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KS8000 settings for gaming at 4k/HDR



The projected target date in November was not "missed"...it was officially postponed by the South Korean corporate offices, at the request of the executives who sign off on global OTN software distribution. Their stated concern was that the multitude of "patches" being distributed were causing unintended problems for "regular" users of the KS/KU series TVs. They instructed R&D to resolve ongoing issues before allocating any further resources to providing features that a "very small percentage" of users were requesting. Incidentally, the Q7s and Q9s received the firmware patch as scheduled, along with other fixes intended to resolve bugs in the OS. Per an email I received on December 19th from Yoon Sun Choi, a tentative date for the distribution of the HDR GAME MODE patch has not been finalized; R&D is currently working on prepping the 2018 lineup for launch, so I anticipate they'll get back to the KS/KU series and its many issues once they're done. Again, all of you who've been complaining about the "delay" need to realize this was not even on their "TO DO" list until I brought it to their attention. Gamers are not their intended global demographic for these sets, and South Korea only agreed to look into this because I was able to prove that their arch-rivals (LG) had updated their OLEDs specifically for this purpose. I've tested the patch on my Q9, and it does work...you do get to define discrete picture settings for SDR as well as HDR while in Game Mode...and once you do, the TV switches automatically depending on the input signal.


One of the executives from the NJ office called me last night to discuss several issues, including The Wall and the specifications of the 2018 lineup which will be made public at the pre-launch event in March. I asked him about South Korea's response to the uproar over the HDR10+ update promised for the 2016 TVs, and he agrees that it was/is being handled poorly by the corporate headquarters. The promises and statements in PR pieces are routinely made by individuals with little actual input from the R&D and software engineering teams; this invariably results in overstatements and unrealistic timelines being published. He does not foresee much change to this scenario as this is a global problem for the company, and changes to policy are difficult to achieve on such a large scale. So far, all I have heard from the R&D team is that the system architecture on the 2016 sets is so different from that on the 2017 sets that the promised firmware update may just not work. No one so far, however, has actually said it will NOT happen.



I just love this guy's explanation. Even the Sun wouldn't shine every single day if he hadn't asked for it. According to him he's just a normal person, not a Samsung executive but they listen to his suggestions on fixing some problems with the software.

If anyone of you ever think that any corporation really care about the support I would like you to read this stuff: Intel + NVIDIA Laptop Freeze
Yes, buying a laptop for 2, 3 or 4k dollars means nothing. Microsoft replied to us on twitter that the bug isn't really important at the moment and it doesn't affect the whole system. I'm so happy that I bought a laptop for 1,5k euros and can't even play a game without serious stuttering. But hey, who cares? :)


Neo Member
Can you describe the black screen cut out issue? I keep having it but treat it like a crash. I already sent my unit to MS. Sometimes the unit is still on, I have to hard cycle it then wait. Doesn't an HDR game for 10-bit anyway? Are you guys using game mode? Whick One X, Scorpio or standard. My Scorpio gets so hot I'm surprised it run honestly.

It's just random. I would be in the middle of a game and suddenly a black screen would come on for a few seconds and then go away, then the signal would be normal and then a few seconds later, it would do the same thing over and over. Rebooting the XBOX ONE is the only way to make it work normally again (until it acts up again). When I select what the KS8000 is capable of (10 bit option) then I get the proper colors (at least I can't tell the difference) and no random black screens. From what I looked up, this was even an issue on the XBOX One S and the fix was to select 10 bit.

Hopefully Microsoft is aware of the issue and a firmware is on the way, but they may just tell you're supposed to select whatever you TV can handle (10 bit, which does fix the issue). I don't have an 8-bit 4K display to test this on, to see if the flickering black screen issue would happen on that set up as well.
I would be in the middle of a game and suddenly a black screen would come on for a few seconds and then go away, then the signal would be normal and then a few seconds later, it would do the same thing over and over. Rebooting the XBOX ONE is the only way to make it work normally again (until it acts up again). When I select what the KS8000 is capable of (10 bit option) then I get the proper colors (at least I can't tell the difference) and no random black screens. From what I looked up, this was even an issue on the XBOX One S and the fix was to select 10 bit.

