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Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California


GAF is a really weird fucking place that at times seems really disconnected from the outside world. If you have the disease, you should let the other person know. Educate them if need be, but let THEM make that choice. Fuck your feelings. You don't get to make that decision for them no matter how treatable the disease is.

Amen. Jesus Christ this topic, makes my head hurt with the absurd wrongness of some of these posts.


Yeah, that's my reaction too. What the fuck is going on here?


GAF is a really weird fucking place that at times seems really disconnected from the outside world. If you have the disease, you should let the other person know. Educate them if need be, but let THEM make that choice. Fuck your feelings. You don't get to make that decision for them no matter how treatable the disease is.

This goes for all infectious diseases.
It's the same with all the other communicable diseases. I think this is where the misunderstanding with Plagiarize is coming from: They aren't for 'spreading HIV with no recourse'. They, along with me, simply want the new laws to reflect the new scientific consensus (risk of transmission, management, mortality, quality of life) especially for those that are actually taking the time to take care of themselves and making it so that others will seek treatment without the stigma. The spirit and intention of the new law is more inline with the experience of HIV medical professionals and advocates today.

I think the misunderstanding is coming from fear, based on both outdated information, and on the anti homosexual fear mongering that went on in the past. I only hope that people will stop being afraid of this outdated bogeyman, and stop being so paranoid about catching HIV.

I presume that everyone paranoid about it is taking all the sensible steps they can to minimize their own risk, and I certainly don't discourage people from continuing to do that. There are lots of nasty sexually transmitted diseases. HPV doesn't get nearly the coverage it should, for example, given how rapidly it seems to be spreading.

But please people, please, read up on the latest science on this, because your chance of catching it from someone undergoing proper treatment is incredibly small (and effectively zero, if they have an undetectable viral load), and even if you did catch it, it's not nearly as scary as it used to be.

It's not doing society any good to put people in prison that haven't passed the virus on, or to act as if it's the worst communicable disease out there.
It's the same with all the other communicable diseases. I think this is where the misunderstanding with Plagiarize is coming from: They aren't for 'spreading HIV with no recourse'. They, along with me, simply want the new laws to reflect the new scientific consensus (risk of transmission, management, mortality, quality of life) especially for those that are actually taking the time to take care of themselves and making it so that others will seek treatment without the stigma. The spirit and intention of the new law is more inline with the experience of HIV medical professionals and advocates today.

It's still illegal to intentionally spread these diseases but you aren't punishing those that are doing thier due diligence anymore.

I just don't see how having to tell someone you want to sleep with that you have HIV and giving them that choice to have sex with you is a punishment. You have an incurable serious STD and are trying to sleep with someone without letting them know you have it, that should be punished harshly. The answer isn't to lower the punishment for HIV its to increase the punishment for other diseases to match.
I just don't see how having to tell someone you want to sleep with that you have HIV and giving them that choice to have sex with you is a punishment.

People used to be afraid of catching AIDS off toilet seats. Should an HIV positive person have to disclose before they use a toilet seat?

If there's zero risk why do they have to tell you?
I just don't see how having to tell someone you want to sleep with that you have HIV and giving them that choice to have sex with you is a punishment.

Nowhere in my post did I say that you should not disclose. You should. Everyone should. Just that if you choose not to do it, it should not be a felony if no infections occur.
I think the misunderstanding is coming from fear, based on both outdated information, and on the anti homosexual fear mongering that went on in the past. I only hope that people will stop being afraid of this outdated bogeyman, and stop being so paranoid about catching HIV.

I presume that everyone paranoid about it is taking all the sensible steps they can to minimize their own risk, and I certainly don't discourage people from continuing to do that. There are lots of nasty sexually transmitted diseases. HPV doesn't get nearly the coverage it should, for example, given how rapidly it seems to be spreading.

But please people, please, read up on the latest science on this, because your chance of catching it from someone undergoing proper treatment is incredibly small (and effectively zero, if they have an undetectable viral load), and even if you did catch it, it's not nearly as scary as it used to be.

