was fun in the series. not getting the dlc one


Junior Member
Your post is ridiculous not only because of your remarks regarding Dark Souls and Mario ("to me it's just superficial puzzles and difficulty as opposed to real difficulty as achieved in competitive multiplayer games" is probably the most genuinely and spectacularly stupid thing I've ever read on here, and this is gaf!) but also because calling ND unparalleled regarding storytelling is just completely ignorant. Even TLoU which is ND operating at their absolute best in that regard is nowhere near as accomplished and well thought out as something like IHNMAIMS, Planescape Torment, Policenauts or 999/VLR.
What really makes ND popular and widely beloved is that they adhere to the Shawshank Redemption philosophy and make games that are as approachable, enjoyable and unoffensive as possible. These games are tailor made to appeal to as many people as possible and they do a very good job at raising as little barriers as possible.
Enjoyable little narratives I agree, but very little of substance is actually being said with the plot remaining pretty much exclusively entertainment driven throughout most of their stuff.

Also, just for reference... ND are very much my cup of tea. I love their games. None of the ones I've played has ever been below average, with some actually being quite great. Why do people always assume the minute you criticize something you must be against it? SotC is still my #1 favorite game of all time and I wouldn't ever score it over an 8.
its my belief. you can think it stupid if you want. doesnt really bother me. I do find sp games superficially difficult.

EDIT okay mario isnt the best example but most sp games I find just grating unnecessarily
This game is impossible to replay. There's just too much tedium that I don't care to sit through again. Tried doing chapter select looking for a cool setpiece and I remembered the clock tower being a highlight. Nope, Barely any spectacle and wrapped around a shitty puzzle.

Naughty Dog's puzzle design is a real problem. It's uniformly abysmal in their games. Somebody show them Zelda. Any Zelda.


I enjoyed it for the story, characters and set pieces. If you strip those elements out it's a very mediocre game at best. The gameplay in Naughty dog games is quite weak and honestly watching a playthrough might be more enjoyable than actually playing.


They grabbed all this stuff and took it away because they had a bunch of fans that disliked the franchise and they changed it to get their approval. On the other hand they shitted over their real fans.

What? What the hell is this? Nobody made them change the formula up. They wanted to mature and develop what a cinematic game could be like.

If anything, this was Druckmann with MORE creative freedom - he wanted less action (no fights where it didn't make sense) and ridiculous stuff
I have so many post explaining why I love this game so much. It just warms my heart every time I think about it.

The best video game of all time.

Idc if that statement is disagreed by million+ people. Out of every game I've played so far, it is the best. I'm looking forward to a day some game can top it.
I almost feel the same way. Except I think it's the third greatest game of all time with only Bloodborne and The Last of Us surpassing it.
I enjoyed it for the story, characters and set pieces. If you strip those elements out it's a very mediocre game at best. The gameplay in Naughty dog games is quite weak and honestly watching a playthrough might be more enjoyable than actually playing.

This is a myth. The gameplay in The Last of Us is excellent from every standpoint.
Lucky they included a "combat encounter select" mode eh?

When I learned there would be both a level select and encounter select, I was excited. Actually using it though? There were long load times for each level and each encounter, and when using encounter select, it abruptly stops upon killing the last enemy, so I can't skip all the chapter 11 driving to get to the outpost shootouts and play through them one after another—I have to play through whole chapters to experience stuff like that all together. And I even like all of chapter 11's driving since it doesn't feel like I'm just going through the motions like with most of the climbing segments, but not every non-combat sequence gives the player that degree of control and agency.

The worst one being the awesome truck chase which is split up into three separate encounters! The game comes to a screeching halt just after hooking onto the truck crane while crossing the river if you try to use encounter select. If you want to replay that whole sequence without having to go back to the menu, you have to do the pirate symbol "puzzle" (which forces you to go look at the paintings each time, can't just enter the right symbol orientations) and the bell tower climb, stuff that was neat the first time, but restrictive and heavily scripted, which makes replaying it a drag. The whole game is full of stuff like that. Maddening.


