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KS8000 settings for gaming at 4k/HDR


I'm just spitballing here but I think there is a possibility this can't be fixed due to the way the set is designed. It's possible that Game Mode bypasses a lot of circuitry including most of the TV's smart guts in order to shave off processing time. It's possible that the portion of the system that handles the game mode is simplified for speed and maybe cannot be updated with firmware. Could also explain the rare red/blue separation issue that is also not fixed. I do not believe that Samsung is unaware of the issue or is choosing not to fix it just to be assholes.

I don't see it working like that. The more likely explanation is that they have designed the software so that this is not possible without rearranging how Game mode and HDR are handled. Apparently Tizen in general is really shitty code so I don't have huge hopes for this ever getting fixed.


I don't see it working like that. The more likely explanation is that they have designed the software so that this is not possible without rearranging how Game mode and HDR are handled. Apparently Tizen in general is really shitty code so I don't have huge hopes for this ever getting fixed.

They just designed it weirdly. For some reason HDR+ and Game are toggles when they should've been separate picture modes like the others with both SDR and HDR profiles. That said it doesn't bother me much.


I think they would sort out the game mode HDR thing if it was an easy fix. I don't see it as a bug, just a lack of function. Any special mode doesn't save the HDR settings, so HDR+ as well.


Got my first ad on the menus for this tv for some American Gods Amazon show. How Samsung thinks this is acceptable is beyond me. Tizen is already such a garbage os. Nowhere near as fluid as WebOS and with a fraction of the apps, useability of Android 7.0 tv now.

I'm really enjoying American Gods, you should probably just give in and watch it :p


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I have a 6000 series Samsung TV that I bought recently that has exactly the same problem regarding HDR gaming with my PS4 Pro, it's very annoying because for video's it's perfect, but for HDR gaming it doesn't switch to the same HDR profile settings (higher backlight etc), if I manually do it it looks great but that is a chore tbh, I just don't get why Samsung can't get the HDR settings to be enabled in game mode automatically.
I have a 6000 series Samsung TV that I bought recently that has exactly the same problem regarding HDR gaming with my PS4 Pro, it's very annoying because for video's it's perfect, but for HDR gaming it doesn't switch to the same HDR profile settings (higher backlight etc), if I manually do it it looks great but that is a chore tbh, I just don't get why Samsung can't get the HDR settings to be enabled in game mode automatically.

This would also be a pain and something that shouldn't be necessary, but one halfassed solution might be to connect the PS4 Pro to a different HDMI port, set that one to Game Mode and set it up exactly how you want it for HDR.

Then, when you know you want HDR and Game Mode, trod on over to the One Connect box and switch HDMI ports.

Pain in the ass, I know, but I hate, hate, hate touching my settings and have to keep a word doc around to make sure I can go back to exactly what they were if I forget what I tweaked. I wouldn't bother with this, and they SHOULD have it working the way we expect it to, but just a thought.


I don't think you can turn it off. I've disagreed to every T&C and they've still appeared. Blocking in the firewall may be the only way.

I think you're right. Could not be more disgusted with Samsung right now.

Well I talked with Samsung ECR today and it looks like their engineering team is in my backyard in Santa Clara. So they are gonna come over and inspect my KS8000 personally.

Since I know a lot of you guys want specific tweaks for this set. I'd like to give them some of your feedback as I think this is as direct of a path to getting it to real engineers. So if you've got something I can throw their way let me know.

Please ask how to permanently get rid of the ads. I'm assuming it's a bug that despite disagreeing with all the shit I need to disagree with, this nasty little ad keeps coming back.


Well I talked with Samsung ECR today and it looks like their engineering team is in my backyard in Santa Clara. So they are gonna come over and inspect my KS8000 personally.

Since I know a lot of you guys want specific tweaks for this set. I'd like to give them some of your feedback as I think this is as direct of a path to getting it to real engineers. So if you've got something I can throw their way let me know.

The HDR gamie mode issue is my #1 annoyance:


Users want the television to remember to switch the backlight setting to "20" when playing an HDR game, as the television will do for HDR content in every other television mode. As it stands, the television does not save a specific settings profile when playing an HDR game in Game Mode, so the user must manually change the backlight to "20", and any other setting they want to change, for their HDR games when using Game Mode.

