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Kathleen Kennedy: Making A STAR WARS Film Is Difficult because no source material

There are probably a million and one "writers" involved on these projects who all want their fingers in the por so coming up with anything new that doesn't have the corporate mass market seal of approval is likely a pretty laborious process. And unlike the Marvel movies you can't just come up with episodic content to fill up time and build to a structured finale. It was easy then, pick a hero, pick a villain, pick a plot, good to go. The whole thing has already been written for you, at some point in history. Star Wars doesnt work like that. Well, it could I guess, but in ditching the EU so they wouldn't have to pay anyone for their ideas they limited themselves only to either Lucas's stuff, or their own. And they've squeezed literally every ounce of juice they could out of the former. So now you are in boardroom creative hell.


the new films are financially successful, and by that metric she was successful. by social media metrics as well, this is why she talks about "keeping it relevant". when she leaves the company it will be "on her own terms" and she will own that era, i think that will be the PR win as well. plus if ROTS turns out a dud they can stealth pin the whole thing on her while marketing the "new era" afterwards. it will be another way to virtue signal, "Hey look how we had a woman CEO who led us through a brave new era" (of rehashing the same shit but repackaging it in a way that seems new?). she will own the era, "she was such a pioneer", etc.

she failed in the way that SW is functionally dead, it has nowhere to grow. the OT continuously expanded, adding new worlds, new characters, new ships, new aliens, new backstories, etc. Rey so far has only ever been shown flying the MF, a ship that is 40 years old, whereas at this point in the PT/OT both Anakin and Luke had flown multiple craft, all cool little designs, things u could entertain yourself with in stories you made up. the old series was about expanding your imagination, whereas the new one actively argues against that. the creators mock us for participating. then sycophants demand total positivity toward culturally powerful people that have been reaping the financial benefits of public goodwill for decades.

they did this on purpose. she keeps saying how they subverted expectations and "moved the story forward" and "kept it relevant". yet they are re-using old characters, old ships, old designs, what do they mean by "forward"? the antagonistic, mercantile prostitution of the OT is itself the strategy. people should not be so surprised when it blows up in their face. they aimed to upset what the audience wanted, then they should have expected some people to not be okay with that. tbh it is part of their plan to "keep it relevant" and "move it forward". the antagonistic behavior towards the OT fans stirs controversy, which is good for clicks. no doubt KK has been successful in keeping it talked about, her social metrics probably net a lot of bonuses, which make people happy. billions of dollars is fine but so far it doesn't seem to have built any kind of foundation for the future. which may prove troublesome.

it also does so at the cost of entirely destroying the linear central myth of the series. they did this on purpose, flamed internet wars, putting GIF-able message board memes into the films on purpose, to keep people talking, to make their property relevant. thing is, they used the fans, and many resent them for that. this is why I decided to not see Solo 3/4 of the way through TLJ and I still have not. I won't see the next movie in theaters either. I'm not calling for a boycott or anything, I am just personally over it.

why not watch something else? i do. but SW is most of online discussion, because it is massively popular, and i still can enjoy it from time to time, so i don't see why i need to be quiet. if you are an adult you should be able to enjoy a work without being validated that other people like it too.
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I thought the source material was basically feminist theory 101.

KK you ruined Star Wars because of that abomination that was TLJ.


If he wrote solo then I’m glad he’s gone because the script was absolute trash. However if he means he had a script and Disney made him change it and therefore blew it then that honestly makes more sense from the man who worked on empire and Jedi.
Guy didn't want to help Lucas with the Prequels cause all he cares about is Han Solo and is one of the reasons we are in this mess.


