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Ion Furore - By Sophia Narwitz. The only complete coverage of the Ion Fury controversy *Trigger Warning* Actual Journalism inside.


Well, yeah.
Because regardless of her investigative chops and her scorching hot looks, which are quite impressive indeed, it's important to know if she is against the whole conspiracy theories and harassment campaigns that people wrongly suffered by members of the GamerGate movement. She can denounce that. Right here, right now.
Otherwise I will be a sad puppy :(

I consider myself pro-GG. Though I don't think the movement was without faults. There was horrid shit-slinging, and a vocal minority was able to take over and make us all look bad by default, but many people that align with the movement simply did just want better ethics in the medium. Far from the majority of gamergaters were toxic. Just the media did a great job of only highlighting the bad actors because it let them escape the pressure of their own failings. It was also a financial boon for certain people and organizations. Like Anita Sarkeesian for example. She would often tweet out pictures of harassment, only to then follow up with tweets asking for donations. It was victim manipulation. A blatantly obvious ploy to drum up money. Something I find quite gross.


it's important to know if she is against the whole conspiracy theories and harassment campaigns that people wrongly suffered by members of the GamerGate movement. She can denounce that. Right here, right now.
Otherwise I will be a sad puppy :(
Except it really isn't. You can report on something impartially and present the facts without your personal leanings affecting that work, an idea that the wide majority of the games press has unfortunately forgotten.

Read the text and judge it in its own right, not through the lens of whether you agree with the author's political orientation. Passing personal judgement and demanding denouncement is behaviour I'd expect from Ree, not GAF.
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Gold Member
People were harassed and downright damaged, you do get that don't you? If at least that much can't be denounced, I don't know what can.

You know how people co-opt religion then do shitty things like the Crusades and suicide vests - does that mean the underlying message and purpose of religion is broken? Does that mean every christian or muslim is - let me just make sure I'm saying this right - 'human trash'?
People were harassed and downright damaged, you do get that don't you? If at least that much can't be denounced, I don't know what can.
But why does she or anybody need to denounce that? Isn’t that a given? Vast majority of people don’t support harassment, murder, or harm to others.

Has she been found guilty of sending death threats or something?


I Never cared about Politics and other social issue. I always had the interest in the game and i will buy it no matter what, it could have offensive jokes or not, if i'm interested in the product i will buy it period.


Every other week there is another reason I am glad I bailed from Resetera. The fact that dissenting opinion is forbidden does not make it a place to discuss anything, it's literaly an echo-chamber of the worst kind.

Anyway, it's good to see some devs learning an important lesson which hopefully is observed by others in the industry; if you bend the knee and give in, you won't be thanked or forgiven for your purported sins, you'll be shat on. Get off the floor and quit grovelling to these fuckers


People were harassed and downright damaged, you do get that don't you? If at least that much can't be denounced, I don't know what can.
Don't Do Bad Stuff is an axiom held by most normal non-extreme folks. Why are you assuming that she's guilty until proven innocent and predicating it on an act of virtue-signaling?

Just because a Bad Thing happened doesn't mean everyone not involved has to parade around waving a big "I denounce Bad Thing" sign.
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So it's this part true at all?

Screenshots emerged on Friday wherein developers of the game would joke about subjects like gender identity and transgender people, suggesting that the latter are mentally ill for it.

Did the devs really say this?


Gold Member
People were harassed and downright damaged, you do get that don't you? If at least that much can't be denounced, I don't know what can.

You know who else was harassed and downright damaged? The developers of Ion Storm. Sure, they had a shitty message in their game and they're right for being criticized for it, but to boycott and say that all the developers are homophobes and/or incel jerks isn't the right move. There may be some like that, I don't know. But to criticized the whole team is beyond reproach.

Any human knows how to be nice to people. I'd say there's a very small percentage of people who are actually homophobe, racists, hateful in the video game industry. Most of the people I know who are in the industry or are just fans don't give a shit about political issues, not because they hate, but because they don't care about the political side of things. I don't vilify people who want to keep politics out of their games. That's what people like those at ResetEra are doing. Blaming a whole mess of people, when half of them, don't even REALIZE they're being targeted.
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Every other week there is another reason I am glad I bailed from Resetera. The fact that dissenting opinion is forbidden does not make it a place to discuss anything, it's literaly an echo-chamber of the worst kind.

