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Islamist Extremists celebrate Trump win

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Besides isis wannabes, the western world hasn't been hit with a legit assault. I'm not fear mongering but why would groups take Trump seriously if they followed this dude doing the election?

Also those Russian hacks, wikileaks hacks, and Putin gonna be made into documentaries on how Clinton lost. This is bullshit.


Trump " Why dont we just drone them?" heckle heckle.

General: "sir. We dont know where they are and if we did we might have civilian casualties"

Trump shrug "Just bomb the fuxk out of them and tell the Russians to bomb with us"

General: but sir....

I think this is so on point.

So yeah, ISIS go ahead and clap, cheer, whatever. Trump will give waaaaay less of a fuck than any president before him about "collateral damage" when he's ordering drone/missile strikes. And if him and his buddy Putin decide to go all in together, it's going to get ugly immediately.


I think this is so on point.

So yeah, ISIS go ahead and clap, cheer, whatever. Trump will give waaaaay less of a fuck than any president before him about "collateral damage" when he's ordering drone/missile strikes. And if him and his buddy Putin decide to go all in together, it's going to get ugly immediately.

That's exactly what they want to happen.

Collateral damage on Muslim civilians is how the next generation of ISIS fighters get recruited.


For you.
I think this is so on point.

So yeah, ISIS go ahead and clap, cheer, whatever. Trump will give waaaaay less of a fuck than any president before him about "collateral damage" when he's ordering drone/missile strikes. And if him and his buddy Putin decide to go all in together, it's going to get ugly immediately.
All that will mean is that ISIS will have a easier time picking up the next generation to their cause.


They're celebrating a President who wants to team up with Russia, torture them, and kill their families?

I guess there's the recruitment aspect...
I think this is so on point.

So yeah, ISIS go ahead and clap, cheer, whatever. Trump will give waaaaay less of a fuck than any president before him about "collateral damage" when he's ordering drone/missile strikes. And if him and his buddy Putin decide to go all in together, it's going to get ugly immediately.

Yeah that sounds like a plus for ISIS. Destroy peoples homes, families, what minor institutions still survive in Iraq and Syria and I wonder where these pissed off people will go.

They're celebrating a President who wants to team up with Russia, torture them, and kill their families?

I guess there's the recruitment aspect...

Of COURSE that's a recruitment aspect. Why even make your own propaganda if Trump will give you the Abu Ghraib images 1000 times over for free?
I think this is so on point.

So yeah, ISIS go ahead and clap, cheer, whatever. Trump will give waaaaay less of a fuck than any president before him about "collateral damage" when he's ordering drone/missile strikes. And if him and his buddy Putin decide to go all in together, it's going to get ugly immediately.
That's exactly what they want.


Of course they are happy, but just like everything else, the voting public is too fucking stupid to see what is in front of them.
I think this is so on point.

So yeah, ISIS go ahead and clap, cheer, whatever. Trump will give waaaaay less of a fuck than any president before him about "collateral damage" when he's ordering drone/missile strikes. And if him and his buddy Putin decide to go all in together, it's going to get ugly immediately.
This is like, their dream come true.


You know this statement right here

"Trump’s win of the American presidency will bring hostility of Muslims against America as a result of his reckless actions, which show the overt and hidden hatred against them,” continued the essay, provided by the SITE Intelligence group, a private organization that monitors jihadists’ web sites.

I'm grinning so hard right now because it's true

I'm tearing up, fuck
I think people don't realize that ISIS aren't a bunch of idiots in caves. For certain they are barbaric and cruel beyond forgiveness but they know what they are doing. They actually have plans to set up a State and have been somewhat successful in some areas. They aren't a group of terrorist cells, they are an actual insurgency with plans for legitimacy. They have ministers, courts, propaganda and literature. They know what they are doing, but it isn't a completely savage and foreign doctrine. I've read their literature in University classes. I've read the sources they draw from. I'm probably on 20 watch lists but I'm white and have no criminal background so NSA can suck my dick. Sun Tzu said Know Thy Enemy 2,500 years ago but I dunno if anyone in Government ever listened to him.

I want to be optimistic but we're going to see Iraq 3 and it'll make Iraq 2 look like a master stroke of genius strategy.


