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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Then maybe the tweet by itself shouldn't have been used as an example for why he's a bad person? Like, what was the intent exactly? Since people seemed to jump to conclusions about why something that would've clearly been seen by a joke in a different context (or even by a liberal personality) after it had already blown up in controversy.

Check literally his entire twitter feed dude. Go find that Axium Verge post.
Yeah, it's not like the tweet was an isolated incident

Also go and look at almost any of the posts in the PSILY thread instead of trying to derail this one
Supremely disappointing. Found him a few years back and followed Game Grumps from the beginning, always liked his work. But I can't, in good conscience, support someone who thinks only extreme examples of sexism count and endorses/defends white supremacist ideology. Dude can fuck off into space and stay gone forever.


Maybe don't leave GAF if a dumb dad joke tweet of that level of banality is going to classify someone as 'not a very good person'. The 'I stand with Colin' shit that followed was dumb, I can see why ironic but still casual sexism of the joke can get to some people, but do you people *really* not see how getting so upset at such a basic joke instantly helps far more volatile, genuinely alt-right types to entice moderates or apolitical types to their side?

If people are willing to join neo-nazis because some white young conservative dude got called out for being sexist on Women's Day in a culture and medium known for its misogyny, then maybe those people weren't actually that empathetic or 'liberal/left-winged' to begin with.

That coupled with a list of reasons that amounts to him being a typical conservative, with some kooky libertarian ideals mixed in with far more liberal social beliefs who dislikes Trump, but hey he used the word 'interesting' about Bannon so let's twist that into him being a dog-whistling gamergater.

He sure likes to use the exact language and phrases as Gamergaters and use the same basic arguments about PC culture and SJWs and feminists.

I seriously don't see why Colin should even bother acknowledging GAF's existence; the majority of you people are fucking awful to him simply for not being a liberal.

I don't care about him being a liberal, I only care that he's using his platform to spread veiled bigoted shit and further entrench already misogynist parts of gaming culture with his sexist bullshit and fascist apologia.

Besides, Dicks Ahoy, I gave you a list of things that shows his track record of being an insensitive and inconsiderate guy who's willing to throw the rights of minorities under the bus, use his IGN platform to complain about women speaking up in video games, and who continuously remains silent in the face of oppression and harassment.
The worst part about Jon's decent into GamerGate and the alt-right is that he was really the only prominent youtuber that was promoting Continue?, who are amazingly consistent and entertaining while having pretty low views and subscribers


Then maybe the tweet by itself shouldn't have been used as an example for why he's a bad person? Like, what was the intent exactly? Since people seemed to jump to conclusions about why something that would've clearly been seen by a joke in a different context (or even by a liberal personality) after it had already blown up in controversy.
Nevermind that the context is exactly what made it pure trolling. His immediate reactions only emphasized that. Then he got to use the same playback he always does and acted like the poor victim. Meanwhile his piece of shit followers were all out harassing other people on twitter in his name.

That he has a history of this very pattern only solidifies that this is a conscious action.


Fail out bailed

A fully grown adult saying shitty things is normalized as a 'kid'

Normalize? He's an idiot with not talent. "Kid" is colloquially used to describe any young person where I am from. Not sure what to tell you, but considering you are a psychic I guess I don't need to bother.
So isn't HappyConsoleGamer... No idea where that guy stands on anything like this.

I got a little worried about that because I really enjoyed his videos where he talks at length about games he likes or series he likes and stuff like that. I remember getting chills when he posted a DOAX3 video when the Play Asia stuff happened. It basically just amounted to letting his wife and some other women talking about the issue while he decided to step out.

But that he's fine being associated with AOS still stressed me out a bit. I unsubbed just to not have that lingering fear every time I saw one of his videos pop up in my subscription feed. I cant tell if that makes me wise or a coward.


Really tired of seeing people go to bat for some genuine bullshit.

Like even reading defense of dumb video game shit on this forum is pretty tame in the grand scheme of things. Stuff like this fucking is not. Shit like this genuinely ruins peoples' lives. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're going to step up to the plate for "defending someone's right to an opinion" about straight up naked hate.

Figure it the fuck out.


Fail out bailed
A kid? HE'S FUCKING 26
*shrug* I thought he was younger. Not sure what you are freaking out about.

I called him a kid, diminished his work and said he was wrong. Did you read that as a defense? Or is this just a thing where we have to use the exact same fucking sentences over and over again to show we don't like him?


