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i want opinions on Life of P from the people who played and finished and loved the souls games


Gold Member
people keep talking about how linear it is
how linear are we talking here? like straight up "A to B" linear or Dark soouls 1 linear?
It's not super linear, you still explore and found secrets and sometimes you get that fromsoft level design where you complete an area and end up in the main hub and you ask to yourself "fucking how?"

The new lotf is the one with ds1 level design, too bad almost everything else stinks compared to lop.
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too bad almost everything else stinks compared to lop.

Dunno, so far Im enjoying it more than LoP. Seems to me like some of us enjoy certain things from Souls games and want those in souls-likes and others vice-versa. I am certainly a level design kind of guy but not just souls-like but in general for all games. The visuals and atmsophere is also far better in LotF than LoP. I would say, sound design and the story atm LoP is superior. Gameplay undecided yet, the Umbral lamp thing I like, a lot, in the sense that, it's not easy to make 2 parallel worlds and easily switch between them. Impressive.
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Gold Member
Dunno, so far Im enjoying it more than LoP. Seems to me like some of us enjoy certain things from Souls games and want those in souls-likes and others vice-versa. I am certainly a level design kind of guy but not just souls-like but in general for all games. The visuals and atmsophere is also far better in LotF than LoP. I would say, sound design and the story atm LoP is superior.
I gave the game a fair chance and i was one of the few members with positive opinions, but i'm waiting for a patch rehaul, the game was decent but i find lop way, way better (atmosphere included).

It's not as bad as many people said, it has a reason to exist and brings enough new things to the table.

But lop to me felt like a fromsoft game not made by fromsoft.
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Gold Member
So I've finished the game and I'll tell you this. Lies of P is it's own thing. Don't believe anybody who sits on this forum and tells you it's just like BloodBorne. It's not even close. That's not a good or a bad thing. The games are simply...vastly different.

That being said, Lies of P is also a great game. The story is good and well told, so if you prefer this kind of story telling vs. what you get in more obscure Soulsgames then I think you're in for a treat. The weapon system is very unique, though, in my experience, the boss weapons is where it's at...and unfortunately those can't be mixed and matched like non-boss weapons can.

This kinda leans into combat, which is kind of a mix between Souls and Sekiro. Yes your attacks have to be timed and intentional, however the parry system is much more unforgiving than Sekiro IMO. Literally it's just frame of time you can successfully parry is longer in Sekiro. You have to be more precise in Lies of P. What's great about some of the weapons is that they come with arts that are like an auto parry which can make things a bit easier. I found that a Dex build is simply better than the strength builds I've tried, mainly because there is no poise armor for doing slow and heavy strikes, which mean you can be interrupted alot. This just means you should use Dex weapons and save on stamina.

The upgrade system is not just useful, but I'd say pretty much mandatory, you should not ignore it. It will make your chances of survivability against certain enemies and bosses much higher. For example, there is a cooldown on dodge rolling in the beginning of the game. You can upgrade so that you can dodge roll back to back with no cooldown. There's also an upgrade to allow you to roll after getting knocked down. These things are taken for granted in Sekiro and Dark Souls 3, but you have to earn it in Lies of P.

Level design is not as connected as Dark Souls 1, but there is some sense of connection there as some of the levels are pretty big. Definitely there's some off the beaten path kinda level design going on but they typically wrap around to the main path or are dead ends with some reward in them.

I don't wanna spoil too much, but it's fairly lengthy, you'll definitely get your money's worth out of it if you're a Souls fan.


Gold Member
Heavy weapons are as viable as dex builds.

You just have to time better your attacks but you also do a fuckload more of damage and stun.


Loved it.

Only non-From souls that could arguably keep their company.

It has flaws. The parry system is a little off (mainly on regular mobs rather than bosses) and it’s significantly more linear. But the weapons are fun, the graphics are beautiful and it’s hard.

Great game.

Everything Lords of the Fallen is not.


Moderated wildly
EDIT *lies of P
it's on sale, i've seen gameplay and i'm still not sure
my fellow From peeps, how it ranked among the souls games for you

It's very, very good. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's linear in design and more like bloodborne.

