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id Software's Marty Stratton "Stunned" By DOOM Eternal Switch Port, Thinks People Are Going To "Love It"


My problem with the Switch port is that they went more for a tech demo approach of “see that Switch can run modern graphics engines eh?” rather than play exclusively to the HW strengths and weaknesses. Doom 2016 was built around fast paced 60 FPS gameplay... the jump to unstable 30 FPS was not the best choice gameplay wise.

they really should have tried to maybe go for a more comic book esque look.
maybe use the cover art (or alternative acover art for the other versions) as inspiration.
make it maybe even cel shaded and drastically simplify the meshes.

remove unnecessary small details and completely remove all the particle effects and replace them with either way less demanding ones or by transparent animated textures where possible.

they should make it THE Switch version not just a straight port with slightly altered settings.


It's not about how it looks.

I've never really heard anyone hype up portability or playing on the go back then. People were happy to just play games without evangelising their console of choice.

Now you keep hearing about how great portability and playing on the go is.

It'll be great if everyone can recognise their console of choice's strengths and weakness, and just shut up and play their games without being like an annoying salesman or evangelist.
Then ppl should stop crapping on a $200 tablet for not running a game as good a ps4. That way no one would hype the Switch's portability.
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Ban Puncher



As if Switch can run Doom 2016 well, it can't. It's blurry as hell 576p at 20-30fps, all the way down 360p in handheld mode. Even docked it's sub 720p at 20-30fps. And that's 300eur for regular dockable Switch.
That's not cheap for how blurry it is and how choppy the framerate is for this game.

Also consider how the regular price for the game on Switch is 60euro, on sale 30. On PC - regular price 20eur, sale 6eur.

You don't have to spend a lot to buy a PC which can play Doom(2016) at 60fps at 1080p.
Almost any 8-10 year old PC with a dedicated GPU can easily play Doom at 60fps at 1080p. Doom is a very well optimized game and it will run on almost anything. It runs amazingly on very old PCs with very old CPUs and pretty weak GPUs.

Shitty laptop GPUs even mx150, or 1050 (nonTI) easily run 1080p/60fps high/ultra Doom.
Never said the Switch ran it well. And isn't an mx150 more capable than a Tegra X1?

Ban Puncher

Real talk though - I'll probably pick up a copy if they can cram the entire (single player) game on a cartridge like they did with Doom 2016. Not as the primary way to play Doom Eternal, that'll be on PC, but in addition as the Switch port is interesting to me on a technical level.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
What a shit comparison. You can get a xbox one for 100-150$ that gives much better performance and graphics then switch. Plus much cheaper games then switch.a PC would run 600$-700$ to get that advantage over ps4 so the comparisons makes no sense.
Lmao, the trash talking may be by people who own the base consoles with their wonky uneven performance far from a locked 60fps? I didn't consider that possibility and assumed everyone posting such bullshit had the Pro/X but I guess it's possible and makes their arguments even more stupid!

Edit: seems performance is far from locked even on the newer variants, lol, it can actually go lower in some cases (where you already had dips to less than 50fps), I guess Doom is only "playable" on PC since it was "made for 60fps" or whatever people here wrote :D

Sorry if you think a few 10s or a few hundred bucks means a lot, do you have a patreon? I didn't bring cost in the discussion.
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"Man who works for company makes public statements about how great his company's product is and how people will love it. News at 11"
I platinumed Doom on my PS4 and I bought it on the Switch as well. They're both great. The Switch version is definitely blurry which is only amplified by how fast Doom plays but it's still playable and enjoyable. I wouldn't go as far to call it crap.

Plus gyro aiming is way better than using joysticks. I could actually jump over demons and flick down to blast their heads off with the super shotty in the Switch version. Can't do anything like that on PS4/XB1, the control scheme does not allow for that type of flexibility


Gold Member
Lmao so many haters. The Switch is certainly not my platform of choice, but I'm happy that those that only have a Switch can enjoy Eternal! It's cool that it's happening, and honestly it's pretty crazy to think about.

I may buy it on the cheap so that my Switch can be my traveling DOOM machine. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Lmao, the trash talking may be by people who own the base consoles with their wonky uneven performance far from a locked 60fps? I didn't consider that possibility and assumed everyone posting such bullshit had the Pro/X but I guess it's possible and makes their arguments even more stupid!

