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Insomniac and Ubisoft also get their own #metoo moment... because of course.

Ivory Blood

It is? I dont see anyone calling for segregation but your post is.
I mean it's only a natural reaction to this kind of shit.

CEOs and politicians were already ahead of the game - super careful with not being in the same rooms or alone with women or minorities, in fear of being accused of something.

All it does is bring ruin on the heads of normal members of society, who won't be able to get ahead cause their boss or coworkers are afraid of them.


Gold Member
My company just had everyone complete yearly anti-harassment training and and the big takeaway was to be able to read your audience if you're going to be telling jokes.
Body language is a dead giveaway if something you said didn't come across well. Speak up then if you listened and got offended. Most people will apologize and don't realize what they've said or done can be taken the wrong way.
I need evidence. I literally don't believe accusations anymore ( ESPECIALLY if they are made on Twitter). They mean nothing to me.

Also if they are an SJW/Woke type that makes it even harder to believe anything they say. We have all seen how they LONG to be victims, how they can turn absolutely any interaction into them being the "victim"
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My company just had everyone complete yearly anti-harassment training and and the big takeaway was to be able to read your audience if you're going to be telling jokes.
Body language is a dead giveaway if something you said didn't come across well. Speak up then if you listened and got offended. Most people will apologize and don't realize what they've said or done can be taken the wrong way.

Do you know what the answer is to all of this?

People need to learn to grow some fucking cojones and stand up for themselves if and when they feel offended and/or feel threatened by something someone has said or done, especially when the incident is in public and in the presence of other people.

Everybody is different and we all have different thresholds and tolerance levels for different things. Some people might take something as a joke while someone else might get offended. However, until boundaries are established nobody is to know where our individual thresholds are and what is ok for some people and what isn't.

Boundaries don't get established by suffering in silence. Boundaries don't get established by pretending something is ok or by pretending to find something funny when you actually don't.

Say what you think at the time (or as close to the time as possible) , have a conversation, explain your stance and allow the other person to understand why you feel the way you do. I guarantee that is a more effective way of preventing those things from happening to or around you again rather than staying in silent and then running to twitter years after the fact.
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I mean it's only a natural reaction to this kind of shit.

CEOs and politicians were already ahead of the game - super careful with not being in the same rooms or alone with women or minorities, in fear of being accused of something.

All it does is bring ruin on the heads of normal members of society, who won't be able to get ahead cause their boss or coworkers are afraid of them.
How in the world is it the only natural reaction? What is the logic leap in going from

A. Some people being accused of sexual harassment


B. We should segregate all women and minorities

What sort of reaction is that and how is it normal to think that? Normal reaction would be "why are all these women coming out with stories of being sexually harassed" and "how can we make our work places better" so these accusations won't be coming out. That should be a normal reaction, not going lets go back to the days in American history when women and minorities were treated poorly. Yes that was what segregation was.


Guys I screwed up at work and did something wrong. My boss was visibly upset.

Should I take this to twitter and go for a settlement?

I bet ree has enough material to keep them busy for the next year

Lol I gotta stay out of these threads
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It is? I dont see anyone calling for segregation but your post is.

Have you read the news? US now have Blacks only territory again. Self imposed black only territory lol All I'm saying is that all business will do is hire less women and minorities and restrict most interactions inside the company between different genders/races. All this headache is just not worth it in HR / company owners eyes. Business don't like scandals and taking risks.

The Alien

The dude was going to kill himself because of how a corporate entity supposedly, in his opinion, treats women?

That seems to be a slight overreaction to me.


My thing with these complains coming from all of these "I put my pronouns on twitter, I don't use the world blacklist" people is that I often think that from their perspective they did actually have bad experiences at these companies. But they are just so overly sensitive that the sort of stuff that leaves them "traumatized" and with "panic attacks" are just the random bad experiences that the average person just quicky gets over and moves on.

No company is perfect and I honestly don't see how one could ever exist (at least a big one) where everyone is happy and no one gets their feelings hurt even a tiny bit and everyone loves each other and they all sing Kumbaya together.


Have you read the news? US now have Blacks only territory again. Self imposed black only territory lol All I'm saying is that all business will do is hire less women and minorities and restrict most interactions inside the company between different genders/races. All this headache is just not worth it in HR / company owners eyes. Business don't like scandals and taking risks.
It was a misguided Juneteenth black protest at Seattle Chaz that roughly 300 people RSVPd to but no more than 100 people showed up to and lasted less than a day. And there were white people there "guarding" the small field. You are making a mole hill into a mountain just like the media does. There are "safe" spaces for all kinds of people, Country Clubs type spaces, support groups etc.

Again, how does that translate to lets segregate all minorities and women to supposed safe space ghettos?

You are making lots of assumptions. Nobody is hiring less women because some people in game companies dare to publicly accuse someone of sexual harassment. The movie industry had their metoo movement and led to some executives getting fired. That's it as far as I can tell, and some people got to feel heard. Seems like today is streamers, game journalist and games studio turn.

What is going to come of this like I've experienced many times at different jobs are

1. Company investigation
2. Someone may or may not get fired
3. Mandatory sensitivity and sexual harassment seminar/training
4. Things will be tense for a couple of days or weeks
5. Things will go back to normal.
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Gold Member
Lol what, she wasn't getting promoted so it's 100% because the company is sexist? It's no possible that she actually wasn't that capable?? Her career throttled? Sounds like she is simply incompetent and can't deal with it.