Brilliant game. One of the years best.

For an FYI, I always play Dex and in this game I went heavy and it was glorious. Can't wait for dlc!
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Loved it. Looks like Bloodborne, plays like a mix of Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro.

Good story, maybe a little too much dialogue.

It’s linear but still has plenty of secrets.

The game really kicked in for me in Chapter 4.
Ahhhh, I much prefer the level based system of Demon’s Souls. Great news.
It's not like demons.

In demons you can dip in and out of any level and complete about 80% of it any order you want.

This is straight up linear I.e. level 1, 2 etc.

I guess more like Returnal....😃
Heavy weapons are as viable as dex builds.

You just have to time better your attacks but you also do a fuckload more of damage and stun.

Heavy weapons take less guard damage as well. Which I think encourages parrying better.

I was running a lighter faster weapon for a while. Guard damage was way worse you basically have to be perfect on the parrys or you get wrecked.


people keep talking about how linear it is
how linear are we talking here? like straight up "A to B" linear or Dark soouls 1 linear?
The areas are big and you open a ton of shortcuts to the "bonfire", and the world seems consistent and well designed so a single journey will take you around a consistent city, but... ultimately there are no branching paths, no hidden zones or bosses, formulake stong, high-reward, non-respawning enemies positioned near the next shortcut or checkpoint (so it's better to just initially avoid them). Doing side quests often return you to old areas to find NPCs or secret rooms, but nothing greater. Items out of the beaten path in each area are often common or rubish, and only the occasional chess has worthy loot.

Seems the linearity wasn't their original intention. Time and weather effects change in all areas and it seems to many areas connect to the central hub.

Despite that it's a good game if you want more Souls. Just don't expect much exploration.


What time is it?
All and all, I think it is one of the better Souls-like games out there.

+Being able to re-earn an Estes Flask equivalent through skillful play after having exhausted them all is something that all Souls-likes need to copy.
+The weapon handle/blade swapping is a really smart implementation to give more variety to your arsenal.
+Really nice visuals and style
+Good boss battle variety and the encounters are fun far more often than they are not.
=The game is parry heavy. That could be a good or bad thing depending on your skill at parrying. I'm shit at it and games like Sekiro own my soul.
=Level design is fine but often feels a bit too linear. It apes shortcuts and wrap arounds from FromSoft but its' best don't come close to FromSoft's best.
-Not really a fan of the skill tree or how it is implemented.
-For the love of God, not every boss needs a second phase. It really saps the moment when you are expecting it to happen and it almost always happens.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
EDIT *lies of P
it's on sale, i've seen gameplay and i'm still not sure
my fellow From peeps, how it ranked among the souls games for you

One of the best games of 2023. Best souls like not from FS. Only a hair shy of FS magic.

Thought it was going to be a pass. Saw it had amazing tech performance even on a 3080 without any bugs so I bought it just to support that. I thought I’d play a hour and instead did it from start to finish without playing anything else in between.

Top shelf game. Only complaint is they nerfed it for cry baby pussies.


Moderated wildly
So I've finished the game and I'll tell you this. Lies of P is it's own thing. Don't believe anybody who sits on this forum and tells you it's just like BloodBorne. It's not even close. That's not a good or a bad thing. The games are simply...vastly different.

That being said, Lies of P is also a great game. The story is good and well told, so if you prefer this kind of story telling vs. what you get in more obscure Soulsgames then I think you're in for a treat. The weapon system is very unique, though, in my experience, the boss weapons is where it's at...and unfortunately those can't be mixed and matched like non-boss weapons can.

This kinda leans into combat, which is kind of a mix between Souls and Sekiro. Yes your attacks have to be timed and intentional, however the parry system is much more unforgiving than Sekiro IMO. Literally it's just frame of time you can successfully parry is longer in Sekiro. You have to be more precise in Lies of P. What's great about some of the weapons is that they come with arts that are like an auto parry which can make things a bit easier. I found that a Dex build is simply better than the strength builds I've tried, mainly because there is no poise armor for doing slow and heavy strikes, which mean you can be interrupted alot. This just means you should use Dex weapons and save on stamina.

