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Japan is not happy with Assassin's Creed: Shadows

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All of this outrage for UbiSoft single player game with an always online requirement - that most people aren’t going to buy anyways. It’s going to go over like a lead balloon, and be half price within two months. Just like everything else they do.

Buy Tsushima or any of the other Samurai/Ninja games starring Asian characters. There’s no shortage.
Incredibly out of touch. Playing other games doesn't erase the stink this game will showcase to the world. The idea that you can just plug your ears saying lalalala will erase the excuse this company will accomplish stamping on asian culture. You have to realize the Ubisoft is a far bigger presence to the gaming space than the other companies and this directly affects how gamers will perceive lead non-native male characters in other cultures in the future.


Hi everyone, I want to share my opinion on this topic.

First, I want to mention that I'm Asian (Vietnamese). I have been a fan of the Assassins Creed series for almost 14 years, from AC 1 to the latest game. This franchise is very dear to me.

And I also want to say that I have great respect for black and African people. I have read several books by Mr. Obama, the former US President, and books by Mrs. Toni Morrison... I also enjoy watching films featuring Black actors such as Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle.... I have great admiration for actor Morgan Freeman; he is like an uncle to me.

I have said those things because I want you to know that I like Black people just like White people or my Asian people. And I also think that having a black lead character like Yasuke in this game is a positive and interesting choice.

But I also want to say that I like to have a choice play as an Asian or Japanese male lead character in this game, the franchise that I care a lot, especially considering the setting and theme of this game. Many of my friends share this sentiment as well.

I hope you understand this is a valid concern because this is a game that we love, I have waited 14 years and when the mainline Assassin's Creed game has an Asian setting but we are not able to play in gender (race) who represents us is very disappointing.

I want to mention that having Naoe as a female Asian lead in the game is great, but as a male fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise, which features a male main lead representing the native countries of their settings in almost every mainline version, I want to have the option to play as a male Asian character (like a choice to play as male ninja/shinobi). It's disappointing that Ubisoft doesn't give us male Asian fans this choice.

As I have said I think Yasuke is an interesting character, and I look forward to playing and know more about him. I respect the game developers' creative intention for their products, It is just that I think Ubisoft should give us Asian people the choice to play as the Asian male lead.

In the end, I hope you respect other people's opinions like us that we want to have a choice to play this game as a Japanese male lead. And do not think we are racist or have bad prejudice against black people, that we are not.

However I also understand that some people who comment on this subject are racist and use discussions like this to spread their hateful views towards Black people while pretending to care about Asian people. I think it's important to call them out for this terrible behavior before it harms other people.

I still like this game and will buy it, I just wish there was a chance for us Asian male fans, sigh.

Thank you everyone for reading my comment.
Thank you for the respectful response.

However, (and this isn't directed at you specifically I'm just talking about the bigger picture I've seen towards the topic) I do have to say, why are people so bent out of shape over not having a Japanese male protagonist here compared to "race+gender xyz" to not being represented in any other game? It would be like a large portion of Latino men being upset at GTA6 for only having Lucia being playable as a Latina in miami while the male protagonist is white, yet I haven't seen barely anything about that, but as soon as the character is black? WW3. I did however also see some backlash towards GTA6 having alot of black NPCs, interesting.

Another tidbit, if the game ONLY had Naoe as a protagonist. would this backlash exist, I'm sure it would because women = "woke", but to this level? I very much doubt it.
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This tragedy could've been easily solved with a character creator. You can still set pre-defined personalities and voice actors, if you really need to tell your mediocre story but at least give people the option to look just however the fuck they want. AC isn't historically accurate anyway, so who cares.


Gold Member
Ubisoft care more about this



Gold Member
Hi everyone, I want to share my opinion on this topic.

First, I want to mention that I'm Asian (Vietnamese). I have been a fan of the Assassins Creed series for almost 14 years, from AC 1 to the latest game. This franchise is very dear to me.

And I also want to say that I have great respect for black and African people. I have read several books by Mr. Obama, the former US President, and books by Mrs. Toni Morrison... I also enjoy watching films featuring Black actors such as Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle.... I have great admiration for actor Morgan Freeman; he is like an uncle to me.

I have said those things because I want you to know that I like Black people just like White people or my Asian people. And I also think that having a black lead character like Yasuke in this game is a positive and interesting choice.

But I also want to say that I like to have a choice play as an Asian or Japanese male lead character in this game, the franchise that I care a lot, especially considering the setting and theme of this game. Many of my friends share this sentiment as well.

