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I think PlayStation lost a lot of its "magic" by porting its exlusives to PC


I didn't like the decision either but disagree with your statement. PC gets shitty ports 1 year later of more, IF they get the games at all (P.S.: they only get some of them).
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For me, PlayStation got this magic notion, thanks to great quality exclusives like Ratchet and Clank, GT, among others.
PlayStation was like an arcade saloon, and if you have ever been to one, you know what I mean by that.

But now, they release one by one, all of its pearls to PC, so why bother, and buy PlayStation 5 if you have gaming PC?
Sure, you can play earlier, but it is not the same anymore.

What do you think?
Its also not the same to play on PC and to play on PlayStation 5.

Benefits of playing on PlayStation 5
- Simplicity (Plug and Play)
- Day 1 Release (No need to wait upwards of 6 months or longer)
- Optimized Games (Less issues, less things to worry about, devs target console hardware)
- 1 Ecosystem (1 Store, 1 Friends List, Trophies, All Games)
- Couch Potato Gamer (Just enjoy games in comfort)
- PSVR 2 (If VR is your thing)

If you don't care about the above, then play all your games on PC. Releasing games on PC does not dilute what PlayStation and PS5 have to offer.


Gold Member
You don't lose anything based on if someone else can play a game.
Exactly. I've never understood the negativity towards stuff like this. It's always been strange to me. To be SO defensive of your favorite plastic box, lol. I feel like the magic isn't lost, and never will be.

Some people prefer console playing, some people prefer PC playing. It just gives people more options, really.

It's not affecting your favorite IP or brand. It's just making it available for another large group of people, which does even more for the brand and IP.

They’ve lost their magic after the PS3 era. That console had so many gems. Now al the games seem to have the same gameplay.
Yeah, I have more of an issue with a lot of AAA games these days because of that alone.
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I can see that, sure.
I know that every game I buy on ps5 will come out on pc and people will play it for cheaper and with better graphics... and that kinds feels off... But it doesn't change that I play a good game day1 and some games are still not on pc.
I wouldn't say no to bloodborne on pc.
It’s only cheaper if you buy on PS day one brother. Patient gamers win.


Gold Member
PC/PS5/Switch master race reporting.

There are a TON of PlayStation games not on PC. Like...a lot.

I would much rather have every game release on PC day and date with console anyway. I think you're too far in the nostalgia for your own good here.


idk... consider it? Show some empathy?
Empathy? Dude what? lol

The market is constantly evolving. The days of having a sharp divide between consoles and PCs is all but dead. The only company staying true to the old school ways is Nintendo.

No one said Final Fantasy or Resident Evil lost their magic when they went multiplat. It just meant that more people get to play them and that’s a good thing.
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playstation numbers dont agree though 🤷‍♂️

Time will tell.

Depends how many people leave PS Platform for Steam where most the time games are cheaper. Taking there 1st Party and 3rd party purchases with them. Someone like me whos spent thousands od pounds on PSN throughout the years. Give it 5-10%+ ofhardcore fans like myself moving to Steam means alot of software sales loss for PSN.

Or will the Steam sales numbers be enough to offset PS fans going to Steam etc.
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Compare digital prices of Returnal.
PSN sale price of £34.99 from the UK store, £13.99 on sale if you buy from the Turkish store, free if you’re a new subscriber and don’t mind renting it from Extra/Premium (or £10.99 if you have to pay for one month).

Thing is though, it’ll continue to fall on PSN (Steam too) and I’m happy to wait until it’s £20.


Reverse groomer.
Time will tell.
THE NUMBERS DONT LIE, AND THEY SPELL further continued success for Playstation.
Depends how many people leave PS Platform for Steam where most the time games are cheaper. Taking there 1st Party and 3rd party purchases with them. Someone like me whos spent thousands on pounds on PSN Throughout the years. Give it 5-10%+ ofhardcore fans like myself moving to Steam means alot of software sales loss for PSN.
for most people who only have a PS5 or PS4 as their primary gaming platform im sure the cost of an expensive PC that's on par isn't worth the cheaper prices. Infact most Playstation only gamers probably don't know or care about the fact you can play video games on a PC.

