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Japan’s Passes Law Striving to Limit Gaming for Minors to 1 Hour Per Day (Siliconera)

When I was a kid I was only allowed gaming for about an hour after homework and chores were finished, weekends and during school breaks. But I also had to share a tv set. That being said I dont know how anyone will enforce this law.
How sure is everyone this isn't April fool's?

I spent a year and a half teaching kids in primary and junior high schools in japan, still live here, and so many of them said all they do at home is play fortnite, so many of them said they slept at 4am the night before, so many of them said they want to be pro gamers, i'm talking about kids between 6 and 12 years old, losing so many hours of sleep, at such a crucial stage in their development... it was really awful

i totally support a gaming restriction for these kids. of course, their parents should have more control over them, but a lot of their parents are super busy and just want to relax at home ,so they don't care what's keeping their kids quiet. most of the parents pass out many hours before the kids do~

totally support this.

in fact, anyone who is against this is being willfully ignorant to the consequences of sleep deprivation, and also ignorant to how fucking useless being good at fortnite is.

edit: reading other comments, i'm just despairing at the way gamers have come to bend their perceptions of reality to accommodate their firebrand positions. Who gives a shit if it's the governments' or the parents' responsibility? These kids aren't fucking playing the game because they like it, they're playing the game because their vulnerable brains are getting rewired by the addictive reward mechanisms and addiction mechanisms that the makers of the game built in. They're losing sleep, brain cells, education, because a few companies have worked out a perfect formula for permanent profits.

If you had any sense of goodwill towards your fellow man you would be sickened that these companies manipulate kids who are too young to think for themselves into severely undermining a very important period in their lives for the sake of profits. But no, if it's anti game it must be the same as families saying Quake, or Marylin Manson, inspired Columbine so you have to take a stand against it. You're thoughtless and there are kids in Japan with severe health and social problems who you don't give a shit about.

They're not playing some underground rebellious title that we need to band together to defend, they're playing fucking fortnite, or they're playing gambling apps on their smartphones with real money requirements whenever possible, it's hardly gaming mozart people.

Yes, the world ought to orient itself towards your opinions, like a field of sunflowers towards the centre of the solar system. After all, if you've declared your opinions to be common sense, totally impartial as you are, what else is there to discuss, to argue about, right? Evidently, you mean well, therefore everyone should just follow along and take your word for it. You mean well, as have all the authoritarians in past millennia. Every single attack on personal freedom has been dyed in the pink of "it's for the greater good, even if you yourself don't see it for now ".

How original of you.

It's the parents' job to decide, not yours, not the government's.

By government, what is really meant is other human beings temporarily holding office. These human beings have no right to encroach upon the freedom of other humans when the latter are in no way trespassing upon the rights of any third-party. And if you do think the government have such right, have I got an extensive list of things that you won't be able to do in your private life starting tomorrow, because I have decided, in my infinite wisdom, they are detrimental to you, and an equally long enumeration of things you will be compelled to do in the private sphere, for your own good, and against your will, that is.

What if I, as a parent, want my kids to play 3 hours per day? What if I've observed that playing 1,5 hours per day renders them less stressed and thus their study time more focused and productive? What if I'm a single parent and my schedule requires my kids to stay put for 3 hours a day while I do the cleaning? What if 3 hours a day seems to speed up their cognitive development?
What if?

What's it to you, again?

Just who the fuck you seem to think you are to dictate how I run my life, the lives of my kids? Kids you don't know from Adam? Who the fuck you think you are to encroach upon my freedom, when I'm not in the slightest encroaching upon yours or anybody else's, eh

My life, my household, my kids, my computer, my monitor, my living room, my time. Not yours.
You run your private life however the fuck you please. I'll do the same.
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An hour a day and you're mad? I was only allowed gaming on weekends and holidays. Weekdays my console was locked up in my dad's closet.

Kids these days.
Thats because its a privilege. Its not a right. These kid nowadays demand their electronics!!! You will ruin their lives if they cant play fortnite with friends!!
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: TLZ
How sure is everyone this isn't April fool's?

Yes, the world ought to orient itself towards your opinions, like a field of sunflowers towards the centre of the solar system. After all, if you've declared your opinions to be common sense, totally impartial as you are, what else is there to discuss, to argue about, right? Evidently, you mean well, therefore everyone should just follow along and take your word for it. You mean well, as have all the authoritarians in past millennia. Every single attack on personal freedom has been dyed in the pink of "it's for the greater good, even if you yourself don't see it for now ".

How original of you.

It's the parents' job to decide, not yours, not the government's.

By government, what is really meant is other human beings temporarily holding office. These human beings have no right to encroach upon the freedom of other humans when the latter are in no way trespassing upon the rights of any third-party. And if you do think the government have such right, have I got an extensive list of things that you won't be able to do in your private life starting tomorrow, because I have decided, in my infinite wisdom, they are detrimental to you, and an equally long enumeration of things you will be compelled to do in the private sphere, for your own good, and against your will, that is.

