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Kotaku Sources: Destiny 2 coming to PC [UPDATE: Loads of extra info]


Possibly not being able to carry over my characters? No thanks. Even if you try to throw some lame DLC for free my way I will still say no thanks. I mean what happened to all the talk about "10 years". I feel bad for PS3 and X360 owners who bought the first game. They already got the shaft with the new expansion not being made available.


I don't care about my characters. They are empty shells. They don't even have names.
I am the guardian. It was me who slayed atheon, crota and the other baddies.

It's not like having a witcher game without Geralt.


I don't care about my characters. They are empty shells. They don't even have names.
I am the guardian. It was me who slayed atheon, crota and the other baddies.

It's not like having a witcher game without Geralt.

I agree. I hope we can name our characters in D2.
Sounds great. Just give me a Halo-quality single player experience please. That means big robust super-replayable missions, with an interesting plot stringing them together and hinting at fascinating deep lore.

This is what I want the most. That and big-ass levels reminiscent of open-world games.


I have no problem with Destiny 2 being a completely new game and leaving everything from D1 behind.

Also, 60fps this time, please? Especially if there's a PC client!
This. If leaving behind the old game and characters helps lead to superior gameplay and mechanics in the new game, then it seems like a good trade-off.
Just how much are people expecting to "improve?" I highly doubt it's as drastic as some are insinuating, to the point where a wipe is necessary.
The game will still feel Haloish, the Havok physics will still be wonky, etc.
The only legitimate reason I've read so far to delete old characters is "I don't want to be killed by Matador 64 anymore". But that's easily alleviated with another Y1 -> Y2 retirement situation.


Everything up to the Taken King all together only got me 20 hours of playtime before getting bored, and that was partly because my friends kept wanting to play so would have been lower without that.

Destiny 2 has to have more content than all the Destiny DLC and the base game combined for me to be tempted to bite at launch. And a cohesive compelling story rather than technobabble soundbites that are just enough to get you through. If not, waiting for the bargain bin again.


Subete no aware
I don't get this. Are you only playing this game in hope of the character transferring over to the next game? Are you not playing it because it's fun and addictive?
Well I didn't get RoI yet, but there doesn't seem to be a reason to grind through the content to raise light levels once again if the content is terminal.


Great for PC sucks for people that want to carry over.
I'll say this, if we can't carry over it would be much easier for me to walk away from Destiny 2.


Well I didn't get RoI yet, but there doesn't seem to be a reason to grind through the content to raise light levels once again if the content is terminal.

To have fun? Maybe?
I've been grinding to raise my light level across 3 characters and i'm having fun while doing it. I wouldn't do it it otherwise.

I agree. I hope we can name our characters in D2.

I'd feel more attached to my characters if they had names.


Just how much are people expecting to "improve?" I highly doubt it's as drastic as some are insinuating, to the point where a wipe is necessary.
The game will still feel Haloish, the Havok physics will still be wonky, etc.
The only legitimate reason I've read so far to delete old characters is "I don't want to be killed by Matador 64 anymore". But that's easily alleviated with another Y1 -> Y2 retirement situation.

Here, it´s all in the OP:

Destiny 2 is being overhauled so that they can build upon it in the future without having to work within the frame work limitations that D1 setup. Right now, the way things play out, they have to introduce playspaces so that players can engage in systems or activities, but it creates a huge barrier that must be overcome on both the networking & design side so, they're going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas. This means fewer hardlines for areas and having them be gated by menus. Goal is to have players conducting things & making activity decisions while still in control of their character, instead of having to exit out into an activity hub. Think of how in WoW, you hit a button and queue into activities you want to do all while still playing your character.

Major changes to the engine are occurring. Their render tech has gone through some major iteration thanks in large part to getting to approach it without having last-gen as a limit. Because of this, they are still undecided what, if any, of Destiny's old content, both in terms of playspace, areas, Strikes & raids, will be available through D2. There is talk in possibly allowing D1 remain as its own client, which flies against how Destiny currently operates, where as the new content renders the old client & content obsolete.

