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It Takes Two | Review Thread


Neo Member
Echoing the sentiment that this game is great. Playing with my wife, and we're in the 3rd area now, and it's been an absolute blast. I struggle to think of a more enjoyable co-op experience I've had.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Echoing the sentiment that this game is great. Playing with my wife, and we're in the 3rd area now, and it's been an absolute blast. I struggle to think of a more enjoyable co-op experience I've had.
Subject matter fairly mature or appropriate for kids as well?

Also how’s the split screen? Pretty smooth or are there some massive frame dips?


Neo Member
Subject matter fairly mature or appropriate for kids as well?

Also how’s the split screen? Pretty smooth or are there some massive frame dips?
Our 5 year old has been watching us play and there's not been anything that's concerned me, though obviously everyone is different. There is arguing between the parents and some stuff that a little kid may find scary. Framerate has seemed solid, playing on a Series X.


I was extremely interested in this game, but now that I've learned the 2 protagonist are a couple with marriage problems... i don't know.
That's kinda as unappealing as it gets, really.

All this time I've thought they were the child's imagination or "fairy friends" or whatever, but I really, really don't want to play as husband and wife fixing a marriage.
I'm actually saddened because I was planning on getting this, and I still believe it looks great. But yeah, I kind of can't stand the theme :messenger_confounded:
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Played through a few full levels now and it is an amazing game.

Puzzles are very well thought out and it is true co-op in that one player can't just blast through and carry the other player as you rely on each character's skills.

My wife doesn't play 3rd person games at all so the bosses on level 2 were a bit hectic but we got there.


Gold Member
I was extremely interested in this game, but now that I've learned the 2 protagonist are a couple with marriage problems... i don't know.
That's kinda as unappealing as it gets, really.

All this time I've thought they were the child's imagination or "fairy friends" or whatever, but I really, really don't want to play as husband and wife fixing a marriage.
I'm actually saddened because I was planning on getting this, and I still believe it looks great. But yeah, I kind of can't stand the theme :messenger_confounded:

The theme doesn't in the slightest stand in the way of the game. And when it is in focus it has a light vibe to it, almost exactly like a classic Pixar movie. There is no contrived SJW- or overly moralistic stuff here, at least so far in my journey. Most of the time it's just "comedy"-like banter between "the parents"
(right now I don't know if they are purely the daughter's imagination (well, I guess it must be.. Unless magic.. ) ) which I reckon will turn into reignited love for the real life parents later.
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The Fartist

Gold Member
Having a fucking blast playing this with my daughter, I think she'll remember this experience with me long after I'm gone. Excellent game.


Me and my friend beat the game.

I would give this game a 9.5/10 for the first half of the game. However, the second half was just a chore and the four pieces of paper was annoying and made the game longer than it should have been. If they would have started with that right off the rip, game would have been a solid 9.5/10 and probably made it to my top 100 list. With that said, I give the game an overall score of a 7/10. No HDR bumped it down a point for me and the game being too long killed my friend and I enthusiasm. YMMV.
Played about 3 hours with a friend last night. Fantastic experience. Most fun I've had in a co-op game for certain. Very smooth on the PC version. I'm playing maxed out in 1080p and he' playing maxed out in 4K. We've had no stuttering during gameplay and only minor ones during cut scenes at the start of the game.


Gold Member
This is my plan for the game, how old is your daughter and how hard is the game?

The game can have times where it can _feel_ challenging, some bosses demands a certain amount of timing and precision to get by. HOWEVER, the thing is that as long as both of you don't die at the same time, the other one will always respawn and you will never have to even restart the checkpoint you're at.. So, as long as you do ok at picking up the slack the kid doesn't need to be awesome at videogaming to have a great time.
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Yeah I saw that when I investigated more. Kind of sucks but the game still looks good on my CX.

Looks amazing on my C9 too. To be honest, considering that there's no HDR makes it even more impressive. Everything just pops. I'm playing the PS5 version.

Serious question: Do you think the game is appropriate for kids? Or are the themes a bit too mature? I know it tackles stuff like divorce, bad relationships, etc.

So far it feels light enough to where it's appropriate for Children, sure. Reminds me of those older Disney / Pixar films with their themes.
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The game can have times where it can _feel_ challenging, some bosses demands a certain amount of timing and precision to get by. HOWEVER, the thing is that as long as both of you don't die at the same time, the other one will always respawn and you will never have to even restart the checkpoint you're at.. So, as long as you do ok at picking up the slack the kid doesn't need to be awesome at videogaming to have a great time.
Thanks mate, sounds like exactly the kind of game we enjoy.


actually they don't because of it's heteronormative narrative and the fact that the game is about saving the parents marriage.

look at this piece of shit review lol. i guess someone's parents got divorced and they never moved on.


This might be the worse set of sentences put together in a video game review I've ever seen.