What if I, as a parent, want my kids to play 3 hours per day? What if I've observed that playing 1,5 hours per day renders them less stressed and thus their study time more focused and productive? What if I'm a single parent and my schedule requires my kids to stay put for 3 hours a day while I do the cleaning? What if 3 hours a day seems to speed up their cognitive development?
What if?

What's it to you, again?

Just who the fuck you seem to think you are to dictate how I run my life, the lives of my kids? Kids you don't know from Adam? Who the fuck you think you are to encroach upon my freedom, when I'm not in the slightest encroaching upon yours or anybody else's, eh

My life, my household, my kids, my computer, my monitor, my living room, my time. Not yours.
You run your private life however the fuck you please. I'll do the same.
Not saying I disagree...but how do you feel about hardcore drug use such as heroin. Should it be illegal? Legal?
So basically you're saying you choose not to be convinced by me because you can't handle the fact that positive common sense trumps your rage. Look mate i can't do anything about your hateful response, urprobablyright, fact is though i think this one is a no brainer. And no amount of your indignant message caused me to revise my position.

I honestly appreciate the amount of time and thought you put into your response to my post.

Edit: on reflection i wanna address what you say about letting your kids play for hours... That's fine, i guess you would be one of the parents me and the other teachers used to sigh and shrug about in the teaching office after the boy was sent to the nurses office because he was sleeping sitting up. Do what you like with your kid, everyone owns their own consequences. Like me with daring to go up against dundunwhatsitt
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So basically you're saying you choose not to be convinced by me because you can't handle the fact that positive common sense trumps your rage. Look mate i can't do anything about your hateful response, urprobablyright, fact is though i think this one is a no brainer. And no amount of your indignant message caused me to revise my position.

I honestly appreciate the amount of time and thought you put into your response to my post.
Di di ditto


Take a breather, manlet.


How sure is everyone this isn't April fool's?
The article was orginally posted on the 19th , it just resurfaced because it goes into effect today

I see some saying it's just in one region and prefecture of the country ; I don't know how Japanese laws work but here in the states any judgement can set a precedent that will be looked at by others . It happens here often , some judge in Bumf*ck, Alabama can make a ruling , that if it held up to scrutiny at the federal level, will used to weigh other rulings against and can cause quite a ripple effect


Get off your PlayStation, you hear grown men say while watching TV.

I've been sleep deprived because I stayed up finishing books. But I guess that's fine, it's just those vIdeOgAmEs that are a problem.
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So basically you're saying

I'm saying what I'm saying. Most around here can read for tehmselves. You save the Cathy Newman's tactics for interviews with Jordan Peterson, ok?

you choose not to be convinced by me because you can't handle the fact that positive common sense trumps your rage.

Maybe in the future you'll be able to put out an argument that isn't fallacious.
Appeal to Common Sense is a logical fallacy,

Source: Appeal to Common Sense Fallacy

Good arguments are not fallacious. You have also not supported your assertion your opinion is common sense with any data. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. Your assertion that I'm acting out of rage is also unsupported. You have not established why the government should have the right to interfere in the private lives of citizens.

So while surely in the future you'll be able to offer non-fallacious arguments, that time, regrettably, hasn't come yet.

Look mate i can't do anything about your hateful response, urprobablyright, fact is though i think this one is a no brainer. And no amount of your indignant message caused me to revise my position.

Leave it up to the authoritarian to regard and misconstrue any rational criticism as hate. Yes, any criticism directed at your fallacious arguments is "hate", the all-encompassing trendy comeback of the would-be despots.

I honestly appreciate the amount of time and thought you put into your response to my post.

I thought it was an "hateful response"?
You can't even be consistent within two short paragraphs. And your word should just be taken at face value?
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Well you just keep on driving savvy man


Someone said in a previous thread regarding this law that it only affects the Kagawa region(prefecture?) as supposed to the entirety of japan like the title makes it seem so. I don't know anything about japan but if that person was correct this is how much of Japan that law affects :
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Cathy Newman's
I have no idea. I can only assume this is some kind of right wing buzzword for "liberal bullshit", I'm not a liberal as you would call it and i don't pay any attention to that particular flamewar.

Maybe in the future you'll be able to put out an argument that isn't fallacious.
Appeal to Common Sense is a logical fallacy,

Source: Appeal to Common Sense Fallacy

Couch you position how you like, i think it's perfectly fine for me to think kids aught to be [what i said in my original post, in case dundunwhatsit is watching and will say I'm rephrasing shit]

Your assertion that I'm acting out of rage is also unsupported.