If they do drop D1 content, it likely won't be permanent - they might reintroduce areas in a more 'D2' fleshed out way. So we might lose temporary access to these places, then regain it or have to fight back for control of it at a later point in the plot. This means we'll get to see older areas or activities through the perspective of the newer content, which also means the older areas might expand considerably by the time we get back to them, since the design goal for playspaces is to now make them both way bigger & way denser with activities.


Everything sounds great. Not being tied to the PS3 and 360 must be great for them lol.

Don't care about carrying over my character.


Yea, it's coming to PC. From what I'm told the decision to restructure was made thanks to a major memory ceiling being reached on last gen with regard to the Rise of Iron expansion, which was set to launch in the spring, not fall. Bungie decided to push out D2 since it was behind and needed much more iteration, and took advantage of the Rise of Iron delays to use that as the content stop gap for the fall of this year.

Destiny 2 is being overhauled so that they can build upon it in the future without having to work within the frame work limitations that D1 setup. Right now, the way things play out, they have to introduce playspaces so that players can engage in systems or activities, but it creates a huge barrier that must be overcome on both the networking & design side so, they're going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas. This means fewer hardlines for areas and having them be gated by menus. Goal is to have players conducting things & making activity decisions while still in control of their character, instead of having to exit out into an activity hub. Think of how in WoW, you hit a button and queue into activities you want to do all while still playing your character.

Major narrative changes are on board for D2. Both in terms of plot direction, pacing & structure. Major focus is going to be on the Cabal & Saturn. Saturn is a playspace is set to be bigger than all of the playspaces currently implemented in the game combined. This is in large part of the scale of playspaces being redesigned, so it'll be both bigger & denser with activities. There's a reason Guardians take the fight to Saturn.

Major changes to the engine are occurring. Their render tech has gone through some major iteration thanks in large part to getting to approach it without having last-gen as a limit. Because of this, they are still undecided what, if any, of Destiny's old content, both in terms of playspace, areas, Strikes & raids, will be available through D2. There is talk in possibly allowing D1 remain as its own client, which flies against how Destiny currently operates, where as the new content renders the old client & content obsolete.

Live team has been going through some iteration so that they may continue to support Destiny with content after a major content drop, but they are stuck between a rock & a hard place. The live team is trying to support a game running on an old engine with its older tools, whereas the bulk of development is on the engine framework & enjoying new tools. Because of this, the Live team is largely handcuffed, so don't really expect a whole lot of post-launch content for D1 in the next year.

However, starting with the launch of D2, we will see far more substantial content dropping in the time between yearly releases, as the game & engine & live team have all been planned to support that going forward. Team is aware that they need more substantial content throughout the year, not just at the end of it.

If they do drop D1 content, it likely won't be permanent - they might reintroduce areas in a more 'D2' fleshed out way. So we might lose temporary access to these places, then regain it or have to fight back for control of it at a later point in the plot. This means we'll get to see older areas or activities through the perspective of the newer content, which also means the older areas might expand considerably by the time we get back to them, since the design goal for playspaces is to now make them both way bigger & way denser with activities.

Edit: New races & factions are planned. No idea on whats happening with regards to classes however. New enemies within factions are also going to be introduced. Take the Psions for the Cabal for example - they are going to get fleshed out in D2.



Neo Member
Just let me transfer my character skin, and give me a couple shaders and emblems to show what I did in D1 (Chatterwhite, The Old Guard, etc.) or whatever their equivalents will be in D2 and I'll be happy. I want the Guardian I play in D2 to be the same guardian, but I don't really care about the actual guns/armour/light level I've acquired in D1. I think the classes/subclasses should stick around, but I don't think they need to necessarily play the same.
If my character was truly custom, I would care...but Destiny characters are fairly generic outside of armor and weapons.