Normalize? He's an idiot with not talent. "Kid" is colloquially used to describe any young person where I am from. Not sure what to tell you, but considering you are a psychic I guess I don't need to bother.

Considering that this is a forum, and not a face to face conversation, calling someone a kid has zero context regarding your age vs the subjects.

So the context would be calling him a child with a limited political mind.

And yes using that term is normalizing what he is saying. A 26 year old should have experienced enough life to not spout complete and utter vile bullshit like he is doing right now.


Fail out bailed
Considering that this is a forum, and not a face to face conversation, calling someone a kid has zero context regarding your age vs the subjects.

So the context would be calling him a child with a limited political mind.

And yes using that term is normalizing what he is saying. A 26 year old should have experienced enough life to not spout complete and utter bullshit like he is doing right now.
Nah. It was a post on NeoGaf. If you have a question you can always ask instead of scolding a stranger who agrees with you.


That coupled with a list of reasons that amounts to him being a typical conservative, with some kooky libertarian ideals mixed in with far more liberal social beliefs who dislikes Trump, but hey he used the word 'interesting' about Bannon so let's twist that into him being a dog-whistling gamergater.

Boohoo, poor Colin, all he did was say "love him or hate him, he's smart!" about a white supremacist who thinks some apocalyptic race-war is inevitable and accept the praise and invitation of someone who spent the better part of the past decade building a media empire off the back of fanning racial paranoia.

What threshold does a person have to cross for you before you call a spade a spade.


A kid? HE'S FUCKING 26
Wow wow wow enough bold commands in that quote? Not everyone would call a 26 year old a kid but I've heard plenty of people do the same, he's very young and has plenty of time to grow and mature as a human being. At the moment, he's expressiing some very stupid and unfortunate opinions.

I wonder what GAF's take is on someone like Bill Maher


Maybe don't leave GAF if a dumb dad joke tweet of that level of banality is going to classify someone as 'not a very good person'. The 'I stand with Colin' shit that followed was dumb, I can see why ironic but still casual sexism of the joke can get to some people, but do you people *really* not see how getting so upset at such a basic joke instantly helps far more volatile, genuinely alt-right types to entice moderates or apolitical types to their side?

That coupled with a list of reasons that amounts to him being a typical conservative, with some kooky libertarian ideals mixed in with far more liberal social beliefs who dislikes Trump, but hey he used the word 'interesting' about Bannon so let's twist that into him being a dog-whistling gamergater.

I seriously don't see why Colin should even bother acknowledging GAF's existence; the majority of you people are fucking awful to him simply for not being a liberal.

I'm a libertarian (a real one) and I despise that pathetic weasel for pretending to be a libertarian as he handwaves "I don't care about race" as if that were "socially liberal" and 100% backing the hardcore authoritarian Trump regime. Authoritarianism is the exact fucking opposite of libertarianism. "I love irony" is not libertarianism. Libertarianism means brown people and people without dicks get rights too. Scary, huh.

Also read literally any of his recent tweets. He's only a level below White Nationalist Jon Tron already.


Yep. And we get paid absolutely dust for supporting the industry. Any inclusion of anyone who isn't a white guy or an empty sex trope sim white women to latch onto him is "forced diversity", any opinions in journalism, on YT, twitter, etc about ANYTHING from identity to level design are considered "SJW whining". People behave like orcs are a more grounded, realistic choice for a character than a person of color for fuck's sake.

And if you speak up or say anything that questions the status quo about identity politics, they'll organize and terrorize you, they'll doxx you, they'll do Patreons to harass you, then they'll call you a professional victim, they'll make hour long Youtube videos, they'll send death and rape threats to you, they'll call your work and try to get you fired, they'll watch your every move online, they'll screencap all your tweets, they'll fantasize about raping and killing you, etc.

And meanwhile you have the moderates and neutrals who will look upon you being chased out of the games industry and culture and say "too bad, not my problem." or "both sides are bad" or "PC culture made the bigots become bigots" or "if only she had talked nicer, she wouldn't have gotten harassed" or "why can't everyone just be friends?" or "I'm strongly against harassment, but I don't think the personal experiences of bigotry by minorities in games are valid" or "I don't agree with this bigot, but I'll defend him [and yet never defend those of us who are harassed by the bigots]" and on and on.