The reason the black screens occur is because the 8-bit option outputs in 4:4:4 color which requires more bandwidth than 10-bit which outputs at 4:2:0 or 4:2:2. It's more than likely that some part of the display chain is not capable of keeping up with the bandwidth of 4:4:4. This is usually because the HDMI cable is not up-to-snuff or too long, but it could be other factors such as a receiver, or a defective port on the TV or Xbox One. I do not believe it is a bug in the Xbox One software, though it could be a defect in the HDMI port of your unit.

The projected target date in November was not "missed"...it was officially postponed by the South Korean corporate offices, at the request of the executives who sign off on global OTN software distribution. Their stated concern was that the multitude of "patches" being distributed were causing unintended problems for "regular" users of the KS/KU series TVs. They instructed R&D to resolve ongoing issues before allocating any further resources to providing features that a "very small percentage" of users were requesting. Incidentally, the Q7s and Q9s received the firmware patch as scheduled, along with other fixes intended to resolve bugs in the OS. Per an email I received on December 19th from Yoon Sun Choi, a tentative date for the distribution of the HDR GAME MODE patch has not been finalized; R&D is currently working on prepping the 2018 lineup for launch, so I anticipate they'll get back to the KS/KU series and its many issues once they're done. Again, all of you who've been complaining about the "delay" need to realize this was not even on their "TO DO" list until I brought it to their attention. Gamers are not their intended global demographic for these sets, and South Korea only agreed to look into this because I was able to prove that their arch-rivals (LG) had updated their OLEDs specifically for this purpose. I've tested the patch on my Q9, and it does work...you do get to define discrete picture settings for SDR as well as HDR while in Game Mode...and once you do, the TV switches automatically depending on the input signal.


One of the executives from the NJ office called me last night to discuss several issues, including The Wall and the specifications of the 2018 lineup which will be made public at the pre-launch event in March. I asked him about South Korea's response to the uproar over the HDR10+ update promised for the 2016 TVs, and he agrees that it was/is being handled poorly by the corporate headquarters. The promises and statements in PR pieces are routinely made by individuals with little actual input from the R&D and software engineering teams; this invariably results in overstatements and unrealistic timelines being published. He does not foresee much change to this scenario as this is a global problem for the company, and changes to policy are difficult to achieve on such a large scale. So far, all I have heard from the R&D team is that the system architecture on the 2016 sets is so different from that on the 2017 sets that the promised firmware update may just not work. No one so far, however, has actually said it will NOT happen.

Please stop posting his bullshit stuff here.

The guy is clearly full of shit.


Please stop posting his bullshit stuff here.

The guy is clearly full of shit.

I'd like to know what products Samsung has for the gamer demographic. I mean, they are producing expensive sets that support 4K and HDR for what? Shitty Netflix transfers and Blurays?

I don't know enough about him but he does sound he is full of shit. I tried contacting the individual he mentions on the post through LinkedIN but she is far too removed from my network and I'd need to pay. Too much effort.


What device are you using to get your readings? Specific brand, etc?

Your TV and game system need to agree on the black level setting.

TV: Low -> Game System: Limited/Standard/ Low/TV
TV: Normal -> Game System: Full/PC

If the settings on both ends agree, the results should appear pretty much the same regardless of which you use. Auto is a crapshoot, so I avoid it. It will usually pick Standard/Low, since this is the default.

The Xbox One has or used to have a bug in full mode where it crushes blacks so the Standard/Low combo is recommended . Using full range RGB doesnt really gain you any noticeable improvement anyway, its all academic. The games are made with limited range in mind.
how to you set the black level for the xbox x?


as for rudy, he is full of crap. nothing he has ever said has come to fruit. There are like 3 people on avs samsung topic who think they are god. queen richard, rudy and another1 . can't think of his name. you can't even ask a question. They tell you to search. Why have a forum if you can't ask questions. Oh yea mrdickleuk. They throw more people off that forum than i have ever seen. its a joke.


I just refurnished my living room and ended up sitting much closer to the tv than I've done Before. Holy shit how the detail of 4k pops at the right distance, can really recommend it to those that have a hard time seeing the difference between non-gaming 4k (still visible in games at longer distances according to me).


Neo Member
as a manual configuration if the PS4 is outputting RGB (non hdr) signal is color space: native correct setting to have to match RGB (it does look a lot better if correct even)? because my TV is still fucked when it comes non HDR games, the auto setting doesn't work and colors are horrid...