Every way you look at it, this idea that Playstation will lose sales and profit fast because a few games like God of War are on PC is just ridiculous tbh. Not everyone knows PC is the best nor does everyone care. If that were the case, Playstation wouldn't be as successful as it is in the first place
I can see that, sure.
I know that every game I buy on ps5 will come out on pc and people will play it for cheaper and with better graphics... and that kinds feels off... But it doesn't change that I play a good game day1 and some games are still not on pc.
I wouldn't say no to bloodborne on pc.
According to Sony it will NOT be every game.And when you want to wait 1-2 years to play the PS games on your PC, be my guest. I can play the PS games day one on my PS5.
I stil feel the "magic" 1-2 years before the PC players. So i dont care about your opinion.😉


Gold Member
If the magic of PlayStation games has left you because they're starting to be found on other platforms then I'd say it was never the magic of PlayStation games you adored. You were in love with the walled garden of feeling like part of some exclusive club that only people who walked through the same door as you got to be a part of. The games themselves, most anyway, are still amazing experiences. Take heart in knowing that 99% of PlayStation games will never find their way to Xbox and Nintendo if you want that warm exclusive feeling in your pants. If that doesn't make you moist I'm sure Ass of Can Whooping Ass of Can Whooping has some ideas.


THE NUMBERS DONT LIE, AND THEY SPELL further continued success for Playstation.

for most people who only have a PS5 or PS4 as their primary gaming platform im sure the cost of an expensive PC that's on par isn't worth the cheaper prices. Infact most Playstation only gamers probably don't know or care about the fact you can play video games on a PC.

Every way you look at it, this idea that Playstation will lose sales and profit fast because a few games like God of War are on PC is just ridiculous tbh. Not everyone knows PC is the best nor does everyone care. If that were the case, Playstation wouldn't be as successful as it is in the first place

Yeah for now.

Well I know 3 people who have moved to PC from Playstation. Assuming most playstation gamers dont know you can play games on PC isnt really correct. They have alot of hardcore gamers, pretty sure they know you can game on the PC. People migrate to other platforms all the time.

Hell if they move games day 1 to PC, Ill probably move over.
Take heart in knowing that 99% of PlayStation games will never find their way to Xbox and Nintendo if you want that warm exclusive feeling in your pants. If that doesn't make you moist I'm sure Ass of Can Whooping Ass of Can Whooping has some ideas.

I always have a bottle of Sony Interactive Entertainment cream on hand when I need that little extra help

Maybe he just needs re-educating.


It can't be done. The Playstation 5™️ has ssd tech that is alien based. With one of those in a pc, it will explode.


Reverse groomer.
Assuming most playstation gamers dont know you can play games on PC isnt really correct. They have alot of hardcore gamers, pretty sure they know you can game on the PC. People migrate to other platforms all the time.
I said Playstation ONLY gamers. Not to mention i also said that they likely don't CARE, hence why they're Playstation only gamers. yknow, people who don't own any platform besides Playstation. Do you think that those people will just switch to a completely unfamiliar platform at the drop of a hat because some of the games are coming to PC? and more importantly....
Hell if they move games day 1 to PC, Ill probably move over.
for what reason?
If you were a hardcore playstation fan i'm pretty sure no benefit on PC would be worth giving up Day 1 access to all of your favorite exclusives. Hell there's already a couple people here talking about how they still get to experience the game year 1/2 and that's good enough for them. I'm not downplaying the benefits of gaming on PC because they're very numerous and great, but you're talking about HARDCORE playstation fans here. People who have been with the brand all their life. People in that position likely wouldn't switch even if they were offered a blowjob to do so. People aren't that open minded.

Now if PS exclusives dropped day and date on PC alongside Playstation there might be more of a conversation to be had there but as of now the status quo of "1 year before PC" is good enough for many people & enough of a reason to get a PS5 if you're really into these types of games that Playstation makes
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I said Playstation ONLY gamers. Not to mention i also said that they likely don't CARE, hence why they're Playstation only gamers. yknow, people who don't own any platform besides Playstation. Do you think that those people will just switch to a completely unfamiliar platform at the drop of a hat because some of the games are coming to PC? and more importantly....
Either way, actual gamers arent that dumb to not know you cant game on PC. And you also said probably don’t know not just dont care.

for what reason?
If you were a hardcore playstation fan i'm pretty sure no benefit on PC would be worth giving up Day 1 access to all of your favorite exclusives. Hell there's already a couple people here talking about how they still get to experience the game year 1/2 and that's good enough for them. I'm not downplaying the benefits of gaming on PC because they're very numerous and great, but you're talking about HARDCORE playstation fans here. People who have been with the brand all their life. People in that position likely wouldn't switch even if they were offered a blowjob to do so. People aren't that open minded.