The upgrade system is not just useful, but I'd say pretty much mandatory, you should not ignore it. It will make your chances of survivability against certain enemies and bosses much higher. For example, there is a cooldown on dodge rolling in the beginning of the game. You can upgrade so that you can dodge roll back to back with no cooldown. There's also an upgrade to allow you to roll after getting knocked down. These things are taken for granted in Sekiro and Dark Souls 3, but you have to earn it in Lies of P.

Level design is not as connected as Dark Souls 1, but there is some sense of connection there as some of the levels are pretty big. Definitely there's some off the beaten path kinda level design going on but they typically wrap around to the main path or are dead ends with some reward in them.

I don't wanna spoil too much, but it's fairly lengthy, you'll definitely get your money's worth out of it if you're a Souls fan.

This post is great and I completely agree but I do want to add that I think when people like myself say its like bloodborne, thats simply saying that bloodborne feels like the closest in terms of fromsoft games. That's what I mean, anyway.


Gold Member
I'm playing it right now. In my opinion it gets very close to Fromsoftware in terms of quality, quite not there but still a very good game for souls fans, pretty much like Nioh and Nioh 2. strongly recommend it on Game Pass.

The only complaint i have with it is that it's extremely linear. At least it doesnt have confusing questlines like in ER.

Meanwhile Lords of The Fallen is a missoportunity. Could have easily been as good as Dark Souls.
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Where I'm coming from is I love all the souls games except DS2 which is more of a soulslike. I don't like playing the inferior imitators of souls.

As for Lies of P, it's fantastic. Feels almost exactly like playing a great modern souls game. Possibly game of the year even in a stacked year like this although I have to really think about that one.


Gold Member
This post is great and I completely agree but I do want to add that I think when people like myself say its like bloodborne, thats simply saying that bloodborne feels like the closest in terms of fromsoft games. That's what I mean, anyway.
There are some aspects, like being able to retrieve health by attacking. So like Bloodborne, you have that, but with a bit of a twist. In Bloodborne, if I remember correctly the only way you parry is by interruption with the gun....so it's a much more dodge and weave kinda game. In Lies of P, you aren't as agile as in Bloodborne...so instead of this they allow actual parring with the weapon...making it more like Sekiro, also, due to no stamina constraint, Sekiro you're the most agile out of the 3 games. I will say the atmosphere of Lies of P is probably closer to Bloodborne than any other Souls game so I'll give you that.

So yea, some would say it's closest to Bloodborne for those reasons. Also some weapons have two forms...like that great sword that can get longer when you change it's stance.
It's not like demons.

In demons you can dip in and out of any level and complete about 80% of it any order you want.

This is straight up linear I.e. level 1, 2 etc.

I guess more like Returnal....😃

You're right, it's even worse than Demon Souls' freedom/level design tho technically even in DS you cant just willy nilly go to any area unless you want to die a million times being under-leveled. YOU CAN but it's pointless.

We’re not talking FF16 “dungeon” linear right?

More like RE4R level design. Hell theres even an area that straight up looks like the village from RE4.
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It's probably my favourite non-FromSoft game in the genre. Very good game.
Best of the three "soulslikes" I've played this year (Lords of the Fallen and Wo Long are the others). Enjoyed all three, but Lies of P was marginally better than the other two. Obviously a Bloodborne tribune (rip-off) in many ways, but that's very ok. The parrying is not good, but I managed to beat it almost without using that mecanic at all.
Solid 8,7/10 game.

Get a month of game pass and play it.


Can’t Git Gud
Heavy weapons are as viable as dex builds.