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Just had to put in a request with Samsung to get mine either replaced or fixed. So many white spots appearing now... I even have vertical lines two inches in that run right the way down from top to bottom on both sides. Not dead pixels, actual brighter than the rest smudges. Shows up really bad in bright media. Not very impressed at all.


Given another chance
Just had to put in a request with Samsung to get mine either replaced or fixed. So many white spots appearing now... I even have vertical lines two inches in that run right the way down from top to bottom on both sides. Not dead pixels, actual brighter than the rest smudges. Shows up really bad in bright media. Not very impressed at all.

Just had my panel replaced. 2 bright spots. They replace at your home. Takes 30mins. Fingers crossed my replacement panel is a new revision that solves these problems. Don't want to go through this process again.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Just had my panel replaced. 2 bright spots. They replace at your home. Takes 30mins. Fingers crossed my replacement panel is a new revision that solves these problems. Don't want to go through this process again.

Ahh awesome. That's good to hear. Had some bad luck with the KS8000. First one the left side came away the day I had it, and light came out the side and made my wall glow. Second one the back of the panel looked like it was booted in, and had a small fist shaped smash on the plastic (But the box was fine?). Then this one, its got so bad that its now too distracting for me.


So I have purchased an OLED that I will be using for gaming in my "man loft". I also have the KS8000 which is being regulated to the living room tv. I dont want to search through all these pages if someone can easily provide it... but does anyone have a set of settings that are optimal for watching Comcast Cable and/or Blu Rays/DVDS/Streaming?


Dr. Zoidberg was right for the Xbox One X. When HDR signal is detected, One X switches to 4:2:0 30bits per pixel (10bit) when you Unselect the YCC 422 option from advanced settings. If you check the YCC 422 you are getting 4:2:2 24bits per pixel (8bit).

On PS4 Pro now, you don't have the option to do that, only if you go to video output settings and select the YUV420 in order to get 4:2:0 30bits per pixel (10bit). Otherwise (on automatic) you are getting 4:2:2 24bits per pixel (8bit). I've tested only on Gran Turismo Sport and Last of Us.

8bit gives 16.777.216 colors combinations
10bit gives 1.073.741.824 colors combinations

4:2:0 vs 4:2:2 you can't spot the differences with naked eye. Only if you are a colorist, photographer etc and you are using a 10bit monitor, then you need the max chroma sub-sampling.

The encoding for HDR is 4:2:0 for bluray movies as Dr. Zoidberg said. This is the same encoding also for videogames?

I read a comment on youtube HDTVtest channel. I quote it below. He's has a point for the PS4 Pro also.

New here.

Still trying to find the best updated settings for the KS8000 and the PS4 Pro.

This post will definitely help.

What should the HDMI Black Level setting be on the TV for SDR/HDR?



Ugh.. than what's up with the bitsbytes video saying 1209 had it.. such a screw job with information. Very frustrating


According to Rudy1, all KS8000 owners will get 2018 models for free. All of them will already have HDR fix installed.


According to Rudy1, all KS8000 owners will get 2018 models for free. All of them will already have HDR fix installed.

Man.. Rudy1 should become Samsung's CEO. He's Soo amazing and always on top of those Samsung execs!

*Sarcasm on point.


Man.. Rudy1 should become Samsung's CEO. He's Soo amazing and always on top of those Samsung execs!

*Sarcasm on point.
He should be responsible for preparing firmwares for
Man.. Rudy1 should become Samsung's CEO. He's Soo amazing and always on top of those Samsung execs!

*Sarcasm on point.
And as CEO he will provide us with more information over upcoming firmwares for our TVs. Via forum, press releases are useless these days.


It's funny to see people at AVSForums defending him and thanking him. I mean... thanking him for what? Making up stuff?
Don't be rude. I have a direct contact with Bill Gates. He showed me yesterday some nice stuff they are working on currently. But it's only between us.


Rudy1 is the Ubisoft of the hype-mongering world. He spouts hope and praise but, when it comes to it, it’s all just bullshit and bullshots.
Don't be rude. I have a direct contact with Bill Gates. He showed me yesterday some nice stuff they are working on currently. But it's only between us.
Is it true that they're currently working on that because you brought it to their attention? I heard that wasn't even in their 'TO DO' list prior to that.


