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Is something wrong with me? I'm not impressed by this generation.


That's not GTAIV/V...
The difference between those two games isn't as small as you might think though.

My point is that neither GTA4 vs GTA5 or Infamous VS Second Son is as dramatic as MGS1 (late PS1) vs MGS2 (early PS2) or Silent Hill 1 (late PS1) vs Silent Hill 2 (early PS2) or Rogue Squadron 1 (late N64) vs Rogue Squadron 2 (early GC).
smh at some people here.

infamous 2 was released on 2011, 5 years into the ps3.

infamous ss was released on march 2014, 4 months into the ps4.

at least use your heads. a heavily-optimized game running on mature tools and low-level drivers vs. a launch window game. gee golly wow.

that's like asking why the ps3 launch lineup doesn't look that much better than god of war 2.

not to mention different effects, lighting, etc. running in conjunction with streaming higher-quality assets and doing better post-processing.


Are we really going to act like pumping more money into visuals didn't ruin the quality of almost every franchise from the ps2 generation?

It's not the bumbed up graphics, but the lackluster sequels that ruined the old franchises, like Silent Hill and Resident Evil. WipEout HD and Killzone 2 didn't certainly ruin the quality of the series, eventhough the developers pushed the envelope with the visuals. Anyone saying 1080p/60fps don't matter, hasn't played WipEout HD (and before anyone points it out, I know it's not 1080p all the time).

Walter Matthau

Gold Member
You got older?

I've seen this overgeneralization tossed around way too much on this board. The generation gap we saw this time around was longer than any gap we've had in gaming history, 8 years from the 360 launch to the Xbox One/PS4. You want to summarize the fact that someone found the jump to Mario 64 more significant than the jump to Killzone Shadow Fall or Titanfall as they simply "got older"? I know you like to picture us in our living rooms infinitely listening to Kid A and watching Fight Club like we're in some nostalgia haze 24/7 just because we feel games aren't making the leaps they used to, but the reality is they aren't. Nothing announced so far is really beyond expectation.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Sure, ok.

Are you saying that you can see a similar generation leap between inFamous ans SS?

Hint: Silent Hill 1 doesn't even look as good as the picture on a real PS1...

Craziest thing is, that comparison is pretty representative of the leap between PS1 and PS2... and a number of PS2 games looked that much better while running at 60fps.


The biggest question I have. What are these new machines doing (besides better graphics) that the PS3 or 360 aren't already?

You could have asked the same question last generation (Wii was the exception, the previous generation also fucked up all sorts of franchises as well, which was the price for the shiny shiny graphics)


Thats because its not really a generation leap. The difference is only slightly more dramatic than the difference between GTA4 and GTA5 and these games were released on the same hardware.

Like I said before, can you do everything that inFamous: Second Son did on a console with a 192 GFLOP GPU, 512 MB's of shared RAM, & the Cell Processor (PS3) as opposed to on a console with a 1.84 TFLOP GPU & 8 GB's of Unified GDDR5 RAM (PS4)? No, you can't.


at least use your heads. a heavily-optimized game running on mature tools and low-level drivers vs. a launch window game. gee golly wow.
And yet, almost every launch PS2/GC game, even early Dreamcast games like Sonic Adventure, looked FAR better than any late, optimized PS1 game.


So, I've had WiiU since day 1, PS4 since day 1 and I plan to get XB1 day 1 if Microsoft some day remember that Sweden exist.
Anyhow, I've played on an import XB1 and today I think I've seen the games that is said to really show off the generational leap on all platforms.

I finally played Second Son for the first time yesterday, which DF said was the best looking game on any platform in their technical article, and I thought I would finally come away really impressed.

But no, I was not impressed, like at all.

I get that games will get more impressive over time and Naughty Dog still haven't shown their next gen stuff which might be amazing, but so far this has easily been the most underwelming start of a new generation for as long as I can remember.

Games still look about the same, most games still run at 30fps and we basically still play the same exact games as before since nothing has happened on the gameplay front.

ZombiU had some novel ideas with the Gamepad screen which I really liked but WiiU sadly isn't delivering the visual leap I'm looking for when entering a new generation. Off TV Play at 60fps without lag is probably what I'm most impressed about so far, but it's on WiiU again. PS4 and XB1 has the power to impress, I think, but so far I'm just not impressed at all with the gameplay or performance there. Also, isn't it annoying that we see far more 60fps games on WiiU when it's supposed to be more like a last gen console technically?