This, definitely.

If you have a PS4 Pro or something, just show them the process of starting up an HDR game, having to change your backlight setting etc. manually, then being done with the game and having to change all the settings back.

Surely then they'll grasp the problem and run back to the office to fix it immediately, having seen the error in their ways.


Well I talked with Samsung ECR today and it looks like their engineering team is in my backyard in Santa Clara. So they are gonna come over and inspect my KS8000 personally.

Since I know a lot of you guys want specific tweaks for this set. I'd like to give them some of your feedback as I think this is as direct of a path to getting it to real engineers. So if you've got something I can throw their way let me know.

I would love for the HDMI input to quit changing it's name to "PC" when a PC is used and therefor messing all it's settings up in that mode.


Neo Member
Well I talked with Samsung ECR today and it looks like their engineering team is in my backyard in Santa Clara. So they are gonna come over and inspect my KS8000 personally.

Since I know a lot of you guys want specific tweaks for this set. I'd like to give them some of your feedback as I think this is as direct of a path to getting it to real engineers. So if you've got something I can throw their way let me know.

As well as echoing everyone else's frustrations with HDR settings not changing automatically, there's a more specific issue with Game mode that I'd like to see addressed.

Basically if you're using Dolby Digital passthrough on the TV to send a 5.1 signal out of the TV via ARC, optical or wireless, it adds around 100ms of audio delay - in Game mode only. You don't get this additional delay in regular viewing modes, just in Game mode. You also don't get it if you're passing through stereo PCM. Just 5.1, in Game mode.

(My suspicion is that the extra processing time they're shaving off the picture in Game mode is not being applied to the accompanying audio, so the picture now comes out well in advance of the sound. It's not possible to rectify this using the sound delay options, as you can't apply negative audio lag. You can only increase the delay on the audio, which doesn't help).

This won't affect everyone but it's hugely frustrating for those of us that have a setup that makes use of this feature.


As well as echoing everyone else's frustrations with HDR settings not changing automatically, there's a more specific issue with Game mode that I'd like to see addressed.

Basically if you're using Dolby Digital passthrough on the TV to send a 5.1 signal out of the TV via ARC, optical or wireless, it adds around 100ms of audio delay - in Game mode only. You don't get this additional delay in regular viewing modes, just in Game mode. You also don't get it if you're passing through stereo PCM. Just 5.1, in Game mode.

(My suspicion is that the extra processing time they're shaving off the picture in Game mode is not being applied to the accompanying audio, so the picture now comes out well in advance of the sound. It's not possible to rectify this using the sound delay options, as you can't apply negative audio lag. You can only increase the delay on the audio, which doesn't help).

This won't affect everyone but it's hugely frustrating for those of us that have a setup that makes use of this feature.
Along with the HDR switching in game mode I would echo this. Since I don't have a 4K compatible receiver I have to plug HDMI directly into the TV, and this audio lag makes using ARC completely useless in game mode. I have had to revert back to using an optical cable for my audio.

So, automatic backlight brightness adjustment for HDR and additional audio lag in game mode. Those are my only real complaints.

I'd also suggest that if those changes aren't possible in game mode, then maybe we could get an alternative game mode as an option. I'd gladly sacrifice 10-20ms to get those changes.


Neo Member
Along with the HDR switching in game mode I would echo this.
I'd also suggest that if those changes aren't possible in game mode, then maybe we could get an alternative game mode as an option. I'd gladly sacrifice 10-20ms to get those changes.

Yep. PC mode has pretty acceptable input lag without either of the above problems, but forces you into native colour space. If that could be changed it would be a perfect workaround.


Along with the HDR switching in game mode I would echo this. Since I don't have a 4K compatible receiver I have to plug HDMI directly into the TV, and this audio lag makes using ARC completely useless in game mode. I have had to revert back to using an optical cable for my audio.

So, automatic backlight brightness adjustment for HDR and additional audio lag in game mode. Those are my only real complaints.

I'd also suggest that if those changes aren't possible in game mode, then maybe we could get an alternative game mode as an option. I'd gladly sacrifice 10-20ms to get those changes.

I use ARC to send Dolby 5.1 back to my receiver and don't get any audio lag in game mode, so I think this could partially be a problem with the receiver.