I like the idea of focusing more on the adventure elements but I thought the execution was awful since they didn't make the platforming and puzzles good. I'd say those aspects are actually below average and they're a big part of the game.

I thought the writing was good but that the story itself was fairly boring. Didn't care too much for the family drama and was more interested in the pirate parts.
Didn't like how Sam got away with everything either despite being the main cause of all the problems in the story. It's weird how Rafe got punished for not being able to let go while Sam not only gets away with it but still manages to take some of the treasure in the end.
Felt like an above average game with sublime graphics. Still amounted to a slightly above average experience at best for me but to be honest, I haven't finished it yet although I should be somewhat close.
Never played the ps3 ones and recently got u4 with the Pro as an offer, should I pay the remastered versions for ps4 before the last one or just jump into it? Thanks.


I think it is fantastic and I played trough it three times already. Only in the middle I feel the pacing slogs a bit, but taken over the whole experience it is a minor issue to me.


There's far too much nothing gameplay. The climbing might as well be a QTE, and that's a huge chunk of the game.

The combat is good but it doesn't stick around long. Most of the game is walking and climbing, all while Nate banters with a character far less charismatic than Sully.
Glad that you admitted that you are ASHAMED OF YOUR WORDS AND DEEDS regarding UC4 OP lol

It's one of those special games that come around every so often. Right up there with TLOU and UC2 for me. Truly a one of a kind game and adventure.

With TLOU2 they will take it up another notch too, we aint gonna be ready smh heh


The game can be fun at times, but the padding with empty space to create a "semi-open world experience" was a catastrophic failure. They miscalculated horribly that those sections would be fun due to banter between characters, but they just fell flat, as any sane person could have predicted.
Nah, gave parts of it a relay and it's still a mess. It's not a disaster, but it's also deeply flawed.

I have been enjoying the horde mode online though. I'm not very good at the treasure collecting bits but it's fun.
I'd rather watch an Uncharted movie than play another game in the series. The gameplay and pacing are just so bad, imo. Naughty Dog should get out of gaming and start writing for TV or movies.


Hated it. Awful gunplay, unlikeable characters, boring plot, lifeless environments.

I just feel that this type of game belongs in the PS360 era.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
Uncharted 4 pacing sucks, game start super slow first 5 chapters could have been cutscenes then you have chapter 12 ,16 and 21 which are just walking sections that hurt pacing alot. It feels its more of drukman game than Bruce's


I found UC4 so refreshing.

I hated the first ones ( 1 and 3 especially ) where every two meters you have to kill bad guys.

Oh look at this mysterious never seen before land that... oh nevermind tanks and snipers are there.

Hated this.

UC4 is more like the gameplay adapted itself to the story, while the previous ones felt like the gameplay dictated the shape of the story.

So it offered a lot more variety.

The slow beginning is SO GOOD. It makes you feel for Nathan, loved playing his mundane life. Loved having adventure flashback without having to kill 300 dudes on the way.

Loved exploring.

It wasn't all perfect but a huge step in the right direction for me.

To me UC4 was a great adventure. Not another third person shooter.
It had its problems:

+Story and characters
+It's beautiful to look at
+Best TPS machanics of any Uncharted
+Stealth was ok. At least it was decently implemented
+Jeep set piece is one of the best

-It's too long for its own good. Pacing all over the place (got tired of that fucking island)
-Kid part was boring
-Not enough set pieces
-Not enough combat
-Too much climbing
-Forced walking will never go away
-More stupid treasures
Libertalia wasn't even impressive

Overall I think the negatives outweight the positives, unfortunately. I'm not tempted to replay it.
I'll probably get the Lost Legacy later because I love Chloe but I'm glad this series will finally be given a good rest.
I think it is fantastic and I played trough it three times already. Only in the middle I feel the pacing slogs a bit, but taken over the whole experience it is a minor issue to me.

Curious to know what middle part your referring to. I think 12-18 are too slow. Or at least not balanced right. Again only 3 or 4 encounters would fix this.