Edit: seems performance is far from locked even on the newer variants, lol, it can actually go lower in some cases (where you already had dips to less than 50fps), I guess Doom is only "playable" on PC since it was "made for 60fps" or whatever people here wrote :D

Sorry if you think a few 10s or a few hundred bucks means a lot, do you have a patreon? I didn't bring cost in the discussion.

So if it's not a perfect 60fps it doesn't count? the base consoles still are generation ahead of switch graphically and performance wise. money is valid reason for why a lot of people don't own PC'S because they just don't want to spend the money. when people say why play it on switch i't's because you can play it on consoles that cost next to nothing and run a generation ahead of the switch version.
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I don't even understand why quotes like this make the news. Of course a guy involved in the product is going to say it's awesome.


Well, I’m looking forward to Doom eternal on the switch

I’ll pick it up for Xone X as well but I haven’t played through a home console game in years. Have doom 2016 on it and it looks and plays beautiful yes but I also haven’t made it far. On switch I managed to finish it

switch is the only system I have time for thanks to its portability and even then I still have a backlog of games, so for me I am grateful This game is coming out

I can’t wait to see what it looks like. It still blows my mind what graphics this thing can put out when it feels like only a few years ago I was playing my Gba in awe of Castlevania

how far we’ve come. Now it’s “doom eternal will look like ass”

different strokes for different folks I guess
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I was completely satisfied with Doom 2016 on the Switch. It wasn’t perfect, but what they pulled off was still pretty damn impressive. If the port of Eternal is on par, I’m getting it on Switch. With my schedule I do most of my gaming on the go, so anything I can take with me is my preferred option.

Obviously if a certain port is a dumpster fire, I’ll grab it on the big consoles, but Panic Button have proven to be wizards.


Yeah but I have to spend a lot to actually buy a pc then configure it. Plus I can’t play on the go.
I know you are PC master race and all that but let us Nintendo plebs enjoy ourselves.


No but if they can make it and get some extra sales why not ?

Not confused about why they do it. The same reason people try to port anything to switch. Speaking specifically to the quality of nearly all of these ports.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Delay won't be huge but they can't give a timeframe. So the delay is going to be huge basically. Especially since Doom Eternal had an original launch date of November 22 2019.

Hate these people sometimes.

Instead of using words like "stunned" and "people will love it" they could just show off the beta build and let people judge that way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't know why anyone would buy this version. People are consistently "stunned" at the things they are able to put on it, but they are always the worst version of that game. Not every game needs to be on Switch.

Some people are happy with these sub par ports because Nintendo is finally getting about as good 3rd party support as they did at the beginning of the Gamecube.

These people are obviously Nintendo only gamers, so just having 3rd party support is relevatory to them; so they'll lap up anything even with a premium price tag.

As a Nintendo fan myself I learned a while ago with the Wii I pretty much needed to go Nintendo + Sony/Microsoft if I wanted to have Ninty exclusives and good multiplat games; some people are just stubborn and don't realize the same.


Gold Member
Technically you could use vita tv version (or laptop/phone etc) to stream the game from home console, it would at least look better.

I have played ps4 games from trips with vita, pc and phone with 20/5 3G so good wifi would work even better. Input lag is there but not too bad
Sounds like a pretty complicated setup just to play a single game on the go. Also playing games isn’t really the reason I travel abroad, plenty of occasions when I’ve brought a handheld with me on vacation and never even turned it on. Again, it’s nice to have options.

Then you have to consider hotel TVs are often 720p so why even bother?

Oh, and really, what’s this fucking obsession with “anything else would be better / it would at least look better”? C’mon people, it’s not like me enjoying shit affects your max settings on PC in the slightest, LOL :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Some people are happy with these sub par ports because Nintendo is finally getting about as good 3rd party support as they did at the beginning of the Gamecube.

These people are obviously Nintendo only gamers, so just having 3rd party support is relevatory to them; so they'll lap up anything even with a premium price tag.

As a Nintendo fan myself I learned a while ago with the Wii I pretty much needed to go Nintendo + Sony/Microsoft if I wanted to have Ninty exclusives and good multiplat games; some people are just stubborn and don't realize the same.

Some people are happy that they have enough time to dedicate to even a single gaming device. Even if it’s only 20 minutes a day in handheld mode.

These people obviously have other commitments in their lives that demand their attention and therefore having a port of a modern game on the only system they own is relevant to them, so they’re willing to pay a little over the odds knowing they’ll get some enjoyment out of it.

