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Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

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sputum-flecked apoplexy
Yes, apparently power fantasy is something the devs are accused of creating. The sexualization is something that seems to be created by a select fans.

Yes it has been pointed out before that he has been shirtless. The think that makes this logical from a design standpoint is the beard. He is a wandering warrior and if they want to portray him growing older while doing these battles, the scars and the beard assist alot in this regard.

If fans want to sexualise Ryu, more power to them. Let us not pretend though that this is the explicit intent of devs (unless you have some dev/designer quotes you would like to share) or that it is illogical for him to be portrayed this way.

I assume that it's the explicit intent of the devs because

a) Capcom has done this before and
b) They are already thinking about titilation in their games (unless you think R. Mika's design is just coincidence)


Why are you ignoring the context? There are literally hundreds of examples of women being sexualised in all kinds of weird and inappropriate contexts in videogames. The 'grow up' argument is levelled because it seems like a significant proportion of the time, women are only in videogames specifically to serve as eye candy for men. That's just crazy immature.

Literally nobody I know of has a puritan attitude towards sex in videogames.

I'm ignoring the "context" because it isn't relevant; the argument has never, ever been about the amount of sexualized female characters in gaming. You must be thinking of something different.
I assume that it's the explicit intent of the devs because

a) Capcom has done this before and
b) They are already thinking about titilation in their games (unless you think R. Mika's design is just coincidence)

Considering the characters released before R. Mika (such as Chun Li and Cammy), yes this is just a design change. If this was just about titillation all characters would exuded this versus physical evidence of a different time and age. Birdie is the biggest example of this.

Birdie went from muscular strong guy


To this

So at a glance, such a large design indicates either a complete redesign of character, or one could assume it is the same character but time and whatever living habits he has had, did not agree with him.

EDIT: Let us not forget Ken and his amazing change visually and in terms of fighting style.


i'm not gay or a man

i suppose i should have said 'mostly', not 'only'. you got me! the almost-bondage outfit is just un-sexy enough (in my opinion, obv) to seem more like a joke outfit than an actual appeal to people's sexualities, regardless. like, it seems closer to 'haha wow what a wacky outfit this guy is wearing' than 'holy shit fuck me daddy'

also cant wait till DADDY RYU gets its matching trademark w/ HOT RYU™


i'm pretty sure that's only appealing to a very specific demographic of gay men but i could be wrong

back me up, gays

I mean, he's giving me muscle daddy on a pilgrimage to Folsom.
Totes my type btw

Some guys may be into hairless younger looking guys. Twinks, we call them.

And looking at some of those old Chris Redfield costumes tells me someone at Cacpcom has been to the Black Party once or twice.. if you know what I mean.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I'm ignoring the "context" because it isn't relevant; the argument has never, ever been about the amount of sexualized female characters in gaming. You must be thinking of something different.

Of course it's about the amount. As I said, nobody has the puritanical attitude towards videogames that you're accusing people of. The reason 'grow up' is an argument is because it's just endless, inappropriate, and shallow.
Let us not pretend though that this is the explicit intent of devs (unless you have some dev/designer quotes you would like to share) or that it is illogical for him to be portrayed this way.

We almost NEVER have quotes from devs on their design decisions, so that's an unreasonable request.

Mika is logically dressed (there are plenty of wrestlers who dress like she does) AND we have no quotes from Capcom about the explicit intent of her design. That didn't stop people from considering her fanservice-y.

I mean, do YOU have quote stating that Ryu's design WASN'T meant to be sexy? Why is the burden of proof on the other people's side? Perhaps the fact that people are calling him #HotRyu should be enough evidence.


I mean, he's giving me muscle daddy on a pilgrimage to Folsom.
Totes my type btw

Some guys may be into hairless younger looking guys. Twinks, we call them.

And looking at some of those old Chris Redfield costumes tells me someone at Cacpcom has been to the Black Party once or twice.. if you know what I mean.

haha yeah, i can totally see that! and there's nothing wrong with that, it just doesn't feel as overtly sexualized as ryu looks in the OP. does that make sense or am i just talking nonsense?


Junior Member
I can't stop staring at that derpy sheep in the background.

Squatter Ryu is pretty cool, tying it to a shit company like Gamestop however...
Lmfao what? There is nothing of significance about it, its a pre order costume. Capcom didnt even have the balls to make it the default costume which it should have been since this game takes place a few years later and that ryu clearly looks older


sputum-flecked apoplexy
If wandering warrior hobo with tousled, shaggy hair and a thick, hirstute beard 'just makes logical sense and isn't intended as titilation', wouldn't it be his default look instead of an optional extra in a series that has a precedent of fanservice-y costumes as DLC bonuses?
Not hot enough until he's in his undies. imo <.<



Not new at all.

haha yeah, i can totally see that! and there's nothing wrong with that, it just doesn't feel as overtly sexualized as ryu looks in the OP. does that make sense or am i just talking nonsense?

It's reading like nonsense, because you don't find it attractive. There's a very real niche that looks at that a sexual outfit.
So saying this shirtless guy with a beard is more sexual than this muscular dude in tight pants and pseudo-bondage club wear is pretty funny.

My point is that it isn't new at all and nowhere close to a significant event in gaming history.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
lol that poll. Where is the "original Ryu is hotter" option?
It's just the art style change.

Look at all these costumes from SFIV (Sagat base, obv). They'd look better to anyone in the SFV aesthetic.

There's a looooot of shirtless + pantsless males in SFIV. The only issue in terms of fan service is that the art style was not kind to it.

Bruh, they don't have sexy man beards. That's why no one cared.
If wandering warrior hobo with tousled, shaggy hair and a thick, hirstute beard 'just makes logical sense and isn't intended as titilation', wouldn't it be his default look instead of an optional extra in a series that has a precedent of fanservice-y costumes as DLC bonuses?
what the fuck, no? there will be never be anything that's not meant to appeal to me, what the fuck is this? you think capcom would do something for the gays?? THIS IS JUST A DESIGN CHOICE AND IT'S STILL MEANT TO APPEAL TO ME
Looks bad on 75% of guys. Don't do it unless you're fit.
Yep, I started growing one again a few months ago and quickly shaved it off after I realized that it didn't agree with the twenty or so pounds I put on since the last time I had a beard.

I looked like Black Santa.

Edit: LOL, I looked a lot like the pic below.
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