Am I the only one with this feeling?

There's nothing wrong with you. Your just getting older.
OP, do you pause movies after 15 minutes to post about them on GAF? Because that is the equivalent of what you are doing here.
And yet, almost every launch PS1/GC game, even early Dreamcast games like Sonic Adventure, looked FAR better than any late, optimized PS1 game.
nice try.


Sure, ok.

Are you saying that you can see a similar generation leap between inFamous ans SS?

Hint: Silent Hill 1 doesn't even look as good as the picture on a real PS1...

Another hint: Silent Hill 2 is not running at 720p on a ps2.


I'm with you OP, and it's the only reason I'm keeping my Wii U. I need something different besides pressing forward until something happens. Everything is becoming repackaged mutations of other games, as people forget that we need a variety of games to suit people not one game to suit a variety of people.


Another hint: Silent Hill 2 is not running at 720p on a ps2.
The PS1 picture is also higher resolution. But i wasn't even referring to that. The PS1 screenshot has other improvements as well, like texture filtering and solid 3D with not as much warping as normal. Yet, the PS2 screenshot is pretty representative of how SH2 looks on PS2.


Un Rama
I've been really impressed with the new machines so far. Not just in the graphics department but also in how smooth it all runs. After putting up with Dashboard and PS3 XMB being slow its great to have something super smooth and quick. Also not having to put up with waiting on downloads is also another winner in my book.

Even graphically I've been really impressed (even as a PC gamer) Game like Killzone and Second Son look incredible. We got Second Son which is an open world game that runs well only 5 months into the new generation and it looks amazing. So god knows what we'll be getting in a few years. I see Cross-gen games factoring in to some of the disappointment as they they were designed around old hardware and not indicative of current power. Also the fact these Cross-gen games seem to be sticking around is also a bit disappointing.

But yeah, I'm totally happy.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
With the PS2 -> PS3/X360 we got gameplay advancements due to finally having enough memory to do bigger, more open environments. But PS3/X360 -> PS4/XB1...the memory just goes into higher resolution and more effects/ai/physics.

It's definitely the weakest entry into a generation from a gameplay-advancement perspective. Nice looking games, but nothing really new or interesting yet gameplay-wise.

That's exactly whats going on. It's sort of the curse of HD. Even though a PS4 is considerably more powerful than a PS3... 1080p to 720p is pushing more than twice as many pixels.

This generation didn't open up some new realm that was turned off before like the SNES-->Ps2-->Ps3... where each generation lessened constraints that actually had effects on gameplay.

If you're not impressed by SS, then you probably aren't going to be super impressed by much this generation.. on consoles OR PC. We've hit a spot where you're not going to see a massive visual upgrade like we've had in the past. Not that things won't look good, but there's no giant hurdles left on the track.. just small ones.


You don't see a difference between this


and this?


And we're only 5 months into this gen. And the above is an open world game made by a 100ish-man team.

In the first picture, the trash still looks like the trash from Half Life 1. The boxes don't look like they belong there. Also, the shadows are pretty weird.


smh at some people here.

infamous 2 was released on 2011, 5 years into the ps3.

infamous ss was released on march 2014, 4 months into the ps4.

at least use your heads. a heavily-optimized game running on mature tools and low-level drivers vs. a launch window game. gee golly wow.

that's like asking why the ps3 launch lineup doesn't look that much better than god of war 2.

not to mention different effects, lighting, etc. running in conjunction with streaming higher-quality assets and doing better post-processing.
inFamous 2 was released on 8 year old hardware
Second Son was released on 5 month old hardware
Shouldn't the difference be bigger than this?
It's not like PS4 is stupidly difficult to develop for either, it's said to be super easy, and devs are already used to hd development and have used mature hd dev tools for years.
inFamous 2 was released on 8 year old hardware
Second Son was released on 5 month old hardware
Shouldn't the difference be bigger than this?
It's not like PS4 is stupidly difficult to develop for either, it's said to be super easy, and devs are already used to hd development and have used mature hd dev tools for years.

How far are you into SS?


This is the first gen where technology for consoles was severely prohibitive because of size, cost and wattage.

Every prior gen the console being released was pretty high up on the pecking order of graphics capability even compared to high end rigs at the time.

This gen it just isn't the case.