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the new films are financially successful, and by that metric she was successful. by social media metrics as well, this is why she talks about "keeping it relevant". when she leaves the company it will be "on her own terms" and she will own that era, i think that will be the PR win as well. plus if ROTS turns out a dud they can stealth pin the whole thing on her while marketing the "new era" afterwards. it will be another way to virtue signal, "Hey look how we had a woman CEO who led us through a brave new era" (of rehashing the same shit but repackaging it in a way that seems new?). she will own the era, "she was such a pioneer", etc.

she failed in the way that SW is functionally dead, it has nowhere to grow. the OT continuously expanded, adding new worlds, new characters, new ships, new aliens, new backstories, etc. Rey so far has only ever been shown flying the MF, a ship that is 40 years old, whereas at this point in the PT/OT both Anakin and Luke had flown multiple craft, all cool little designs, things u could entertain yourself with in stories you made up. the old series was about expanding your imagination, whereas the new one actively argues against that. the creators mock us for participating. then sycophants demand total positivity toward culturally powerful people that have been reaping the financial benefits of public goodwill for decades.

they did this on purpose. she keeps saying how they subverted expectations and "moved the story forward" and "kept it relevant". yet they are re-using old characters, old ships, old designs, what do they mean by "forward"? the antagonistic, mercantile prostitution of the OT is itself the strategy. people should not be so surprised when it blows up in their face. they aimed to upset what the audience wanted, then they should have expected some people to not be okay with that. tbh it is part of their plan to "keep it relevant" and "move it forward". the antagonistic behavior towards the OT fans stirs controversy, which is good for clicks. no doubt KK has been successful in keeping it talked about, her social metrics probably net a lot of bonuses, which make people happy. billions of dollars is fine but so far it doesn't seem to have built any kind of foundation for the future. which may prove troublesome.

it also does so at the cost of entirely destroying the linear central myth of the series. they did this on purpose, flamed internet wars, putting GIF-able message board memes into the films on purpose, to keep people talking, to make their property relevant. thing is, they used the fans, and many resent them for that. this is why I decided to not see Solo 3/4 of the way through TLJ and I still have not. I won't see the next movie in theaters either. I'm not calling for a boycott or anything, I am just personally over it.

why not watch something else? i do. but SW is most of online discussion, because it is massively popular, and i still can enjoy it from time to time, so i don't see why i need to be quiet. if you are an adult you should be able to enjoy a work without being validated that other people like it too.
You’re absolutely right that the new trilogy is very small. It’s basically leaving them nowhere to go but backwards. Probably why Disney is looking to the success of the Mandelorian as a way to move forward and side step the new trilogy.


Lucas is the only authority on Star Wars as far as I'm concerned. You can hand it over to whomever, but it'll never be more than fan fiction. Disney didn't make Star Wars, Lucas did. If I wanna know something about this universe, I'd ask Lucas, not whoever is in charge right now.

What's being made now isn't Star Wars to me, it's just a bunch of junk made to profit. Lucas might have sold it, but it's still his. He might have made some bad movies, but he's still the only one who can say aye or nay.

As for Kennedy. I wonder what the hell happened. She has been a part of some of the greatest movies ever made. Need I mention? Indiana Jones, E.T., Land before time, Roger Rabbit, Back to the future, Jurassic Park. the list goes on.

What the hell happened. How could she go from being a producer on some of the best cinema ever, heavily involved in almost every Spielberg film, to taking Star Wars, and driving it off a cliff?

I don't fucking get it. She's not a hack, she knows what she's doing. She's not some demographic hire, she knows movies inside out.

What the fuck happened?

she fell victim to loving the smell of her own farts


Even if you looked at it from a business standpoint, the first instalment grossed over $2B worldwide with the second achieving barely half.

Rogue One broke a billion with Solo a third of that.

This is a multi-billion dollar per instalment franchise that is being underserved and it is precisely because those leading it have no clue.

I’ve already moved on myself but it does not make this new trilogy of shit acceptable and much of it has to do with the “Kill the past” and “force is female” type of impositioning on the narrative.

This is not and never has been a multi billion dollar franchise. Episode 7 was the first and only film to make that much money. If you want to adjust for inflation than you can include A New Hope but at the time it made 500 million. Empire Strikes Back made 400 million and Return of the Jedi made 374 million. You look at those original numbers and there was a definite decline in interest for the franchise.