As well as echoing everyone else's frustrations with HDR settings not changing automatically, there's a more specific issue with Game mode that I'd like to see addressed.

Basically if you're using Dolby Digital passthrough on the TV to send a 5.1 signal out of the TV via ARC, optical or wireless, it adds around 100ms of audio delay - in Game mode only. You don't get this additional delay in regular viewing modes, just in Game mode. You also don't get it if you're passing through stereo PCM. Just 5.1, in Game mode.

(My suspicion is that the extra processing time they're shaving off the picture in Game mode is not being applied to the accompanying audio, so the picture now comes out well in advance of the sound. It's not possible to rectify this using the sound delay options, as you can't apply negative audio lag. You can only increase the delay on the audio, which doesn't help).

This won't affect everyone but it's hugely frustrating for those of us that have a setup that makes use of this feature.

This. So annoying. Hopefully they release a fix.


Thinking about moving the 55" into my office/game room and purchasing a 65" for the family room.

I haven't been able to find a good deal on the 65" and the next 2017 TV's don't seem to come close to the ks8000 :/


This might sound real niche, but I'd like it if the TV had a settings profile for when I'm in built in media/streaming apps.

I'm really picky about my picture quality and have my blu ray player HDMI port picture settings dialed in perfect for movies/shows... but there's a few quality of life annoyances that come with switching to that port just to watch something on Netflix.

Switching to that port always automatically powers on my Samsung K8500 UHD bluray player when I do, and I have to wait a few seconds for it to settle itself before going into an app, or it will immediately kick me out of Netflix back to the UHD player's menu screen.

More often than not, after about 15 minutes the UHD player will go to sleep and then kick me out of Netflix (or whatever app I'm using) and the TV will switch itself to the fuzzy screen TV input that nothing is connected to (I have no cable, no TV receiver etc) because it thinks that HDMI port is no longer in use. So I have to go back to the UHD player's HDMI source, go back into Netflix, and it usually sticks that second time, even after the player goes to sleep.

However, exiting fully out of a streaming app once I'm done using it causes the TV to search for a video signal and then turn the UHD player on, which usually means I have to wait a few seconds to turn it off, or at least wait for it to finish acting like it's in charge before switching over to HDMI 1 where my PS4 Pro is. If I don't wait for the player to turn off or quit trying to be in charge, it will quickly try to switch back to the player on HDMI 2 and cause the previous HDMI to dissociate it's identity as "PlayStation" and Game Console. So, after I remember that I jumped the gun, I switch back over to HDMI 1 for the PS4 Pro, where it tells me "new device connected to HDMI 1" and have to re-enter in it's name and assign it as a game console to get the easily identifiable game icon/bame back.

I also only have to enter it in manually because the auto-detection no longer works after the first time set up. The only way to get the auto identify to work is if you reset the TV, and do it during the initial set up.

So if I could just avoid all this by being able to be on any HDMI source, go to the built in Netflix, Amazon etc app and it trigger a picture settings profile of it's own, which I can match exactly to the one I have for watching movies, my QOL would be better. It would also be nice because sometimes even high quality 4K HDR stuff on Netflix has slightly different picture setting needs than disc based media does, and I could make an adjustment for just streaming media without throwing off my settings for UHD and SDR blurays playback.

Sorry for the rosetta stone, it's a doozie to explain.

You can do this - the new profile just doesn't kick in until the video itself starts streaming. So the menu will keep the settings of whatever source you were using before you opened the SmartHub, but will switch to the SmartHub-specific presets once a video stream starts. This is true for both SDR and HDR content.

I use ARC to send Dolby 5.1 back to my receiver and don't get any audio lag in game mode, so I think this could partially be a problem with the receiver.

Same here - I have DD 5.1 passed through the TV and connected to my 5.1 setup via optical. No audio lag. The problem must be more nuanced than a blanket 100ms delay when using DD passthrough with Game mode.


You have to understand that it's not just about the one button. Different people see ads differently. While I might look at a small ad and see...an innocuous small ad, there are many others who instead see it as a giant middle-finger or a contributing factor to the commercialized downfall of society. It hurts their sensibilities and they want no part of it. Even if I don't see it the same way, I understand they are upset about it, so why not let them be upset. If it somehow resulted in the ads being removed, I'd be all for it..