Trump is the guy who insulted the parents of a dead war hero to score some easy points off Muslims. That's like the lowest you could go; who's off limits after that? What has Hillary done that even compares?
I think this is so on point.

So yeah, ISIS go ahead and clap, cheer, whatever. Trump will give waaaaay less of a fuck than any president before him about "collateral damage" when he's ordering drone/missile strikes. And if him and his buddy Putin decide to go all in together, it's going to get ugly immediately.

That will only embolden themm, and make them a more attractive option for angry and frustrated muslims. Seeing your people getting killed, your streets and city destoryed and your counry saccaged will surely make you love the attacking side...
Reminds me of how my Iraqi immigrant coworker yesterday was saying that Hillary was going to arm Isis. I asked what he meant and he said rebels = Isis.

I just stared in disbelief. Just wow.

I mean that whole situation over there is so fucked but the complete distortion about any and everything she said in policy by the media is astounding.


Gold Member
Reminds me of how my Iraqi immigrant coworker yesterday was saying that Hillary was going to arm Isis. I asked what he meant and he said rebels = Isis.

I just stared in disbelief. Just wow.

I mean that whole situation over there is so fucked but the complete distortion about any and everything she said in policy by the media is astounding.
To be fair, the rebels are jihadists for the most part. Al-Nusra is basically a Syrian wing of Al-Qaeda. And the "moderate" rebels have turned out, well, not so moderate!
Reminds me of how my Iraqi immigrant coworker yesterday was saying that Hillary was going to arm Isis. I asked what he meant and he said rebels = Isis.

I just stared in disbelief. Just wow.

I mean that whole situation over there is so fucked but the complete distortion about any and everything she said in policy by the media is astounding.

He isn't exactly wrong but its extremely complicated. Arming rebels in the region could have effects later like with the Mujahideen. Those weapons will stay in the area.


In a second tweet, he said that Trump "reveals the true mentality of the Americans, and their racism toward Muslims and Arabs and everything. He reveals what his predecessors used to conceal. So his victory further exposes America and its appendages.”
This is so bad. The sad part is, there is a partial degree of truth to it.


well no shit between this and brexit we are falling apart ourselfs without terrorist having to do much more. you have racists etc telling people to fuck off out the country etc and go back to xyz, we are pretty much doing the job for them at this point and so many are oblivious as to whats happening

we are literally playing right into the terrorists hands by turning againts each other thus making the normal people coming over wanting to to turn elsewhere.
To be fair, the rebels are jihadists for the most part. Al-Nusra is basically a Syrian wing of Al-Qaeda. And the "moderate" rebels have turned out, well, not so moderate!

Pushing him further though he started going on about how anyone that says they are a rebel is just Isis, and his framing of what Isis is began to spin towards conspiracy theory levels of weird.

"She wants to help Isis and isn't going to fight them." At that point I left as he started asking me where I get my news from.
He isn't exactly wrong but its extremely complicated. Arming rebels in the region could have effects later like with the Mujahideen. Those weapons will stay in the area.

Oh absolutely, I think I was just riled up from the election and it was a bad time to hear my coworker falling into the fox news propaganda they have on all the TV's at work every day.

I do respect his background as an Iraqi and his perspective on things, but a lot of his talking points lately have been straight out of the trump book.
I'm not quite sure taking anything ISIS say as a surprise to be genuine. Every narrative out of their camp does anything to try and fuel a West and East divide. I swear if I see anyone saying anything about terrorist attacks being understandable because America voted by democracy for Trump ill lose my rag. This is not the time to make light of innocent lives lost due to anger at the election.

ISIS do not care you are upset Trump won, or understand your pain. Stop being disingenuous over a terrorist organisation who wish to kill and maim to spread their beliefs no matter the cost and no matter who is President.

Trump makes it much easier to radicalize someone. An American Muslim can see ISIS as a terrorist organization that they hate and don't agree with but if they themselves are demonized and hated by the people and president of their own country... What do you think is likely to happen?

It's the shit with "basket of deplorables" all over again.


Trump makes it much easier to radicalize someone. An American Muslim can see ISIS as a terrorist organization that they hate and don't agree with but if they themselves are demonized and hated by the people and president of their own country... What do you think is likely to happen?

It's the shit with "basket of deplorables" all over again.