Gold Member
So I just got a Chromecast Ultra - I could get HDR Youtube from the TV itself, but the built-in apps suck, and mostly for the Ethernet port. WiFi is a great thing, but when it comes to reliability nothing beats wired. It's kind of infuriating if I want to watch a hockey game that I have to consider whether I need to reboot the router first (it's from the ISP, it's not great).

And right away, it automatically switches into HDR mode with a HDR signal. And yet I have to keep messing with the backlight in game mode. I really like my KS7000 (as it is known here in Europe) and for the price it was a very good purchase, but seriously. This is embarrassing.


It doesn't matter on HDR content. That setting only applies to SDR and even then only with RGB encoding. If you are watching something in HDR you'll notice the setting is grayed out on your TV.

Got it, thanks!

I'm sure you're aware of the Digital Foundry recommended settings for this TV and the PS4 Pro.

I found them back in September 2016 and have used them ever since.

Are those still the consensus or have people found a better/more well received settings for the KS8000?
I found them back in September 2016 and have used them ever since.

Are those still the consensus or have people found a better/more well received settings for the KS8000?

There is no hard consensus since a) tastes and viewing conditions differ, and b) despite being the same model, your set may be fairly different than mine. There was more than one panel supplier for the KS8000 series and even if you had the same panel it probably changed a little over the production run. If you are happy with your current settings then that is all that matters. Any online settings are merely a starting point which can then be amended to suit your particular panel, taste, and viewing conditions.

Personally, I started with the RTINGS settings but since then I tweaked the settings quite a bit. With age and changing firmware versions it was necessary to go back and tweak some more. I'm pretty happy with my set at the moment. If we ever get that game mode auto-HDR settings fix I'll be satisfied.


There is no hard consensus since a) tastes and viewing conditions differ, and b) despite being the same model, your set may be fairly different than mine. There was more than one panel supplier for the KS8000 series and even if you had the same panel it probably changed a little over the production run. If you are happy with your current settings then that is all that matters. Any online settings are merely a starting point which can then be amended to suit your particular panel, taste, and viewing conditions.

Personally, I started with the RTINGS settings but since then I tweaked the settings quite a bit. With age and changing firmware versions it was necessary to go back and tweak some more. I'm pretty happy with my set at the moment. If we ever get that game mode auto-HDR settings fix I'll be satisfied.

I've seen the RTINGS settings but never used them.

Do you mind if I ask what yours are and what tweaks you made?

I think the SDR settings from Digital Foundry look great but some games in DF's HDR settings have some washed out colors, IMO. This is most noticeable to me in BF1 and AC Origins.

I'm not sure what to tweak to give those games a little more "color".


Also, reading through this thread has been very helpful.

I had been experiencing that "blackout" issue with my TV while playing on PS4 Pro, and then I came across this on the last page:

Off topic:
The settings for PS4 Pro are more complicated. For SDR games make sure to select AUTO (or RGB). For HDR games you need to manually select "YUV420" instead of RGB (Auto). Otherwise the console will send a 12 bit 4:2:2 signal. Also be aware that the PS4 Pro unfortunately doesn't support a native 10 bit HDR signal on all HDR capable tv's. For instance it sends a 12 bit 4:2:0 to my LG B7 OLED tv even when I manually select "YUV420" in the settings menu. Still I recommend the YUV420 setting over RGB (Auto) for HDR games since it doesn't alter chroma subsampling.

What a lifesaver this has been. After making this change, I no longer get the random blackouts.
I think the SDR settings from Digital Foundry look great but some games in DF's HDR settings have some washed out colors, IMO. This is most noticeable to me in BF1 and AC Origins.

I'm not sure what to tweak to give those games a little more "color".

I'm not familiar with DF's settings, but I've found a few HDR games need Dynamic Contrast set to Low or Medium to look right. Other games look perfectly fine with it off. DC is something that should generally be avoided, as it is not "accurate" but at least on my panel, a few HDR games pretty much require it or they look dim and washed out, like there's a perpetual partial solar eclipse in-game. Others have reported their sets look perfectly fine with the same game, but as I said, there are many variables and no concrete results with TV settings. Maybe they have a different panel manufacturer, or they play games in a dark room. So if you haven't tried it, with those games, turn DC on Low and see if that helps.