I hope you understand this is a valid concern because this is a game that we love, I have waited 14 years and when the mainline Assassin's Creed game has an Asian setting but we are not able to play in gender (race) who represents us is very disappointing.

I want to mention that having Naoe as a female Asian lead in the game is great, but as a male fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise, which features a male main lead representing the native countries of their settings in almost every mainline version, I want to have the option to play as a male Asian character (like a choice to play as male ninja/shinobi). It's disappointing that Ubisoft doesn't give us male Asian fans this choice.

As I have said I think Yasuke is an interesting character, and I look forward to playing and know more about him. I respect the game developers' creative intention for their products, It is just that I think Ubisoft should give us Asian people the choice to play as the Asian male lead.

In the end, I hope you respect other people's opinions like us that we want to have a choice to play this game as a Japanese male lead. And do not think we are racist or have bad prejudice against black people, that we are not.

However I also understand that some people who comment on this subject are racist and use discussions like this to spread their hateful views towards Black people while pretending to care about Asian people. I think it's important to call them out for this terrible behavior before it harms other people.

I still like this game and will buy it, I just wish there was a chance for us Asian male fans, sigh.

Thank you everyone for reading my comment.

Thanks for your take on this.

I think the issue probably lies not so much with the fact that Ubisoft have elected to use Yasuke as the main character, but their reasons for doing so.

Is anybody in any doubt that he's the protagonist of this game simply because he is black? Do we really believe his historical exploits are the reason why they gravitated towards him as a lead character? Was there a compelling reason to pick this one historical character out of a plethora of others, that wasn't related to the colour of his skin? Were there really no other Japanese heroes of history that could have been chosen instead, who have more fascinating biographies?

Again, a fictional narrative is being built around the colour of a person's skin. Everything through the prism of race. Patronising, lazy and counterproductive.
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We all know why this was done and why it shouldn't come as a surprise, from Ubi. And naysayers have to admit it is kind of disrespectful to have the first AC set in Japan, and have a black man in the forfront instead of you know a Japanese man to be one of the two main protagonists. And representing the country, of that era. But yeah modern western thinking likes to overstretch its reach, even to even foreign culture(s) it seems. Especially now when culture wars is in everything here.

But anyway its another Assassins Creed so race/gender shouldn't be the biggest problem of this entry. Personally, interested in the series for the first time in years because of the setting and Yasuke does look kind of cool. And will give it ago, when it hits the bargin bin a couple months after launch.
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Is Yasuke's story interesting? who knows, he's a blank slate. He was only in japan for 1-3 years and there are almost no records of his existence as admitted by the developers themselves, he is no more interesting than any exceptional human that existed in that period at that time, I would argue as a historical figure, specifically a figure related to Japanese history he isn't particularly interesting outside his skin colour. As a historical figure he doesnt make full use of the Japanese setting, there were no interesting cultural conflicts between African and Japanese national history, his slavers were European who themselves had interesting political ties and conflicts in the country, he barely spoke the language, there are no records of any meaningful feats or accomplishments and he left the country in short order. So again, the only potentially interesting thread here is he is an outsider who was in close proximity to people who were actually of note, this role could have been fulfilled by any fictional human from any country outside japan, many of which would have led to deeper cultural frictions than "oh my god he's got black skin". What I will admit is this is all irrelevant since he will essentially be a fictional character (and they should have made him a fictional character like every other AC protagonist to avoid this bullshit culture war spilling over into real historical revisionism, they didn't because they wanted cover for their politically motivated creative choice) the only reason people argue pointlessly about history is because the defence uses it as a red herring to distract from the real intent behind his inclusion.

The argument you are making is purposely obtuse. Sure, what is important is execution rather than conceit. I dont have any more problems with a yasuke type figure being a protagonist than I do tom cruise in the last samurai. The issue is WHY was he chosen and by WHO? These questions are important because it answers whether this is a piece of art or a political weapon, whether its made to manipulate or entertain and whether the writing is likely to be shit or not.

