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"I'm not a big fan of Xbox 1.5"-Phil Spencer

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My guess is it will be Powerful enough to support oculus so it will be a substantial upgrade and at the same time makes sure they are not left behind in the vr race if it takes off.

It will be suicide if they try to market this as a new gen console though and start making exclusives for it. It needs to be backwards AND forwards compatible


Next Xbox one iteration still happening, this is Spencer try to make it sound more impressive.
Xbox 1.5 suggested it's only 50% stronger, which is why I think Spencer not a fan of that.
My guess is it will be Powerful enough to support oculus so it will be a substantial upgrade and at the same time makes sure they are not left behind in the vr race if it takes off.

It will be suicide if they try to market this as a new gen console though and start making exclusives for it. It needs to be backwards AND forwards compatible

Xbox 4D?


For you.
Hang on - wasn't Phil Spencer/MS the first ones to admit they were looking into an incremental upgrade for the Xbox before even the PS4K rumors got out? What the heck is this backpedaling going on right now?!?

What backpedaling? There's no backpedaling whatsoever. The only thing he's saying is that they want it to feel like it's a big upgrade. That's all he's saying.

Oh are people not understanding this lol



Hahaha perfect.


I totally agree with this.

I hope Sony doesnt actually go on with it. Just wait 2 years and launch a new console if you are in such a hurry.
the ultimate bait, i'm screaming..............................make sony think u are releasing a new and more powerful console and force them to rapidly respond.............then say you were never planning to release a more powerful console. icon Phil.

Yup, the crazy part is that it took Sony only a couple of hours to plan all this, including sending those devkits around. Sony can be fast if they want, right? (...)

Both Sony and MS are releasing upgraded consoles, they're just positioning themselves to be viewed as the better upgrade.

Yes, they are. But - and that's important as many have missread that part - it will be an upgraded, hence more powerful SKU, not "upgrade-able". So if you want to jump on that train, be well aware that your ticket costs 400-500 bucks.

That's a big difference. This "I don't like 1.5" just refers to MS' marketing approach. Seems like it's important for him to market the new one as some kind of a new generation, which most likely happens to share the very same library with its predecessor.


Phil trolling Sony. Watch them come out with a true successor that's twice as powerful than whatever Sony is planning. D:

This may sound silly, but I also kind of get this impression. His statement shows disdain for name Xbox 1.5 and the power jump it implies. But I get the feeling it will be something pretty powerful, given the ridicule MS faced this gen.



Silly idea

Wait 2 more years and then blow the top off with a significantly more powerful console

I have no problem with waiting, but wait until you release a console designed to be expanded. That's what I want from Nintendo and all console makers.


Next Xbox one iteration still happening, this is Spencer try to make it sound more impressive.
Xbox 1.5 suggested it's only 50% stronger, which is why I think Spencer not a fan of that.
I agree, and the changes they could make within budget could be quite substantial.

Daft Punk

What backpedaling? There's no backpedaling whatsoever. The only thing he's saying is that they want it to feel like it's a big upgrade. That's all he's saying.

Oh are people not understanding this lol

There most certainly is back pedaling. The man just said not too long ago that they were looking into iterative consoles for the future. Then in the same breath say that you don't like that idea? Spin it all you want, but the man knows how to get a rise.


I've a 4k curved flatscreen.

Why is 4k so important for the ps4k? Will the 4k only be used for video or also for games?


I guess he's not a big fan of the Xbox platform and brand in general. That's why they shut down their European software studios apart from Rare and push for Win 10 instead now.


Gold Member
I guess he's not a big fan of the Xbox platform and brand in general. That's why they shut down their European software studios apart from Rare and push for Win 10 instead now.

Your guess and subsequent inferences were pulled directly out of your ass.


I sold my PS4 a few days ago after the PS4K stuff started seeming almost definitely true.
Started seeming almost definitely true? Interesting way to put things ;) The truth is that we've seen zero official talk or even a slight hint from Sony about PS4K being real or even being planned. I'd say that it's a bold move to sell your PS4 unless you simply didn't like it.


There most certainly is back pedaling. The man just said not too long ago that they were looking into iterative consoles for the future. Then in the same breath say that you don't like that idea? Spin it all you want, but the man knows how to get a rise.

He doesn't say he doesn't support iterations, he says the kind of iteration suggested by PS4K or an hypothetical Xbox 1.5 isn't big enough of a step. He wants the upgrade to be big enough for people to consider it more than a 0.5. It's explicit enough in his explanation on WHY he doesn't like the idea.


So they will potentially have the weakest console on the market then.

People worried about the PS4 getting the short end of the stick vs. the PS4K wont have much to worry about then.

They didn't have to worry, ps3 is also still on the market.
I've a 4k curved flatscreen.

Why is 4k so important for the ps4k? Will the 4k only be used for video or also for games?

