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I think rather than buying gaming studios MS should now focus on entire Management change of Xbox from top to bottom.


I had no idea folk here felt like this about Xbox games these days guess I haven't been keeping up


Of course most of that deal was to be for buying very profitable IPs in their own right and very little to do with Xbox itself.

But even a fraction if that would have funded multiple AAA games for a decade or more.

Anyone who's been paying attention to Microsoft though, isn't really surprised. Nadella doesn't give much of a fuck about anything but the cloud parts of the company. Well other enterprise parts too. You can see that with the Surface division facing pressure and the low end Microsoft hardware having just gotten the chop, despite no signs either are not profitable (just not anywhere near the likes of Azure).
Companies are just risk averse at this point, that's why you see more mergers and company focusing in one successful product in the cost of others, even in gaming btw.


I think rather than buy the gaming studios MS should now focus on Management change of Xbox from top to bottom.

It is now the perfect time to to reboot the management from top to bottom like MCU did in 2007, and now WB did with DCU.

IMO this is the lowest point of Xbox era that even exclusives are getting worst rating and the management does not get it what really gamers want.

In short, Money cannot buy the passion and dedication.
They definitely need some improvement. Problem is who does the house cleaning?

Few people want Xbox to fail purely for console war reasons. Most of the ire directed at Xbox is because their management seems completely incompetent and you can be a fan of something and invest in it while also recognizing their shortcomings.

I don't own a modern Xbox but my brother and nephew do. I want them to have baller games to play. Same with everyone here who sticks with Xbox as their main console.

Xbox is just being dumb as shit. It's like they are stuck in a perpetual cycle of the PS3 rollout.

Few people want Xbox to fail purely for console war reasons. Most of the ire directed at Xbox is because their management seems completely incompetent and you can be a fan of something and invest in it while also recognizing their shortcomings.

I don't own a modern Xbox but my brother and nephew do. I want them to have baller games to play. Same with everyone here who sticks with Xbox as their main console.

Xbox is just being dumb as shit. It's like they are stuck in a perpetual cycle of the PS3 rollout.

A strong Xbox is good for PlayStation consumers. I don’t think anyone actually wants a gaming monopoly. It‘s bad for developers, publishers, and consumers.

We saw that with Nintendo and we’ve seen it with Sony. It’s never a good thing.

If I’m Microsoft, I bring in the PS4 leadership team and try to get as many Playstation veterans as possible.


A soul sucking corporate behemoth like Microsoft cannot possibly maintain the passion needed to create consistently great games. There is too much bureaucracy. Their interests are too far apart. They have a few things they do well and that’s all you’re going to get out of them. The Microsoft that gave us the Xbox and the 360 are long gone.
Captain Obvious…sorry but it had to be said. No offense



Few people want Xbox to fail purely for console war reasons. Most of the ire directed at Xbox is because their management seems completely incompetent and you can be a fan of something and invest in it while also recognizing their shortcomings.

I don't own a modern Xbox but my brother and nephew do. I want them to have baller games to play. Same with everyone here who sticks with Xbox as their main console.

Xbox is just being dumb as shit. It's like they are stuck in a perpetual cycle of the PS3 rollout.
This is a truer words never spoken post


What to change if the main issue is trust ? , there are still many who don't trust the brand, and there are legit reasons for that, not just the gaming vision, this issue has been around since the beginning of Microsoft business and Linux, they aren't friends, it's normal to see anything else but xbox resembling Linux.


Pretty sure most people here already know Redfall started development LONG before the Bethesda acquisition. MS already gave the devs the best shot by signing off on a nearly year long delay.

‘mismanagement’ talk when it comes to Redfall is just silly.
Even Netflix had quality shows at one point in time to build subscriber base to eventually feed them with low quality cheap shit for profit.
Xbox so arrogant they think they can grow subscriber base with shit immediately
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Pretty sure most people here already know Redfall started development LONG before the Bethesda acquisition. MS already gave the devs the best shot by signing off on a nearly year long delay.

‘mismanagement’ talk when it comes to Redfall is just silly.
Excuses can only work so long after a patterned behavior has been recognized by the masses
Matt Booty should have been dismissed a long time ago. He is pitiful and a large reason why first party studios are in the sad state they are in. Phil needs to reallocate money into giving their devs what they need to get their games moving along properly. This endless issue of developer troubles and delays are ridiculous and embarrassing. Xbox needs to get their collective shit together and start putting out quality exclusives and on time.


Microsoft is an office productivity monopolist with unlimited money, of course there's no accountability for anything. Nintendo and Sony are well run because they have to be - that's the core of their business, if people are fucking up the whole thing comes crashing down. That's not the case for Xbox, and what keeps you in your seat is kissing up and shoehorning whatever corpo bullshit is trending in Redmond into your business strategy (hence Gamepass, which is just Azure for gaming).


Gold Member
Pretty sure most people here already know Redfall started development LONG before the Bethesda acquisition. MS already gave the devs the best shot by signing off on a nearly year long delay.

‘mismanagement’ talk when it comes to Redfall is just silly.
😂🤣. It works both ways.