Anyway, it's good to see some devs learning an important lesson which hopefully is observed by others in the industry; if you bend the knee and give in, you won't be thanked or forgiven for your purported sins, you'll be shat on. Get off the floor and quit grovelling to these fuckers
ResetEra is basically a far-left publisher pretending to be a forum.


But why does she or anybody need to denounce that? Isn’t that a given? Vast majority of people don’t support harassment, murder, or harm to others.

The vast majority don't, but some do, under false pretenses. Them, and their supporters, need to condemned. Those are who I was referring to.

Harassed and downright damaged by who?

Certain members of GamerGate of course

Don't Do Bad Stuff is an axiom held by most normal non-extreme folks. Why are you assuming that she's guilty until proven innocent and predicating it on an act of virtue-signaling?

Just because a Bad Thing happened doesn't mean everyone not involved has to parade around waving a big "I denounce Bad Thing" sign.

I'm not accusing her of anything FFS, just wanted to hear where she stands
Certain members of GamerGate of course
Are they harassers that happened to be members of GamerGate or are they members doing the harassment in the name of GamerGate?

And who are these certain members? How are these certain members significant enough to pin the harassment on GamerGate, as a whole?
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Truly amazing the drama of this small game. I personally have been playing it since Early access and would have never expected this much to come from it.


Gold Member
Awesome to read, thanks for sharing.

2 great points of the article are the art censoring and "hates begets hate".

Is something I was talking with my brother other day. These people in general don't want equalty or anything like it. They want to substitute one hate for another.

I remember one of those threads from Resetera whete one member screams something like all men deserve die(don't remember much right know). No mod punish him. It sounds as if threats and violence are fine as long it's against the other side.

This is not fight for rights, this is simply hate "under new management".
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Gold Member
Fly free my brave hero, I will never forget you. 🌹



I was wondering that from the start since I already saw the post moderated.

Poor Resetera. Trying to silence anything just because they "failed" their mission.
I was wondering that from the start since I already saw the post moderated.

Poor Resetera. Trying to silence anything just because they "failed" their mission.
It's even worse than that for ResetEra. The mob initially succeeded in making the Ion Fury devs kowtow to them, but then the devs made an about face and publicly rejected the mob's demands. The fact that devs can be forgiven for capitulating if they realize their mistakes is what scares ResetEra.


Glad that the developers are not censoring it, I was feeling that they were about to either make a South Park Stick of Truth censorship for jokes or nothing at all, they decided to still donate the promised sum.

Its ironic how ResetEra just proves up to eleven what people (developers and gamers) accuse them of being.



Then don't make demands like "She can denounce that right here, right now"?

I think you are deliberately skipping over the fact that it was specifically the conspiracy theories and harassment campaigns I was referring to. Pretty easy thing to condemn, no? It's either black or white here, it's not rocket science.

For a member known to be aligned with GamerGate, it's an important distinction. Nobody asked her this when she joined, so someone had to address the elephant in the room.

Anyway, she did a more than a good enough job explaining her stance, so I don't know why I am still having this conversation with you.


God Damn.

We need more journalists like this.

Another thing that’s becoming clearer is that the only way to win the war is not to participate.

I highly encourage everyone to read this.

Edit: having trouble linking the URL.

Click on the link in the OP for the story.

Damn fine work, and welcome to GAF.

We’re honored to have you.
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He's pretty decent and a good read. Liked his articles on Nichegamer as well.
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I think you are deliberately skipping over the fact that it was specifically the conspiracy theories and harassment campaigns I was referring to. Pretty easy thing to condemn, no? It's either black or white here, it's not rocket science.
No, that's addressed by the point I'm making here- that there should be no requirement for someone to explicitly state something that is 'easy to condemn' or 'black and white', because if it's so easy it should come as standard and not be subject to inquiry without good reason.

I am however deliberately avoiding making a direct response to the proposition of "it's easy right?", because that would validate the shaky notion that because it's easy, you should just do it and prove that you're one of the good ones.

For a member known to be aligned with GamerGate, it's an important distinction. Nobody asked her this when she joined, so someone had to address the elephant in the room.

^ MRW the convo looks like it's drawing to a close over a simple misunderstanding and you spool out enough rope to hang half of GAF.

By who's measure? Does the forum ToS state that members with any perceived affiliation to GG must be vetted upon joining in order to assess their moral compass? Of course not, because it's assumed that people will act in good faith until they do otherwise.

It's not the room's concern, this so-called elephant is entirely of your own making.