I refer you to your original post lol

That crap you say about me not providing evidence is well worn forum nuke tactics, my reply to your post was deliberately brief and vague so telling me it was such doesn't matter much.

You have not established why the government should have the right to interfere in the private lives of citizens.

So you're a republican. I'm not from the states. I was giving an opinion not a fucking legal thesis, you certainly gave a few choice opinions yourself without the benefit of footnotes.

So while surely in the future you'll be able to offer non-fallacious arguments, that time, regrettably, hasn't come yet.

I don't even know what that means.

Leave it up to the authoritarian to regard and misconstrue any rational criticism as hate. Yes, any criticism directed at your fallacious arguments is "hate", the all-encompassing trendy comeback of the would-be despots.

The only totalitarians i can think of are the ones who pedalled your values of inflammatory language and burning any charitable view as being pansy.

And before you go saying you haven't been spewing hate, read your op again.

Not that it'll do much good. I think i wrote good stuff in my op and, in future, I'm only interested in discussing that. With people who don't ask me who the fuck i think i am.

Look, i get it, you guys have been on forums for ages and you're really good at zero'ing in on anyone who is going against your ironclad views and picking them apart. This is your kingdom, fine. But go flit around a new carcass.

Edit: a fair few people who responded to my post were positive or thoughtful or similar. You two are the only ones who took your disagreement this far. That's one in the plus column
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But just how is this new law going to be enforced? It turns out that the onus of enforcement will be left to parents to figure out themselves.


So it won't be enforced unless you have shit parents lol.


I don't think it's healthy for kids to binge play video games, "limiting" it won't really work. The problem is the addictive nature of video games, but let's not pretend there are no substitutes for said addiction. Bar games for an hour per day, and the kid will most likely head to YouTube. The problem is lack of proper parenting and legislation of this manner won't fix that.
I have no idea. I can only assume this is some kind of right wing buzzword for "liberal bullshit", I'm not a liberal as you would call it and i don't pay any attention to that particular flamewar.

You used a logical fallacy, a fallacious argument. That's on you and on no one lese.
The point stands, your paraphrasing of my words is illegitimate. And no attempt to deem it a "buzzword" to save face will change that.

Couch you position how you like, i think it's perfectly fine for me to think kids aught to be [what i said in my original post, in case dundunwhatsit is watching and will say I'm rephrasing shit]

It's a matter of principle. Neither you nor the government have the right. Period. My post is neither an endorsement nor a contestation of the substantive point you've so clumsily tried to make.

I refer you to your original post lol

Claiming it's "hateful response" does nothing for your case.

That crap you say about me not providing evidence is well worn forum nuke tactics, my reply to your post was deliberately brief and vague so telling me it was such doesn't matter much

Sure, if you want to keep this at Starbucks cashier conversational level. Don't complain when you're called out and have no evidence to back up any of your claims. Don't comp.ain when your logical fallacies have been pointed out and you reply with a shrug.

If you don't want your points to be taken seriously, then just say so.

So you're a republican.

The political illiteracy of some makes them think anything right or north of their own position can automatically be confined into Conservatism. But that's irrelevant, regardless.

I'm not from the states. I was giving an opinion not a fucking legal thesis, you certainly gave a few choice opinions yourself without the benefit of footnotes.

I presented a general principle and a number of practical objections, none of which you cared to respond to with anything else than a logical fallacy.

I don't even know what that means.

Might explain why you tend to use fallacious arguments.

The only totalitarians i can think of are the ones who pedalled your values of inflammatory language and burning any charitable view as being pansy.

Then broaden your horizons and look into the past two millennia.

And before you go saying you haven't been spewing hate, read your op again.

And here we go again. Any objection to your post is hate, because, you mean well, and any criticism aimed at people who mean well surely must by definition be rooted in hate, not in some principled disagreement.

This is the authoritarian rationale.

Not that it'll do much good. I think i wrote good stuff in my op and, in future, I'm only interested in discussing that. With people who don't ask me who the fuck i think i am.

This is a public forum.
No one is forcing you to hit that reply button.
Own your actions.
I own mine.

Look, i get it, you guys have been on forums for ages and you're really good at zero'ing in on anyone who is going against your ironclad views and picking them apart. This is your kingdom, fine. But go flit around a new carcass.

Edit: a fair few people who responded to my post were positive or thoughtful or similar. You two are the only ones who took your disagreement this far. That's one in the plus column

This is all irrelevant to the point at hand.


Why is Japan's Government trying to take the role of a Parent?
The government has no right to intrude into people's privacy.
Even if it is for the good of the people, the government needs to stay out of the house as long as no crime is being committed.
The point is the government is clearly over stepping their boundaries here.


This is a parent's job, not the fucking government.

Sure but kids don't really listen to their parents. They're pretty much the easiest market to take advantage of due to their undeveloped minds and infantile need for social acceptance.