That's a great point. But I'm the guy that just doesn't care if I see Ads. Ads are on my smartphone apps that I don't buy and I couldn't care less. I listen to them sometimes on my local radio and I sometimes watch them on my TV instead of Fast Forwarding on shows I've recorded.

It's weird how much I don't mine ads actually lol.


I use ARC to send Dolby 5.1 back to my receiver and don't get any audio lag in game mode, so I think this could partially be a problem with the receiver.
It's not a receiver issue, as it happens with the TVs speakers as well. I can hear it in action by connecting my Xbox to my receiver with an optical cable and then turning on the TVs speakers to output the HDMI audio signal. The audio that goes through the TV has a clear lag to it whenever in game mode. Even built in apps produce the same audio lag when turning on game mode for testing purposes, so it's all on the TV in that scenario. So, any audio that passes through the TV has a ~100ms delay while game mode is on. If others truly aren't getting that lag, then it may be a TV hardware fault.


It's not a receiver issue, as it happens with the TVs speakers as well. I can hear it in action by connecting my Xbox to my receiver with an optical cable and then turning on the TVs speakers to output the HDMI audio signal. The audio that goes through the TV has a clear lag to it whenever in game mode. Even built in apps produce the same audio lag when turning on game mode for testing purposes, so it's all on the TV in that scenario. So, any audio that passes through the TV has a ~100ms delay while game mode is on. If others truly aren't getting that lag, then it may be a TV hardware fault.

I do have the European KS9000. I think that's equivalent to the KS9500 in the US. Maybe this model doesn't suffer from the audio lag issue. I would definitely notice 100ms delay in sound, even more so if it was when gaming.

Do you have your Xbox plugged into the (ARC) HDMI slot on the one connect box? Not sure if this makes a difference. Doesn't make sense that it would if you're even getting the issue on built in apps.

Sounds like it could be that the game mode is making the picture response down, but not bringing the sound along with it if you understand what I mean, so it's out of sync.
You can do this - the new profile just doesn't kick in until the video itself starts streaming. So the menu will keep the settings of whatever source you were using before you opened the SmartHub, but will switch to the SmartHub-specific presets once a video stream starts. This is true for both SDR and HDR content.

Ah, I'll have to test that out and try to keep track of it. Thanks.

edit: haha wow, it really does. No wonder I was having trouble getting my picture right when I started using Netflix's 4K HDR plan. I was skittish to change much thinking I'd be messing up my UHD side settings, or get stuck in my OCD "something isn't right" mode again.

Reminds me of the first week I had the TV and didn't catch on to having two different settings profiles for SDR and HDR.


I do have the European KS9000. I think that's equivalent to the KS9500 in the US. Maybe this model doesn't suffer from the audio lag issue. I would definitely notice 100ms delay in sound, even more so if it was when gaming.

Do you have your Xbox plugged into the (ARC) HDMI slot on the one connect box? Not sure if this makes a difference. Doesn't make sense that it would if you're even getting the issue on built in apps.

Sounds like it could be that the game mode is making the picture response down, but not bringing the sound along with it if you understand what I mean, so it's out of sync.
So, I finally got my PS4 back from my roommate, and tried ARC with it and had no delay. Swapped HDMI cables on my Xbox and it seems fixed now. If there is still a delay it is much shorter than before. So, it would seem that the HDMI cable that came with my XBOS wasn't playing nice with the TV.


Ah, I'll have to test that out and try to keep track of it. Thanks.

edit: haha wow, it really does. No wonder I was having trouble getting my picture right when I started using Netflix's 4K HDR plan. I was skittish to change much thinking I'd be messing up my UHD side settings, or get stuck in my OCD "something isn't right" mode again.

Reminds me of the first week I had the TV and didn't catch on to having two different settings profiles for SDR and HDR.

Awesome - nothing better than a super irritating issue being solved with an easy fix!


So, I finally got my PS4 back from my roommate, and tried ARC with it and had no delay. Swapped HDMI cables on my Xbox and it seems fixed now. If there is still a delay it is much shorter than before. So, it would seem that the HDMI cable that came with my XBOS wasn't playing nice with the TV.

awesome, glad you have it fixed.
what settings prevent you tube from glitching?
it's like the video descriptions are jumbled up and you cant choose or play a different video.