We both know he was chosen because he's black, and we both know the choice was made by woke culture warriors. You only need to look up the writing staff, pronouns in the twitter bio, a history of nothing but posts about representation, feminism and diversity, a cultural consultant whose only claim to fame is a book about underage gay sexual relationships in medieval japan, a franchise who had sweet baby consulting on their last mainline entry. Theres so much evidence its almost a caricature of woke ideological possession gone wrong. you want to make this about double standards and history while ignoring obvious context, I want to ask why low level, boring political slap fights are driving the most important creative choices in a piece of entertainment.
I think an african (slave?) who was brought to Japan and became a retainer of a powerful warlord could make for an interesting story. and that's reason in itself for a game to be made about him. irrespective of whatever DEI, ESG, or a conspiracy against japanese men to humiliate them, that people think is happening here.
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Gold Member
I think an african (slave?) who was brought to Japan and became an attache of a powerful warlord could make for an interesting story. and that's reason in itself for a game to be made about him. irrespective of whatever DEI, ESG, or a conspiracy against japanese men to humiliate them, that people think is happening here.
This would be such a boring Assassin's Creed game:



Gold Member
Right, given that we don't know much about what he did. it would be fiction. Like every other assassin's creed game. which has not been a problem until now, when a black guy is a main character.

Some of the complaints in the OP aren't just about the main character, but UbiSoft confusing China and Japan with the world design by using distinctively Chinese elements instead of Japanese.

Blizzard learned that lesson with the Pandaren (although it was the opposite) in WoW. Samwise originally designed the Pandaren to be more like Samurai and they had to change them to be more Chinese for the expansion otherwise they would've had a disaster with the Chinese release.

What Blizzard realized and UbiSoft is too stupid to understand is that there is still deep-seeded animosity between Japan and China and you can't just set a game in Japan but make the buildings look like they were made in China.

Hollywood learned that the hard way when they made Memoirs of a Geisha and cast three Chinese actresses in the main role. Massive disaster.
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Neo Member
Thank you for the respectful response.

However, (and this isn't directed at you specifically I'm just talking about the bigger picture I've seen towards the topic) I do have to say, why are people so bent out of shape over not having a Japanese male protagonist here compared to "race+gender xyz" to not being represented in any other game? It would be like a large portion of Latino men being upset at GTA6 for only having Lucia being playable as a Latina in miami while the male protagonist is white, yet I haven't seen barely anything about that, but as soon as the character is black? WW3. I did however also see some backlash towards GTA6 having alot of black NPCs, interesting.

Another tidbit, if the game ONLY had Naoe as a protagonist. would this backlash exist, I'm sure it would because women = "woke", but to this level? I very much doubt it.
Hi Strategize
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I understand that this is a very heated topic. I have seen many dangerous comments and discussions on the AC shadow topics concerning Black/Japanese characters. Therefore, I want to share my opinion and hope it will make a positive impact on this subject.

In the end, I just want to express that I hope this game will bring joy to fans all over the world, including myself.

So What if I haven't had the chance to play as the male lead character in the franchise/game series I love after 14 years waiting?

As an Asian male fan of this series, I will say with all of my sincerity: It is nothing I believe that the happiness and safety of other people, especially black and female gamers who are also fans like me, is far more important than the opportunity for me to play as a male Asian character.

I also want to share some quote that struck my heart that made me become an AC fan ^^:

"What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!"

"...yet you fight, you resist... why?

..Because no one else will!"

“It takes the strongest man in the world to fight for something he gains nothing and loses everything from for the greater good of everyone else”



This is her own bio, so tell me, how is she a historian? Where is her facts coming from? again we cared about the facts earlier but now we take her word for it because "Trust me bro"
Dislikes TERF's(women who believe it's not possible to change sex,because it isn't).....also dislikes dishonesty(from a woman who presumably pushes the insane dishonest ideology that it is possible to change sex).....utter moron.
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Thank you for the respectful response.

However, (and this isn't directed at you specifically I'm just talking about the bigger picture I've seen towards the topic) I do have to say, why are people so bent out of shape over not having a Japanese male protagonist here compared to "race+gender xyz" to not being represented in any other game? It would be like a large portion of Latino men being upset at GTA6 for only having Lucia being playable as a Latina in miami while the male protagonist is white, yet I haven't seen barely anything about that, but as soon as the character is black? WW3. I did however also see some backlash towards GTA6 having alot of black NPCs, interesting.

Another tidbit, if the game ONLY had Naoe as a protagonist. would this backlash exist, I'm sure it would because women = "woke", but to this level? I very much doubt it.
It's very interesting you only compare this to others game like GTA but not the same previous games in the series.
As an Asians, I find a bit annoying WHY we should settled with HALF of the natives and be satisfied with when all other AC never been featuring foreign protagonist in it?

You could argue that maybe they want to start this trend now.
Okay then maybe do it with your historical settings first? like French or Canadian settings? like where the writer from?
Or better make it trio protag if the dev insist to tell Yasuke story.
Or make Black Man with Asian Man.
Why only pair Black Man with Asian Woman in the game with Sengoku settings?
What message dev want to convey?
Sorry I cannot take this game seriously then.