None of the prequel films hit 1 billion at release.

Disney essentially pulled off a miracle by having The Force Awakens hit 2+ billion.

Rogue One making 1 billion on a 200 million budget is not a failure either. Solo is literally the only failed Star Wars film, it's production was a cluster fuck, it's failure is actually a shame as it's a very fun film and had some nice sequel bait thrown in that I wish we would have seen.


Gold Member
Lucas is the only authority on Star Wars as far as I'm concerned. You can hand it over to whomever, but it'll never be more than fan fiction. Disney didn't make Star Wars, Lucas did. If I wanna know something about this universe, I'd ask Lucas, not whoever is in charge right now.

What's being made now isn't Star Wars to me, it's just a bunch of junk made to profit. Lucas might have sold it, but it's still his. He might have made some bad movies, but he's still the only one who can say aye or nay.

As for Kennedy. I wonder what the hell happened. She has been a part of some of the greatest movies ever made. Need I mention? Indiana Jones, E.T., Land before time, Roger Rabbit, Back to the future, Jurassic Park. the list goes on.

What the hell happened. How could she go from being a producer on some of the best cinema ever, heavily involved in almost every Spielberg film, to taking Star Wars, and driving it off a cliff?

I don't fucking get it. She's not a hack, she knows what she's doing. She's not some demographic hire, she knows movies inside out.

What the fuck happened?
She was only ever a "producer", a job she got because she is married to another Hollywood bigwig and they needed any woman around just to not make it a total sausage party back in the day. The quality of the films you mentioned had nothing to do with her "abilities".



Ohhhh fuck off. Seriously fuck the fuck off.

Without even getting into the obvious problems with the criticism here, lorewise, these people have serious, serious problems. Get a fucking life.
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Ohhhh fuck off. Seriously fuck the fuck off.

Without even getting into the obvious problems with the criticism here, lorewise, these people have serious, serious problems. Get a fucking life.

Baby Yoda can use the Force without any training? If true, why isn't it criticised on the same level as Rey?
I've only watched the first episode but please explain.


If true, why isn't it criticised on the same level as Rey?

Because we don't know ANYTHING about this alien race. Not even the name. And neither we know about the "guy" himself. What I can remember of that race is that they are naturally linked to the force, for them is just natural to use it. We don't even know if it's male or female.

Rey? Rey is a human that one day was said "the force exists" and the same afternoon she was using Jedi Mind Trick and Force Pull with extreme mastery. Also flying the Falcon as if she did 10000 times before.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
OK, actually read the article to make sure the quote wasn't taken out of context, so let me say this......

You're telling me that you threw away the EU to maximize freedom for creativity (an understandable, although not universally accepted, decision), and now when it comes to it, you claim it's hard because there's no source material?
If I throw away my gun to maximize the creative juices I have in order to catch a deer, and I find that my handmade traps don't do shit, am I now going to claim that there are no tools to help me hunt?

Does this idiot actually think before she speaks?
I mean they could have kept the good EU stuff i.e. KOTOR 1 and 2. But now they just "borrow" from the EU.

I know I'm going to get hate for this but they should just get rid of Kennedy and replace her.


Because we don't know ANYTHING about this alien race. Not even the name. And neither we know about the "guy" himself. What I can remember of that race is that they are naturally linked to the force, for them is just natural to use it. We don't even know if it's male or female.

Rey? Rey is a human that one day was said "the force exists" and the same afternoon she was using Jedi Mind Trick and Force Pull with extreme mastery. Also flying the Falcon as if she did 10000 times before.
Not only that but I can assume, since I didn't see the show, that the baby isn't running around beating everyone and solving all the universe's problems single-handedly, operating any piece of machinery with absolute ease, saving everyone's life and beating the main antagonist on the first try.


Source material was the OT maybe they have finally run out of things to re use from that?

Guess Jabba and the Ewoks are both in here. Last remaining unused 30+ year old characters.

Maybe she should have saved this excuse for the next movie when they will really need it.