People migrate all the time. Yes PS has the most loyal fans but Ive seen some move or also buy a PC. If games go day 1 on PC, then people willl move.

Now if PS exclusives dropped day and date on PC alongside Playstation there might be more of a conversation to be had there but as of now the status quo of "1 year before PC" is good enough for many people & enough of a reason to get a PS5 if you're really into these types of games that Playstation makes

This is what Im talking about. Hardcore fans arent gonna unless games come day 1 to PC.

Also for new gamers, PS wont have the same enticing power if there games are also on PC day 1. New gamers would be like, well I can play more games on Steam and Cheaper.

Ps Im not gonna really leave lol. But some people will. Hardcore fans won’t be happy about the reason they buy a console, is no longer a reason to buy a Playstation
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So I agree with this, and it is purely based on my personal experience and perspective.

I consider gaming to be a lifelong hobby. I like games, doesnt really matter what system, but Sony typically ended up with the games that I

liked, and it had been that way since PS1. Before that I was a SNES guy.

Moving forward, Id jump around systems and pc gaming but Sony was always my go to.

Well, with the ps5 and now their games appearing on PC, I dont see much point. PSVR2 was my only reason to get a PS5, outside of that.....I dont know. I just dont feel that same excitement that I did with previous systems.
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With ever increasing development costs and with Sony being a business that is at the end of the day all about making money, It's a no brainer that games were going to come to PC especially with their main competition releasing all their exclusives day 1 on PC they were bound to follow suit.

I would love to see PS games release day 1 on PC eventually, I'll never understand fanboys.


Writes a lot, says very little
"magic" based on what the developer is able to do in regards to design, gameplay, narrative, story etc

Not where the game will NOT show up or something.

If that is how you've been looking at this, then sure, to you the "magic" is gone, but I'm sure most play games based on gameplay, design etc and not merely where its not showing up at.

You playing a game of keep away? lol

They'll be just fine and so long as developers focus is on 1 platform at a time, most of us don't have an issue with it, I'd worry if it was a day and date thing and quality started to suffer or something.


Gold Member
What's the issue?

The more copies sold on PC, the more total sales a game gets when combined with the PS copies. So sales list wars will shoot through the roof even more.

Who knew random PC gamers playing the same game half way around the world would lead to such terror.

PC Gamers: Never mind your uber rigs casting a shadow on console gamers. But 1-2 year old ports are even enough to make grown adult console gamers cry.


hide your water-based mammals
I think your take is pretty stupid and as if there's nothing else to talk about considering all their numbers are up and last time I checked the quality of their games has not suffered that much over 20 years or more.

If you are younger than 20 or 25 years old I feel like you don't have much room to talk versus those of us that were there from the very first PlayStation days and seeing the consistency. So whatever magic or arbitrary argument you want to make it doesn't hold any water and come with a better thread then this.
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A lot of the PC market doesn't compete with consoles because its a lot more expensive and a lot of the people want something user friendly. Its good that Sony have finally realised this as their losing out on a lot of the market. I actually think its a clever move. They have a lot of single player experiences that have a lot of hype around them. People without a PlayStation can afford to get new hardware every cycle for PC and so are likely those who can buy a console without a problem. By them releasing say 'The last of Us Pt 1' they're going to get a lot of PC users invested in that franchise. They'll probably buy a PlayStation to just play Part 2. IF Part 2 does get released in the next year on PC they may even buy the next Playstation to buy Part 3 as they don't want to wait. Right now the barrier to entry for PC is too high for a lot of people. That may change in the future. The idea of the 'magic' being lost is just you being too invested on an unhealthy level to the brand. This isn't going to affect your favourite games. If anything its going to make Sony richer. They wouldn't have done it if the numbers didn't make sense.


What time is it?
Games are expensive to make so porting the PC is smart. If they decide one way or the other that PC sales are affecting their hardware/subscription business they can always slide the release window scale one direction or the other. Further, a lot of the magic of Playstation was lost long before their PC efforts started. They've found success and focused on blockbuster releases and that's limited the types of games they produce.


A far simpler explanation could be that some of these games were not so AMAZINGLY DESIRABLE and the hottest shit on the planet as some of the brand loyalists were framing them.
God of War: 97%
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 96%
Days Gone: 92%
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves: 89%
Horizon: Zero Dawn: 86% (90% Recent)

It would seem brand loyalists* Steam users paint a very different picture, questionable ports and all.

The only brand loyalty pc has is team red and team green.

And steam lol.
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