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[Jeff Grubb] Don’t Expect Bloodborne Updates, From Software is Too Busy With Elden Ring

This is so upsetting. A Bloodborne remake wont bring a mountain of money to Sony we get that. But one thing it will do is shower Sony with a f#^**k ton of good will.

Jimbo doesnt seem to care about that, so F him and Hermen.

Also f#%^* Jeff Grubb for reminding of a BB remake.
I don't even need a full on remake. Just make a patch that allows the game to run different based on the hardware it's being used on (OG PS4, the Pro or PS5), liked they've done for God of War, or Days Gone, or any other Sony exclusive. I'll drop $20 on a patch like that. I acknowledge it would take work and people need to be paid for their time.


Yeah the game does not need a full remake like DeS. It just needs a Remaster, the likes we've come to get used to, you know 4k 60fps maybe improve the Anti Aliasing solution a bit, touch up some textures and give us an option to disable the Chromatic Aberration, include the DLC with it and thats it.
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Gold Member
Yeah the game does not need a full remake like DeS. It just needs a Remaster, the likes we've come to get used to, you know 4k 60fps maybe improve the Anti Aliasing solution a bit, touch up some textures and give us an option to disable the Chromatic Aberration, include the DLC with it and thats it.
Agreed. But I would not complain if redone with the DeS level of fidelity and performance.


Sony don't give a shit about bloodborne. It's done. I myself stopped believing in anything in regards to bloodborne, remake/remaster/sequel whatever

It was a one and done deal for sony.
Full remake is quite possible somewhere in the future, but sure that they won't bother with PS5 upgrade or slight cosmetic remaster.
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Gold Member

I've been saying this for a while now. Outside of console war noise in all of this, the infighting comes down to accepting or not accepting, based on your wants and needs, lol.


I don't even need a full on remake. Just make a patch that allows the game to run different based on the hardware it's being used on (OG PS4, the Pro or PS5), liked they've done for God of War, or Days Gone, or any other Sony exclusive. I'll drop $20 on a patch like that. I acknowledge it would take work and people need to be paid for their time.
You can't get away with 20. You have to pay 70 ;) ;) ;)


This is so upsetting. A Bloodborne remake wont bring a mountain of money to Sony we get that. But one thing it will do is shower Sony with a f#^**k ton of good will.

Jimbo doesnt seem to care about that, so F him and Hermen.

Also f#%^* Jeff Grubb for reminding of a BB remake.
Right because remaking the least popular souls game from the ground up didn’t happen at launch for ps5.


Gold Member
Don’t expect Halo Infinite Updates, they’re too busy trying to sack all their Leads and salvage the franchise.
Grubb would never write such an article, in fact, he will write throwaway click-bait for distract from that noise.

i see what you did there bill hader GIF
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Right because remaking the least popular souls game from the ground up didn’t happen at launch for ps5.

What does Demon Souls have to do with BB?

You don’t seem to understand. BB is a beloved franchise that desperately needs a remaster, remake, v2.0, PC port whatever you want to call it. This is a game that PS/PC gamers want to be fixed the most and all we get is silence from Sony for years. This has been going on from the day PS4pro got released.

At least patch the damn thing so it supports 60fps ffs. Game looks good enough still but it runs at 30fps with framepacing issues.
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Gold Member
What does Demon Souls have to do with BB?

You don’t seem to understand. BB is a beloved franchise that desperately needs a remaster, remake, v2.0, PC port whatever you want to call it. This is a game that PS/PC gamers want to be fixed the most and all we get is silence from Sony for years. This has been going on from the day PS4pro got released.

At least patch the damn thing so it supports 60fps ffs. Game looks good enough still but it runs at 30fps with framepacing issues.
He is saying, since Sony did that for DeS, then it's not a stretch that they will do something, eventually, for BB.
Not really a hate, more of a burning loathing for a game that is terrible compared to the other work From has done. What a waste of developers to make Bloodborne. The only thing good that came of it, were the skills that developed to make Dark Souls better.
You're insane


Gold Member
I'm playing it now and there is a surprising amount of people still running around in the game. I dont doubt the Elden Ring effect has increased the uptake of their other games

I hope they revisit it because the aesthetic is simply unique and feels like they've only scratched the surface of what they could do with Bloodborne

I also dont think it needs a remake. I think it's still visually above Elden Ring
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Gold Member
I'm absolutely convinced BP could handle it considering how they handled DeS. But that's probably not where Sony wants to use them.


I really want to replay Bloodborne, but the frame rate and frame pacing issues is impossible to get used to after playing their other games in their (relatively) smooth state. (Yeah, I know many here states that the game is "perfectly playable", but I would like a bit more than that. I want to experience one of my favourite games ever in the best possible state, because OF COURSE! )

That McDonald dude managed to get this game running in 60fps, so it's OBVIOUSLY not a big expensive thing to get that done. It seems like a very easy money grab from Sony to get this masterpiece out on PC in a solid state. Why the fuck is it not happening? I don't believe for a second that they're "saving" it for a next console launch. I think the sad truth is that the game don't have the sales numbers to get Jimbos attention.

