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Kotaku: "Call Of Duty Trailer Recklessly Promotes Far-Right Conspiracy Theory"


This agenda that history can no longer be viewed as history, but must be critiqued relative to current and/or future standards will never cease to amaze me in how much the people who push it don't understand its ramifications.

The very idea shatters the entire fundamental concept of historical analysis, which you know, is only one of the most important facets of Western civilization.


They always had space in gaming.






I think you're conflating the criticism of an obvious political agenda with the censorship of muscle women.

It's the stupidest strawman ever, but at this point we are all accustomed to that low IQ shenanigans.

They're the exception, not the rule. But Nice try.


China is so happy the other article will be forgotten now. Nice job comrade Ian. Why is your twitter @iantothemax on protected mode? I don't know his history of articles but I guess if he is in private mode, this is normal for him.


Fuck did I just read? Gone are the days of talking about a game for its tight controls and amazing graphics. The game hasn't come out yet and already they stir up this shit! Fuck these idiot activists who profess to be gamers injecting THERE politics into every fucking issue. Since when did it become the norm to be a political beast for everything in life?


Golden Boy
I dont get it anymore, do we like COD now because of Kotaku, or hate it for Gener Identity Politics?
I be konfused GAF, help plox!


says GAF is a racist board but still wants to be a part of it...
Kotaku is right.
Reagan presented as a hero. That's terrible. What about Pinochet ? What about the contras ? And the Iran affair ?


Knew it was only a matter of time before Kotaku wrote an article about this. I bet that whole "gender-neutral" option was an attempt by the dev to appease these people for that trailer.

And don't get me started on what they did for China...


Writes a lot, says very little
As dumb as that sounds, we have people right here that have their own conspiracy theories talking about hair color and jaw size points to secret agenda.
I'm really sick of the argument that because people on hearsay keep politics out of their games they can't be happy with this. Usually when someone complains about politics in their games they're talking about identity politics, the most divisive type of politics you can possibly invest in. The whole point of identity politics is giving people special treatment based on their identity usually something they were born with. The left are champions of identity politics while the rest of us who are pretty rational would rather politics focus on things that were not born with but believes that we learn through growing up reading stuff and all that. Though to be fair I would argue the rise of identity politics is part of the plan outlined by The defector in these trailers. They want to destabilise us they want to remove our moral compass they want to make it so words don't even have the same meaning that used to and now they're even trying to change mathematics. How can I society function when you can't even agree on what two plus two equals?


Writes a lot, says very little
Kotaku is right.
Reagan presented as a hero. That's terrible. What about Pinochet ? What about the contras ? And the Iran affair ?

Well....sure, I don't disagree with you, but I don't think the game is trying to dispute that, its simply not about those events.

Think of Metal Gear Solid. It references so many real life people, but its also not trying to make it seem as if NOT talking about those conspiracy some how means they support those actions or something.

Simply means the game just isn't about that. Like if we made a game that was historical fiction about Osama being some cyborg controlled by A.I and Bush needed our help to stop him, its not saying us as a development team believe Bush didn't do 9/11 or it wasn't an inside job or anything like that, simply that our game might be about the concept where none of that is focused on for the sake of making a fictional story. (Keep in mind, I think many, many on here missed this fucking point with BFV as they made a whole stink about something that clearly was fictional)

If we can understand this story in Call Of Duty is fake and not made to tell some real life event or not made to argue the innocents of some person, many on here should have understood that about LOTS of games they seem to project a shit load on. So I don't think this team is disputing those things happened, simply that their game isn't about that.


Writes a lot, says very little
Nice straw manning.

I think people largely want to avoid identity politics from being rammed down their throats in games.

Cold War politics in a game with a Cold War historical setting seems appropriate.

Yet you could argue "Cold War politics" is "being rammed down their throats" though....

Maybe stop getting triggered when a developer freely creates what they want.

One person's "identity politics" is another persons "Cold War politics". Its just 2 sides being "offended" by something they can easily just avoid by not playing the game, reading the book, watching the show etc. So I think its rather funny that you even have people on here suddenly realizing that developers had the freedom to include what ever they felt like it in their games. So I think it "seems appropriate" to allow a developer to put what they want in their game. No one is forcing anyone from Kotaku to play this fucking Call Of Duty anymore then anyone is forcing anything down your throat bud.

Simply 2 sides crying over what they think developers should or shouldn't have in their work based on what they deem "appropriate" as not to get triggered or offended. Shit sounds the same to me lol

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Not at all, the percentatge of muscle men is much more elevated.

There are even men who are genetically muscular per se. You know, being the stronger sex and all that.

The percentage is elevated but Muscle Men are not the rule, they're the exception too. I mean, I'm not even talking about strong men, just muscle men.
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Well....sure, I don't disagree with you, but I don't think the game is trying to dispute that, its simply not about those events.

Think of Metal Gear Solid. It references so many real life people, but its also not trying to make it seem as if NOT talking about those conspiracy some how means they support those actions or something.

Simply means the game just isn't about that. Like if we made a game that was historical fiction about Osama being some cyborg controlled by A.I and Bush needed our help to stop him, its not saying us as a development team believe Bush didn't do 9/11 or it wasn't an inside job or anything like that, simply that our game might be about the concept where none of that is focused on for the sake of making a fictional story. (Keep in mind, I think many, many on here missed this fucking point with BFV as they made a whole stink about something that clearly was fictional)

If we can understand this story in Call Of Duty is fake and not made to tell some real life event or not made to argue the innocents of some person, many on here should have understood that about LOTS of games they seem to project a shit load on. So I don't think this team is disputing those things happened, simply that their game isn't about that.