You just have to time better your attacks but you also do a fuckload more of damage and stun.
Wrench head on police baton. I discovered this myself and only later found its meta build.
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Pacing is kind of wack.
When you think you're at end game, you're not.
Then comes end game.....but it's not.
This HAS to be end gam.....nah. Not yet.
From Soft is my favorite developer. Played and loved all their games. Last few years, most of the Soulsborne "clones" have been pretty mediocre or average at best. However... Lies of P is on the same level as the best From Soft games for me. It's fucking amazing. Everything from atmosphere, combat, aesthetics, challenge, bosses and level design are top notch. There is a learning curve for the parry, but don't give up on it. Learn it, master it and you'll have a much better time.
Is it necessary to parry to be able to get anywhere? Like, is it a big part of the combat? Because I absolutely hate parrying in games and never parried once in DS, DS3 or Bloodborne for example.


Is it necessary to parry to be able to get anywhere? Like, is it a big part of the combat? Because I absolutely hate parrying in games and never parried once in DS, DS3 or Bloodborne for example.

I would say yes, it is a integral part of the combat and you'll fail most of the time if you don't learn to parry against certain bosses. It's more similar to Sekiro than Souls/BB in this regard.


Gold Member
Wrench head on police brain. I discovered this myself and only later found its meta build.
I used the holy heavy sword mostly (the spear changed form and heavy attack were just too good), but i saw people mangling mofos with the special art of the wrench head, that thing probably does the most damage per single attack in the whole game.
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Gold Member

Heavy weapons take less guard damage as well. Which I think encourages parrying better.

I was running a lighter faster weapon for a while. Guard damage was way worse you basically have to be perfect on the parrys or you get wrecked.
Yeah, avoiding 70% of the damage make even simple blocks tank style kinda viable because you can regain health by attacking after being pummeled and usually 1-2 attacks are enough to recover all or almost all the health you lost.
I would say yes, it is a integral part of the combat and you'll fail most of the time if you don't learn to parry against certain bosses. It's more similar to Sekiro than Souls/BB in this regard.
Gotcha, thanks. Probably not for me then unfortunately. I really liked what people were saying about there being no online, invasions and that sort of stuff otherwise.
Yeah, avoiding 70% of the damage make even simple blocks tank style kinda viable because you can regain health by attacking after being pummeled and usually 1-2 attacks are enough to recover all or almost all the health you lost.
I was running the tyrant dagger for a bit which has like 40% block but is really fast.

Was getting wrecked by the second 4 brothers fight. Especially the final brother trying to block him had barely any margin for error and dodging him was tricky.

Switched to the bonesaw and beat them first try.... Well would have if he didn't pull out that BS attack when stunned nonsense!

Blocking was night and day.

Interestingly the tyrant dagger seemed far more effective against the swamp monster.


Can’t Git Gud
I used the holy heavy sword mostly (the spear changed form and heavy attack were just too good), but i saw people mangling mofos with the special art of the wrench head, that thing probably does the most damage per single attack in the whole game.
Yeah it easily takes down the whole 1 stage of some ez bosses :p But it's hard to hit and charge
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Gold Member
Wrote in the trophy club thread after I got both platinums a few days ago. I platinum'ed all From's games and lies of P is a really amazing one for souls fans.


Very solid Souls experience, too good that I actually plat'ed both version.

1. The combat is the biggest selling point, and the most satisfying part of the game for me. Initially, there were quite a lot of criticism about its combat design logic, I get it, the character was initially underpowered and some design designs were questionable. But once you collected all the quartz to upgrade the skill trees, the combat is a blast. The perfect deflection is such a satisfying mechanical (and this is why I highly prefer Sekiro to Elden Ring as my favorite souls game), the staggering and executing enemies just add different layers of flavor of the combat system. I actually went back to play Dark Souls 1 2 3 and definitely felt the combat is quite simple and so to speak outdated compared to newer entries.

