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Is Gamestop warring with Microsoft?


It´s not only the anti used part that sucks for gamestop.
Because retail games are just digital copys after you have installed them on the box people will start buying less and less retail games and Gamestop stops selling used and new Games.
They dont really make dick on new games.

And that problem exists with both consoles. We're heading into a digital age in general. Gamestop will not be viable for much longer, so they are just trying to get what they can out of this era before packing up shop.


Dont underestimate the power of 'comfort'. People often stay loyal to a brand(speaking beyond just gaming here) because its what they are used to and what they know.

Don't underestimate people moving either. SNES to PSX and to a lesser degree PS2 to 360.

Gamers absolutely do shift when the manufacturers make big mistakes. It always seems unlikely.... right up until it happens.


The funny thing is that MS is warring with publishers.
Gamestop gets their exclusive cut. I cannot sell a game to you anymore. I have to sell it to an authorized retailer (i.e. gamestop) who then sells it to you.

But with the game sharing of 10 people games and the game sharing clubs already forming, Microsoft is removing a huge number of sales. So publishers might block used game sales, but with all the game sharing going on that wont help them much.


Hmm....imma be at GS tommorow to get TLOU but I'm interested in hearing and seeing how people at GS are reacting ever since the E3 reveal of the big 2......
Losing Gamestop good will is one of the worst things a console maker can do. This would be a pretty massive blow if it was widespread and not just an isolated thing.


i went in to Gamestop briefly today and I was positively assaulted with people telling me about PS4 and being explicit about the restrictions on Xbox One. When I asked if this was something they were told to do at the corporate level, they just said "we only do what our boss tells us to do."
Dont underestimate the power of 'comfort'. People often stay loyal to a brand(speaking beyond just gaming here) because its what they are used to and what they know.

Guy on facebook is adamant he's buying an Xbone, despite me telling him the vast array of reasons for avoiding it. He had a 360 and that is what he knows.
Funnily enough he pre-ordered it along with MGSV and Watch Dogs - two games that'll probably look and run better on PS4.

Oh, and he actually believed in the 'infinite power of the cloud' and that Kinect would provide 'endless possibilities' - and he was adamant that Sony would follow MS with the DRM policies.
Some people are just brainwashed.
Gamestop managers being unprofessional, what's new. Except this time, I don't really mind....:X
If it's the same flyer from different stores, it's not managers. And usually head office has to approve signs that go up in stores. Not sure if Gamestop is different in this regard, though.
Prob because with Xbone games they have to pay a royalty fee

That's up to the publisher, not Microsoft.

Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.
In our role as a game publisher, Microsoft Studios will enable you to give your games to friends or trade in your Xbox One games at participating retailers. Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers. Microsoft does not receive any compensation as part of this. In addition, third party publishers can enable you to give games to friends. Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Dont underestimate the power of 'comfort'. People often stay loyal to a brand(speaking beyond just gaming here) because its what they are used to and what they know.
That's true.

But in a way "comfort" is why I absolutely reject the Xbone (despite my avatar, 360 was my main console this gen). I find it frightening to navigate a world of locked used games.


Gold Member
Dont underestimate the power of 'comfort'. People often stay loyal to a brand(speaking beyond just gaming here) because its what they are used to and what they know.

So why has PS3 sold only half PS2, and Xbox 360 almost 4x Xbox? Come on, brand loyalty means little, probably a few millions of people. But many went from PS2 to 360 and will happily go back to PS4.


Dont underestimate the power of 'comfort'. People often stay loyal to a brand(speaking beyond just gaming here) because its what they are used to and what they know.

People made this same argument for the PS3 dominating everywhere, though, and that had far less issues attached to it than the Xbone does.

For most 360 owners it was their first MS console and I see no reason to believe they won't easily switch back to Sony this gen.


I don't think they're falling for Microsoft's ruse when it comes to their used game system. MS has emphasized that they don't charge any cost to facilitate the used game license transfer. They've also emphasized they can change those polices at any time.

I think Gamestop knows damn well once the Xbox One is well established, they'll start charging for the used game activation codes and so get a cut into Gamestop's profits. That's one of the main reasons MS is doing this in the first place.

It may or may not be coordinated by Gamestop corporate, but they have to recognize the threat at this point, and for that reason prefer to see the PS4 become the dominant platform.

To the extent that it's just employees talking about what they took away from E3, it's no surprise the Xbox One is getting trashed.


Tbh I think it's probably in Gamestop's best interest to inform customers of the Bone policies, as it will save them a lot of headaches in the future when people come in complaining they can't play their games and whatnot.
It's probably no more than that, I wouldn't assume an anti-MS agenda or anything.
I'm not assuming anything, but I don't see any reason to not have one.
It's in their best interest to advertise PS4 above XB1 as much as possible, right now.
As a experiment I think I will go into a gamestop and ask casually about the xbox one and PS4 and see what happens. I will be picking up TLOU so it might be a fun little diversion while I am there


Took my kids to Gamestop to spend their allowance.