It's not doing society any good to put people in prison that haven't passed the virus on, or to act as if it's the worst communicable disease out there.
I agree with a lot of this, but for a young person who doesn't know they're infected from the get go its probably the worst communicable disease out there. Outside of like ebola or smallpox lol


This is important to state. Nearly every HIV specialist I have talked to has pressed the need for the removal the way we stigmatize HIV within the legal system in order to improve public health outcomes.

I have a few HIV friends who aren't ashamed (displaying their status even on their Twitter bio), and they are all in favor of this bill. Shit did a lot more harm than it did good.


is now taking requests
If you are infected with hiv you would have to be pretty fucking stupid if you think that your future partners would be ok with you not disclosing the disease, no matter how small the risk is.

And jesus christ at the "ok it's not curable, but it's perfectly treatable if you take your meds for the rest of your life!"
This is not a valid argument against disclosing.
I have a few HIV friends who aren't ashamed (displaying their status even on their Twitter bio), and they are all in favor of this bill. Shit did a lot more harm than it did good.

Why is it more harm that they are broadcasting their status proudly? Isn't that partly the intention of the new law?


I just don't see how having to tell someone you want to sleep with that you have HIV and giving them that choice to have sex with you is a punishment. You have an incurable serious STD and are trying to sleep with someone without letting them know you have it, that should be punished harshly. The answer isn't to lower the punishment for HIV its to increase the punishment for other diseases to match.

This does not work.


Fucks given: 0. If you are positive, and you dont tell people you intend on sleeping with, youre a piece of shit, full stop no excuses. Quite frankly, if you didnt tell someone and their reaction was violent, I would show you no sympathy.

Then you don't understand math.

Are you serious?

His point is sound. If someone pulls a Frank Reynolds and thinks that a handshake from a pos person is going to get them infected, we as a society recognize that that person is being irrational. Only now that same logic applies to sex with a pos person (on appropriate medication, undetectable viral load, etc.).
Yes. I am. We now believe many people with HIV pose no more risk of transmitting HIV via intercourse than they do transmitting it via toilet seat. So why should those people have to disclose before either?

Because thats not their fucking choice? Its not their health thats being put at risk, its their partners.
If you are infected with hiv you would have to be pretty fucking stupid if you think that your future partners would be ok with you not disclosing the disease, no matter how small the risk is.

And jesus christ at the "ok it's not curable, but it's perfectly treatable if you take your meds for the rest of your life!"
This is not a valid argument against disclosing.
This change in law isn't arguing that people infected with HIV shouldn't disclose.
Well post the updated information... no?


It's linked right there in my post.

The CDC's stance as of last month is that there is effectively no risk of transmitting the HIV virus through intercourse if you have an undetectable viral load.

They sure as shit didn't make such a statement because they wanted to convey the message that there was a small risk of transmitting the disease in those circumstances. This is the CDC.

Because thats not their fucking choice? Its not their health thats being put at risk, its their partners.

In both cases they aren't putting anyone else's health at risk.

That's the entire point.


Yes. I am. We now believe many people with HIV pose no more risk of transmitting HIV via intercourse than they do transmitting it via toilet seat. So why should those people have to disclose before either?
One example you gave is purely false - you can’t catch AIDS from a toilet seat. While the chances are extremely slim that someone with HIV can give someone the infection if they’re undetectable, it’s still not virtually impossible. You’re still dealing with someone else’s health, and it should be their right to know so that they can take the proper precautions.
Yes. I am. We now believe many people with HIV pose no more risk of transmitting HIV via intercourse than they do transmitting it via toilet seat. So why should those people have to disclose before either?

Because having sex with someone is a wee bit more personal than taking a shit!
I just don't see how having to tell someone you want to sleep with that you have HIV and giving them that choice to have sex with you is a punishment. You have an incurable serious STD and are trying to sleep with someone without letting them know you have it, that should be punished harshly. The answer isn't to lower the punishment for HIV its to increase the punishment for other diseases to match.

