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Jimquisition: Nintendo - A Shit Distributor And Fuckheaded Toymaker (Nov. 28, 2016)


The top 4 "Most Wished For" items on Amazon are the NES Classic, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, and the $99 3DS.

Crazy to think, with the WiiU being a virtual non-entity in the market, that Nintnedo could have had a nice holiday in 2016.


This happens every single fucking time for the past 30 years.

I no longer believe it's unintentional.

There's no way things selling out could be anything other than Nintendo creating artificial scarcity. It makes total sense. Who needs to sell goods when you can have threads on message boards talking about how thing is sold out! Not selling things is where the REAL money's at

Also amiibos, I mean come on it can't be a coincidence! They sold a billion Wii Us they should have known they needed to produce millions more! They should just green light huge amounts of manufacturing and distribution just in case theres high demand and worry about the consequences later. Totez
this has happened before with amiibos

There was lack of supply, that does not mean artificial scarcity!

There seems to be a few conversations going on here. I think the main argument in this thread is artificial scarcity versus actual scarcity.

-Artificial scarcity is where Nintendo produces a sufficient number of devices to meet demand, but decides to only ship a small amount at first in order to hype up demand, where they can then go ahead and resupply quickly in order to sell more units even more quickly than they would have before.

---Artificial scarcity is nonsense, and there is no proof whatsoever that this happens. In fact, it would be VERY easy to find proof if it existed, as we would have Nintendo's finances showing all the warehouse space they use to store the "hidden" resupply units.

-Actual scarcity happens because Nintendo produces less units than there is demand for. This happens for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which that Nintendo likes to cut costs wherever possible and doesn't want to rent warehouse space to store unsold stock.

In both of these scenarios, the lack of supply is definitely intentional. Maybe not to the extent we see here, but it's intentional that they produce as few units as they can get away with. But the artificial scarcity scenario just isn't happening and makes no financial sense. It's a very silly thing to argue without any sort of reasoning or proof to back it up.


I got grudge sucked!
Anyone who lived through the 8 bit era and remembers the fuckery surrounding their most popular titles (SMB3 for example) and also remembers how the chips were so "supply constrained" that 3rd party producers had no shot at meeting holiday demand because Nintendo controlled all cartridge production knows this shit with the NES classic is nothing new.
And Nintendo has always been shrewd and controlling whenever they have any leverage. They are not stupid by any means.


You guys are aware that one of those previous 2 systems with all of these games available was the Wii, right? As in the >100 million units sold Wii? Which sold to the casual crowd that "don't buy consoles"?

This was a very niche product in my opinion until for some reason it blew up in recent weeks. Not that this excuses their lack of supply.


Probably because they massively underproduced this device. Which probably happened for one of any number of reasons.

But that is artificial scarcity, which is the myth that this thread is based on.
I misplaced my wii a long time ago and i hadnt bought any nes classics on it not any vc title


There's no way things selling out could be anything other than Nintendo creating artificial scarcity. It makes total sense. Who needs to sell goods when you can have threads on message boards talking about how thing is sold out! Not selling things is where the REAL money's at

So has Nintendo just been unlucky enough to have idiots in the driver's seat for 3 decades? I don't believe that for a second.

Stop being a fanboy. Nintendo is screwing people over so executives can get praise and demand increases.


Pretty clear in this case the product was a bigger hit than Nintendo expected, which was obvious from the initial reaction when it was revealed.

They should be doing some marketing surveys and tracking so they're not completely blindsided by it and can meet demand from their retail partners.


Pretty clear in this case the product was a bigger hit than Nintendo expected, which was obvious from the initial reaction when it was revealed.

They should be doing some marketing surveys and tracking so they're not completely blindsided by it and can meet demand from their retail partners.

They have had years to do this. They knew it'd do well and they want to continue this shitty racket.

Amazon and GameStop had preorders available till Nintendo shut them down. They did this on purpose.


Stop being a fanboy. Nintendo is screwing people over so executives can get praise and demand increases.

Read this a few times and cant tell if youre being serious

Thats how stupid it sounds

No you guys are right. Im a fanboy. The only logical conclusion is that nintendo likes not meeting demand or making as much profit as they could, because its leet to have sold out items and creates "buzz". Buzz like whole threads of people calling nintendo incompetent and being pissed about not being able to buy something except from scalpers.

Youre right they "know what theyre doing"... because the this plan is so genius and does them so much good.


Well, that's the beauty of the "artificial scarcity" argument.
You get to claim its a bad product and that you should just emulate it, that its only selling on nostalgia and to dads who want to show their kids what games they wanted to play when they were young, and claim you have no interest in it whatsoever.