From the eye of Asians the disappointment clearly understandable.
Yeah same as Nioh too. At least that the first game in the series not like this one though.
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Thank you for the respectful response.

However, (and this isn't directed at you specifically I'm just talking about the bigger picture I've seen towards the topic) I do have to say, why are people so bent out of shape over not having a Japanese male protagonist here compared to "race+gender xyz" to not being represented in any other game? It would be like a large portion of Latino men being upset at GTA6 for only having Lucia being playable as a Latina in miami while the male protagonist is white, yet I haven't seen barely anything about that, but as soon as the character is black? WW3. I did however also see some backlash towards GTA6 having alot of black NPCs, interesting.

Another tidbit, if the game ONLY had Naoe as a protagonist. would this backlash exist, I'm sure it would because women = "woke", but to this level? I very much doubt it.
For crying out loud, I can't believe this has to be spelt out for you. Unlike GTA, which is a power fantasy based on crime based shows, Assassin Creed has a signature native MALE character to the region it's based on when they have an entire series doing that. And before you go AC4, just remember they didn't continue this trend with Unity onwards UNTIL now.
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Gold Member
Right, given that we don't know much about what he did. it would be fiction. Like every other assassin's creed game. which has not been a problem until now, when a black guy is a main character.

No, we know what he did. It's just a boring story and Ubi completely changed it to be stunning and brave.

He carried weapons for other men.
The Japanese dressed him as a Samurai because they though it would be funny.
He fought in a battle, surrendered, was sent to Jesuit missionaries, and then disappeared from history.

This is UbiSoft's "history":
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
This is bullshit.

We had what? 20 or more ac games? Tell me one game where you can't go from stealth to tank and viceversa.
In origins and odissey you could do stealth kills and combat with one character.

Origins the hidden blade was leveled so it was actually pretty useless for stealth..........so absolutely useless.
Odyssey didnt have a hidden blade at all.
Valhalla I didnt play so I have no idea if they brought it back.

But from my understanding and looking at a few more interviews, Yasuke can do stealth, as you thought hes just not as good as Naoe.
Naoe can also fight, but if she gets cornered by a number of enemies things get kinda hairy for her, whereas Yasuke would play like Origins/Odyssey so he can fuck up multiple targets easy work.


For crying out loud, I can't believe this has to be spelt out for you. Unlike GTA, which is a power fantasy based on crime based shows, Assassin Creed has a signature native MALE character to the region it's based on when they have an entire series doing that. And before you go AC4, just remember they didn't continue this trend with Unity onwards UNTIL now.
Them not continuing to do that after or not AC4 is irrelevant, because nobody complained about it then. While I will acknowledge there certainly are people genuinely just disappointed because they feel like they aren't being represented here, some of which are in this thread, alot of it is so blanatly obvious just the new-SJW woke outrage merchant machine doing it's usual thing, hiding behind things like "historical accuracy" in a series that purposely rewrites history as the entire basis of it's story. I do not believe for a single second the backlash would wash away if they had a Japanese male protagonist aswell as Naoe and Yasuke, only some of it would, the genuine people, and for their sake I hope they do it, whether in a DLC and another AC game entirely.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Them not continuing to do that after or not AC4 is irrelevant, because nobody complained about it then. While I will acknowledge there certainly are people genuinely just disappointed because they feel like they aren't being represented here, some of which are in this thread, alot of it is so blanatly obvious just the new-SJW woke outrage merchant machine doing it's usual thing, hiding behind things like "historical accuracy" in a series that purposely rewrites history as the entire basis of it's story. I do not believe for a single second the backlash would wash away if they had a Japanese male protagonist aswell as Naoe and Yasuke, only some of it would, the genuine people, and for their sake I hope they do it, whether in a DLC and another AC game entirely.

AC4 wasn’t a story about the culture and history of the Caribbean. It was the culture and historical events surrounding the golden age of piracy which was predominantly foreigners to the region. AC2R was the finale of Ezio as he traveled to learn more about Altair.

Shadows, much like Unity, AC2/Brotherhood, 1, 3, Syndicate, Origins, Valhalla, and Odyssey are all centered around that culture and history of the region. Playing as a retainer who was in Japan for a very short time period, having little to nothing to do with the greater history, goes counter to established precedent in the franchise. And why is it that this is the only time we play a named, real life character?