In the perfect world, this is how it would work.

In the real world, people would just not go to testing at all and won't seek treatment. After all, if I don't know I have it, then it's not a crime.
At this point I think plagarized is just saying things to get a rise out of people...
It's been that way since the start of the thread. Plagarized has good points but then throws in a weird insult or childish remark which isn't helpful when emotions are so high when it comes to this subject in the first place.
One example you gave is purely false - you can’t catch AIDS from a toilet seat. While the chances are extremely slim that someone with HIV can give someone the infection if they’re undetectable, it’s still not virtually impossible. You’re still dealing with someone else’s health, and it should be their right to know so that they can take the proper precautions.
the thing is, there are many heath organizations that believe it is not just virtually impossible, but literally impossible to transmit if your viral loads are undetectable. that's the growing consensus.


is now taking requests
This change in law isn't arguing that people infected with HIV shouldn't disclose.

While i do think a law banning not disclosing is fine, my post was mostly directed against the posters who doesn't think that not disclosing is a big deal.


the thing is, there are many heath organizations that believe it is not just virtually impossible, but literally impossible to transmit if your viral loads are undetectable. that's the growing consensus.
Many health organizations say it’s literally impossible to get HIV from oral, while others say the chances are extremely slim. Until it’s undisputable, I’m taking that information as there is still the possibility.

If I ask someone before hand if they’re clean and they say yes, and later find out they lied and actually do have HIV (regardless of whether it’s undetectable or not) I would be furious. The pure selfishness is disgusting.
It's been that way since the start of the thread. Plagarized has good points but then throws in a weird insult or childish remark which isn't helpful when emotions are so high when it comes to this subject in the first place.

It's just plagiarize.

And yes, my tone hasn't always been helpful here I can admit but I'm exasperated by people who just want to shove their heads into the sand and ignore the science. When the CDC makes a public disclosure like that, you know they're pretty damn positive that there is no longer any risk, and you can bet that the science justifying that belief has been thoroughly vetted.

I don't think the toilet seat post was pushing any boundaries. So yes, I can be confrontational, but I'm not trolling. My emotions are high too. Getting called a liar and a sociopath obviously didn't go over well with me.
While i do think a law banning not disclosing is fine, my post was mostly directed against the posters who doesn't think that not disclosing is a big deal.
Yeah. The whole "there are worse infections than HIV" thing is a weird turn that I don't agree with. I'm not sure what the severity of HIV infections has to do with this story.

It's just plagiarize.

And yes, my tone hasn't always been helpful here I can admit but I'm exasperated by people who just want to shove their heads into the sand and ignore the science. When the CDC makes a public disclosure like that, you know they're pretty damn positive that there is no longer any risk, and you can bet that the science justifying that belief has been thoroughly vetted.

I don't think the toilet seat post was pushing any boundaries. So yes, I can be confrontational, but I'm not trolling. My emotions are high too. Getting called a liar and a sociopath obviously didn't go over well with me.
Sorry about messing up your name, that's my bad. And I completely agree, but I think it's fair why people may still be concerned since people could in retrospect just say they thought their viral loads were low eve if they weren't, you know? But again, if making a felony makes people less likely to get tested for HIV in the first place I don't think it matters how easily transmitted it is in relation to this law.

The toilet seat thing still freaks me out every once in a while in real life 😅
As someone with a degree in Mathematics, the people in here equating "essentially zero" with "zero" are making my head hurt.

They shouldn't.

1/infinity is effectively zero no? I mean, in mathematics, we can replace 1/infinity with zero, even though 1/infinity is > 0, because it's still effectively 0.
If you are undetectable you shouldn't be judged for not disclosing, since it has been proven to be impossible to transmite the disease under such circumstances. The hysteria of the ignorant shouldn't be feed.