Baby Yoda can use the Force without any training? If true, why isn't it criticised on the same level as Rey?
I've only watched the first episode but please explain.
You truly are a Sycophant.

Is the baby mind tricking people. Is it flying the millieinium falcon and getting into lightsaber battles?


"why is this side character featured in a handful of scenes on a spinoff tv show not criticized to the level of the lead and main character of the sequel trilogy?"

i mean if you really need to know why, just think about that. Rey is the main and central character in the ST, the only person the plot revolves around, who shows disgust at what a tit milk drinking coward Luke turned out to be. since she is the main character, she gets the bulk of the criticism. she has usurped Luke's role.

baby Yoda isn't replacing the main character of a movie series. the Mandalorian hasn't starred in two seasons and now Baby Yoda is introduced to take over his primary role and belittle him. that would be the only way comparing him and Rey would make sense.

he is a side character on a tv show. so yeah it seems reasonable people wouldn't be up in arms about a secondary character on a spinoff series vs. the central character in the mainline series.
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What a dumb comparison. For the duration of the first three episodes (roughly 90 minutes) baby Yoda has used the force exactly one time, and though it was impressive, (s)he clearly overexerted her/himselfand and fell asleep immediately after, remaining in that state for days(?). The rest of the time the kid just looks around sheepishly, chases frogs and plays with levers. If that's a Mary Sue now, then what the heck do we call a character like Rey?!


You guys are moving the goal posts. One minute it's not ok for a character to just be able to you the force. The next minute it's ok for another character to use the force at will because they aren't a main character.

Yoda and Yaddle are all we know of the species and nothing suggests they are force sensitive. Whatever makes you happy.


You guys are moving the goal posts. One minute it's not ok for a character to just be able to you the force. The next minute it's ok for another character to use the force at will because they aren't a main character.

Yoda and Yaddle are all we know of the species and nothing suggests they are force sensitive. Whatever makes you happy.
Are you trolling at this point? So far three out of three beings of this species that we've seen are force sensitive. That's not "nothing". Their race has been shrouded in mystery for 40 years. If you're going to tell me one somewhat crude (but strong) use of the force is on the same level as all the piss the ST has dribbled onto our heads (while trying to convince us it's raining), then I don't know what to tell you.
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Are you trolling at this point? So far three out of three beings of this species that we've seen are force sensitive. That's not "nothing". Their race has been shrouded in mystery for 40 years. If you're going to tell me one somewhat crude (but strong) use of the force is on the same level as all the piss the ST has dribbled onto our heads (while trying to convince us it's raining), then I don't know what to tell you.

3 out of 3 of a species that we have seen on screen, must be their whole population. How many years of training did Yoda and Yaddle have? We know all about their lives since they were babies.


3 out of 3 of a species that we have seen on screen, must be their whole population. How many years of training did Yoda and Yaddle have? We know all about their lives since they were babies.
This is a weird hill to die on. You're being intentionally obtuse, and aren't worth further discussion. Good day.
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I don't die on hills, it's a stupid internet phrase that has recently become popular.
No, you did not literally die on a hill. But you sure look silly equating Baby Yoda's force use to Rey's. As multiple posts above thoroughly illustrated why this is apples to oranges at best, and absurd on its face at worst. You haven't actually engaged with any of the arguments people made as to why this is nothing like the Rey situation. Just general scoffing and accusations of goalpost moving. You're on an island. As of now that's because your take is bad. Prove it's not, or expect to be ridiculed.
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No, you did not literally die on a hill. But you sure look silly equating Baby Yoda's force use to Rey's. As multiple posts above thoroughly illustrated why this is apples to oranges at best, and absurd on its face at worst. You haven't actually engaged with any of the arguments people made as to why this is nothing like the Rey situation. Just general scoffing and accusations of goalpost moving. You're on an island. As of now that's because your take is bad. Prove it's not, or expect to be ridiculed.

No their posts dont prove, there is nothing that says Yodas race is force sensitive. It's assumptions and guesses.