Build a hall of legends in some social space, and have my Destiny 1 characters as statues that instance in when I'm there, reference some of my achievements, and I'd be happy with that.

I'd much rather have some of armor/weapons carry over.
Re: 10 year plan and all that - I would imagine they want to keep that vision going forward, but Destiny 1 is so problematic for them, technically, that they need to make a clean cut and establish a development platform that they can support meaningfully and efficiently.


Re: 10 year plan and all that - I would imagine they want to keep that vision going forward, but Destiny 1 is so problematic for them, technically, that they need to make a clean cut and establish a development platform that they can support meaningfully and efficiently.

There never was a 10 year plan.

This was just internet gossip bullshit:

"To think that somehow, before Destiny had shipped, we had some ten-year plan written down somewhere? It’s comical. We allowed the narrative to get constructed that Bungie is just a corporate entity and not a bunch of humans, a collection of people who are just trying to make a really great game."
I have no problem with Destiny 2 being a completely new game and leaving everything from D1 behind.

Also, 60fps this time, please? Especially if there's a PC client!

On PC sure. On console no thanks. The scale of these games needs to be increased considerably and everyone already agrees the game plays great at 30.


The more I think about it, it would be really cool if our Guardian from Destiny became a static NPC (that would look/sound different from player to player) in the games going forward. We select their final look/loadout and they're retired into the Vanguard to hand out quests to us in Destiny 2.


Destiny 2 is one of my most anticipated games on the horizon. All of these statements sound fantastic, except for the part where all of your character progress might be left behind. Not a big deal for me, since the story of Destiny was pretty much gibberish, but I could see how some people might be bummed out over the thought of losing all their equipment.


Destiny 2 is one of my most anticipated games on the horizon. All of these statements sound fantastic, except for the part where all of your character progress might be left behind. Not a big deal for me, since the story of Destiny was pretty much gibberish, but I could see how some people might be bummed out over the thought of losing all their equipment.

From the MMO perspective, you lose all your equipment every time the game updates (WoW for example).

From the RPG perspective, you typically lose all your levels/equipment in between games (looking at Mass Effect and Diablo).

It sucks given how much time we've spend collecting and building our inventory, but if the tradeoff is a newer, better game then we're better off just sucking it up and making the trade.


Gold Member
I just want my Old Guard Shader (and Revenant) shader to carry over.

Bungie does need to throw the Y1, 2, and 3 players a few bones. The hardcore stuck with that game when it felt the gaming media was really hating on it.
Do whatever you want, just keep the extremely satisfying gunplay. Exited to hear they want to make th he planets feel more alive, including towns/settlements and whatnot. Kind if strange that you never encounter a single npc on patrol or during actual gameplay.

Oh, and I'd love for the classes to be even more distinct, maybe have actual healer, tank, dps rolls?

Don't forget the beards this time.


An asshole who's sunk 600 hours into your game.
Yup. Part of the reason I've been spending a lot of time trying to get shaders is because I thought all this was carrying over. If it doesn't, our guardians are created out of vain.

Very few of these types of games carry over character stats into the sequel... I can't think of a single loot whoring title where you carried your character over from precursor to successor...

This is only a mechanic that happens in more traditional RPG titles and Destiny is not a traditional RPG.
i'd be down for a brand new game like how d2 moved away from diablo 1.

I'd also think they will stick with 30fps so they can put a lot more bells and whistles into the graphics so it would become the most beautiful fps that is a shared world. nooone would be able to top that. 60fps would be nice, but i dont think they will have that for consoles. maybe an option for the PC.


One location being larger than all D1 locations is too unbelievable.

Modifying the D1 locations sounds as fake as can be.


One location being larger than all D1 locations is too unbelievable.

Modifying the D1 locations sounds as fake as can be.

We're looking at around 1000+ people working on the game excluding contractors, who could plausibly be in the 200-300+ range themselves.

