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Jim Sterling : Screw Apple, Screw Google, And Screw Epic Games


So because he got free stuff, he shouldn't say bad things about it? :lollipop_grinning:

Yeah that's totally not gonna make it look like he's been bought off. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:

You probably need to go allllllll the way back and listen to the podcasts to get the context - I'm too bored with Sterling et al to explain it.

But yeah, your post won't age well once you have.


I used to enjoy Jim, but I feel he’s become an empty vehicle for his beliefs. The irony is that he’s made a career out of denouncing excessive capitalism, but without said capitalism he’d have no content or income. (Or he’d find a niche as an otherkin content creator.)

More to the point most reasonable, non-warrior gamers already understand that the games are the end and these companies are the means, and they aren’t beholden to publishers or manufacturers anyway.

Hot takes like this only appeal to the weakest minds.


Unconfirmed Member


Why do we "need" him? When he's not having a bitch fit I find him completely tolerable, but I dont see how things would be any worse without him.
Because I have a creeping suspicion people like you would allow publishers to do whatever the fuck they want.

As long as Jim points out inconvenient truths, he has a place
Because I have a creeping suspicion people like you would allow publishers to do whatever the fuck they want.

As long as Jim points out inconvenient truths, he has a place

You make it sound like people have no independent thought or agency whatsoever.

“ThAnK GoD fOR MeEeeEeE!”


You make it sound like people have no independent thought or agency whatsoever.

“ThAnK GoD fOR MeEeeEeE!”
Well...they don't. 🤷

I've seen people defend corporations doing shitty things a thousand times over. Jim Sterling doesn't offend me.

Hell read this thread. Everyone is angry at him. They are calling him fat and this and that, but no one is saying he is wrong, because he is isn't. Epic isn't fighting for consumers. They are fighting for themselves.
Well...they don't. 🤷

I've seen people defend corporations doing shitty things a thousand times over. Jim Sterling doesn't offend me.

Hell read this thread. Everyone is angry at him. They are calling him fat and this and that, but no one is saying he is wrong, because he is isn't. Epic isn't fighting for consumers. They are fighting for themselves.

I think people with half a brain can see that to be honest. Jim never really adds anything to the discussion, just riles up his fan base and states the obvious while slipping in a cheap potshot at capitalism because making money is bad in 2020. I haven’t bought an EA game for 6 years. Not because Jim told me how bad they are, but because I have eyes and a brain 🤷🏼‍♂️ Doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy when he moans “Triiiiiiple AAAAAY” though.

He used to be funnier. Now his shtick is getting boring and his constant rallying against corporations is becoming tiresome. Corporations exist to make money. Some do it in better ways than others. That’s where my money goes. That’s where yours should to, but we don’t “need” Jim to tell us how to spend our money.

You worry about yourself and you’ll be fine, don’t let what the masses do bother you. They want Fortnite and V-Bucks, let them have it and laugh and tut disapprovingly from the sidelines. It’s much more amusing that way.


Fuck this fat fucking piece of shit. Can't stand his takes and his bullshit "triple AAAAAA" complaining in near on every video. He thinks he has hot takes on everything. Just stick to giving a voice to morons like Sarkeesian and the like you unfunny moron.


He does make an excellent point, however, I can't stand this guy.
In the quote at least he failed to mention that they're passing most of the savings on to the consumer. I mean sure, no guarantees that will continue after this mess, but for now they're doing what could be considered "the right thing" by somebody who doesn't get paid for shit stirring.


I think people with half a brain can see that to be honest. Jim never really adds anything to the discussion, just riles up his fan base and states the obvious while slipping in a cheap potshot at capitalism because making money is bad in 2020. I haven’t bought an EA game for 6 years. Not because Jim told me how bad they are, but because I have eyes and a brain 🤷🏼‍♂️ Doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy when he moans “Triiiiiiple AAAAAY” though.

He used to be funnier. Now his shtick is getting boring and his constant rallying against corporations is becoming tiresome. Corporations exist to make money. Some do it in better ways than others. That’s where my money goes. That’s where yours should to, but we don’t “need” Jim to tell us how to spend our money.