And even if you want to say that Yodas race is force sensitive, all races are force sensitive, it's just a matter of how in tune with the force the individual is.


No their posts dont prove, there is nothing that says Yodas race is force sensitive. It's assumptions and guesses.

And even if you want to say that Yodas race is force sensitive, all races are force sensitive, it's just a matter of how in tune with the force the individual is.
Let's back up. Are you asserting that the idea some people are not really bothered by Baby Yoda using the force, but ARE bothered by Rey's level of mastery, indicates some sort of dissonance or hypocrisy? If so, are you asserting that the likely reason for this is misogyny and/or sexism?

Because that's what the article I/we were reacting to (and the impetus for this discussion) is asserting. And "using the force easily" as stated in the article is a disingenuous framing to begin with. As was noted above, it was one use of the force, one which drained Baby Yoda to the point that he slept for many hours (days?) afterward.

(And you admitted you've only actually seen the first episode, which does not include Baby Yoda doing much of anything. I'm not even sure you're in any position to comment since you don't have the context of what the character has done or not done over four episodes.)
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(And you admitted you've only actually seen the first episode, which does not include Baby Yoda doing much of anything. I'm not even sure you're in any position to comment since you don't have the context of what the character has done or not done over four episodes.)

I'll hopefully get to watch ep 2-4 tomorrow and have better context.
And yes, if the main character of episodes 7 and 8 was male, I very highly doubt we'd have so many people complaining about him using the force so quickly. People are perfectly fine with Luke using the force to blow up the death star without any training and be an expert X-Wing pilot taking on fully trained TIE pilots without trouble without training after all. And please don't mention Luke's T16 Skyhopper, flying that in gravity is going to be completely different to piloting in no gravity and having 50+ fighters shooting at you.

Anyway, my interpretation of the force is that it surrounds everything and anyone/thing can tap in to it. It's also a mystical force and so itself can choose it's host/user, much like Anakin. I don't think it'st tied to blood line and you don't have to be trained as a Jedi to use the force, like Chirrut Imwe in Rogue One.


Super Member
Star Wars already had a Gary Stu and his name was Starkiller. No I didn't like edgelord Jedi back then either

People on forums saying we're butthurt because Luke wasn't a hypermasculine mangod are full of shit, and giant pieces of shit for reiterating the argument knowing full well that it's false. I hope it blows up in their face, like these movies.


Star Wars already had a Gary Stu and his name was Starkiller. No I didn't like edgelord Jedi back then either

People on forums saying we're butthurt because Luke wasn't a hypermasculine mangod are full of shit
this is extra sucky because the movie uses Luke to set up his own strawman. "You think I'm going to walk out with a laser sword" and he describes exactly what he does at the end of the film. so he does do a bullshit Goku Matrix slow motion brushing off his shoulder fanservice ending, saving the day, but people insist that that's what toxic fans wanted and didn't get, and this is... something different and better? i admit i don't truly understand the narrative around Luke or his supposed "arc".

it is bizarre, the movie really feels like gaslighting it's audience. Luke they subverted his own expectation that the writer purposefully put at the start of the film to make it seem more meaningful and twisty at the end. so early on, Luke lies about the end of the film, planting that strawman that has helped sell it as "bold" and "unexpected". unexpected because it does exactly what it mockingly proposes it does. it's a weird sort of fan service served with contempt.

Luke is a liar throughout this film. he cut himself off from the force yet uses it over and over again during his time w Rey. he rejected the Jedi years ago and moved to the Vatican of the Jedi religion to do so? he wants to just die and left a map so people could find him. his arc is poorly done. then his own "heroism" at the end makes a liar out of him, when he DOES step out with a laser sword and DOES face down the whole FO. wow u didn't see that coming, after Luke saying exactly that earlier in the film. tbh when i first saw the movie, and Luke set up that really lame and obvious foreshadowing, i knew Rian was trying to outsmart people, that he would do exactly that. so it was really a letdown tbh when it turned out to be a super twisty version of making Luke a liar from earlier in the movie.