Assumedly it's about Sony thinking that UHD Blu-ray is a big thing and they need to have it on their console. Blu-ray was an important part of PS3 back in the day, but I would reckon the times of optical media are quickly coming to an end, and 4K Blu-ray won't have as big of an impact.

As for games, even a 2x more powerful PS4K can't run 4K natively in any kind of demanding game, so games will no doubt stick to 1080 and upscale to whatever screen resolution you use.

Then there's also the possibility of HDR support, which could be a more meaningful upgrade to many.

I don't see Spencer backpedaling or spinning anything. He's stated clearly that MS will bring new hardware when they get a big enough "hardware innovation". I didn't see him mention incremental updates anywhere, that was just conjecture by others based on the word "upgrade" he used. Now what constitutes as big enough change is debatable. Maybe 2x more performance with the above mentioned updates would be enough for many, and enough to justify calling it Xbox two or whatever. What's clear is they'll never release anything and call it "1.5". That's would be just incredibly stupid.


Your guess and subsequent inferences were pulled directly out of your ass.

With the recent announcements and strategic initiatives, I fail to see that Microsoft is really backing the Xbox platform these days. You can hardly argue they are fully supporting the platform when they drop studios creating exclusives, or cut off the supply of exclusives entirely by bringing all internal games to PC (which is good for gamers at least).


There most certainly is back pedaling. The man just said not too long ago that they were looking into iterative consoles for the future. Then in the same breath say that you don't like that idea? Spin it all you want, but the man knows how to get a rise.

In a speech to reporters, he said that the Xbox One could see a future in which it is upgraded, rather than replaced by new consoles. Spencer was talking about how Microsoft has sought to align its Windows 10 and Xbox One development activities under the internal "Universal Windows Platform" while offering backwards compatibility for many Xbox 360 games, now playable on Xbox One. He was addressing the concerns of some Xbox One owners that the exclusives destined for that console are appearing on PC, thus eroding the value of owning a console.

..."When you look at the console space, I believe we will see more hardware innovation in the console space than we've ever seen. You'll actually see us come out with new hardware capability during a generation allowing the same games to run backward and forward compatible because we have a Universal Windows Application running on top of the Universal Windows Platform that allows us to focus more and more on hardware innovation without invalidating the games that run on that platform."

“In other [consumer technology] ecosystems you get more continuous innovation in hardware that you rarely see in consoles because consoles lock the hardware and software platforms together at the beginning and they ride the generation out for seven or so,” said Spencer. “We’re allowing ourselves to decouple our software platform from the hardware platform on which it runs.”

not really. people said before in that thread that his quotes could be interpreted as him meaning that all future systems will run the same OS and will have forwards/backwards compatibility. none of his quotes guaranteed upgrades; it was just depending on how you read it.

some thought he meant accessories to boost strength, some thought he meant new consoles and others thought he meant that future consoles will run Windows 10 and as games become UWP then it ensures that they'll run on previous and new consoles.

his quotes were honestly open to misinterpretation, as expected in this scenario, but it's wrong to say he was outright saying one thing.

as this stands, i honestly expect an external box allowing VR before they do another revision and version. Especially now that PSVR isn't a mystery; they just have to make something matching those specs or going beyond them, but i've also thought that MS would rather ride this gen out in second than release another upgraded system. I think they'll just wait and see how the PS4K does, up those specs more and release that in like a year or two after its release; it's also a huge possibility that that'll avoid the incremental updates and just release accessories that boost speed/power for things like Oculus while avoiding the pain of another sku and selling it as something different. those who want it will find it and those who don't won't get it confused with the other options.


Gold Member
With the recent announcements and strategic initiatives, I fail to see that Microsoft is really backing the Xbox platform these days. You can hardly argue they are fully supporting the platform when they drop studios creating exclusives, or cut off the supply of exclusives entirely by bringing all internal games to PC (which is good for gamers at least).

Them bringing games to PC is a part of their UMP initiative. Their entire idea is that games could be ported to all of their devices. Since Satya took over, this shouldn't come as a shock.

Making the argument that MS closing studios that aren't making them money is extremely dulled when Sony just did the same thing with one of theirs.
I think we're gonna end up with a PS4K and XB2 scenario considering MS stance. New Xbox will be considerably more powerful too I'd wager as they are going for the large tech jump.

Can't wait for the Rift ready Xbox One announcement at E3!

For how much? 1000 bucks?


Just remembered for a second that since the Xbox One was developed, Panos (? The Surface guy, right?) has taken over internal hardware development for Microsoft.

Whatever is coming next from MS, if the Surface Book and latest Surfaces are anything to go by, it'll be a slick machine.


Junior Member
It's as if Phil just throws a dart at a board filled with statements and picks whichever it lands on.

