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Last Gamer - Nintendo Meltdown


Gold Member
Been following Joel for quite some time now. Pretty interesting video on how stern to downright nasty some of these companies can be in the social media sphere.

Pretty hilarious insight to how these “influencers” that are given review products, literally follow a script as well. Cringe.

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Oh yes. And Fuck Nintendo for this. I think they changed their ways regarding youtube now right?


Been following Joel for quite some time now. Pretty interesting video on how stern to downright nasty some of these companies can be in the social media sphere.

Pretty hilarious insight to how these “influencers” that are given review products, literally follow a script as well. Cringe.

Iam educating myself in Marketing and its all about "Influencer Marketing". That means "Influencer" getting hired by a company to do "Marketing" for their product. Did you expect them to hire a whole youtube channel and just tell them "Do whatever you like?". No its like a "live" commercial that gets a script.

So why are people surprised by this? A company hires a influencer to make them looking good not to destroy their reputation.

Influencer are just a modern way of product marketing because people prefer watching someone talking about a product on youtube than watching a commercial in tv.

The best marketing you can have is "WOrd of Mouth" marketing due to its high impact on people but "Paid Influencers" are not part of it.
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Iam educating myself in Marketing and its all about "Influencer Marketing". That means "Influencer" getting hired by a company to do "Marketing" for their product. Did you expect them to hire a whole youtube channel and just tell them "Do whatever you like?". No its like a "live" commercial that gets a script.

So why are people surprised by this? A company hires a influencer to make them looking good not to destroy their reputation.

Influencer are just a modern way of product marketing because people prefer watching someone talking about a product on youtube than watching a commercial in tv.

The best marketing you can have is "WOrd of Mouth" marketing due to its high impact on people but "Paid Influencers" are not part of it.
I expect them to be legally mandated to have an "advertising" tag shown on the video.
When I can't possibly lose anymore respect for Nintendo, I just lost all respect for HappyConsoleGamer and other Nintendo youtubers influencers thanks to this video. Don't these people have any shame? Kissing that much ass for their master dictator Nintendo. What happened to freedom of speech? This is why I take social media with a grain of salt, or why I can't take Metacritic or journalism seriously, it's all propaganda to get people to favor a certain product, rarely there's any legit opinion out there, now I understand why my not so popular opinions are usually spot on. Props to Last Gamer for doing the right thing.


Gold Member
Iam educating myself in Marketing and its all about "Influencer Marketing". That means "Influencer" getting hired by a company to do "Marketing" for their product. Did you expect them to hire a whole youtube channel and just tell them "Do whatever you like?". No its like a "live" commercial that gets a script.

So why are people surprised by this? A company hires a influencer to make them looking good not to destroy their reputation.

Influencer are just a modern way of product marketing because people prefer watching someone talking about a product on youtube than watching a commercial in tv.

The best marketing you can have is "WOrd of Mouth" marketing due to its high impact on people but "Paid Influencers" are not part of it.

That's interesting. I guess I need to adjust my conception, because when I hear "influencer," I think of someone with a lot of followers and a reasonably good reputation, and who is therefore given gifts or privileges by companies (e.g., free games, invites to hands-on previews, etc.), because those companies hope for positive impressions. Someone like Yong Yea or Laymen Gaming, for instance. You might wonder if their impressions could be skewed by the gifts and privileges, but they aren't being literally paid by the companies to say good things. They aren't contractual employees of the companies.

So when I think of "influencer," I do not think of someone who is specifically hired by a company to market their products. That's just a hired spokesperson, a marketer, a shill.

I was not aware that "influencers" sometimes fall into the "hired spokesperson" category.

It would be better if we could determine who is a paid employee/spokesperson and who is not. Is there any way of knowing? Sounds like this info is hidden or at least channels are not upfront about it.


always chasing the next thrill
Been following Joel for quite some time now. Pretty interesting video on how stern to downright nasty some of these companies can be in the social media sphere.

Pretty hilarious insight to how these “influencers” that are given review products, literally follow a script as well. Cringe.

Pretty much a nothing burger.
also don’t trust pre launch reviews.


That's interesting. I guess I need to adjust my conception, because when I hear "influencer," I think of someone with a lot of followers and a reasonably good reputation, and who is therefore given gifts or privileges by companies (e.g., free games, invites to hands-on previews, etc.), because those companies hope for positive impressions. Someone like Yong Yea or Laymen Gaming, for instance. You might wonder if their impressions could be skewed by the gifts and privileges, but they aren't being literally paid by the companies to say good things. They aren't contractual employees of the companies.

So when I think of "influencer," I do not think of someone who is specifically hired by a company to market their products. That's just a hired spokesperson, a marketer, a shill.

I was not aware that "influencers" sometimes fall into the "hired spokesperson" category.

It would be better if we could determine who is a paid employee/spokesperson and who is not. Is there any way of knowing? Sounds like this info is hidden or at least channels are not upfront about it.

They pay influencer an given amount of money for example:

Influencer A has 20.000 Follower and he wants you to pay 20 Dollar per Follower
Influencer B has 175.000 Follower and he wants t you to pay 120 Dollar per Follower

Then you check his latest videos and make a deal based on the average viewer count if his videos viewvers doesnt match the follower numbers anymore.

All those influencer are doing this just for that purpose.

Internet Marketing is getting bigger and bigger with social media and influencer. It takes over the normal ways for marketing.
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Gold Member
They pay influencer an given amount of money for example:

Influencer A has 20.000 Follower and he wants you to pay 20 Dollar per Follower
Influencer B has 175.000 Follower and he wants t you to pay 120 Dollar per Follower

Then you check his latest videos and make a deal based on the average viewer count if his videos viewvers doesnt match the follower numbers anymore.