It's just crazy how close they were for me to making the perfect game and they just fell a bit short, but still made a game that I actually think about after I beat. I kinda want to replay it but I think I'm gonna replay trilogy. Wife gave me the HD collection this morning!
Great game but the only uncharted I only played through once. And I do think that's due to the pacing. But like I said, great game non the less
I recently played through Uncharted 4 and actually enjoyed it a lot, which is interesting considering the negative impressions I came across prior to playing it.

My personal ranking for the series: 2 > 4 > 3 > 1


I think Last of us gameplay and Uncharted 4 are about equal actually. I don't see how it is garbage.

The Last of Us gameplay actually suited the atmosphere of the game world.

Walking around empty ruins to collect items that have no story or gameplay significance is meaningless. They thought they could shoe horn in an Uncharted game into the Last of Us mold and get gold. It didn't work.

Uncharted games were supposed to be light hearted and fun. This was trying way too hard to tell a serious story and it didn't work for me.

Would have loved to see what Amy Hennig's version entailed. Hopefully we can hear that story one day.


I replayed the game after I got a Pro and it felt like a chore to finish despite the incredible visuals. U2 will remain the peak of the series for me.
I for one am thankful for the low shootout number. I freaking despise Uncharteds shooting mechanics, and was happy that most of the time you can sneak past or just ignore enemies altogether.

The game was just rather uninspired all told. The game could've shaved off about a third of its levels and would be better for it.


I think Uncharted in general is overated. All solid 8/10 games treated as something more.

Uncharted 4 was just Naughty Dog doubling down on their own hype.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
2 goat > 1/3 > dog shit > 4

i went in for an uncharted game, not a girl friend talking climb simulator
lol, trying really hard to get that "shitpost of 2017" award?

Even TLoU which is ND operating at their absolute best in that regard is nowhere near as accomplished and well thought out as something like IHNMAIMS, Planescape Torment, Policenauts or 999/VLR.
Hahahahahaha are you serious? 999 was garbage-tier writing.

What really makes ND popular and widely beloved is that they adhere to the Shawshank Redemption philosophy and make games that are as approachable, enjoyable and unoffensive as possible. These games are tailor made to appeal to as many people as possible and they do a very good job at raising as little barriers as possible.
Enjoyable little narratives I agree, but very little of substance is actually being said with the plot remaining pretty much exclusively entertainment driven throughout most of their stuff.
Wait, what?

I mean I'm with you with the general sentiment but... this is a confusing post.


Reading some of these complaints, sounds like I might actually like Uncharted 4 lol

Enjoyed the first game, really disliked the 2nd and couldn't be bothered to get to the halfway point in the 3rd.
Reading some of these complaints, sounds like I might actually like Uncharted 4 lol

Enjoyed the first game, really disliked the 2nd and couldn't be bothered to get to the halfway point in the 3rd.
Doubtful since UC4 doubles and triples down on characters and assumes you have some affinity for them which it seems you don't.
The Last of Us gameplay actually suited the atmosphere of the game world.

Walking around empty ruins to collect items that have no story or gameplay significance is meaningless. They thought they could shoe horn in an Uncharted game into the Last of Us mold and get gold. It didn't work.

Uncharted games were supposed to be light hearted and fun. This was trying way too hard to tell a serious story and it didn't work for me.

Would have loved to see what Amy Hennig's version entailed. Hopefully we can hear that story one day.

Oh I thought you meant gameplay as in combat and encounters design. In that way I believe Uncharted 4 and LOU are equal.

I'm playing uncharted 3 yet and as amazingly as these visuals are, UC4 looks so much better... especially the faces. It is also striking how different the tone is. There's a place now for both types of games in my heart :)


Gold Member
i thought this game sucked and i played through the prior 3 three times each. they took the wrong lessons from last of us and removed anything that was fun in the series. not getting the dlc one

no more complicated than this. mixing last of us gravitas with wild'n'crazy uncharted was just a terrible idea. just the idea of nate & elena having a heart-to-heart conversation
with sweet little cassie
about what exactly it was they'd got up to together back when is pretty laughable. because, unlike last of us, there's just never been any room for that level of 'realism' in uncharted :) ...
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