I would like to give 99% of American Muslims the benefit of the doubt they aren't going to respond to Trump by saying, yes, now is the time to go and fucking kill people? I think what is going to happen is they will join in on protests like every other American and exercise their right to vote to remove Trump next election. Cmon man, get a higher expectation of American Muslims than that line you've just fed me.

I took a break from this thread on the last page, and yeah, okay, I was a bit emotional whilst getting involved yesterday. However mixing having Trump elected, and then people casually talking about terrorist attacks just melted my brain. I still stand by some of my sentiments, as badly as this vote has gone we don't elect governments via force and killing thousands if not millions of people. We vote. We are not fucking terrorists. Us trying to navigate through our decent, but imperfect democratic system shouldn't ever be compromised because evil people in the world want to kill our citizens.

I do concede now I get what people quoting me meant. ISIS are trying to benefit from Trump being elected. However ISIS are our enemy, and as much as Trump might now be many Americans "enemy", ISIS/terrorists like those behind 9/11 and the Orlando shooting are a different kettle of fish than the Republican party and its shambolic candidate(s). America is going to try and remove Trump from the WH by hopefully voting in someone better in 2020, not by hooking up with ISIS and saying to Trump you better stand down because someone is threatening to kill Americans. ISIS are always threatening to kill Americans, and sadly succeeding at times. All the prior terrorist attacks did not happen under Trumps presidency, as he's not even president yet.


nah fuck these clowns

they'll say whatever and it doesn't matter who got in. fuck them every which way possible.


For you.
nah fuck these clowns

they'll say whatever and it doesn't matter who got in. fuck them every which way possible.

They would demonize Clinton too, of course, but if you don't think a Trump presidency is far more advantageous to them you're burying your head far down the sand.

So now were gonna help spread ISIS propaganda here?
America just did them that favor.


Again, your refusal to examine ISIS talking points doesn't do you any favors in the long run.

I'm not asking for people to accept or excuse them. But you can't fight what you don't understand.

Talking points? These people videotape themselves decapitating civilians in order to scare the rest of the world. They have nothing to say worth listening to.
Talking points? These people videotape themselves decapitating civilians in order to scare the rest of the world. They have nothing to say worth listening to.

Then you've already lost. Know thy enemy is the most basic rule of warfare. How do you suppose you beat an enemy you refuse to understand that knows you? How do you convince the people under ISIS threat that your alternative is the right way if you don't understand them either?

A misunderstanding of the situation in 2004 gave us ISIS today. We thought Iraqis would welcome us with open arms. They didn't. We disbanded their army and government and look where that got us.


For you.
Talking points? These people videotape themselves decapitating civilians in order to scare the rest of the world. They have nothing to say worth listening to.

If they told you that 5+5=10 you would say that they were wrong? Burying your head in the sand is no use. It's fucking dangerous.


It's not just ISIS, the alt right in the Middle East is ecstatic, the younger generation is leaning much more liberal and secular than they anticipated, this helps them combat that movement. I don't think it's going to work though.
Trump is going to be a complete disaster for the younger generation in Iran :\
Naw I'm talking about bombing. Not drone strikes.

Yeah long term it's a losing strategy. Terrorism is an effective tactic and will always be used. But we have he capacity to bomb the hell out of every last one of them. I am sure collateral damage will be quite high, but the current tactics have the same problems. We should never have let them get this out of control in the 1st place.

I really think we do need to do something different. I'm not sure what. But I'm not gonna complain if Trump bombs the shit out of them.
So you know collateral damage will be high but wouldn't complain if that were to happen.
Sounds good. Fuck cares about these people anyway


Trump is going to be a complete disaster for the younger generation in Iran :\

I really doubt it, I live in the ME, and the younger generation don't give a fuck about those right wing Islamists anymore, I haven't been to Iran in a while, but the distrust of Islamist politicians is the case in every neighboring country I've been to recently. I really doubt Trump will change that, unless he goes way beyond what America's been doing over the past few decades.


Lol. You think ISIS had problems recruiting supporters?

These Jihadis may be celebrating now. But if Trump and Putin can at least agree on going after them, they would all be sent back to their Saudi/Qatari sponsors in bags.
1) yes actually, ISIS recruitment is way down

2) for better or worse no one has killed more terrorists than the US govt under Obama
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