of course Luke was a liar from the start, standing there dressed in his Sunday Best while saying he swore off the Jedi years ago. this does not make sense. if you quit Catholicism 6 years ago after a traumatic near death experience you would not hang around wearing a Jedi robe. what if he did so in order to fool Rey? but then he would know she was coming, he would sense her through the force, a thing he is supposedly cut off from. why is he dressed like that? cos they had no plan. luckily Rian had him throw the lightsaber and change into a poncho that more or less looks like he is wearing a designer trash bag.


wow look at the art design and set design! that generic slate brick fantasy backdrop that could be on an episode of Game of Thrones or maybe a Harry Potter movie. and the choice to blur it out with shallow DOF - so beautiful! look at all that grey! and the flat lighting, truly masterful. yeah this movie looks amazing /s
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this is extra sucky because the movie uses Luke to set up his own strawman. "You think I'm going to walk out with a laser sword" and he describes exactly what he does at the end of the film. so he does do a bullshit Goku Matrix slow motion brushing off his shoulder fanservice ending, saving the day, but people insist that that's what toxic fans wanted and didn't get, and this is... something different and better? i admit i don't truly understand the narrative around Luke or his supposed "arc".

it is bizarre, the movie really feels like gaslighting it's audience. Luke they subverted his own expectation that the writer purposefully put at the start of the film to make it seem more meaningful and twisty at the end. so early on, Luke lies about the end of the film, planting that strawman that has helped sell it as "bold" and "unexpected". unexpected because it does exactly what it mockingly proposes it does. it's a weird sort of fan service served with contempt.

Luke is a liar throughout this film. he cut himself off from the force yet uses it over and over again during his time w Rey. he rejected the Jedi years ago and moved to the Vatican of the Jedi religion to do so? he wants to just die and left a map so people could find him. his arc is poorly done. then his own "heroism" at the end makes a liar out of him, when he DOES step out with a laser sword and DOES face down the whole FO. wow u didn't see that coming, after Luke saying exactly that earlier in the film. tbh when i first saw the movie, and Luke set up that really lame and obvious foreshadowing, i knew Rian was trying to outsmart people, that he would do exactly that. so it was really a letdown tbh when it turned out to be a super twisty version of making Luke a liar from earlier in the movie.

of course Luke was a liar from the start, standing there dressed in his Sunday Best while saying he swore off the Jedi years ago. this does not make sense. if you quit Catholicism 6 years ago after a traumatic near death experience you would not hang around wearing a Jedi robe. what if he did so in order to fool Rey? but then he would know she was coming, he would sense her through the force, a thing he is supposedly cut off from. why is he dressed like that? cos they had no plan. luckily Rian had him throw the lightsaber and change into a poncho that more or less looks like he is wearing a designer trash bag.


wow look at the art design and set design! that generic slate brick fantasy backdrop that could be on an episode of Game of Thrones or maybe a Harry Potter movie. and the choice to blur it out with shallow DOF - so beautiful! look at all that grey! and the flat lighting, truly masterful. yeah this movie looks amazing /s
Wow. When you lay it out all like that, no wonder Mark Hamill was pissed by what he got in The Last Jedi. :messenger_grinning_smiling: Still, it speaks of the man's professionalism that he still went ahead and gave such a good performance. But seriously, having Luke as a fallen Jedi and bitter about it is an interesting plot point to build upon. The movie just went about it in the most confusing and illogical way.

It makes me wonder though what JJ Abrams' original plans were for Luke in the trilogy, and how much Rian 'I'm gonna subvert' Johnson diverted from it. While I do admit The Force Awakens was a point for point retread of A New Hope, I still dug the hell out of it and was excited for what Disney had in store for Star Wars. That The Last Jedi was such a disappointment really boggles the mind, especially from Johnson (I really liked Looper). I'm now approaching The Rise of Skywalker with caution though, since I don't have high hopes that JJ and Kennedy will be able to right themselves from the hole they've dug themselves in.