But then again.. did Days Gone have amazing sales numbers? That game is gettin a freakin movie AND got a PC version.

Oh well, I'm sure that a return to Yarnheim will happen at some point. And i'm glad that From is actually focusing on new stuff over going back to their old stuff. But this patch seems like such a easy thing to get done.

And also, those industry "insiders" like Mr Gruff is getting really embarrasing. I mean, everyone who enjoys videogames can make these predictions. Of topic, but when some basement dweller like Jason Schreier has to "confirm" that some leak is real (GTA 6), that just makes me cringe so hard about this industry.
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Not really a hate, more of a burning loathing for a game that is terrible compared to the other work From has done. What a waste of developers to make Bloodborne. The only thing good that came of it, were the skills that developed to make Dark Souls better.
How can you be a From/Souls fan and hate BloodBorne?

John Wick

Not really a hate, more of a burning loathing for a game that is terrible compared to the other work From has done. What a waste of developers to make Bloodborne. The only thing good that came of it, were the skills that developed to make Dark Souls better.
This is so upsetting. A Bloodborne remake wont bring a mountain of money to Sony we get that. But one thing it will do is shower Sony with a f#^**k ton of good will.

Jimbo doesnt seem to care about that, so F him and Hermen.

Also f#%^* Jeff Grubb for reminding of a BB remake.

That's the thing though lol. These companies are not your friend.


Specifically, Grubb said that not only is the studio busy supporting Elden Ring following is hugely successful launch in February,

They are busy to make not only Elden Ring expansions but also a new Armored Core and Sekiro 2.

but the game’s code is problematic in a way that Sony wouldn’t be able to simply give it to another developer to work on.

True, it is still under use in FromSoftware! a lot of assets are still in use since Dark Souls. They are not stupid to give their code and assets to someone else.


Bloodborne PC coming this year! -> news on Bloodborne remake maybe coming soon -> Bloodborne 2 could start development -> from too busy don't expect anything anytime soon

Repeat, for the past like 5 years
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The PS3 game has a PS4 version that runs at 1080p60 and looks good enough.

The PS4 game runs like a turd at 30 fps and also looks very questionable at times (art style slaps at least).


Can’t Git Gud
You m
I really want to replay Bloodborne, but the frame rate and frame pacing issues is impossible to get used to after playing their other games in their (relatively) smooth state. (Yeah, I know many here states that the game is "perfectly playable", but I would like a bit more than that. I want to experience one of my favourite games ever in the best possible state, because OF COURSE! )

That McDonald dude managed to get this game running in 60fps, so it's OBVIOUSLY not a big expensive thing to get that done. It seems like a very easy money grab from Sony to get this masterpiece out on PC in a solid state. Why the fuck is it not happening? I don't believe for a second that they're "saving" it for a next console launch. I think the sad truth is that the game don't have the sales numbers to get Jimbos attention.

But then again.. did Days Gone have amazing sales numbers? That game is gettin a freakin movie AND got a PC version.

Oh well, I'm sure that a return to Yarnheim will happen at some point. And i'm glad that From is actually focusing on new stuff over going back to their old stuff. But this patch seems like such a easy thing to get done.

And also, those industry "insiders" like Mr Gruff is getting really embarrasing. I mean, everyone who enjoys videogames can make these predictions. Of topic, but when some basement dweller like Jason Schreier has to "confirm" that some leak is real (GTA 6), that just makes me cringe so hard about this industry.
ake it sound worse than it is.
In Reality this is the most responsive 30 fps game out there. 75ms faster than des remake at 30fps.
I would much rather have 4k than 60fps if it was the only choice here


Elden Ring might be their golden child, but I'm convinced that a Bloodborne PC port would be big success with a very long tail. All they'd need to do is hire Durante's company to help fix whatever they port and Bob's your uncle. Fans will fix the rest, they always do. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

Console remaster? More work if they're redoing assets.

Still, Elden Ring DLC will be fun.
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Writes a lot, says very little
It would be more weird if From Soft did it, I'd expect anything done in the future would be by some other team in Sony as they own the IP.

Like any remaster of it I'd expect to be done by Bluepoint games or something.


I mean considering Sony owns the IP its more up to them whether a Remake or sequel happens.
Sooo not sure why some Xbox whatever he is on a Xbox podcast is even bringing it up to be honest.



From the man who made the 60fps patch himself.

Wasn’t any doubt.

This boards Grubb obsession is hilarious. I feel for the morons that gives this guy clicks/listens/follow/likes. He’s everywhere digging DEEP with “Tales from my ass” takes.

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