But then you also get to claim that if you saw one right now and didn't have to make any effort to find one, that you would snap it up immediately, because thats the power of artifical scarcity and marketing, and you are powerless to fight against capitalist urges, not that there is anything desirable about the product itself.

Nintendo eating their crackers like they fucking own the place again
You are such a Nintendo fanboy it's pathetic.


Conspiracy idiocy with zero evidence and even less motive, plus made up business theory like artificial demand and supply creating demand. LOL.

Mwa haha, we'll produce less units and people won't be able to buy it! Instant profit!

Goat jizz isn't easily available. But its scarcity isn't making people want it more than they would if it was everywhere.
You are such a troll.


Read this a few times and cant tell if youre being serious

Thats how stupid it sounds

No you guys are right. Im a fanboy. The only logical conclusion is that nintendo likes not meeting demand or making as much profit as they could, because its leet to have sold out items and creates "buzz". Buzz like whole threads of people calling nintendo incompetent and being pissed about not being able to buy something except from scalpers.

Youre right they "know what theyre doing"... because the this plan is so genius and does them so much good.

Look up the De Beers diamond corporation. It's the same thing on a smaller scale. Restrict supply to create perceived value.

I just don't get it.

I see that he has valid points but he dresses his persona up in such a way that just looking at him is grating.

Not for me, I guess.

Then don't bother posting.
After the absolute impossibility to get a Pokemon Go Plus (distributed by Nintendo in most of the planet) and the Nintendo NES Classic, I am now in the "Fuck Nintendo Distribution" team.


after they overstocked both 3ds and wii u, can you really blame them for being conservative?
I mean by enabling preorders they would have ballpark outlook how many consoles they need at least to produce as fast as they can.
Do they even know how many people want to buy NES Classic right now? Some backorder program maybe?


There is no such thing as accurately estimate demand. That's why it's called an estimate. Sony also underestimated the demand for PS4 Pro in some regions where it was out of stock in an instant. Capcom overestimated SFV sales big time so we see bargain bin prices for the game this early. Those things happen to every company.

SFV would've sold well had it not been released in such an unfinished state to begin with, that was all Capcom's fault.


This happens every single fucking time for the past 30 years.

I no longer believe it's unintentional.

Never assume a conspiracy when simple incompetence explains the situation just as well. Being bad at estimating demand, being cheap about warehouse space and being terrified of unsold inventory explain Nintendo's ability to not meet launch demand just as easily as artificial scarcity to drive up demand.


You are such a Nintendo fanboy it's pathetic.

Nice argument

Look up the De Beers diamond corporation. It's the same thing on a smaller scale. Restrict supply to create perceived value.


How does that work here? Nintendo doesnt sell it at a higher price... They arent selling while theyre sold out...and its actually conpletely logical to manufacture conservatively, especially when Nintendo is so doomed all the time. If this were a reality in which its traditional for companies to overproduce and undersell intentionally, it would make sense that artificial scarcity is the only explanation. But thats not how it works. They were conaervative, it didnt meet demand....???.... Nintendo is doing it on purpose.
Theres a leap in logic that requires huge assumptions
Look up the De Beers diamond corporation. It's the same thing on a smaller scale. Restrict supply to create perceived value.

How will this product have any sort of demand after Christmas?

This is where the artificial scarcity myth falls apart in my mind. What the hell is the purpose of artificial scarcity if they're incapable of resupplying quickly enough to capitalize on the newly increased demand?

Isn't it far more likely that they just underproduced units in order to spend less on R&D?


The black clothing, dictating from a podium, and the Nazi-esque flag behind him is a pretty big indicator.

I don't think it's any surprise to observe that Jim's costume and props invite comparisons to a fascist dictator making pronouncements. That's the point. I do not think he's inviting Nazi comparisons though. If anything, he seems inspired by the British demagogue in V for Vendetta. You can argue degrees of separation here but I think the important thing to keep in mind is that there is nothing in Jim's character that invites sympathy for Nazis. He's just a dude talking shit about video games.

The top 4 "Most Wished For" items on Amazon are the NES Classic, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, and the $99 3DS.

Crazy to think, with the WiiU being a virtual non-entity in the market, that Nintnedo could have had a nice holiday in 2016.

Totally disagree about the $99 3DS. There's a ready and widely available alternative for that: a full priced model. Nintendo doesn't owe anyone a bargain.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Mr Sterling mocking Nintendo's poor stocking: good
Mr Sterling standing up for the poor retailer workers: come on

What's wrong with this?

Unless you are working retail that deals with this mess, you have no idea how much misplaced rage and shit I've gotten since this thing's announcement > no pre-orders > launch > to today.


Can I get a synopsis of the video as I refuse to give another YouTube blowhard from NeoGAF any clicks or views?