Of course, the most honest course of action is to disclose and hope the other person is not ignorant of current scientific knowledge.

But! Willingly putting a person in risk of getting infected, wether is because you are aware of you condition, you are not undetectable and you are not using protection should be considered a law situation. Dunno if this change in law covers that.


no, he's saying it's OK not to disclose if your viral load is so low that you cannot transmit it to a partner.
Yes, i honestly wonder if he is POS.
ITT (as in every other thread that discusses HIV) people still refuse to acknowledge the fact that you are less likely to be infected by someone HIV+ with a undetectable viral load (virtually impossible to transmit the virus) than someone that does not know their status.
That's cool and all, doesn't change the fact that you are a piece of shit if you don't disclose having an incurable disease because you're afraid of rejection and not getting laid.
Your health is on you and no one else.
What do you think? Should a person who's POS answer truthfully when asked if they're HIV +?, or is it okey to lie because... you know... highly maneagable disease!
Fucks given: 0. If you are positive, and you dont tell people you intend on sleeping with, youre a piece of shit, full stop no excuses. Quite frankly, if you didnt tell someone and their reaction was violent, I would show you no sympathy.


If you kids are jumping into this topic late, just know that you should be getting tested every six months, kissing random people on the lips can give you incurable diseases, and it's important to disclose your health to your partners.

But no, HIV is not some big bad. They're all big bad. Especially these days. So don't expect somebody to watch out for your health, because more often than not, they won't. Yeah it's a "miserable way to look at things" but it's the world we live in.

Be safe, get tested, wear a condom. Protect your health! Don't expect someone else to do it for you.

What do you think? Should a person who's POS answer truthfully when asked if they're HIV +?, or is it okey to lie because... you know... highly maneagable disease!

Uh, no shit. Will I expect them to? Fuck no. That's why I say, "If you want to have raw sex, we need to both get tested together." and there are still risks after the fact.

Two Words

It should be a crime to intentionally spread any disease, and especially those that have serious/life-long impacts. And I understand that proving it was intentional or known is often not easy or possible. But it should still be a crime when it can be proven.


Gold Member
I know GAF generally has a defense force for everything, but I really think we've hit rock bottom here with our new "there's a chance you'll get HIV but it's such a small chance, I shouldn't have to tell you!" HIV defense force. What a fucking disgusting thread to read. Oh sure HIV medicine works for most people, if you can afford it. So best case scenario you're HIV+ the rest of your life and dealing with expensive medicine and doctor bills, plus the hassle of having to stick to a strict medicine regimen. But the chance was so small, I'm sure you'll forgive the piece of shit who felt they didn't need to tell you. Jeebus.


As someone with a degree in Mathematics, the people in here equating "essentially zero" with "zero" are making my head hurt.

Then you spent too much time dealing with theoretical mathematics and not enough dealing with the practical. Yes, when you want to deal with limits and shit the difference between zero and 0.00000000001 can be important. When we're talking about the real world, however, that distinction is often irrelevant.

You want to talk numbers, math guy? How's this for numbers:

Across three different studies, including thousands of couples and many thousand acts of sex without a condom or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), no HIV transmissions to an HIV-negative partner were observed when the HIV-positive person was virally suppressed.

In real life, the difference between "zero" and "somewhere less than one in ten thousand" is not significant.

If I ask someone before hand if they’re clean and they say yes, and later find out they lied and actually do have HIV (regardless of whether it’s undetectable or not) I would be furious. The pure selfishness is disgusting.

If you ask and they lie, that's mildly scummy. But if you don't ask, should the pos person be obligated to disclose?

Obviously not.

Two Words

They shouldn't.

1/infinity is effectively zero no? I mean, in mathematics, we can replace 1/infinity with zero, even though 1/infinity is > 0, because it's still effectively 0.

1/a big number is nowhere close to whatever 1/infinity is trying to represent. 1/2 is just as close to 1/infinity as 1/9999999999999999999999999999999999 is.
Yes, i honestly wonder if he is POS.