It was a misguided Juneteenth black protest at Seattle Chaz that roughly 300 people RSVPd to but no more than 100 people showed up to and lasted less than a day. And there were white people there "guarding" the small field. You are making a mole hill into a mountain just like the media does. There are "safe" spaces for all kinds of people, Country Clubs type spaces, support groups etc.

Again, how does that translate to lets segregate all minorities and women to supposed safe space ghettos?

You are making lots of assumptions. Nobody is hiring less women because some people in game companies dare to publicly accuse someone of sexual harassment. The movie industry had their metoo movement and led to some executives getting fired. That's it as far as I can tell, and some people got to feel heard. Seems like today is streamers, game journalist and games studio turn.

What is going to come of this like I've experienced many times at different jobs are

1. Company investigation
2. Someone may or may not get fired
3. Mandatory sensitivity and sexual harassment seminar/training
4. Things will be tense for a couple of days or weeks
5. Things will go back to normal.
There is no more "normal" in US lol And how you can say that no company is hiring less women? How you can say that man? Imagine the shitstorm if any company will say that openly haha No, I'm sure that many will think twice now. I know I would.


There is no more "normal" in US lol And how you can say that no company is hiring less women? How you can say that man? Imagine the shitstorm if any company will say that openly haha No, I'm sure that many will think twice now. I know I would.
There has never been a "normal" decade in the US history. Name a single decade where there wasn't some political movement or social movement? Good thing you aren't in charge of hiring people then. This is what is called discriminatory hiring based on gender and that as far as I know is illegal and grounds for lawsuit. Your company would sooner fire you than allow that to happen.

Secondly, statistics show that the number of employed women is increasing each year.
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There has never been a "normal" decade in the US history. Name a single decade where there wasn't some political movement or social movement? Good thing you aren't in charge of hiring people then. This is what is called discriminatory hiring based on gender and that as far as I know is illegal and grounds for lawsuit. Your company would sooner fire you than allow that to happen.

Secondly, statistics show that the number of employed women is increasing each year.
Yeah, no, it's not working like that. First you say we will be back to normal, then that there's no and never was a normal. Then you just confirmed my words by saying that I should be fired and judged. Man, again. No one wants to deal with this shit. Cold hard truth.


Yeah, no, it's not working like that. First you say we will be back to normal, then that there's no and never was a normal. Then you just confirmed my words by saying that I should be fired and judged. Man, again. No one wants to deal with this shit. Cold hard truth.
Read what i said again.

I said all these drama happening will lead to company investigation that may or may not lead to someone getting fired and then the usual work place sensitivity and harassment seminar and training, and a couple of days where things will be tense at work due to all the office drama and things at the job will go back to normal.

You said there is no normal anymore in the US and i said there has never been "normal" in the US. Every decade has had a political or social movement for change.

You said you won't hire women if you were in charge and i said that is a discriminatory hiring practice and is illegal, your company would sooner fire you than let that happen because it is grounds for suing the company. Never said you should be fired or judged, i said it is illegal and is grounds for lawsuit and your company would rather fire you than go through a discriminatory hiring based on gender lawsuit.

Nobody wants to deal with this shit, even less so companies who stand a chance of getting sued over unsafe work conditions and lesser so people who feel harassed. That is why you keep seeing "X person has been fired by X company" or the usual "we have cut ties with X person"

Want an example?
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I hope these companies come to realize that bending the knee to the SJW crowd will end badly for them. It's unfortunate that so many game devs are absolute fucking weirdo's that are ridiculously sensitive snowflakes.

Shit like this happens in everyday life. It's not like she got raped or anything. Someone made a crude joke or tried to hit on her. HR dealt with it by firing the guy in question. What the hell else does she want them to do?

And if it gets into a he-said/she-said battle over statements that may be pretty tame...is that reason enough to fire somebody?




I read Sol tweet and all those sexual predators she mentions are no longer working in the company. It’s already on her tweet. Something is wrong here.
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It's not strange to see this spill into gaming industry since it's infested with snowflakes. This does beg the question of when will all this get so ridiculous that people will stop paying attention. Hiring women seems to be a serious danger going forward.
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hahahahahahahahahaha "I worry this will kill my career"

Im sorry but in what universe do "victims" get ostracised for speaking out?
Where? This chick will probably go on to do speaking tours for the NAACP or the ADL.
I just cant stand all these pseudo heros, who think they are actually speaking truth to power... they are the power.

Rules for Radicals
Rule 13 - "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside. Violence (even verbal abuse) from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog."


Google actually said that they will prohibit using whitelist and blacklist in its code. Yes. Really.
They did, which creates an unfortunate precedent and now we'll have to remember those words too as potentially offensive to specific crowd known to overreact.

You used "blacklist" therefore you are racist. Damn it Google.
hmmmmm i'm confused.

"I suffered so badly at Insomniac. I wanted to stay. DESPERATELY. I have so many good friends there."

she wanted to stay in an oppressive work space? Are her "good friends" who still work these complicit in their silence?



Ok HR kids, today we learn to never hire women and if you do, keep them and their minority friends in PC ghettos and never mix with them. Give woman and minorities a safe space , never talk or interact with them whatsoever. Are we clear? (All this nonsense is leading us to the new segregation ppl, wake the F up)

Society is already in a state of defacto segregation.
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