There are other tweaks like increasing the Color setting or Changing Colorspace to Native that will punch up colors but if most of your games look fine with your current settings I would not mess with those as they will have a negative impact on these other games.


I received the newest firmware for KS8000. Wow, they fixed everything! Even my LCD panel turned into OLED! I'm really satisfied. Thanks, Samsung!


Neo Member
Just out of curiosity, did the 2017 Samsung models have the same HDR game mode issue? I know the 2018 models are coming out soon and I'm interested if those have it fixed or not.


Got a Logitech Harmony Hub on the way so I can control my TV with my Amazon Echo. Hoping it allows you to adjust settings such as the backlight, but may be a longshot.


I'm not familiar with DF's settings, but I've found a few HDR games need Dynamic Contrast set to Low or Medium to look right. Other games look perfectly fine with it off. DC is something that should generally be avoided, as it is not "accurate" but at least on my panel, a few HDR games pretty much require it or they look dim and washed out, like there's a perpetual partial solar eclipse in-game. Others have reported their sets look perfectly fine with the same game, but as I said, there are many variables and no concrete results with TV settings. Maybe they have a different panel manufacturer, or they play games in a dark room. So if you haven't tried it, with those games, turn DC on Low and see if that helps.

There are other tweaks like increasing the Color setting or Changing Colorspace to Native that will punch up colors but if most of your games look fine with your current settings I would not mess with those as they will have a negative impact on these other games.

Hmmm, I have AC Origins and I have tried all the in-game settings and it still looks bland. I am going to try the DC thing tonight. I currently have it off so hopefully this will help.


So I just got a Chromecast Ultra - I could get HDR Youtube from the TV itself, but the built-in apps suck, and mostly for the Ethernet port. WiFi is a great thing, but when it comes to reliability nothing beats wired. It's kind of infuriating if I want to watch a hockey game that I have to consider whether I need to reboot the router first (it's from the ISP, it's not great).

And right away, it automatically switches into HDR mode with a HDR signal. And yet I have to keep messing with the backlight in game mode. I really like my KS7000 (as it is known here in Europe) and for the price it was a very good purchase, but seriously. This is embarrassing.
now i have no problem with the apps. youtube and amazon look great in HDR, youtube especially. There are some amazing videos on it and they look better thru the tv apps than anything else i have, by a long shot.


Also, reading through this thread has been very helpful.

I had been experiencing that "blackout" issue with my TV while playing on PS4 Pro, and then I came across this on the last page:

Off topic:
The settings for PS4 Pro are more complicated. For SDR games make sure to select AUTO (or RGB). For HDR games you need to manually select "YUV420" instead of RGB (Auto). Otherwise the console will send a 12 bit 4:2:2 signal. Also be aware that the PS4 Pro unfortunately doesn't support a native 10 bit HDR signal on all HDR capable tv's. For instance it sends a 12 bit 4:2:0 to my LG B7 OLED tv even when I manually select "YUV420" in the settings menu. Still I recommend the YUV420 setting over RGB (Auto) for HDR games since it doesn't alter chroma subsampling.

What a lifesaver this has been. After making this change, I no longer get the random blackouts.
I just got my PS4 Pro and after a week of use, I have never encountered the black screen flicker problem yet. I used the same HDMI cable I used with my old PS4 (since I know that one works well with HDR) and use Auto (which does send a 4:2:2 signal) together with my KS9000.

Could the problem just really be cable related, because I actually have 1 or 2 cables that do exhibit issues with HDR and/or deep color.


Neo Member
I just got my PS4 Pro and after a week of use, I have never encountered the black screen flicker problem yet. I used the same HDMI cable I used with my old PS4 (since I know that one works well with HDR) and use Auto (which does send a 4:2:2 signal) together with my KS9000.

Could the problem just really be cable related, because I actually have 1 or 2 cables that do exhibit issues with HDR and/or deep color.

I believe it is somewhat related, I used amazon basics and original PS4 pro cables with this issue although not as bad as some people, amazon basics did reduce it somewhat. Then since i got a 3 foot monoprice cable, I've never had a blackout since with 4:2:2 signal (directly plugged into TV HDMI). I have a KS7000 european.
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