*Dabs in YouTube*

Edit: It's silly only applying this to games.
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Call me vapid :p

Yeah schools would invite a white guy who doesn't speak the language to come in and have a talk with 80% of the boys and a fair chunk of the girls in their grades about the evils of videogames. I suppose you wouldn't care to hear that I actively discouraged any kid who came to me saying they love fortnite: "Remember to get enough sleep, or you brain will break!" or stuff along those lines~

I'm not a religious person and I don't know what you mean by 'social justice throwaway' but it sounds to me like you're using a blanket term to ignore social problems that are very important to people because it makes you feel like your opinions carry a fiery weight.

You know what leads to totalitarianism? People who go against common sense laws because they have a pugilistic contrarian instinct. You may feel offended by my word choice but the way you knee-jerk aligned yourself against it without perceiving my wider argument is pretty telling, wouldn't you say? ... call me vapid.

Wow, that was some BS last paragraph. People going against "common sense laws" leads to totalitarianism? Like Newton and Galileu did in order to advance science? Like many people did to fight segregation in the US? Yeah, really totalitarian behavior there.

Pretending to care about an issue just to excuse giving the government more power over people's lives is a logical step to totalitarianism. And the worst thing is: many times it doesn't solve the issue (perfect example being the war on drugs).

And don't try to pull that emotional argument BS "oh you don't care about what happens to the kids then"
Just because I don't agree with your dumb ineffective "solution", doesn't mean I want to ignore the problem. Unlike you and people who use this kind of argument, I actually want to SOLVE the problem without creating bigger ones in the short or long term. I don't want just the easy way out "ah, let's make the gov do it" that never solves anything.


Gold Member
Title: JAPAN!
Actual post: some small, backwater prefecture from the most retarded and socially backwards region of Japan.

Yeah, I wouldn't panic just yet. Remember that some schools in Kansai (I only hope it's not all of them) REQUIRE students to have black hair. Yours is slightly lighter than others? You'd better dye it black. You're a blonde exchange student from overseas? Tough luck, hope you like dying your hair. Those guys are insane, my video game playing time would be the lesser of my worries if I had to live there.
Draconian stuff, but what would you expect from a government? They are not there to let people run their lives as they wish. They want thoroughly conditioned and dull-minded workers. Heh, Imagine this in the 1980s when the Famicom and the Dragon Quest games were a cultural phenomenon.

Glad I grew up in saner times myself. Wouldn't surprise me if we'll see similar things in the West in the future. After all, your consoles are connected to the internet, and stats of your gaming habits are already stored.


I have no idea. I can only assume this is some kind of right wing buzzword for "liberal bullshit", I'm not a liberal as you would call it and i don't pay any attention to that particular flamewar.

Couch you position how you like, i think it's perfectly fine for me to think kids aught to be [what i said in my original post, in case dundunwhatsit is watching and will say I'm rephrasing shit]

I refer you to your original post lol

That crap you say about me not providing evidence is well worn forum nuke tactics, my reply to your post was deliberately brief and vague so telling me it was such doesn't matter much.

So you're a republican. I'm not from the states. I was giving an opinion not a fucking legal thesis, you certainly gave a few choice opinions yourself without the benefit of footnotes.

I don't even know what that means.

The only totalitarians i can think of are the ones who pedalled your values of inflammatory language and burning any charitable view as being pansy.

And before you go saying you haven't been spewing hate, read your op again.

Not that it'll do much good. I think i wrote good stuff in my op and, in future, I'm only interested in discussing that. With people who don't ask me who the fuck i think i am.

Look, i get it, you guys have been on forums for ages and you're really good at zero'ing in on anyone who is going against your ironclad views and picking them apart. This is your kingdom, fine. But go flit around a new carcass.

Edit: a fair few people who responded to my post were positive or thoughtful or similar. You two are the only ones who took your disagreement this far. That's one in the plus column

Wow. The level of dishonesty, strawman and ad hominem one can put in an "argument", implying "polite" responses mean "to agree with you", trying to put anyone who disagreed on the "hateful team".

Why even bother entering a discussion if that's all you gonna do? Never adress any logical points people make, and instead try to childishly put them as "the villains". I never got the point of doing this. Does it bring you people some kind of pleasure playing heroes on the internet? Because if so, I'm pretty sure there are other forums that you can go with that BS with other people so you guys can all pad yourselves on the back. So just go there and leave regular people alone, ffs.


Well their population issue is a real problem

and due to how extreme weeb/otaku culture has gotten through the years, i don't see this slowing itself down.

this is the country where a non-insignificant portion of women can't get men to talk to them because they'd rather pet e-girls on their 3DS

so maybe this was inevitable? LOL

oh well, i disagree with this.
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