The new consoles can't even match my x51 from a year ago and that isn't even a truly high end rig. We are essentially, for the first time, adapting mid tier current tech as the basis for the new generation whereas in the past it had always been fairly high end. On top of that production times have risen because it takes longer to maximize graphical fidelity in games and so the stages of development that could of been done in 3 months in the ps2 era took longer in the ps3 era and is taking even longer now.

With all that's said if you can't tell me that parts of Ryse, KillZone, or SS don't look better then anything from last gen you're blind.
it really feels like when you have a iphone 5 and then upgrade to a 5S.

not much different .

in the previous next gens it was instant "OMG , WOW !!!!! "

now its " meh , not much different ???? "

and peeps keep saying "you have to give it some time , give it a couple of years "

WHAT ??? a couple of years ???

the launch of previous consoles was INSTANT ,
now peeps are saying GIVE IT A FEW YEARS ???

I'm sorry but it doesnt make any sense



I don't see how anyone could come away unimpressed with Second Son.

It is ridiculously stunning and rock solid.
Rock solid? That was the first thing that I was disapponted with, the framerate was surprisingly unstable, I rotated the camera and nearly dropped the controller and walked away :/ A patch is coming to fix this though so maybe it'll impress me more then, not that 30fps is impressive but at least it'll be stable.
game gets are reaching pretty high prices. i think the jump is fine. and ps4 launched at 399 which was very appropriate for the jump in graphics we got. I'm pretty happy with how ps4 turned out and lets be real ps3 is still the main console at least until the end of 2014. Sony consoles have overlap to them. ps4 probably wont shine until FF15, MGS5, God of war 4, kingdom hearts 3 etc...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Why is no one talking about the most important part of that comparison?

For the people who think that the graphical difference from ps3 to ps4 is not as impressive as the leap from ps1 to ps2, its the diminishing returns. The difference between 50 polygons and 1000 polygons is much easier to notice than 500 000 polygons and 1 000 000 polygons. If we had the same kind of noticeable differences with this gens transition, the graphics would be photorealistic. So yes it may not be as noticeable as earlier console transitions graphically but it is definately noticeable. No way in hell would we see a game look as good as KZSF or ISS on the ps3.

If you play BF4 side by side on a ps3 and ps4 especially in MP, the difference is huge, thats just for a cross gen game.

Comparing GTA IV and GTAV is like comparing GTA 3 to San Andreas. The difference is the maturity of the tools and the devs ability to get more out of the hardware, so I think it is safe to say we will see the same level of improvements over this gens lifecycle.
If you compare San Andreas to GTAIV you can see the generational leap in graphics but not the content. Those improvements come with time.


For the people who think that the graphical difference from ps3 to ps4 is not as impressive as the leap from ps1 to ps2, its the diminishing returns. The difference between 50 polygons and 1000 polygons is much easier to notice than 500 000 polygons and 1 000 000 polygons.
That makes sense. I think it all comes down to this.

Although, judging by the numbers you choose (i'm sure you picked random ones) i would say that a console that produces 1000 polygons is like 20 times more powerful than the one producing 50 while the console which produces 1.000.000 is only twice as powerful as the one producing 500.000.

Still not as big generation leap :p


it really feels like when you have a iphone 5 and then upgrade to a 5S.

not much different .

in the previous next gens it was instant "OMG , WOW !!!!! "

now its " meh , not much different ???? "

and peeps keep saying "you have to give it some time , give it a couple of years "

WHAT ??? a couple of years ???

the launch of previous consoles was INSTANT ,
now peeps are saying GIVE IT A FEW YEARS ???

I'm sorry but it doesnt make any sense


It doesn't make since to you that as the hardware power increases from generation to generation, development tools get reset in ways and the fact that it takes more and more manpower and time to maximize graphical output for each successive generation that development times have increased and therefore what once could be achieved in 6 months after launch last gen and 2 months after the prior gen will take longer this gen?

Not to mention that most developers severely underestimated the adoption rate of next gen and therefore had very few teams working on completely next gen games from the onset.


Too soon.

Also seems you've just discovered that most games (most anything) is familiar and essentially "more of the same"

Innovation is rare. Evolution somewhat more common. Rinse and repeat very common.

High commercial stakes breeds low risk and limits innovation.

More computing power doesn't automatically mean new gameplay. That takes innovation, creativity and sometimes new input/control options. It doesn't happen that often, particularly these days.