Anyway, she did a more than a good enough job explaining her stance, so I don't know why I am still having this conversation with you.
That would be because I'm holding you to account for the weird moral arbitration you brought into the thread by way of a self-professed derail.

It's incongruous and reminiscent of behaviour employed by the Ree crowd before they bailed and left us in peace, hence the attention.


Dude. It's over. She already answered. So anyone apart from me even remotely interested in her stance, even if just 1 person in the entirety of NeoGAF (not you obviously) got an answer. Even if it was via derailment.
So I won, and you lost.
I get 1000 internet points, and you get nothing.
Also my dick is huge. Way bigger than yours.
Bye bye, loser!
Dude. It's over. She already answered. So anyone apart from me even remotely interested in her stance, even if just 1 person in the entirety of NeoGAF (not you obviously) got an answer. Even if it was via derailment.
So I won, and you lost.
I get 1000 internet points, and you get nothing.
Also my dick is huge. Way bigger than yours.
Bye bye, loser!
Later homie. We will see you next outrage

Peace and love

Xaero Gravity

Dude. It's over. She already answered. So anyone apart from me even remotely interested in her stance, even if just 1 person in the entirety of NeoGAF (not you obviously) got an answer. Even if it was via derailment.
So I won, and you lost.
I get 1000 internet points, and you get nothing.
Also my dick is huge. Way bigger than yours.
Bye bye, loser!
My girlfriend says otherwise.
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Dude. It's over. She already answered. So anyone apart from me even remotely interested in her stance, even if just 1 person in the entirety of NeoGAF (not you obviously) got an answer. Even if it was via derailment.
So I won, and you lost.
I get 1000 internet points, and you get nothing.
Also my dick is huge. Way bigger than yours.
Bye bye, loser!
Narrator: Little did BAW know that flaunting his so-called "victory" is akin to waving the white flag.


Dude. It's over. She already answered. So anyone apart from me even remotely interested in her stance, even if just 1 person in the entirety of NeoGAF (not you obviously) got an answer. Even if it was via derailment.
So I won, and you lost.
I get 1000 internet points, and you get nothing.
Also my dick is huge. Way bigger than yours.
Bye bye, loser!
The best backdowns are the ones where the other party keeps shouting insults as they carefully backpedal out of striking range. Really lets you know who the actual winner is.

Off you scurry then tough guy, best tuck that tail between your legs real good and hope everyone forgets your conduct in this thread 👋:messenger_kissing_smiling:
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God Enel

This was a great read. What happened to the devs is absolutely sad and i 100% agree with you. Sad not just for gaming but for our society in general. Witch-hunts and outrage culture has to stop.
you absolutely nailed it. The world need more journos/people like you are. People that apply logic and actually think about shit they post and put effort into it.

And you absolutely need a tag ;)

The best backdowns are the ones where the other party keeps shouting insults as they carefully backpedal out of striking range. Really lets you know who the actual winner is.

Off you scurry then tough guy, best tuck that tail between your legs real good and hope everyone forgets your conduct in this thread 👋:messenger_kissing_smiling:
It's also telling when said person basically snapped without warning. I guess that act of civility was all just a mask...
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Meh. The fact that these developers still caved by censoring their game and then forcing their workers to go to sensitivity training still makes them assholes.


Well, yeah.
Because regardless of her investigative chops and her scorching hot looks, which are quite impressive indeed, it's important to know if she is against the whole conspiracy theories and harassment campaigns that people wrongly suffered by members of the GamerGate movement. She can denounce that. Right here, right now.
Otherwise I will be a sad puppy :(



Fantastic read. Your article (plus the announcement of no censorship) has given Ion Fury a spot on my steam wishlist for purchase when I'm able to do so. With the situation as it had been after the apology, I was more of a "Wait for a good sale" than completely boycott it. However now I can in good faith buy the game at full price and not feel bad for it. We NEED more journalists like you in this industry.


Gold Member
They can't take this article seriously since it wasn't written by Kotaku.

Sounds like Jason Schreier's alt account...... Hey gamers, let's support devs.... Hey gamers let me give you dirt why Anthem was a shit game by detailing internal struggles..... Hey gamers let me give you some NDA secret info Bethesda told me not to tell you..... Hey gamers Bethesda has banned Kotaku since 2013 from early info on their games............

............Hey gamers, buy my book.


It is refreshing to see actual journalism and not the typical sensational garbage that circulates gaming journalism in general.

For whats its worth, keep up the good work.
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