Echoing the sentiment that this game is great. Playing with my wife, and we're in the 3rd area now, and it's been an absolute blast. I struggle to think of a more enjoyable co-op experience I've had.
Gotta echo this too. Played this for hours with the wife yesterday and it's one of, if not the best co-op game I've ever played. Sackboy is still up there but I think this may beat it.
Finished it so heres my short thoughts. Visually and sound related it's a wonderful experience. The final chapter of the game is probably one of the best moments in gaming from a visual/audio point of view. That being said, the gameplay is baby-level difficulty which makes all the puzzles and traps and platforming kinda pointless tbh. You just breeze through them. The main story is average with nothing really special unless you're playing it with your lover but if you play it with a buddy like I did, it's eh. Overall worth it.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I think it's about 43GB on my XSX. Perhaps it's because it need more available space to be able to install.
On the PSN store it says 89GB, but it also says it gives you the PS4/PS5 versions, so maybe that’s counting both. But good to know, thanks.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Does this game have cross platform coop?

for example, can i download this on my pc using origin and download the friend pass on ps4 or ps5? or does it have to be on a different pc?
I honestly think this may be the best co-op game I’ve ever played based on my experience playing it with my partner so far. What a beautiful, hilarious, fun and unique game.
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Played 3 hours yesterday and it legit seems like one of the best co-op games ever.

Looks and controls great, and the gameplay variety in just the first few hours is already amazing. Definitely looks like an early GOTY contender.


Sorry for the double post, but finally got to play it. Here are my first few hours impressions.
Top 5 Co-op experience ever? Maybe. Best game I've played in a while? Probably.
I KNEW it was going to be good. I loved Brothers, but never played A Way Out.

Presentation is impeccable. Graphics are gorgeous and colorful throughout. Voice acting is super entertaining.
The co op mechanics are great. Neither player feels like the sidekick. Every skill is equally important.
Difficulty level is perfect for my friend and me. We died quite a few times, but it was always our fault.
I have never been frustrated. I spent a ton of time with this game laughing with a huge smirk on my face.

I have a feeling it will be very short. I already feel like we're near the end.
That being said, at 40 dollars + the friends pass, if it ends soon, it will have been a great deal.

Can't wait to finish it.

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Sorry for the double post, but finally got to play it. Here are my first few hours impressions.
Top 5 Co-op experience ever? Maybe. Best game I've played in a while? Probably.
I KNEW it was going to be good. I loved Brothers, but never played A Way Out.

Presentation is impeccable. Graphics are gorgeous and colorful throughout. Voice acting is super entertaining.
The co op mechanics are great. Neither player feels like the sidekick. Every skill is equally important.
Difficulty level is perfect for my friend and me. We died quite a few times, but it was always our fault.
I have never been frustrated. I spent a ton of time with this game laughing with a huge smirk on my face.

I have a feeling it will be very short. I already feel like we're near the end.
That being said, at 40 dollars + the friends pass, if it ends soon, it will have been a great deal.

Can't wait to finish it.

It’s absolutely brilliant! Where in the game are you right now?


Thinking about grabbing this tonight. If I grab it in PS4, I can friend share co op with someone on Ps5 or no?

Also friend sharing is not on Xbox is it?


Playing it split screen with my Daughter, it’s amazing I’m glad it released when it did, would have been easy for it to get lost. I have only played about 4 hours but it’s been so good I hope they get some decent sales numbers for it. Hard to believe it’s an EA game.


I'm playing the game with my ex-partner, we were together 13 years and we split up 2 months ago. I thought it might be a bit awkward to play it given the circumstances but its the perfect game to play with her so I suggested it.

She was terrified of the wasp larva and she had some trouble with swinging on the nails but apart from that its been very very fun.

The way the swinging is set up I think its intuitive for non-gamers, you jump forwards or backwards from the swing depending on where your legs are at the time, ie if you are past the lowest point of the arc you go forwards and if you are behind it you jump back, but it doesn't matter about momentum or even the direction you are swinging at the time as long as your legs are past or behind the lowest point. So she kept trying to jump at the lowest point because she assumed you'd have the most momentum then and when I hinted at how it worked she then thought she couldn't jump forward if the legs were swinging backwards at the time, so she kept trying to time it for the small period between passing the lowest point and where you stop before you start to swing backwards.

Christ, sorry for anyone reading that, I couldn't think of a simpler way to put it. Basically I think it would've been better if you just went the direction you were swinging when you hit jump, regardless of your orientation on the pole. You could turn around on the pole to jump backwards if you need to.


Oh and the sound of the explosions in the wasp bit is excellent! Had to turn down the sound because it was like midnight and the booming was crazy. The sound is general is just masterfull.

Please someone else tell me I'm not crazy when I say the animations reminded me of Black & White too, the way the main characters do these exaggerated leg and arm movements really reminded me of villagers in B&W.


No HDR bumped it down a point for me.

I know its disappointing when you have a nice set but this is surely for the best, because the only thing worse than no HDR is "we have no idea what the fuck we are doing HDR/we weren't paid to add this so we did it on the weekend HDR". The SDR presentation is fantastic anyway.
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After reading some of your impressions, it makes me laugh even harder about that dude in my thread complaining the game isn’t hard enough.


Sorry for bumping but goddamn what a wonderful game. I never even knew about this game until last week. I never saw a single preview or ad for it. I only learned of it because of Yahtzee's positive (for him) review. And the friend pass is so pro-consumer.

Why did I not hear about this game? I need to reassess where I'm getting my news.
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