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Kojima Productions announces colaboration with Xbox Game Studios


This was cringe.

Are MS so out of touch? - rolling out these industry names with no content was fine back in the 2000s but to do that today without a trailer at least - especially with MS track record right now.

And then, the way it was described - it seemed like this is a multiplat anyway with Kojima just saying he’s happy to be working with MS to bring the game to Xbox, no mention of exclusivity. Then again there was no mention of a game at all.

Really weird for whoever at MS decided this was a good thing to shoehorn in. I guess they really won’t ever learn…


i mean Respawn is working on things that i have no clue what they are....and im excited. Because i've liked all their games.

Im sure plenty of ppl are excited about Naughty Dogs next game.

If someone got excited about what Miyamoto was working on, i surely wouldn't insult them. Its perfectly acceptable to be excited about a creator who's work u historically enjoy
I’m pretty sure most people in this thread are just happy because it’s an exclusive.

I will never forget the celebrations people make over 2 big studios becoming exclusive, not because it added something but because it took something from others!


I look forward to this game coming out in 2030


I'm supposedly team green, did things just get better or worse? I mean I'm really looking foreward to a cloud based movie err I mean space ace.


While i think some things may slip I'm confident, as is ms, that everything shown will release in the next 12 months. Why so mad?

I'm just joking with you.

If you watch it again, Kojima announced the partnership, not the game.

" It may take some time, but I’m looking forward to teaming up with Xbox Game Studios and hope to bring you some exciting news in the future! Thank you!”"


I'm just joking with you.

If you watch it again, Kojima announced the partnership, not the game.

" It may take some time, but I’m looking forward to teaming up with Xbox Game Studios and hope to bring you some exciting news in the future! Thank you!”"
Hmm... yeah could be. I guess it was a bit unclear. Maybe ms included him to boost their Japanese offerings. But I also heard this game could be episodic so who knows.

If we don't see anything at tgs you might be right and it could be a while before we see something. But with Ms preaching about Japanese support again I could see ms having a big part at tgs and showing Kojima's game there.


Not a fan of his games but I won’t deny he thinks out of the box. So having him experimenting with cloud tech could be interesting. No hype tho, just curious
Hmm... yeah could be. I guess it was a bit unclear. Maybe ms included him to boost their Japanese offerings. But I also heard this game could be episodic so who knows.

If we don't see anything at tgs you might be right and it could be a while before we see something. But with Ms preaching about Japanese support again I could see ms having a big part at tgs and showing Kojima's game there.

what game? theres no way he has anything ready to show that soon. earliest we will hear will be E3 next year.


there is no game yet. if there was they would have shown something atleast. they dont even have a title for the game yet.
Is it not overdose?

We've been hearing so much about overdose and you don't think this is it? Koji pro not big enough to work on two games. This has to be overdose or overdose doesn't exist.
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Guys wait hold up.. didn't Kojima post during the week that we was where Geoff Kneely was? Cos the KojiPro video was pre-recorded and it looked like it was shot at KojiPro

Maybe Overdose is meant for TGA.? DunDunDun!
Is it not overdose?

We've been hearing so much about overdose and you don't think this is it? Koji pro not big enough to work on two games. This has to be overdose or overdose doesn't exist.

it cant be. they simply announced a partnership. i dont see why they wouldnt reveal the title if that was it. they know its been leaked so why not reveal it then? either overdose is a complete fake or its some other game kojima has been working on and it got mixed up with this announcement.
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He's so utterly full of shit. Can't for the life of me understand why he's wanked over so much. MGS3 is the only decent game he's made.


Super excited to play videogames on my mobile phone lol. I guess this is the smaller Kojima product so hopefully it won't take too long for Kojima to be finished with project. I want those big AAA games from Kojima and not these weird tech demos.
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This was cringe.

Are MS so out of touch? - rolling out these industry names with no content was fine back in the 2000s but to do that today without a trailer at least - especially with MS track record right now.

And then, the way it was described - it seemed like this is a multiplat anyway with Kojima just saying he’s happy to be working with MS to bring the game to Xbox, no mention of exclusivity. Then again there was no mention of a game at all.

Really weird for whoever at MS decided this was a good thing to shoehorn in. I guess they really won’t ever learn…
Sony did literally the same thing a year before Death Stranding got announced. I bet you weren't complaining back then 😏


it cant be. they simply announced a partnership. i dont see why they wouldnt reveal the title if that was it. they know its been leaked so why not reveal it then? either overdose is a complete fake or its some other game kojima has been working on and it got mixed up with this announcement.
It was leaked a few days ago. This video with kojima was filmed weeks ago. They weren't going to shoot a new video with kojima to su yeah it's Overdose. Maybe they're saving it for tgs?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The rumor was that it was being funded by Sony which makes it a first-party title. Something you would show at a big showcase, not a third-party SoP.

Everything is hearsay until confirmed otherwise, so let's keep an eye out if it gets announced.

For all we know, Reedus was recording stuff for this project.


Dunno if I will actually play it (don't play online, who knows how exactly this will even work), but I am interested conceptually, certainly will watch walkthroughs etc. Kojima might have interesting ideas that will be cool to learn about for any person interested in the medium as artform.

Hopefully with use of cloud and streaming (?) most people will be able to experience it even on weaker PCs/phones.

But damn, I am so tired, heh. I just need to know approximate Kojima timeline of games he's working on. Too many rumours, too much varied info, too much speculation.

I guess the biggest question is, is there anything else he works on, apart from this game and DS-II? And is Overdose this cloud XBOX project, or this 3d maybe-existing game?

Oh, and is there reaction video by Bitbydeath? I want to know what they think!
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Did gaf forget how Kojima went on stage at a Xbox E3 conference or why are they acting it’s the first time ?


Theres a petition from sony kids to stop this. Unbelievable some people really only have video games in life.

Instead a petition to make it available on every console…..like any sane person would want.

But a petition is pointless anyways. Still pathetic


Gold Member
This was cringe.

Are MS so out of touch? - rolling out these industry names with no content was fine back in the 2000s but to do that today without a trailer at least - especially with MS track record right now.

And then, the way it was described - it seemed like this is a multiplat anyway with Kojima just saying he’s happy to be working with MS to bring the game to Xbox, no mention of exclusivity. Then again there was no mention of a game at all.

Really weird for whoever at MS decided this was a good thing to shoehorn in. I guess they really won’t ever learn…
This is worst than CGI title concept videos.
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