Jim is not a "blowhard" but you're sure sounding like one. Besides Jim does not make any money from his JQ videos anyways, they are all ad-free.
The TN/IPS 3DS thing is literally insane. I came across it for they first time when I looked into buying a N3DS this weekend and it blew my mind. That's there kind of shit you might see from some knockoff hardware market, not a household name.

I don't know how Nintendo apparently still hasn't fully figured out the hardware side.
Read this a few times and cant tell if youre being serious

Thats how stupid it sounds

No you guys are right. Im a fanboy. The only logical conclusion is that nintendo likes not meeting demand or making as much profit as they could, because its leet to have sold out items and creates "buzz". Buzz like whole threads of people calling nintendo incompetent and being pissed about not being able to buy something except from scalpers.

Youre right they "know what theyre doing"... because the this plan is so genius and does them so much good.

The point is to whip up the Nintendo brand into public perception that it's sought after for the incoming Switch launch, to recreate the Wii frenzy. The whole "it's dumb to limit NES supply because they don't make as much money than if they'd meet demand" is irrelevant because the point of the NES classic is to drum up the incoming real money-maker.

How will this product have any sort of demand after Christmas?

This is where the artificial scarcity myth falls apart in my mind. What the hell is the purpose of artificial scarcity if they're incapable of resupplying quickly enough to capitalize on the newly increased demand?

Isn't it far more likely that they just underproduced units in order to spend less on R&D?

Public perception for the actual console release in a few months. The NES classic is a 20$ sacrificial goat to the marketing and brand gods.


"On paper, theres no reason to artificially limit supplies, but they totally do, fuck nintendo, fuck you nintendo, fuck you"

Here's a summary of your posts "i'm a blind Nintendo loyalist who will eat up anything they say and think they can never ever do wrong no matter what"
Look up the De Beers diamond corporation. It's the same thing on a smaller scale. Restrict supply to create perceived value.

Then don't bother posting.
But you make me want to.

Discussing the creator of a video that a thread is about is on topic and a completely reasonable thing to discuss as long as the discussion isn't attacking the person for their gender identity, race, religion, etc.

Nothing wrong with criticism over the way a person chooses to present information.


Here's a summary of your posts "i'm a blind Nintendo loyalist who will eat up anything they say and think they can never ever do wrong no matter what"

At least hes on topic. Youre literally just getting mad and petty now.

And hes right, everyone has no evidence except" what if" hypotheticals but then are calling us fanboys for not agreeing. Thats just not even how business works.

If someone was in here saying 9/11 was an inside job and theres no evidence but "COME ON WAKE UP they could have done it for the oil! It would make sense!"

Its just a load of emotionally charged illogical assumptions. You guys care. Thats why youre invested in beleieving there has to be some ulterior explanation


Nintendo have made some of the best games ever, but luckily video gamers have plenty of other options to play magnificent games elsewhere when Nintendo are being silly fuckwits. Too many options really, which is why their casual customers left for mobile and the money gamers left for PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

I'll buy a Switch if Nintendo don't act like dicks and I don't have to play a fucking game to get one. I'm not expecting much to be honest. Tis always a jolly good laugh to see the Nintendo contingent getting their knickers in a twist, though. Thanks for that Jimothy.

I'm kind of hoping the Switch fails, at this point I don't think Nintendo deserves success anymore.


Read this a few times and cant tell if youre being serious

Thats how stupid it sounds

No you guys are right. Im a fanboy. The only logical conclusion is that nintendo likes not meeting demand or making as much profit as they could, because its leet to have sold out items and creates "buzz". Buzz like whole threads of people calling nintendo incompetent and being pissed about not being able to buy something except from scalpers.

Youre right they "know what theyre doing"... because the this plan is so genius and does them so much good.

and most of the people bitching about Nintendo in those threads would buy the fuck out of an NES classic as soon as it became available

All the angry parents who went to wal mart to find out it's sold out are calling them every day asking for a stock update

Buzz is buzz


I've watched the video.

He literally goes from "On paper there is no reason why they would do this" to "I believe they do this" / "I refuse to believe they're not doing this" which is like a giant hole where a reasonable argument should exist.

Also, maybe address the points not the poster?


That's... uhhhhh... quite the rebuttal.

It's certainly better then any of your rebuttals. Which largely boil down to "i'm right and anyone who disagrees with me in spite of factual evidence is wrong!"


and most of the people bitching about Nintendo in those threads would buy the fuck out of an NES classic as soon as it became available

All the angry parents who went to wal mart to find out it's sold out are calling them every day asking for a stock update

Buzz is buzz

"Buzz" is not worth losing out on profits. At least not so "duh they did it for the buzz" as some are saying... Meeting demand would not mean there is no buzz, it would also create buzz... Arguably more than an artifical scarcity ever could
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