As a Nintendo fan myself, I learned a while ago that trying to keep up with gaming is both expensive and time consuming, so I chose a system that fit my budget and my lifestyle. Some people are just arrogant arseholes and don’t realise it.
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A lot of salt in this thread. Some folks only own a switch.

the 2016 Port was fine. It was even bette after they added Gyro. I played both this and wolfenstein. Panic Button are pros at what they do.

I thought it was garbage and I play almost entirely on Switch. The gyro controls were limiting and it felt sluggish and inconsistent as hell. I went and bought the game for Xbox and was surprised how vastly different it felt and looked.

If you really want it like.. on the go, I guess it's ok, but it's not a great way to play it. Stuff like Starlink was much more impressive tech wise imo.
Seeing the sharp contrast of opinions between the handheld version of DOOM and Killzone: Mercenary is amusing.

It's a hardcore shooter with dual-analog control + gyro aiming. If we were in the thick of the DS/PSP era it would've been praised to high heaven.


Gold Member
I really want this port due to having my Switch with me more and more. I think it kinda sucks but am I just not being patient? Is the entire game going to be spoiled before it comes out for the Switch? I’ll probably just get both.


I use my Switch docked 95% of the time, but even I can see the benefit of someone wanting to play this on the go. And that's probably mostly who this port is aimed at. So I really don't get the comments from people questioning this port.


always chasing the next thrill
I will def get this down the line!

Still not sure to get it on x or pc first.
This bethesda launcher shit eula on steam makes me kinda worried


Seeing the sharp contrast of opinions between the handheld version of DOOM and Killzone: Mercenary is amusing.

It's a hardcore shooter with dual-analog control + gyro aiming. If we were in the thick of the DS/PSP era it would've been praised to high heaven.
In PSP/DS era games didn't do dynamic resolution scaling which results in insanely blurry, eye-bleeding inconsistent image.
The game often downscales to 360p, which is half, or 1/4th of the pixel count of 720p, and that at 20-30fps.
Everything is a blurry, chopy smudge.

Take Doom3 on Switch, it runs at native, sharp 720p at 60fps and looks and feels amazing. Now that's a game that actually runs well on the platform, and is worth playing on Switch.


Honest question - those of you with a switch, do you also have a pro controller?

Because the joycons are essentially useless for me, and even in portable mode I have to use the pro controller.

I may look at those hori controllers that are large and stick on the side? But no, even using the joycons in their holder, it’s utter dreadful for pretty much anything.
Joycons are bad especially for an fps.

For those that can handle it it's cool but I find any game where you gotta use the shoulder buttons intensively is gonna suck with joycons.


Technically you could use vita tv version (or laptop/phone etc) to stream the game from home console, it would at least look better.

I have played ps4 games from trips with vita, pc and phone with 20/5 3G so good wifi would work even better. Input lag is there but not too bad

they really should have tried to maybe go for a more comic book esque look.
maybe use the cover art (or alternative acover art for the other versions) as inspiration.
make it maybe even cel shaded and drastically simplify the meshes.

remove unnecessary small details and completely remove all the particle effects and replace them with either way less demanding ones or by transparent animated textures where possible.

they should make it THE Switch version not just a straight port with slightly altered settings.
And then you would have the same people in this thread laughing at how a 'kiddy' version of the game can be sold at the same price as the REAL Doom.

No this wouldn't work.


Some people are happy that they have enough time to dedicate to even a single gaming device. Even if it’s only 20 minutes a day in handheld mode.

These people obviously have other commitments in their lives that demand their attention and therefore having a port of a modern game on the only system they own is relevant to them, so they’re willing to pay a little over the odds knowing they’ll get some enjoyment out of it.

As a Nintendo fan myself, I learned a while ago that trying to keep up with gaming is both expensive and time consuming, so I chose a system that fit my budget and my lifestyle. Some people are just arrogant arseholes and don’t realise it.

I think you took that waaay too personally. I'm talking about the type of Nintendo only gamer who is one out of blind fan loyalty rather than monetary reasons.

You hear them constantly talking about how these ports are technical acheivements but at the end of the day they're usually sub 720p/unstable 30fps overpriced novelties or overpriced ports of older games you can get in a collection on other systems.

The same thing happened with the WiiU. I would go on Miiverse and see people praising bad Assassin's Creed ports. 3rd parties were even overpricing stuff then too like Mass Effect 3 being full price on WiiU while every other platform got the trilogy for less.