We all know why, and it is the very reason you are desperate to silence anyone who calls it out as the cheap, slacktivist bent nonsense that it is.


Gold Member
Origins the hidden blade was leveled so it was actually pretty useless for stealth..........so absolutely useless.
Odyssey didnt have a hidden blade at all.
Valhalla I didnt play so I have no idea if they brought it back.

But from my understanding and looking at a few more interviews, Yasuke can do stealth, as you thought hes just not as good as Naoe.
Naoe can also fight, but if she gets cornered by a number of enemies things get kinda hairy for her, whereas Yasuke would play like Origins/Odyssey so he can fuck up multiple targets easy work.
It wasn't useless if you were in the right level and let's be real, you always try to do stuff in your level range because if they caught you and fight is the only option, the enemies with a much bigger level than you would smash your ass, and odissey had the spear tip that was used as the hidden blade, it was also level gated so it was like origins where you have to be on the same level and you still had a skill that did big damage on single target that could be used for stealth, valhalla had the hidden blade, like i said multiple times, going from stealth to tank and viceversa was never a problem in any ac game i played, last 3 included.

So i hope it's like you say where yosuke can actually do stealth and kill dudes with a single blow from behind (it would be useless to have stealth without a silent kill move) and use a bow, because if not they are taking away the freedom of approach that make me love open worlds, if during a mission i wanna go from stealth to tank 10 times, i have to be free to do the fuck i want without switching a character.:lollipop_squinting:

P.s. i'm not angry at you dude, sometimes people take my posts in the wrong way.
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AC4 wasn’t a story about the culture and history of the Caribbean. It was the culture and historical events surrounding the golden age of piracy which was predominantly foreigners to the region. AC2R was the finale of Ezio as he traveled to learn more about Altair.

Shadows, much like Unity, AC2/Brotherhood, 1, 3, Syndicate, Origins, Valhalla, and Odyssey are all centered around that culture and history of the region. Playing as a retainer who was in Japan for a very short time period, having little to nothing to do with the greater history, goes counter to established precedent in the franchise. And why is it that this is the only time we play a named, real life character?

We all know why, and it is the very reason you are desperate to silence anyone who calls it out as the cheap, slacktivist bent nonsense that it is.
They wanted one character who's newer to the area and one who isn't, they said it, it's really that simple. You're getting both the fresh eyes and the established precedent that knows the land, I don't see any problem with this in theory, but it's all in execution at the end of the day. I could come away from it thinking that it was a better way of being introduced to the land through fresh eyes instead of being thrown in the deep end, or I could come away thinking it wasn't worth it. I don't know because guess what, I haven't played the game yet.
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This is going to be an awesome story that is highly relevant to our modern world. I mean a recent immigrant POC takes on the righteous cause to change the ways of this deeply conservative, white-adjacent host nation. And gets to kill dozens, if not hundreds natives, which of course is totally fine since he has a got local girl cheerleading him. Punch a Nazi? No, slice a Daimyo. What a powerful message that sends, can't wait!


None of that still proves that she is some expert in Japanese history. Looking at my grans birth certificate doesn't now give me insight into what it was like living in 1940.

The fact remains that she is just a random on the internet. If the tweet was from an ancient historian who studied these things then sure they have some knowledge. She is just an American who wants to be as Japanese as possible. I'm not gonna post any of her other tweets here but almost everyone starts with "in Japan" or "people think X about Japan"... only foreigners speak like that 🤣. She literally has a tweet claiming that samurai were all LGBT. Do we really all believe that? I bet if anything there's maybe one fringe case If even but she is openly declaring that all samurai were LGBT

Where can you show me that she personally has studied Japanese history and has in depth knowledge of all the intricacies.

All you did was paste a tweet where she has a Japanese family member and then post some completely unrelated articles from other websites. Nothing proves that her word is gospel.

I'm sure if I "did my research' I could find some conflicting arguments to all of those articles, because historians study these things and can only draw conclusions.
Dude... The historian will interview her for their study (after vetting her heritance)


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It wasn't useless if you were in the right level and let's be real, you always try to do stuff in your level range because if they caught you and fight is the only option, the enemies with a much bigger level than you would smash your ass, and odissey had the spear tip that was used as the hidden blade, it was also level gated so it was like origins where you have to be on the same level and you still had a skill that did big damage on single target that could be used for stealth, valhalla had the hidden blade, like i said multiple times, going from stealth to tank and viceversa was never a problem in any ac game i played, last 3 included.