You worry about yourself and you’ll be fine, don’t let what the masses do bother you. They want Fortnite and V-Bucks, let them have it and laugh and tut disapprovingly from the sidelines. It’s much more amusing that way.
It doesn't matter if Jim "adds" anything to the conversation. You don't, and neither do I. The important thing is that is that the conversation is being had. Their are lot of people out there who would prefer if it wasn't being made at all, or who would perfer that if it were, it wouldn't involve their company of choice.

Jim says a lot of stupid shit, but he is consistent, and I appreciate that. I'm not offended that he reminds people how the sausage is made.

And can we please we stop pretending about another big reason he is hated here.

Fuck this fat fucking piece of shit. Can't stand his takes and his bullshit "triple AAAAAA" complaining in near on every video. He thinks he has hot takes on everything. Just stick to giving a voice to morons like Sarkeesian and the like you unfunny moron.

It also plays into a lot of bullshit personal politics here, because gamergate can never end.
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What he isn't seeing in this case, is that whatever happens with Epic will affect the rest of the app store, and it will help A LOT OF SMALL AND NO NEAR MILLIONAIRES DEVELOPERS to make more profit of the things they sell... so yea, hopefully, Epic wins.
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What he isn't seeing in this case, is that whatever happens with Epic will affect the rest of the app store, and it will help A LOT OF SMALL AND NO NEAR MILLIONAIRES DEVELOPERS to make more profit of the things they sell... so yea, hopefully, Epic wins.

In what way small developers would benefit ? None of them are big enough to run their own payment processors so this would be classic rich get richer case here.
Jim Sterling hasn't screwed anything.

Not a lady.

Not a wine bottle top.

Not a wall mount.

Not apple.

Not google.

Not Anita.

Not even a mountain dew bottle top.

His wine comes from bags. His women in animation. His soda via IV. He opens doors by pushing the handicap button. He turns on the bath by waiting for the sprinkler system.

The only thing screwed is his family legacy.


and all this time I thought that a company selling video games was a hero! Thank you Jim the scales fall from mine eyes truly you have awakened us all


In what way small developers would benefit ? None of them are big enough to run their own payment processors so this would be classic rich get richer case here.

If Apple decides to lower their cut for Epic, they will need to cut it for everyone else or they can face A LOT more lawyers if Epic can prove that using Apple pay is unnecessary to guaranty the security of the transactions we will be able to see a lot more payment processors been able to be utilized inside the apple store. It's a win for all...


Honestly I agree with him in general about the bad business practices and all that.
But holy shit he makes the same videos all the time lol...

And he doesn't even add anything new either it's just the same points over and over again.


This whole thread seems to be about hating on Jim Sterling and not about the topic he discussed.


Because I have a creeping suspicion people like you would allow publishers to do whatever the fuck they want.

As long as Jim points out inconvenient truths, he has a place

He just looks at ERA to see what people are angry about that day or he looks for news he can use for his anti-AAA/capitalism shtick. He doesn't actually write or investigate anything himself. He's totally useless.

He's only good for his mindless fanbase that needs him to form an opinion and then they go around in forums parroting whatever he says.

It is pathetic that you think he's some kind of important voice.
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For me it was super surprising how... Surprised Jim was about ubisoft news. It's a workplace... Every workplace is like that... Because there are many people around and most of them never meet the high ups. I work 8 years in corporation and never met the real boss. I could be raping everyone in my department and he would not know


Get fucked Apple. My hopes and prayers are with Epic's fortnite squeakers defence force. For once these annoying shits will be useful and good for something.


What this tub of lard either doesn't understand or is just ignoring because it undermines his point is that it doesn't matter what Epic's intentions are. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I dislike Epic, Fortnite, and Apple. Of course Epic is doing this because it benefits them. That doesn't mean that what Epic's doing is a bad thing. Using dumb Fortnite players as a botnet is actually a great idea. It's the best thing they've done in years. If it takes Apple down a notch, all the better.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Like a lot of internet gaming personalities, his schtick never evolves. Its the same tired rhetoric over and over and its all about what he's against, because he actually stands for nothing. Just lining his own pockets from the rubes who still buy into his Mr Angry persona/
It doesn't matter if Jim "adds" anything to the conversation. You don't, and neither do I. The important thing is that is that the conversation is being had.
This conversation is being had because Epic decided to take action against Apple and Google, and not because Jim made some video that is piggy-backing on current events. Most of YouTube is trash tbh, including, but not limited to, Jim.
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This conversation is being had because Epic decided to take action against Apple and Google, and not because Jim made some video that is piggy-backing on current events. Most of YouTube is trash tbh, including, but not limited, to Jim.