I have been defending Phill for years, but if we reach the end of 2024 and XB is still in the same situation, then it is time for him to go.
This seems fair. We can't talk about how long dev cycles have gotten and hold them accountable. But the summer showcase is going to be pivotal. The 2018 acquisitions should start bearing some fruit. They could be bangers and prove the Xbox vision or they could fail and it would be time to really reevaluate everything. It sucks to say wait for it, but it's not realistic to not expect delayed gratification when dev cycles are 5-6 years now for AAA.


This hardly matters. Don Mattrick was ousted 10 years ago. Phil has had an entire generation and then some to right the ship and as of 2023, we're still not close to being there. None of the big games they have announced almost 3 years ago are anywhere near in sight. No Fable, Perfect Dark, Everwild, or even Hellblade. The management has been abysmal.

I'm not one to console war and I've been incredibly patient with Xbox but 2024 is their absolute final chance. We know what we're getting in 2023 so no point in getting up in arms about that but if by 2024, we still see no clear release dates for their big games, it's time to just fire everyone.

It will have been over 10 years since Mattrick's firing. A competent leader would have righted the ship by then. Instead, they're getting outsold 3:1 by Playstation when they had a golden opportunity to close the gap with the pandemic and chip shortage. Sony was releasing games at a much slower rate than usual and Xbox should have been ready to start the gen with a bang. What did we get? An unfinished Halo Infinite that's dead now.

This thread will probably get closed so meh but man Xbox is in a sorry state.
I was one of microsofts most adamant defenders during the xbox one era, but now i realize they have always been a joke a of a publisher who cant manage their studios for shit


A strong Xbox is good for PlayStation consumers. I don’t think anyone actually wants a gaming monopoly. It‘s bad for developers, publishers, and consumers.

We saw that with Nintendo and we’ve seen it with Sony. It’s never a good thing.

If I’m Microsoft, I bring in the PS4 leadership team and try to get as many Playstation veterans as possible.
Not a bad idea at all. And man if Xbox fails and leaves, were all screwed. It will be even worse than PS3 early days. Best option would be a 50/50 market split between Xbox and PS with each forced to continually innovate to try and tip the scales.
Man, y’all are overthinking this or just a way to talk down bout Xbox cause y’all want too. 10 years ago, Xbox could had been gone for good. If anything this management show MS that gaming something that MS need to be part of. First thing they did, was bought Minecraft. Remember then, ppl laughed at MS buying Minecraft. That everyone already bought and play it. Yet, here we are. As for the output of there games right now, not really that bad for the fact covid was here. Just cause MS just lost buying Act/blizz/king. Doesn’t truly hurt them right now. Just gonna take them a bit longer to get where they need. If anything this management had help MS to have that chance.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think the Xbox brand has grown too big for Microsoft to radically shakeup at this point, especially after the black eye they very publicly and humorously took with the launch of the Xbox One (Edit: big as how visible and popular it is with the public at large - not referring to any kind of business success). Remember, they have investors to keep happy and perception is often everything in that realm.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that the top brass at Microsoft have confidence in whatever long term plans Spencer and crew have cooking.
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Hot Take Call Of Duty is what took Xbox down because it took out Halo & Gears Of War .

Damn. There is probly at least some truth to that. Halo was still doing good, gears was the next big thing, then a couple years later everything was modern warfare. I even had a friend who was pure dudebro gaming and got a ps3 because he didn't have to pay for online to play it. Before mw, the PS3 would have been out of the question because of halo.


They are so concerned with messaging and optics that I think it would be hard as hell to replace Spencer. They set the bar for a marketable executive. He's practically like a mascot. Finding someone else to hype up like that would be easy, scapegoating Phil would be the hard part.


Pretty sure most people here already know Redfall started development LONG before the Bethesda acquisition. MS already gave the devs the best shot by signing off on a nearly year long delay.

‘mismanagement’ talk when it comes to Redfall is just silly.
Releasing Redfall in the state it appears to be in is mismanagement. They could delay and put more people on it, but instead they are pushing it out the door because they are starving for exclusives. Which is also a result of mismanagement.


1. Fire Phil Spencer first and foremost
2. Fire Aaron Greenberg
3. Make games that appeal to an audience beyond a low fee subscription service
4. End the narrative that it's "Ok" for games to be piss poor because "It's on gamepass."

It's really that simple.
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I don't think a company the size of MS Games can move nimble enough. The amount of money they've invested means MS proper will never let them live in their own bubble. Everything is going to be ground to dust by committee. It's a sad thing because XBox -> X360 gens showed a ton of promise. It's been said, but they never really recovered from losing Bungie and Epic.


Damn. There is probly at least some truth to that. Halo was still doing good, gears was the next big thing, then a couple years later everything was modern warfare. I even had a friend who was pure dudebro gaming and got a ps3 because he didn't have to pay for online to play it. Before mw, the PS3 would have been out of the question because of halo.