If we're talking budgetary concerns though I would make the case that the Switch isn't cheap. It's 50 bucks more than what a One S usually goes for and the same price as a PS4 slim. For games you're pretty much always paying full price for 1st party, even for games that are just ports of WiiU games you can get for $20 now.

And now you have 3rd parties following suit with ports of X1/PS4 games at full price and they get discounted less often than other console versions. They do this because they know die hard Nintendo fans will rebuy something like DK Tropical Freeze for even more money ($60 on Switch new/$50 on WiiU new). It's the same reason the classic DMC games are sold piecemeal for 20 a pop instead of a collection for $20. They know Nintendo only players are used to paying full price even for old ass games.

Now don't get me wrong if you wanting a mostly handheld experience works for you then I won't diss that, but you can't tell me the 3rd party games on the system aren't overpriced and usually worse than on other systems; and even the WiiU ports are overpriced at this point too. That's Nintendo though you're getting a lower costing system but payi g premiums on software basically until the system's life cycle is over.
I think you took that waaay too personally. I'm talking about the type of Nintendo only gamer who is one out of blind fan loyalty rather than monetary reasons.

You hear them constantly talking about how these ports are technical acheivements but at the end of the day they're usually sub 720p/unstable 30fps overpriced novelties or overpriced ports of older games you can get in a collection on other systems.

The same thing happened with the WiiU. I would go on Miiverse and see people praising bad Assassin's Creed ports. 3rd parties were even overpricing stuff then too like Mass Effect 3 being full price on WiiU while every other platform got the trilogy for less.

If we're talking budgetary concerns though I would make the case that the Switch isn't cheap. It's 50 bucks more than what a One S usually goes for and the same price as a PS4 slim. For games you're pretty much always paying full price for 1st party, even for games that are just ports of WiiU games you can get for $20 now.

And now you have 3rd parties following suit with ports of X1/PS4 games at full price and they get discounted less often than other console versions. They do this because they know die hard Nintendo fans will rebuy something like DK Tropical Freeze for even more money ($60 on Switch new/$50 on WiiU new). It's the same reason the classic DMC games are sold piecemeal for 20 a pop instead of a collection for $20. They know Nintendo only players are used to paying full price even for old ass games.

Now don't get me wrong if you wanting a mostly handheld experience works for you then I won't diss that, but you can't tell me the 3rd party games on the system aren't overpriced and usually worse than on other systems; and even the WiiU ports are overpriced at this point too. That's Nintendo though you're getting a lower costing system but payi g premiums on software basically until the system's life cycle is over.

The Switch isn't cheap by any stretch of the imagination, I agree, but as you said, some people want Nintendo exclusives, so they buy a Switch as their primary gaming device and don't have the desire / time / money to buy another. It makes no sense for these people to buy another system if they only want to play a few third party games which are available on Switch anyway. It's not like these games are terrible. The Switch is a full gen behind the competition, so if these people have no interest in XB/PS/PC gaming, are they really losing out? Yeah, it's not the "best" experience, but it's either this experience (which is largely in-line or better than the previous gen) or no experience, and many people choose the former.

Maybe Nintendo gamers are willing to pay more, maybe companies exploit that fact, but I don't see the problem. The wishlist exists, discounts are commonplace. People can vote with their wallets. All the big Capcom / Square / Bethesda games get regular discounts on the e-shop. I haven't bought anything from those companies (digital at least) at full price simply because they are overpriced. More than happy to when a sale comes along though. It's not ideal and you raise valid points, but I think your view that people shouldn't play these games simply because a "superior version" exists pr they're too expensive kind of misses the point. I can't speak for people who pay full price for ports or re-releases, but I don't do it and would advise others to do the same. You don't have to buy a game on day 1. This really isn't hard.

I have a PC and will probably buy Doom Eternal there, but my PC gets played way less than my Switch. If a company puts in the effort to make a good Switch port that runs well (stable framerate, 30fps or otherwise), makes good use of the hardware and is priced competitively (Metro Redux for example), I'll consider getting it on Switch because I know I'll eventually play it to completion and get a good time out of it. I don't need to go on YouTube and have something akin to Jim Bowen tell me "Let's have a look at what you couldda won!" when seeing Doom Eternal run at 4K/60 . If I ignore the other versions, is it still possible to enjoy the game on Switch? Am I missing out on what I don't know / care about? There are only so many hours in the day.
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