The error comes and goes, I'm not sure what causes it.


what settings prevent you tube from glitching?
it's like the video descriptions are jumbled up and you cant choose or play a different video.

The error comes and goes, I'm not sure what causes it.

Yeah I noticed that. Just select the row and push right and it should separate the videos.
what settings prevent you tube from glitching?
it's like the video descriptions are jumbled up and you cant choose or play a different video..

It's just buggy. Force-close Youtube by holding down the back button until it goes away, then re-load it and it will be back to normal. You can just press right to expand the jumbled videos but when that bug is happening the on-screen prompt for "Go Back" never goes away, even while in-video, so I just force-close and re-open.


Interesting tid-bit from the official Samsung forum.

Update on this: I had the tech come to my house to see the issue. I later got a call back and they pretty much said it wasn't the TV issue or firmware but the ps3,ps4,ps4 pro, PC and xbox 1 causing the issue. There is no way that every video game console and PC is the reason for this RGB sepeartion in game mode. They also said that they never even heard of this being an issue before...

The company knows because mods are taking part on the forum and tell people they are trying to chase engineering.


Interesting tid-bit from the official Samsung forum.

Update on this: I had the tech come to my house to see the issue. I later got a call back and they pretty much said it wasn't the TV issue or firmware but the ps3,ps4,ps4 pro, PC and xbox 1 causing the issue. There is no way that every video game console and PC is the reason for this RGB sepeartion in game mode. They also said that they never even heard of this being an issue before...

The company knows because mods are taking part on the forum and tell people they are trying to chase engineering.

Hmm. I've only noticed rgb separation when toggling HDR on and off in FF XV, it lasts for about 3 seconds each time you toggle it on or off, but I assumed it was just the game. Haven't noticed it at all in anything else.
It's just buggy. Force-close Youtube by holding down the back button until it goes away, then re-load it and it will be back to normal. You can just press right to expand the jumbled videos but when that bug is happening the on-screen prompt for "Go Back" never goes away, even while in-video, so I just force-close and re-open.

thanks for the tip
this actually works- I don't recall this issue back in November.


Hmm. I've only noticed rgb separation when toggling HDR on and off in FF XV, it lasts for about 3 seconds each time you toggle it on or off, but I assumed it was just the game. Haven't noticed it at all in anything else.

I've had it on various titles on PS4 and Xbox ONe. I think I could only make it happen on PS4 by toggling, as you said.


Must just be some sets then?

Had the TV since July and play loads of PC ps4 and switch on it.
It's strange for sure. I've only seen it happen twice, and both times were after manually switching color modes on my Xbox One while already playing a game and it would separate for a brief moment. It seemed like more of a setting adjustment fluctuation. I haven't had it happen a single time outside of that controlled situation on my Xbox One, PS4, or built in apps.
What mount do you guys recommend? Thinking of maybe going with an arm so I can have the viewing angle not flush with the wall but it isn't mandatory.


awesome, glad you have it fixed.
I take it back. I thought it was fixed, but after more testing it's definitely not. I've tried every combination of cables and inputs and settings I can think of. Anything other than PCM in game mode has a very noticeable audio delay that can not be reduced through any settings. This includes built in apps going through the TV while set to game mode with anything other than PCM selected.


I take it back. I thought it was fixed, but after more testing it's definitely not. I've tried every combination of cables and inputs and settings I can think of. Anything other than PCM in game mode has a very noticeable audio delay that can not be reduced through any settings. This includes built in apps going through the TV while set to game mode with anything other than PCM selected.

Arghhh that sucks! Only way I can think that should sort it would be to get a 4K receiver so you can plug it in direct and use PCM with 5 channels, but you shouldn't have to. Need to badger Samsung. There's a livechat support thing on their website I used before and they were quite helpful, but they might just say they don't know what to do with this issue.


Arghhh that sucks! Only way I can think that should sort it would be to get a 4K receiver so you can plug it in direct and use PCM with 5 channels, but you shouldn't have to. Need to badger Samsung. There's a livechat support thing on their website I used before and they were quite helpful, but they might just say they don't know what to do with this issue.
There's a pretty long thread about it on the forums where they basically blame other equipment. My last effort is going to be buying a few of the monoprice certified HDMI cables and see if that helps. If that doesn't help then I'll certainly get ahold of support and have a technician sent out or something.