My kid loves asking questions. He saw the video of how to share games on PS4. I loved his response. "Well dah, of course that's how we share games. That was stupid."

I was kind of embarrassed but the nice rep said you can't do that on Xbox One. That's why it's a big deal. He then looked at me and said dad, I want an PS4 for Christmas.

I just laughed as we have 3 already on pre-order.


How old is your kids?


They dont really make dick on new games.

And that problem exists with both consoles. We're heading into a digital age in general. Gamestop will not be viable for much longer, so they are just trying to get what they can out of this era before packing up shop.

but buying a new game at gamestop gets people into the shop, where they may potentially buy something else that has a higher profit margin
Microsoft is pushing people to digital on a closed platform. They have no way of generating income from a all digital closed platform. I'm not surprised at all.
At first, a couple days ago I was thinking XbOne was going to be successful enough with the PS4 being slightly ahead.

As time is going in I'm starting to feel like there is a tsunami of social negativity towards MS to the point I'm starting to think it is going to be PS2 era all over again.


Dont underestimate the power of 'comfort'. People often stay loyal to a brand(speaking beyond just gaming here) because its what they are used to and what they know.

While I am hardly the typical consumer, I have used the Xbox as my preferred system for about 12 years. Basically if a multiplatform game exist, it is 95 percent of the time bought on an Xbox platform. I prefer the XBL ecosystem and controller, hardware, etc. I am, somewhat reluctantly I will add, not planning to main the Xbox One due to the under powered hardware, the screwy DRM policies (which will get in the way of my game collecting hobby) and of course, the rumor that they will steal the 300 dollars of MS points I have tied to my account.

It's a bitter moment though, I enjoy the PS brand but it has not been my main since the PS1, so if MS can revolt someone like me who is heavily invested into the brand, I can't imagine people who primarily play maybe 5 series can't be deterred either. We saw how brand loyalty stuck with Sony after the total dominance the PS2 had along with the original Xbox being a massive flop in comparison.

As usual, being a collector means i'll own them all, but I did become quite comfortable with Xbox being my go to system, so i'm hardly as enthusiastic as some are about the hate, more like a bit sad, with that said, they deserve all the back lash they seem to be getting.


Junior Member
I hope they are. This might be the first time i actively want a system to crash and burn so bad.

same here seriously. not a troll or anything. i loved my xbox 360 when i had it. as i love gaming in general and i do not favor any system.

but i do want the xbox one to fail. because this DRM shit needs to go away. specially that 24 hours check.

if MS remove them both. then i hope the Xbox one to do good sales like the PS4 because competition is always good for us


I heard a GameStop employee today tell another customer that the "DRM was the same" and that "the only difference is that Xbox One is digital, PS4 you still have to enter a code when you get a game to play it." -- the guy preordered an Xbone on the spot.

I tried saying that it wasn't true, but the GS employees were pretty insistent that it was "just different wording, and that the PS4 has the same DRM."

Must be a den for Xbone fanboys.

He also tried saying that the mobile user stuff/tablet assistance "wasn't confirmed" for Watch Dogs, and that Destiny was going to be better on Xbone.


Junior Member
I think Gamestop is in a position where they can feel pretty safe about being one of the 'selected retailers' - they pretty much need to be on the list if Microsoft hopes to maintain any degree of relevance.

And even those selected retailers are very likely to receive a smaller cut of the used games sales, so PS4 outselling Xbone would be beneficial to them. If they maintained their current cut (which is 100%), there would be absolutely no point for this whole restriction system.

The best thing about the whole situation is that Microsoft pretty much can't do anything to stop them since a) they need GS's support and b) it's not like anyone would have to retort to false accusations to make Xbone sound really bad - it sound's absolutely terrible on its own.



This is not just about self-preservation but also about covering their ass. No one wants to get sued by customers because the later bought the wrong product uninformed.

I hope they tell every customer about the disgusting policy Xbone has and steer them away from that wretched POS.


GS is corporation fighting for its life... they are not going to be nice to MS.

Just like they were not nice to Sony before when Sony tried to lower the price on PSN and GS decided not to restock Warhawk and game failed.

So whatever you notice there is part of strategy.

Of course, there is still considerable time for MS to change its policies... 4-5 months at least.


Daammmmnnnn, I'm loving this, like other people have said this is the first time i've wanted to see a system get completely irrelevant so much.


My brothers fiance went into our local store here in Ireland to preorder it, and was told blatant lies and told straight out to pre order ps4 instead. He told her that games were download only on the Xbox one, and that no previous gamertags could be downloaded and that it had no multiplayer.

Now my brothers fiance doesn't game, she doesn't watch e3 or anything like that so she genuinely believed the guy, ended up walking out of the store. We have to go in again soon enough to preorder the Xbox one, and I'm going to enjoy debunking everything the clerk says.