Fail out bailed
Clues? They quoted you
They quoted me diminishing his work and implying he was wrong, yes.

Again, I'm not sure what anyone wants from me here. To be nicer and call him a man? Or just clarify that I think he is a fucking idiot? That's the last I'll respond. What a fucking stupid derail.
JonTron? No talent? Come on, he's made some pretty funny videos. He's also out of his mind as far as politics are concerned but to claim he is talentless just because you (justifiably) hate his guts is silly.


Disappointing to see a fellow first generation Iranian-American lack any self-awareness.

"One of the good ones" disorder. How soon his "buddies" would literally throw him out with the trash if they actually established their white supremacist power structure.
Then sadly your implied support of his agenda make you part, maybe a teeny tiny part but a part of the problem all the same.

That's a huge win for the piece of shit.
I understand that many on gaf outright despise the guy now, but I've always enjoyed his videos. I can't stand his twitter and I'm generally in disbelief in the jontron OT. But ultimately he posts like 1 video every few months. The last couple haven't been any good compared to the older stuff.

If I ever drop his channel is when he brings this to the one medium where I follow him or if the trend continues from his last couple of videos that they simply aren't that great anymore. He's putting more emphasis on production than the writing.


Stormy Grey
Maybe don't leave GAF if a dumb dad joke tweet of that level of banality is going to classify someone as 'not a very good person'.

I actually spend most of my time off of GAF, so, uh... sorry we're calling someone out for being shitty? This seems to be an awfully fragile subject for you.
how about harassing a indie dev studio for speaking out against the Muslim Ban? That happaned as well.
Making a video where he doesn't agree with a team's response to Trump is not harassment. It's bizarre that after years of seeing angry nerds scream about feminism on youtube that somebody far more calmly just saying "Hey, I don't agree with the methods of protest this dev team is going about, why not take after this other team's method of donating to the ACLU instead?" (not to even say if I agree with him or not) is 'harassment'.

Instead of focusing on the one thing, what about all the things he's done?
How about examples that extend beyond 'he's a conservative' and 'he used the wrong terms to describe someone he barely knew about I don't like'?

Yeah, it's not like the tweet was an isolated incident

Also go and look at almost any of the posts in the PSILY thread instead of trying to derail this one
I wasn't the one that brought him up in the first place, but it's cute that not blindly agreeing he's a piece of shit counts as derailing a thread.

If people are willing to join neo-nazis because some white young conservative dude got called out for being sexist on Women's Day in a culture and medium known for its misogyny, then maybe those people weren't actually that empathetic or 'liberal/left-winged' to begin with.
My point was apolitical or moderates who are easily galvanized by people appealing to their hobbies. If people are going to see this as a culture war, you could at least stand to be more aware how people you'd otherwise assume wouldn't ever give a shit about politics suddenly get recruited into swerving hard right because someone they like got called sexist. It's dumb, but it's also dumb to just assume the best way to combat this trend among younger, isolated geeks is to just tell those types to suck it up and question why your numbers are dwindling.

He sure likes to use the exact language and phrases as Gamergaters and use the same basic arguments about PC culture and SJWs and feminists.
Political Correctness is a debate that's been raging for decades and has been lampooned by all sides of the political spectrum. Yes, it increasingly gets used by the right in recent times as a smokescreen to deflect serious discussions about inclusiveness in gaming and other media, but declaring anyone who complains about it a Gamer Gater is naive at best. Why the hell would someone in GG make a video defending Zoe Quinn and Depression Quest's right to exist anyway? Why would Colin be championing stuff like Horizon, The Last of Us and fucking Gone Home if he secretly supported GG?

I don't care about him being a liberal, I only care that he's using his platform to spread veiled bigoted shit and further entrench already misogynist parts of gaming culture with his sexist bullshit and fascist apologia.

Besides, Dicks Ahoy, I gave you a list of things that shows his track record of being an insensitive and inconsiderate guy who's willing to throw the rights of minorities under the bus, use his IGN platform to complain about women speaking up in video games, and who continuously remains silent in the face of oppression and harassment.[/QUOTE]And I pointed out that list largely boiled down to 'he has conservative viewpoints I disagree with' and some jumps in logic due to some terms hes used you don't agree with. So far the 'veiled bigoted shit' examples being given are 'PC culture is dumb' and a dumb joke that if posted by a mod on GAF on the same Woman's Day people would instantly recognize it for the dumb joke it was intended as.