They are so concerned with messaging and optics that I think it would be hard as hell to replace Spencer. They set the bar for a marketable executive. He's practically like a mascot. Finding someone else to hype up like that would be easy, scapegoating Phil would be the hard part.
People calling for a shakeup don't know what they are asking for because Spencer actually fought to keep Xbox alive .
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Gold Member
Changing all the management isn't a solution, if you know your corporate politics and gaming history that often comes with a lot of downsides, take a look at Commodore and Atari for perfect examples.

New managemnt come in and will scrap everything the last guy did to push thier own vision. Those games you are waiting for? Likely to be cancelled which will put you back at square one and if they are not cancelled new management will have to try to clean up the mess and get the criticism of those failures when they try to put the roof on a house with poor foundations.
Phil Spencer and Gamepass strategy had been a complete disaster for Microsoft and XBox. Only by canning Phil and redirecting the acquisition budget toward releasing quality games can they hope to recover.
Agreed 100%. Gamepass has devalued and cannibalized game sales. Also, games need to be released and sold properly to recoupe funding for sequels. Phil and Co. push gamepass nonstop and dont even talk about the console or exclusives anymore. They have lost sight of what makes a console relevant and sub services like gamepass are not the answer.
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And replace Phil with who? Matt Booty?

Who in the gaming industry that's already at Microsoft internally, can they use to replace guys like Aaron, Matt, Phil, the VP I forget the name of, and the head of marketing I also forgot the name of?

I guess for marketing you can use any other marketing leader from another part of Microsoft since Marketing is Marketing regardless of the product, but the other positions can not be swapped out with empty suits that haven't got their feet wet in the gaming industry. They would have no idea what to do, not understand how anything works, and make uninformed decisions.

Microsoft is unlikely to hire externally from outside the company either since that would waste a lot of time and money getting new people used to Microsofts internal environment.

The objective of the title isn't currently possible. The most you could do is promote a few people to replace select leadership positions, and for those that don't require industry expertise, import from other divisions within Microsoft.
Changing all the management isn't a solution, if you know your corporate politics and gaming history that often comes with a lot of downsides, take a look at Commodore and Atari for perfect examples.

New managemnt come in and will scrap everything the last guy did to push thier own vision. Those games you are waiting for? Likely to be cancelled which will put you back at square one and if they are not cancelled new management will have to try to clean up the mess and get the criticism of those failures when they try to put the roof on a house with poor foundations.

New management grew Atari into a household name, and after things went south another new manage change saved Atari. Atari died when things went south and no management was changed.

But at that time there were a lot more gaming companies, many people you could hire, and there were many staff you could replace with others you already had, the gaming industry was completely different back then. It wasn't too expensive to make harsh moves and it didn't waste as much time as it would now.

The current industry isn't very sustainable, and there's a lot less key staff you can hire from other companies to put in executive leadership roles.


Well PC gaming at the AAA level is now directly tied to Xbox, which is what MS wanted so yes i agree changes should be made to make games better, i said on here 5 years ago when i joined MS always want too much control and fail at most things they compete in going back decades, my opinion hasn't changed and is still the same,

i'm not going to pay for Gamepass on PC, i'll stick with Steam but i want the Xbox games to be better so hopefully the PC ones will be and they are quite plainly not, they are getting worse, and MS and the dev's under them don't seem to care, and they must know how bad these games are, too much greed not enough talent, passion and pride in their work, so yes changes need to be made or this is as good as it gets and i'm not buying new games and playing them now.
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I think they were both in development before the acquisition so there was no sense in canceling them. Whatever Arkane does next will be their first game fully under the Xbox umbrella. Same for Hellblade 2 and Ninja Theory.
But here Xbox could have made a meaningful decision at Arkane management of redfall: they clearly should have delayed the game.
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I dont think they need to eject, the top management seems to have the vision of what needs to be done but it's taking longer than expected. No reason why they could bring in more specialized management.

A hybrid handheld would help with series S specs for $299 would help. (So what if they lose 10 billion......they'd sell 50 million units and gain another 15-20 million gamepass subs) And spend the other 60 billion on other developers.....


And replace Phil with who? Matt Booty?

Who in the gaming industry that's already at Microsoft internally, can they use to replace guys like Aaron, Matt, Phil, the VP I forget the name of, and the head of marketing I also forgot the name of?

I guess for marketing you can use any other marketing leader from another part of Microsoft since Marketing is Marketing regardless of the product, but the other positions can not be swapped out with empty suits that haven't got their feet wet in the gaming industry. They would have no idea what to do, not understand how anything works, and make uninformed decisions.

Microsoft is unlikely to hire externally from outside the company either since that would waste a lot of time and money getting new people used to Microsofts internal environment.

The objective of the title isn't currently possible. The most you could do is promote a few people to replace select leadership positions, and for those that don't require industry expertise, import from other divisions within Microsoft.
They've wasted millions trying to get as deal, that even without hindsight was always going to be iffy at best through, and also worsened their standing (and therefore likelihood of getting contracts) with at least the UK government.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Wow. Ya'll are finally coming around to what I've been saying for a while.

MS simply does not have the people in place to properly manage first party game development.

They had someone named Rodd Fergusson, but they let him walk to work on Diablo 4.

MS should hire him and put him in charge of all first party development. Allow him to hire/fire/can projects.
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