Super Member
They should have had the New Republic turn on Leia and Luke once it got out they were the children of Darth Vader and whatever crimes he committed.

This stuff is super interesting and should have happened ON SCREEN. Instead of, you know, some book you and I will never read.


So you're acknowledging that there's a different context, but you're just going to ignore it. Okay.

My comment above re context is in regards to Baby Yoda and why he can use the force. You aren't given any additional context between episode 1 and 4 of Mandalorian to explain why he can use it,
He just does.
Much like Rey ....... just does.


My comment above re context is in regards to Baby Yoda and why he can use the force. You aren't given any additional context between episode 1 and 4 of Mandalorian to explain why he can use it,
He just does.
Much like Rey ....... just does.
You are absolutely insufferable.

An extremely small percentage of humans we've seen in Star Wars can use the force (And don't give me the "hurrrrr the Force is for everybody.." nonsense you spouted earlier; this is Rian Johnson wankery that is entirely inconsistent with any of the other canon.. though I guess there's still a chance IX goes whole hog on this, in allowing Han to appear as a force ghost or something else equally ridiculous). Rey goes from zero to extremely skilled basically overnight.

As for Yoda's species, the only two we saw before Baby Yoda were powerful Jedi Masters. Small sample size yes, but 100% force sensitivity rate (unlike the tiny percentage for humans).

Baby Yoda is also 50 years old; species age differently, but we don't see any of what he may have been doing to this point. As for Rey, she didn't even seem to know the force was a thing until TFA.

There is PLENTY here to explain the difference in fan reactions to Rey and Baby Yoda, that absolutely does NOT involve sexism or misogyny. But you don't care because you are are drinking the intersectional woke SJW kool aid. Of course there is a small minority of fans who are probably butthurt because Rey's a gurrrlllll. But there are plenty of actual problems with Rey that stand on their own just fine.

The "additional context" that you see in the subsequent Mandalorian episodes is the fact that Baby Yoda is pretty useless most of the time. He made his one show of force, but he has not become an instant master, running roughshod over all threats overnight (like someone else we know who is probably poised to stomp an absolute mudhole in the damn Emperor of all people in just three weeks... which would make that about four weeks since she first used the force).


Well maybe if you hadn't tossed out the entire EU, you wouldn't have a hard time with adaptation.

I really don’t understand how this lady hasn’t been fired like ten times by now.

Is she sleeping with Iger or something?

Can't fire her because she's a wahman, and that would be sexist /s (seriously, I have no fucking clue either).
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Wow. When you lay it out all like that, no wonder Mark Hamill was pissed by what he got in The Last Jedi. :messenger_grinning_smiling: Still, it speaks of the man's professionalism that he still went ahead and gave such a good performance.
oh yeah, there is that shot of him squeezing the tit of an alien, and drinking the milk, that i see daily from Last Jedi Supremacists who want to rub in how right they are with this GIF of Mark Hamill reduced to infantilism. he is not a man. he has rejected responsibility for the results of his actions. he has hidden away like a coward, dressing not in the adult robes of an adult master but the swaddling clothes of a baby. and now he is literally drinking tit milk like a baby. the hero of multiple generations reduced to blatant infantilism. if this isn't character assassination, i don't know what is!

ironically that scene was supposedly super expensive, they made some big rubber alien, it cost a ton to fly it to that island in Ireland, it was a massive drain on resources and time, LOL, all to troll the audience. Rey gives a look of disgust. THE MAIN HERO OF THE TRILOGY IS DISGUSTED AT LUKE DOING THIS. the film tells us he should not be doing this. he is behaving like a baby.

it could not be clearer. tbh i enjoyed the scene at the time, thought it was funny, but the symbolism, nevertheless, is there.
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My comment above re context is in regards to Baby Yoda and why he can use the force. You aren't given any additional context between episode 1 and 4 of Mandalorian to explain why he can use it,
He just does.
Much like Rey ....... just does.
I like how you hold baby yoda writing to a higher standard than the main character of a trilogy of films. Fucking sycophant
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