I think you’re trying to say it’s all fiction and shouldn’t be taken literally?


Literally merely having a gay character in a game is labeled as "having a political agenda" widely on this forum.. but "it's just Call of Duty" if they include a bunch of right-wing politics?

I don't have any issue with COD BTW.. they can put whatever they want in their game.

I'm laughing at the fact nobody who thinks "gay people in a game is a political agenda" will do anything but strongly support this stuff showing up in COD on this forum.. you can pretty much guarantee that.


A bunch of cancel culture censorship driven reactive right wing political snowflakes.

Put a gay person, a political conspiracy or even god forbid a woman in a game.
LOL, thank you for demonstrating my point for me.

What's sad is that it's considered by anyone to be a political agenda to include greater diversity in media.
“Charter diversity is JUST AS IMPORTANT as graphics and gameplay”?
Is that not blatantly political to you?? Just as important? Seriously? Nothing smells funny about that statement? Cmon man.

A bunch of cancel culture censorship driven reactive right wing political snowflakes.

Put a gay person, a political conspiracy or even god forbid a woman in a game.
Tomb raider has been a classic since the 90s the one and only protag has been a woman. Has the plurality of this forum( or heck even the Internet) shown any problem with this? What about Metroid ? What about protype 2 with a black protagonist?( even though you didn’t mention race)


Tomb raider has been a classic since the 90s the one and only protag has been a woman. Has the plurality of this forum( or heck even the Internet) shown any problem with this? What about Metroid ? What about protype 2 with a black protagonist?( even though you didn’t mention race)

This forum spends literally hundreds of pages complaining about politics in games and almost as many complaining how kotaku shouldnt be allowed to write about politics in games.
Wait do they want to skew the history again? There were no KGB spies, no covert op missions etc? Im European and even I growing up knew it was always US vs Russia. They want a US based studio to make a pro Russian game instead, i dont get it.
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As gamers we like nuanced stories in games. Some of the best games that have political aspects are games where you have player choice meaning how the game steers politically is partially up to you. Few of us see political nuance in identity politics however. To be fair to the other side there is a knee-jerk reaction to call something a political move when really it's just natural diversity. What you need to look at are the times when people don't complain.

When Grand theft Auto released an entry called San Andreas with an all black cast was there any complaining? To my knowledge it's considered the best entry I still remember when Grand theft Auto 4 came out people saying it didn't match Grand theft Auto San Andreas. as popular as Grand theft Auto v is I still see people saying San Andreas is the superior entry.

Nintendo puts a higher primacy on characters like Mario and Link than they do Samus but who is that reflective of? The average hardcore gamer would be more excited for a game at the level of Metroid prime than Mario Odyssey from what I can tell.

When uncharted first came out it was called a pale imitation of tomb raider by some people I even saw people call Nathan Drake just a male Lara Croft totally ignoring that she was the female Indiana Jones.

The tables have turned but the franchise had to truly prove itself for that to happen. the resident evil franchise is one of the biggest franchises in gaming and it's had no trouble giving women prominent roles and not just prominent Kick-Ass rolls. When you truly see an uproar is when you know it's being done for political purposes.

like for instance why are we seeing a disabled woman on the front lines of world war II in a game the developers claimed was meant to be as authentic as possible. you could make a Sci-Fi futuristic game where you play as a disabled woman who kicks ass because she has some cool prosthetic and stuff.

You could even have themes about overcoming disability. But when you stick it where it doesn't belong it's going to stink to some people not because they're making political because someone else did. Look at how many people write in this thread are telling you they like life is strange season 1 which is every bit as Tumblr and girly as you can get.

People care when identity politics infects company and as a result the game itself suffers because we stop doing things based on merit we do it based on the gender or race you were born as or the one you believe you were born as in your mind. If you make a good enough game people will look past such things, make a good enough game and only the extremists are going to be able to still complain and that's proven again and again by so many games that already exist and are already acclaimed.

good political messaging and games as subtle you can play through the whole game and not even realize it was political that's why we laughed so often when someone says they don't want politics in their games while enjoying something like metal gear solid or Deus ex. The political implications are somewhat less in your face and handled with a certain level of care depending on the game. Or the game is outwardly batshit and not even trying to emulate reality. it's all very different from a game stopping to give you a sermon on this kind of crap. I would even take Detroit become human over the kind of thing don't not is doing here. Detroit become human was incredibly on the nose but still understood the importance of metaphor it might be the thinnest metaphor you've ever seen and it might be especially ham-fisted about it but it's still metaphor.


I am liberal but even I don't give a shit about politics in video games. Fuck off with this drivel and just play the fucking game, not everything has to have a message or some shit. Sometimes you just want to shoot digital bad guys and relax from the real world.


I can get why people may be turned off by content in a game or any media. Just look at TLOU2 threads. If a game offends you, don’t play it. Are you missing out on anything? If enough people don’t play a game, then it becomes a market indicator - “stop making this kind of game.” If it sells well, then chalk it up to philistines and move on.
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