2. Other than combat, the level/map design and exploration is another pillar of fun of the souls game. I think Lies of P did quite well in each individual levels (each chapter) - they used the verticality and alternated interior/exterior well, and the shortcuts indeed have the Souls flavor. However, when it comes to the interconnection of the overworld, the game falls short compared to Miyazaki's masterpieces. Lies of P lacks of grand magnificent landmarks/scenes, which are very signature stuff in FromSoftware's games. And the overworld it more like a central-hub-to-branch-area structure, lacking those mind-blowing interconnection you saw in Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

3. The game's other aspects, as art style, music, graphics, and optimization are all very on par. It is really a remarkable achievement for a studio that only made one Korean MMO before. They really grabbed the essence of what makes a souls game good and added their own flavor as well. I would rate it 8.8/10 (as Dark Souls I being 10). Looking forward to the announced DLC and sequel.
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Gold Member
I was running the tyrant dagger for a bit which has like 40% block but is really fast.

Was getting wrecked by the second 4 brothers fight. Especially the final brother trying to block him had barely any margin for error and dodging him was tricky.

Switched to the bonesaw and beat them first try.... Well would have if he didn't pull out that BS attack when stunned nonsense!

Blocking was night and day.

Interestingly the tyrant dagger seemed far more effective against the swamp monster.
I'm on that fight now and can't even beat them with the specter


Gold Member
The bosses are another high point of the game, not only mechanically but even just presentation\artstyle\animation wise.

For an absolute sucker for good boss intros like me, this game delivered at full steam.
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Can’t Git Gud
The bosses are another high point of the game, not only mechanically but even just presentation\artstyle\animation wise.

For an absolute sucker for good boss intros like me, this game delivered at full steam.
Interesting. Presentation on bosses is great but I hated fighting them. It’s bullshit galore and bad animations. It’s just too hard.

For me, exploration and world are main best parts of this game


I'm on that fight now and can't even beat them with the specter

The specter was very useful for me i that fight, simply by distracting one or two brothers, while I deal with the others.
Took me only 2 tries to beat it.


Gold Member
The specter was very useful for me i that fight, simply by distracting one or two brothers, while I deal with the others.
Took me only 2 tries to beat it.
Probably makes it harder for as I seem to get hit more


Gold Member
I wasnt fan for the most part. Environments feel kind of empty and boxy compared to souls levels that feel organic.

I don't understand why they copied the janky left stick jump and dodge on button lift and not press like sekiro. I didn't really get the feel of you should try to parry or dodge.

Nah, hes right. I've seen Dark Souls players that are much better than me struggle with this game and its bosses while I managed to defeat all of them WITHOUT any summon/specter thingy. No idea why some struggle so much. I did rage at a few shitty bosses but I got gud.
I'm on that fight now and can't even beat them with the specter
I hope this helps.

I didn't have too much trouble after getting beaten in my first attempt and adjusting. So it might work to try the adjustment that I did: try to lower their health bars at a similar rate. It seems when you kill one they get replaced by someone stronger so I got their health bars down at the same pace and killed them at almost the same time.

Also backstabs are really important in this fight since there are a lot of small humanoid opponents who can be backstabbed and you are immune to damage from the others while doing the backstab animation.

Finally, you can use the goddess statue to reset your peepee organ. Change all the abilities to match your strategy in the fight. It might not sound like it makes a big difference but it can. Like if you are using the spectre you could increase cube uses so you can heal them more times and then they distract your 4 opponents in the boss battle for longer.


Might be helpful if we talked a bit about the kind of build we used.

I was using for a good chunk of the game, a motivity build, with the Bonesaw Cutting Blade + Exploding Pickaxe handle.
It's slow, so it requires careful use or you'll be open to counter attacks, but hits like a truck and has a very long reach. And it blocks a ton of damage.
I also used amulet's to increase damage against puppets/humans/carcasses, as needed.
The patience Amulet is very useful, as this build uses a lot of stamina.


Gold Member
Not a FS game, so I'm not gonna compare it. But it's the best Soulslike game that isn't from FS IMO. Absolutely loved it, huge surprise.
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Tried all different types of weapons,the dancer sword,acid spear,salamander etc
OK do any of them have a high block percentage? The bonesaw made a huge difference for me. High block damage allows you to recover health easily and give more confidence with parries.

Try and damage the last 2 brother's evenly so you can deal with the last brother one on one.

The first 3 brother's are vulnerable to back stabs especially the tall one.

Good luck!
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