So i hope it's like you say where yosuke can actually do stealth and kill dudes with a single blow from behind (it would be useless to have stealth without a silent kill move) and use a bow, because if not they are taking away the freedom of approach that make me love open worlds, if during a mission i wanna go from stealth to tank 10 times, i have to be free to do the fuck i want without switching a character.:lollipop_squinting:

P.s. i'm not angry at you dude, sometimes people take my posts in the wrong way.

Maybe its me who is too adventurous.
In Origins I found the Hidden Blade got useless pretty early, cuz it became a crit hit weapon instead of actually being a one hit kill weapon as in prior titles.
Especially vs the outpost leaders or whatever they were called.
Id work my butt off to clear the camp silently no alarms nothing, set everything up to actually do a stealth kill on the camp leader, and it just does a crit hit and im forced into combat......so I was like this is pointless.
I might as well use any other tactic than aiming for a hidden blade attack.
In Odyssey it was even worse.

Im sure Yosuke has a one hit kill weapon, but for extra challenge im going in full stealth.
Ill only use Yosuke when forced or maybe when im ending a session and just want to blow off some steam.

We'll see how they end up handling it.
Im sure there will be another deep dive soon.
The devs seem to have a lot of information they cant outright talk about yet, but clearly they champing at the bit to give us more information.

P.S No worries mane, we just talking about videogames after all..


This is one of those nuanced instances that the internet has never been able to deal with.

Is it true that making Yasuke a protagonist here probably wouldn't be Ubisoft's first idea if not for current day progressivism? Most likely, yes. The same might even be speculated about Naoe's being a female character.

Is it also true that Yasuke is exactly the kind of factually historical but vague enough figure for Ubisoft to use as a main character in their historical fiction franchise? Yes. Is this somehow being prejudiced against Asian men? No. Is this the first time Yasuke has been given a spotlight in fictional media, including out of Japan itself? No.

Everyone suddenly becoming experts on Japanese history in the debate about retainer vs. samurai is internet armchair professionalism at its finest. Nothing wrong with learning and communicating new information, but it's probably not a great idea to debate the sparse details about an obscure man in history and a rank mythologized in the west by way of movies and comic books, in relation to the historical accuracy of Assassin's fucking Creed.

Some of you have been hypersensitized to the FemFreq and Sweet Baby Inc's of the world that you're spewing out DEI rhetoric in the opposite direction. Posts in this thread about "representation" and "only the country of origin gets to decide when to use non-natives in fiction about their history"? Really?

It's not surprising - in fact, it's one of the more predictable and insidious effects of the progressivist campaign. Some are doing it just because they're being reflexively contrary to "the other side" and can't think of better arguments, and some are doing because they're actually racists (not specifically here, but in general).

No shit, we should be concerned about the fact the disc version of this game requires internet to install the game instead.


I think an african (slave?) who was brought to Japan and became a retainer of a powerful warlord could make for an interesting story. and that's reason in itself for a game to be made about him. irrespective of whatever DEI, ESG, or a conspiracy against japanese men to humiliate them, that people think is happening here.
yeah, if only the intent was to make something interesting. Anything could make for an interesting story provided its written by the right people and for the right reasons, its not exactly slim pickings in Sengoku era Japan . Yasukes inclusion in assassins creed is written by the wrong people for all the wrong reasons, you cant pretend like you believe this Ubisoft McDonalds shit is going to be good because instinctively you know these are the wrong people for the job. There is no irrespective here, you either acknowledge obvious context or you act wilfully obtuse and pretend like this is happening an a vacuum. If yasuke was the MC of the next nioh game nobody would give a shit, why is it different? think about it for 5 seconds and you will understand why people are pissed at the woke canadian trash factory.

If you want to deny DEI and ESG have a part in this despite the flagrant political obsession and activism of the writing staff, despite AC's usage of sweet baby, despite the explicit, documented aims of sweetbabys CEO, if you want to deny that east asian men are lower on the oppression olympics scale and that these people dont mentally tally diversity points like blizzard was exposed for doing then there's no point talking to you, you are wilfully blind and deaf.
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Japanese devs should make a game about French people. That'll show 'em.
Yeah, imagine Ubisoft made the "black dwarf Nabo" and Jean Amilcar the main characters in Assassin's Creed Unity and in the modern day parts of the game they burnt down Notre Dame Cathedral because of their disgust with the slave trade and colonial rule...


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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
To get back at France, we should make a blockbuster epic about a young Napoleon, but it would star a 50 year old American guy speaking in a New York accent and be directed by an Englishman who hates the French and thinks history is boring
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