I'm probably going to get shit because of the fact I actually like the Xbox One, and while I dislike the DRM features, I don't understand this Huge debacle over it. Any time I've bought a second hand game and talked about it on GAF or other forums I'm told to buy the game retail so the developer gets money. And now that Microsoft actually make it so that in the select places you sell it back w/e the developer does get money, the entirety of the World explodes in outrage. Not to mention that considering its mostly up to the publishers the level of DRM placed on games Microsoft can't be entirely to blame. That being said, I seriously doubt sony will be able to deliver everything they said about lack of DRM.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I heard a GameStop employee today tell another customer that the "DRM was the same" and that "the only difference is that Xbox One is digital, PS4 you still have to enter a code when you get a game to play it." -- the guy preordered an Xbone on the spot.

I tried saying that it wasn't true, but the GS employees were pretty insistent that it was "just different wording, and that the PS4 has the same DRM."

Must be a den for Xbone fanboys.

He also tried saying that the mobile user stuff/tablet assistance "wasn't confirmed" for Watch Dogs, and that Destiny was going to be better on Xbone.
A lot of people were insisting that PS4 had to have the same DRM before the conference. The true lack of it hasn't yet sunk in for some people.

That, and the Jack Tretton quote which was basically "if retailers want to put in their own systems, they can"... Which was misinterpreted. It's not system level, so it's essentially identical to PS3.


Gold Member
I think GameStop prefers nongamers as employees. You could easily sell off an Xbox One if you didn't explain everything to them.


Would it be crazy to think it possible that Microsoft's original plan was locking out used games altogether and being always online (24/7)?

Just it doesn't seem like Gamestop or publishers knew about any of these policies that Microsoft came up with. Almost like the shit started to hit the fan with the Orth incident and their backtracking has resulted in a confusing mess.


GS is corporation fighting for its life... they are not going to be nice to MS.

Just like they were not nice to Sony before when Sony tried to lower the price on PSN and GS decided not to restock Warhawk and game failed.

So whatever you notice there is part of strategy.

Of course, there is still considerable time for MS to change its policies... 4-5 months at least.

they would have to change a lot though, first, the forced instalation, which would make some other policies they have irrelevant
Microsoft is pushing people to digital on a closed platform. They have no way of generating income from a all digital closed platform. I'm not surprised at all.

But they have a physical piece of hardware they need to sell at retailers. A relatively large box that takes up substantial shelf space and historically is sold at a very low profit margin. If the retailers are sabotaging the hardware, they are in deep shit. This is why DD has never been very attractive on consoles. Gotta keep the retail partners happy. MS finally took a half assed unsure step at moving to all digital and nobody is happy.


My brothers fiance went into our local store here in Ireland to preorder it, and was told blatant lies and told straight out to pre order ps4 instead. He told her that games were download only on the Xbox one, and that no previous gamertags could be downloaded and that it had no multiplayer.

Now my brothers fiance doesn't game, she doesn't watch e3 or anything like that so she genuinely believed the guy, ended up walking out of the store. We have to go in again soon enough to preorder the Xbox one, and I'm going to enjoy debunking everything the clerk says.

Even 9000km away I can feel the cringe-worthy embarrassment of this scene
I think GameStop prefers nongamers as employees. You could easily sell off an Xbox One if you didn't explain everything to them.

You're assuming all gamers are incapable of turning off their consciences. I mean, I'm sure that as a whole, gamers are just better people than everyone else, but still... Assumptions, you are making.

Deku Tree


I posted this yesterday in the "then buy a 360 thread" e.g. "Don Mattrick: "Fortunately" consumers without a connection can buy Xbox 360":

Went into gamestop today. Sales guy is telling everyone who walks into the store about Don's comments.
Sony couldn't have better PR people than the MS execs right now.
At least at my local gamestop they seem to be telling everybody not to buy the Xbone.


Neo Member
I'm glad as well. I'm sure in the end there'll still be a lot of people buying the system and not realizing the DRM though.

People bought 3DS games and actually physically cut the tab off at the top to make it work on their DS. Of course people with no idea will buy it. Can you really blame them though?

If a parent wants to get their kid something special for Christmas they'll see Xbox and be all "so and so has an xbox too, maybe they can play games together sometime" or the guy who just picks up the occasional game and doesn't keep up with news (doesn't even have live), " I had a 360, maybe I should upgrade to an Xbox One."

A friend of mine had a 360, I don't think he had an online connection for it. He'd be hosed if he got an xbox one.

Overall though, can you blame Gamestop? Used games is a big part of their business. People may come in to trade in and then use that credit to buy something else. GS gets games to sell and makes a sale at the same time. Them being gung ho for Xbox One would be like an ice cream parlor rooting for someone that wanted to limit the amount of ice cream you can buy.
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