By comparison, the entirety of Fallout 4 was made by 108 people.
I like what I'm reading. As far as characters not going over I'm almost happy. If they actually had the customization that made me feel like i worked hard to make a special character then I'd be pissed, since it was some of the most lazy character creation I'm all for the chance to make something new (and hope that we have some deep customization options).
Who knows maybe they'll give D1 players a level boost (like TTK and RoI did) and allow us to push forward pretty quick.


We're looking at around 1000+ people working on the game excluding contractors, who could plausibly be in the 200-300+ range themselves.

By comparison, the entirety of Fallout 4 was made by 108 people.

And to add to this point, this is a dramatically larger team than built the original Destiny, they are working with a much improved engine and tool set, don't have last gen as a limiter, and are building from the foundation of Destiny rather than spending years on iteration before figuring out what the game is. They should be much more productive with less time. (Bungie devs have said in some of their videos that the destinations in Destiny were originally planned to be 5x the size they were - but system limitations were a major factor in scaling them down. What has been described is simply them executing to their original vision, on the second pass. Which Bungie is very good at doing.)

Reading the Kotaku article, Luke and Mark heading up Destiny 2 is fantastic news. I'm replaying the game from the ground up currently, after a nine month break from it. The leap in quality once you hit The Taken King content is really striking. Destiny 2 could be incredible if they launch with that as their bar and build up from there. Luke running the show is great news, he has incredible design instincts.
And to add to this point, this is a dramatically larger team than built the original Destiny, they are working with a much improved engine and tool set, don't have last gen as a limiter, and are building from the foundation of Destiny rather than spending years on iteration before figuring out what the game is. They should be much more productive with less time. (Bungie devs have said in some of their videos that the destinations in Destiny were originally planned to be 5x the size they were - but system limitations were a major factor in scaling them down. What has been described is simply them executing to their original vision, on the second pass. Which Bungie is very good at doing.)

Reading the Kotaku article, Luke and Mark heading up Destiny 2 is fantastic news. I'm replaying the game from the ground up currently, after a nine month break from it. The leap in quality once you hit The Taken King content is really striking. Destiny 2 could be incredible if they launch with that as their bar and build up from there. Luke running the show is great news, he has incredible design instincts.

When you think about about it Cross gen chasing fucked up a lot of games out of the gate

Glad we can move forward
I'd love to play Destiny on PC. Especially if they let me use a gamepad. For some reason playing a Bungie shooter without a controller would just feel... wrong.

We're looking at around 1000+ people working on the game excluding contractors, who could plausibly be in the 200-300+ range themselves.

By comparison, the entirety of Fallout 4 was made by 108 people.

Holy crap, I never realized the Destiny team was that big now.

Considering how much flak Destiny got over so little content on release, i'd be all for Destiny 2 being a substantial game.
Nope, they've got to let me carry over my character. Have to. I've had that warlock since day one, I'm going to be distraught if they don't let me bring his ugly ass into D2.


I didn't realize that players held their characters in such high regard. Guess that's just me then.

I can see why they would consider leaving the old stuff behind, though. There's still a big player-base, but a lot of folks from the initial hype-wave have dropped off over time, and for them and the people who never tried the game in the first place, having them drop into a day 1 of Destiny 2 only to see a ton of people already in there with level 40 powerhouses would suck a little bit. How do you maintain a sense of progress for everyone if you were to start at such disparate points? Would early D2 missions be a total joke for people with D1 characters? What if they completely revamp the way classes and gear work as a part of improving things for the sequel? At that point what would really be left of anybody's character anyway, outside of their gender, species, and face?

11 days of playtime would you mind leaving that? Lol


Man, I doubt it'll happen, but an option to enable third person view, if at least for the PvE content (I really don't care about PvP in Destiny), in D2 would be amazing. I finally have an armor combination that I reaally like, but only getting to enjoy it when I'm using a sword/axe or running in a social space is a bummer.

Last night I was running around with the axe in my hands and my shotgun on my back and all I could think was "this is what I want Destiny to be like."
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