Does GAF *really* not see how this looks like McCarthyism from an outsider's perspective, and just how insanely easy it is for people on the right to hop on this shit to entice kids and teens who don't know any better? Hell, Trump's already using 'McCartyhism' in his tweets, just like it took mere days for him to know to twist the 'fake news' stories into his favor among his base. I don't see how people can so easily keep falling for this.

The only legitimate point I've seen out of all of this is that Colin is bad at keeping his fanbase in check (something which I think holds true for a lot of personalities, and is what makes stuff like Jon's 1.5 million twitter followers such a daunting prospect for smaller personalities to publicly oppose his idiocy), but at this point you've already tainted the argument too much with other hyperbolic accusations that cloud the whole issue.
This is what happens when people idolize literal morons, mentally and emotionally stunted morons, to a cult-like degree. Idiots like this don't deserve a platform, but they make funny noises while playing video games on Youtube, and so, here we are.


I'm a libertarian (a real one) and I despise that pathetic weasel for pretending to be a libertarian as he handwaves "I don't care about race" as if that were "socially liberal" and 100% backing the hardcore authoritarian Trump regime. Authoritarianism is the exact fucking opposite of libertarianism. "I love irony" is not libertarianism. Libertarianism means brown people and people without dicks get rights too. Scary, huh.

Also read literally any of his recent tweets. He's only a level below White Nationalist Jon Tron already.
I know how you feel, Libertarians get a bad rep, in part due to the fact that many of them are essentially anarchists who would prefer to not have any central government. I identify with them more than any other organized political party because at their core they value freedom above all else.
I understand that many on gaf outright despise the guy now, but I've always enjoyed his videos. I can't stand his twitter and I'm generally in disbelief in the jontron OT. But ultimately he posts like 1 video every few months. The last couple haven't been any good compared to the older stuff.

If I ever drop his channel is when he brings this to the one medium where I follow him or if the trend continues from his last couple of videos that they simply aren't that great anymore. He's putting more emphasis on production than the writing.

He gets a pass from you, gotcha.


At risk of sounding like I'm playing devils advocate, it's hard to rationalize Jon being a white supremacist when he himself is not white by any stretch.


Fail out bailed
JonTron? No talent? Come on, he's made some pretty funny videos. He's also out of his mind as far as politics are concerned but to claim he is talentless just because you (justifiably) hate his guts is silly.
I've never been a fan, but a lot of his videos have crossed my plate. It's subjective, but he feels pretty in line with the typical mugging and shouting YouTuber to me.

Not begrudging anyone who likes his work, but this is certainly a chocolate and peanut butter kinda hate I am cooking, haha
As someone who is of pre-Revolutionary English stock who Jon and other awful people seem to think are infallible, this type of shit is disgusting. Muslims and other immigrants deserve a place here just as much as anyone else, and are part of the life bread of this country. This doesn't go into his "founding stock" comment's complete erasure of the African-American slaves and oppressed Native Americans who either helped physically build this country with their blood and sweat but were treated as property, or were exterminated to "make way" for white settlers, as others have pointed out.

Makes me thank FSM for channels like Jim Sterling, Super Bunnyhop, Errant Signal, Noah Gervais, Hbomberguy, etc. who do care about progressive values.


*shrug* I thought he was younger. Not sure what you are freaking out about.

I called him a kid, diminished his work and said he was wrong. Did you read that as a defense? Or is this just a thing where we have to use the exact same fucking sentences over and over again to show we don't like him?

As a matter of fact yeah. I have lost the count of how many times people tend to normalize and minimize atrocities by the way of the ol' adage "kids will be kids". A fucking white supremacist murderers 8 people of color in a church? "Kid just had troubles, he didn't did that for racial hatred, he even have a black friend!" A rapist is treated as "boys will be boys, she also was asking for it with the way she dressed!" just because he's good at trwowing a ball.

Personally i'm fucking sick and tired of that line of thought, and also seeing how you just went as "political mind" so white supremacy, racial cleansing are just dissenting politics to you?


Wow wow wow enough bold commands in that quote? Not everyone would call a 26 year old a kid but I've heard plenty of people do the same, he's very young and has plenty of time to grow and mature as a human being. At the moment, he's expressiing some very stupid and unfortunate opinions.

I wonder what GAF's take is on someone like Bill Maher

So when will he learn? 40? 50? early 70's? Will we still call him a kid by then?
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