That's cool and all, doesn't change the fact that you are a piece of shit if you don't disclose having an incurable disease because you're afraid of rejection and not getting laid.

What do you think? Should a person who's POS answer truthfully when asked if they're HIV +?, or is it okey to lie because... you know... highly maneagable disease!


Actually the piece of shit is the person not informed enough to know that HIV CANNOT be transmitted through unprotected sex if the hiv positive person is undetectable. This is not about your opinion or feelings, this is a scientific fact.

Should HIV people also disclose to everyone they give a hand, a hug or a kiss before doing so? No, they shouldn't. The "piece of shit" is the person expecting their fear and ignorance to be validated ( I don't actually believe such people are PoS, the fear is understandable and still culturally prevalent. But that fear should be challenged. That's what science does; challenging ignorance and irrational fears).


Yes, i honestly wonder if he is POS.

That's cool and all, doesn't change the fact that you are a piece of shit if you don't disclose having an incurable disease because you're afraid of rejection and not getting laid.

What do you think? Should a person who's POS answer truthfully when asked if they're HIV +?, or is it okey to lie because... you know... highly maneagable disease!


...who is suggesting that it's ok to lie about your status?

Two Words

Then you spent too much time dealing with theoretical mathematics and not enough dealing with the practical. Yes, when you want to deal with limits and shit the difference between zero and 0.00000000001 can be important. When we're talking about the real world, however, that distinction is often irrelevant.

You want to talk numbers, math guy? How's this for numbers:

In real life, the difference between "zero" and "somewhere less than one in ten thousand" is not significant.

If you ask and they lie, that's mildly scummy. But if you don't ask, should the pos person be obligated to disclose?

Obviously not.
You've kind of positioned where you are on this issue by describing lying about having HIV as "mildly scummy".


Yes. I am. We now believe many people with HIV pose no more risk of transmitting HIV via intercourse than they do transmitting it via toilet seat. So why should those people have to disclose before either?
Because you keep using data and breakthroughs from A MONTH AGO. Let’s give it time to ensure it all sticks. If anything, you have the great news for your new partner that you had it, but you’re no longer able to transmit it. Again, I feel like somebody should know either way. And this sounds insensitive, but the feelings and potential of being passed on matters little in comparison to the well-being and the agency to chose and consent or not.

Again, the day that we get a sure fire, easy, and inexpensive cure, you should be expected to inform.



It's linked right there in my post.

The CDC's stance as of last month is that there is effectively no risk of transmitting the HIV virus through intercourse if you have an undetectable viral load.

They sure as shit didn't make such a statement because they wanted to convey the message that there was a small risk of transmitting the disease in those circumstances. This is the CDC.

In both cases they aren't putting anyone else's health at risk.

That's the entire point.

Can they say that there's 100% certainty that you can't get it though?, because i don't see that. There is still room for infection, miniscule as it may be. And its only civil to let your partner know before you decide to act selfish putting her/his health (and wallet) at risk.
GAF is a really weird fucking place that at times seems really disconnected from the outside world. If you have the disease, you should let the other person know. Educate them if need be, but let THEM make that choice. Fuck your feelings. You don't get to make that decision for them no matter how treatable the disease is.

Fucking this. I don't get how this is so hard to understand...
In real life, the difference between "zero" and "somewhere less than one in ten thousand" is not significant.

Thank you. That puts it better than I did. In science it's very hard to rule something as impossible, hence you get statements like 'effectively zero'. But the whole point of that statement is saying that you can treat the odds of the thing happening as zero, even if we can't say for certain that the odds are zero.

You could take that less than one in ten thousand and make it less than one in ten million and we could still not say it was definitely zero.

But if people are going to point to a statement saying the chances of something happening are negligible as confirmation that it still could happen, I'm going to roll my eyes. Espescially if they did mathematics degrees.
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