But let's not downplay even the simple changes - games look noticeably better unless you thought a 3D game was going to become 4D or somehow add something where there's nothing further to add apart from refinement.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Is it a slow starter? I only played it at a store so I really don't know, likely very early on, the area looked just like the pics shown in this thread with the wet city streets with neon lights.
Well this explains a lot. Most stores have terrible setups. Infamous lighting changes dramatically throughout the story from different times if day.

But then if you cant see the leap from Infamous 2 there's probably no helping you.


it really feels like when you have a iphone 5 and then upgrade to a 5S.

not much different .

in the previous next gens it was instant "OMG , WOW !!!!! "

now its " meh , not much different ???? "

and peeps keep saying "you have to give it some time , give it a couple of years "

WHAT ??? a couple of years ???

the launch of previous consoles was INSTANT ,
now peeps are saying GIVE IT A FEW YEARS ???

I'm sorry but it doesnt make any sense

Lol I'm a bit confused by that too, I've been gaming since the early 80's and if it was normal at the start of a new generation to be underwelmed for a few years I would wait for a few years to buy the consoles not be there day 1. At least in my experience this generation is unique.
Super Mario World was impressive day 1
Wipeout was impressive day 1
Super Mario 64 was impressive day 1
Soul Calibur was impressive day 1
Kameo was impressive day 1


Anyone remembers all the talk about the PS2 being 20 times more powerful than the PS1? Is it really that much more powerful? Can this be said for PS3 vs PS4?
Yet for some reason previous gens managed to make their benefits clear in the first minute.

Did they? I only really started to get impressed by last gen once i got a HD display. The main wow factor for me was the increased resolution, not specific technical details.

Of course if you went back to your ps3 after playing the ps4 for a year then youd probably notice the difference more significantly too.


Gold Member
Yes, I think there is someing wrong with you. I'm playing videogames since the NES, had to pleasre to be there every generational leap ever since and Killzone, my first PS4 game, wowed me. Tomb Raider blew me away at times. But that also may be because I ain't played on PC in years. If I would have, I probably would not have been very impressed. So yeah... As a pure console generation leap, leaving PC out of this, the leap is pretty darn impressive. I feel bad for you OP.


Yet for some reason previous gens managed to make their benefits clear in the first minute.

Yeah. From a technical level, this is probably one of the worst generations we've ever had. At release, a new generation of consoles has always represented the bleeding edge of graphic capabilities. The PS4/XBO are no where near that, they are mid range PCs at best.

From a gameplay perspective, the emphasis on spectacle and narrative means that we're probably not going to see any mindblowing new advancement in actual game design.

Of course none of that means we still won't get some amazing games that are fun as shit and will stand as some of the best ever made.
It's easily a full generation leap graphically. All you have to do is look at the Infamous 2/Second Son screenshot above to see that. It's running at a higher definition with better IQ, with more detail and far more effects happening at once. And that's comparing an almost launch game to a game that came out deep into the PS3 lifecycle.

The biggest disappointment for me has been the lack of new IP's by the big publishers. Almost everything so far has been a been there done that sequel. Indie games are innovative and cool and pick up some of the slack, but they don't have the budget or manpower behind them.


Gold Member
Yeah. From a technical level, this is probably one of the worst generations we've ever had. At release, a new generation of consoles has always represented the bleeding edge of graphic capabilities.
Yeah... Not really. We haven't had that for a while. Stop making this shit up. Far Cry and Half Life 2 on a decent rig where better looking snd running than everything PS3 and 360 had to offer at launch.


Well this explains a lot. Most stores have terrible setups. Infamous lighting changes dramatically throughout the story from different times if day.

But then if you cant see the leap from Infamous 2 there's probably no helping you.
This store have awesome setups so that's not the problem here but I only played when it was night time, great reflections at the wet road but I guess some details get lost in the darkness. Could you post a more impressive shot (or better yet a video) from a different time of day?

dr guildo

Thats because its not really a generation leap. The difference is only slightly more dramatic than the difference between GTA4 and GTA5 and these games were released on the same hardware.

Please, just re-read yourself and find out the nonsense in your sentence...


Yeah... Not really. We haven't had that for a while. Stop making this shit up. Far Cry and Half Life 2 on a decent rig where better looking snd running than everything PS3 and 360 had to offer at launch.

Hey some people can't take off them rose tinted glasses.

dr guildo

Is it a slow starter? I only played it at a store so I really don't know, likely very early on, the area looked just like the pics shown in this thread with the wet city streets with neon lights.

WTF !?!

This explains that ! You can close the thread, all of this after a try at a store on an average tv as it used to be...
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