They will not let Sony make a grand canyon gulf in performance between the consoles.
Next Xbox one iteration still happening, this is Spencer try to make it sound more impressive.
Xbox 1.5 suggested it's only 50% stronger, which is why I think Spencer not a fan of that.

This. It's only about the name. The Xbox One name is tainted when it comes to performance. They probably want to distance themselves from it and market the new Xbox in a better way. Releasing a Xbox 1.5 could go badly for them, because a 0.5 increase for a weak console doesn't sound that good. They will probably call it Xbox Two or maybe even something completely different.


GAF's Bob Woodward
He's clearly talking about the idea of a console that's only '.5'/50% more powerful than the original, not the concept of an upgraded model(s) within a generation.


He's clearly talking about the idea of a console that's only '.5'/50% more powerful than the original, not the concept of an upgraded model(s) within a generation.
It's how pr works, I guess some on gaf just arnt getting it yet. Pr is meant to be vagueish and be read into how you want to read into it, it's called media training and all these figure heads at these mega corps will have had the very very highest of media training.


He's clearly talking about the idea of a console that's only '.5'/50% more powerful than the original, not the concept of an upgraded model(s) within a generation.

Sure? Sounds more like that they are going for a full next gen device in a few years or they are going to release a Xbox 1.5 disguised as a new next gen console for marketing purposes this year.


Sure? Sounds more like that they are going for a full next gen device in a few years or they are going to release a Xbox 1.5 disguised as a new next gen console for marketing purposes this year.

Pr is meant to be vagueish and be read into how you want to read into it.

At this point many scenarios are possible while still keeping true to their early declarations. Anyway without a timeframe all speculations on performance and features are irrelevant.



What if Microsoft is done with consoles at all?

They can just release xboxmachines at this point that you can upgrade with pc parts at your own will.
They need to avoid the trap of a mildly updated console. Drop the price to $199 and sell the crap out of this one. It's a good platform, but it just got killed at launch by all the internal mistakes. Focus on the next console and get it out in late 2018, and make sure it's a beast technically with no distractions with crap like kinect.
Just remembered for a second that since the Xbox One was developed, Panos (? The Surface guy, right?) has taken over internal hardware development for Microsoft.

Whatever is coming next from MS, if the Surface Book and latest Surfaces are anything to go by, it'll be a slick machine.

Yeah I believe he heads the Hardware division in MS. I am feeling that upper management in MS wasn't too pleased with the silicon design in the Bone. While I personally believe that the emphasis on media is a natural evolution to causal couch gaming, MS team underestimated the influence the Hardcore market segment had on on the average consumer.

Whilst the PS4 is selling like hot cakes compared to the bone. The only major factor helping this gap in sales is the graphical difference, and the good word of mouth associated with that.

However, Sony cannot solely rely on graphical difference, as the PC market will eventually surpass the PS4 capabilities. Sony has to double down on graphical power and release an upgraded PS4.

MS counter move comes as releasing DX12 as a windows 10 exclusive, and pushing hard for Universal applications version on games that can be easily coded for Xbox. furthermore, the integration between consoles/PC xbox live user base is in my opinion a huge win card for MS.

MS is overwhelming Sony with software improvements, while Sony is betting heavily on VR Success. Now the question is, will Microsoft direct its tactics towards Sony only, or will that also include Steam?. Man this year's E3 is going to be bananas.


For how much? 1000 bucks?
In all fairness, even with the XB1, if they had the same silicon space and removed the esram from the APU and had GDDR5, it would of been an absolute monster. The premium is the silicon and not what's on the silicon.


I mean, if they are going to release an Xbox 2.0 this year we sure would have heard something more substantial. They would have to start briefing developers on it.


Yeah I believe he heads the Hardware division in MS. I am feeling that upper management in MS wasn't too pleased with the silicon design in the Bone. While I personally believe that the emphasis on media is a natural evolution to causal couch gaming, MS team underestimated the influence the Hardcore market segment had on on the average consumer.

Whilst the PS4 is selling like hot cakes compared to the bone. The only major factor helping this gap in sales is the graphical difference, and the good word of mouth associated with that.

However, Sony cannot solely rely on graphical difference, as the PC market will eventually surpass the PS4 capabilities. Sony has to double down on graphical power and release an upgraded PS4.

MS counter move comes as releasing DX12 as a windows 10 exclusive, and pushing hard for Universal applications version on games that can be easily coded for Xbox. furthermore, the integration between consoles/PC xbox live user base is in my opinion a huge win card for MS.

MS is overwhelming Sony with software improvements, while Sony is betting heavily on VR Success. Now the question is, will Microsoft direct its tactics towards Sony only, or will that also include Steam?. Man this year's E3 is going to be bananas.

Really? Feel like you over simplify things.
PC market already surpass PS4 capabilities before PS4 release, it doesn't stop PS4 selling.
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