Neo Member
The audio lag thing can't be down to other equipment or HDMI cables if it's also affecting the TV's built-in apps. It's so consistently reproducible that I'm convinced it's a TV problem. Don't spend money on expensive HDMI cables if this is the only problem you're trying to rectify.

I've managed to compensate for it a bit by reducing the input lag for Game mode on the TV right down to 0 (generally I have it on 60ms for my sound bar for Movie mode). This gets it closer to what it should be, and is generally tolerable for games but lip syncing is still off and it's obviously no good for rhythm action games. Without the option to introduce negative audio lag, or a general fix for this issue, there's nothing further that can be done. It really needs some attention from Samsung.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
I have to say this is one of my favorite TVs I have bought in the last few years. Got it for my birthday back in October and it has been great.

Anyway, I just got my computer built with an i7-7700k and a GTX1080 FTW2 and I have been testing it out on my TV.

Do you guys recommend PC or Game mode? I don't really understand chroma and all that for Nvidia settings either as they all look the same to me. I have never really had a good gaming eye for these sorts of things.

I have a ton of Steam, Origin, Gog, and UPlay games, but my latest are Mass Effect: Andromeda, Dark Souls 3 (I beat it on my Pro, but wanted it on PC) and a few others.

I have tried Witcher 3, Mass Effect, Crysis 3, Gears 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Rainbow 6: Siege and I just can't tell the difference, but I'd love to know the best settings on the TV and the best on Nvidia Control Panel to use.

Thank you folks in advance for any advice. Have a great day.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
The audio lag thing can't be down to other equipment or HDMI cables if it's also affecting the TV's built-in apps. It's so consistently reproducible that I'm convinced it's a TV problem. Don't spend money on expensive HDMI cables if this is the only problem you're trying to rectify.

I've managed to compensate for it a bit by reducing the input lag for Game mode on the TV right down to 0 (generally I have it on 60ms for my sound bar for Movie mode). This gets it closer to what it should be, and is generally tolerable for games but lip syncing is still off and it's obviously no good for rhythm action games. Without the option to introduce negative audio lag, or a general fix for this issue, there's nothing further that can be done. It really needs some attention from Samsung.

I just seen this, do you still have a warranty? I have used both my siundbar and Arab speakers without any issue. I've also sent the audio from my OC to my Samsung and to my siundbar with no issues.

I'd have someone come look at it or ask for a full replacement as this should not be happening. I use middle of the line HDMI cables and the one from my graphics card to my TV is a 50 footer that runs through the ceiling. I don't know much about TVs and such, but bud that shouldn't be happening to you.


Neo Member
It's been reported by multiple people here and on the Samsung support forums so I'm confident it's not a faulty set. It's also very specific to a particular set of circumstances - it only happens in Game mode, and only when passing Bitstream Dolby Digital out through the TV - and i can reproduce it by simply flipping either of those options on or off, so I'm sure it's a software bug. It may be specific to particular models, I don't know (EU KS7000 here) but it's definitely happening and it's particularly noticeable on anything involving lip syncing.


4th set of cables, second panel and still have random black screens in 2160rgb mode. Yuv420 is fine. Out of return period so im basically screwed and have to play in yuv 420 until Samsung decides to do somethinf about this issue.

Being left to the care of a company that seems to not give a shit is terrible. Probably my worst buy of a customer product ever.


4th set of cables, second panel and still have random black screens in 2160rgb mode. Yuv420 is fine. Out of return period so im basically screwed and have to play in yuv 420 until Samsung decides to do somethinf about this issue.

Being left to the care of a company that seems to not give a shit is terrible. Probably my worst buy of a customer product ever.

Is YUV420 that big of a difference in visual quality compared to 2160RGB in your opinion?


4th set of cables, second panel and still have random black screens in 2160rgb mode. Yuv420 is fine. Out of return period so im basically screwed and have to play in yuv 420 until Samsung decides to do somethinf about this issue.

Being left to the care of a company that seems to not give a shit is terrible. Probably my worst buy of a customer product ever.

Cable length?
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