Exactly, his fans think he's the one bringing these issues but all his material comes from elsewhere and he just shits a video about it.

Crunch came from Jason, Ubisoft was all over the media in France, Lootbox was from politicians and other media etc. The rest is made up outrage from Era or twitter. He doesn't bring anything new to the conversation. He's trash.


I like Jim... but sometimes just shut the fuck up, man. This CEO took the money, this publisher is evil, loot boxes, micro transactions etc.

Then he deflects criticisms about his content by saying "people say I repeat the same topics, but I'll continue to do so because it's important". He'll then mock people's comments in a whiney comedic tone when his videos come across the same way as the random forum posts he quotes.

If you've seen 5 Jim Sterling videos you've seen them all essentially.

However I will say it's good someone is the voice for the consumer so I'll applaud him on that.


Gold Member
This whole thing really brought out the shills everywhere.


Also wasn't this 1984 Fortnite event-thing announced before Epic started painting themselves as the victim? Although, with the pandemic, Warzone and Fall Guys rightfully making people forget about Fortnite this is obviously a ploy to get eyes back on Fortnite.


I remember discovering him just recently cause he made a whole video about how activision is evil for putting microtransactions in Crash 4. (It turns out that this news was entirely based on a rumor, and the publisher had debunked it before his video even came out).

That video was so cringey.


Epic isn't fighting for consumers. They are fighting for themselves.
They are fighting because they no longer want to pay what they agreed to pay when they signed up to the App store because they're a billion dollar company and think that the rules shouldn't apply to them. They're also trying to weaponise their young fanbase against Apple and Google with this #FreeFortnite rubbish. It's pathetic.

I only found his channel relatively recently. Can people explain why he's so disliked? Too OTT/excitable?
He's an idealist. A fantasist. A leech. A communist. A liar. A terrible reviewer of video games. Morbidly obese also.
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Gold Member
I'm a shill cause I don't want to hear a grown man whining about how his favorite videogame companies aren't his best friends?
Nah. I was more talking how there were some people coming out and defending apple/google/epic on twitter and other places. Definitely wasn't talking about you or anybody on Gaf. I'm still of the mind that Sterling will be pro-consumer as long as it doesn't hurt his cred with the woke crowd.


Meanwhile, people who have worked in the industry for decades and are thinking about the state of software freedom ...

This has been a problem since the launch of the app store. You need to be able to install whatever software you want on your own personal computing device. That's what needs to come out of this battle. And that's why Epic is suing for ... zero dollars.

A successful suit for Epic will lead to hundreds of millions of dollars of additional revenue for them because they don't have to give Apple (and by legal precedent google also) a cut. That's exactly what this lawsuit is about, Tim Sweeney doesn't give a single solitary fuck about any anti apple monopoly cause.

Edit: Sorry, let my old man crankiness extend into some unfounded personal attacks - edited to remove that part.
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Nah. I was more talking how there were some people coming out and defending apple/google/epic on twitter and other places. Definitely wasn't talking about you or anybody on Gaf. I'm still of the mind that Sterling will be pro-consumer as long as it doesn't hurt his cred with the woke crowd.
Ah, my mistake. I appologize.


My brother calls Sterling an "Elton John wannabe" LOL!

I DO agree with most of the things he's got to say though. These game company's are NOT your friends.


if Epic can prove that using Apple pay is unnecessary to guaranty the security of the transactions we will be able to see a lot more payment processors been able to be utilized inside the apple store. It's a win for all...
I'm not so sure about that. Everything Apple is so, SO tightly integrated that they're the only ones that have low-level access to the security element on the hardware. Heck, they even pair their fingerprint reader (and/or FaceID sensors) directly with the CPU and it's literally impossible to replace them separately without screwing up the security element. They, and only they have the software tools to actually make that replacement.

Any other payment processor, to be on-par with Apple Pay, would have to to have the same low-level access to the "secure enclave" that Apple Pay has, and Apple won't allow that in a million years (since that's part of what makes them money).

Anyway, Apple ecosystem is closed af and that's not gonna change anytime soon.

....aaaand EPIC will still be hypocrite, and Google will still be evil. There are no good sides here and we, as consumers, only get to lose. =(
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