All those influencer are doing this just for that purpose.

Internet Marketing is getting bigger and bigger with social media and influencer. It takes over the normal ways for marketing.

But is there some way to tell who is in the one category (the type I described -- Yong Yea, Skill Up, etc). -- and who is in the other camp (the type you describe -- basically a paid marketer/shill)? They are both referred to as "influencers," but they are coming from radically different positions. I'd like to know how to tell the difference.

The only way I can think to differentiate between the two is that the paid marketer/shill will be consistently positive and enthusiastic about everything, whereas the credible influencer will provide a balanced view and will include negative opinions.
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But is there some way to tell who is in the one category (the type I described -- Yong Yea, Skill Up, etc). -- and who is in the other camp (the type you describe -- basically a paid marketer/shill)? They are both referred to as "influencers," but they are coming from radically different positions. I'd like to know how to tell the difference.

The only way I can think to differentiate between the two is that the paid marketer/shill will be consistently positive and enthusiastic about everything, whereas the credible influencer will provide a balanced view and will include negative opinions.

Not really aside from the Youtuber himself telling you about it :)

But i guess your thinking could work too... a youtuber who just praises a new console for example but doesnt dare to say that he doesnt like something and he thinks thats not good may be bought.

Liek the video said they told him to tell the people that its robust but you can clearly see its not.

Or when you know that he bought the console himself and didnt get it from Nintendo.

Companies mostly send free stuff to youtuber they want to work with or that they want to promote their new product.
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Gold Member
They pay influencer an given amount of money for example:

Influencer A has 20.000 Follower and he wants you to pay 20 Dollar per Follower
Influencer B has 175.000 Follower and he wants t you to pay 120 Dollar per Follower

Then you check his latest videos and make a deal based on the average viewer count if his videos viewvers doesnt match the follower numbers anymore.

All those influencer are doing this just for that purpose.

Internet Marketing is getting bigger and bigger with social media and influencer. It takes over the normal ways for marketing.

They also talk with YouTube/Instagram channels and let them know that they can get 'X amount' of more followers which then turns into a much higher potential for monetization margins from the platform publisher (YouTube or Patreon potentials) for having first crack at said games or hardware, thus following that company's script and being very careful to not embellish on any negatives.

It's all so disingenuous.
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Of course he used footage of HappyConsoleGamer shilling as the first example. At one point the guy started doing shilly reviews with early review copies, this did not go unnoticed and his viewers started asking questions. The man went on a blocking spree, I saw comment threads disintegrate in real time.
A shame, I loved the guy but influencer money corrupted him.


Joel is a drama queen. He's quit and deleted his website, facebook and videos so many times that I've lost count.

He used to illegally sell imported games and got pissy when caught (Which was several times).


Been following Joel for quite some time now. Pretty interesting video on how stern to downright nasty some of these companies can be in the social media sphere.

Pretty hilarious insight to how these “influencers” that are given review products, literally follow a script as well. Cringe.

Thanks for sharing. Sad and shameful that the things we associate with such wonderful childhood memories are owned by companies with such thin skin. It won’t stop me from purchasing them but it does show how easy YouTube bends to this.

Someone should raise a Kickstarter or other type thing to create a media (video review) hub where reviewers are free to say what they want under “news” or other protected defense of copyright strike.


Gold Member
He used to illegally sell imported games and got pissy when caught (Which was several times).

A ton of people did that in the 80's, 90's and 2000's. Nothing wrong with that other than companies getting pissy they were missing out on a larger cut.

He had direct contacts to distribution chains. Now when he was a kid selling copies of Commodore and the like, he admitted he was wrong for that. Things weren't as "black and white" back then as they are today.

Now as far as the contents of the video, instead of attacking the person. What say you?
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I disagree with his assessment of the switch, but it is cool that he got to make it and should not be censored. At the same time he should not expect Nintendo to cooperate with him if he says he doesn't like the product. A company that gives a product to an "influencer" expects positive reviews in return. It is an exchange of goods for services of advertising. That is why you want to look for reviewers that buy their own products.

There is always bias and going to multiple sources helps.


Joel is a drama queen. He's quit and deleted his website, facebook and videos so many times that I've lost count.

He used to illegally sell imported games and got pissy when caught (Which was several times).

I used to work for a company that imported from Hong Kong and Taiwan. It wasn't illegal, just the kind of 'Nintendo Illegal' - which is to say, not at all.

Nintendo UK also had the Police raid the shop on spurious allegations.
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This is the company that Jooxed Jooxed -Arcadia- -Arcadia- & Lionel Richie Lionel Richie sold their souls to....
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Thanks for sharing. Sad and shameful that the things we associate with such wonderful childhood memories are owned by companies with such thin skin. It won’t stop me from purchasing them but it does show how easy YouTube bends to this.

Someone should raise a Kickstarter or other type thing to create a media (video review) hub where reviewers are free to say what they want under “news” or other protected defense of copyright strike.

Create a team of known and beloved people. Create a Patreon and start up your own platform where stuff gets distributed over Youtube, Twich and Instagram.

Get Independent and do whatever you want with every developer out there. I dont mind waiting one month before i buy a videogame if that means i will wait for the "Review" of a real independent platform.

We are in 2020, everything is possible nowadays.

It will take a bit time and it will be slow at the beginning but if the thing is out and everybody knows it it will pay out.
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As I always say, these companies are not your friends. Stop simping for them, and just enjoy (or don’t enjoy) and comment on games like a normal person. I love opportunities like this, because I can really drive it home to Gaming Side, which has a huge problem with this.

I have to regard these as allegations until I see the specific guidelines Nintendo sent to him, but I am very, very inclined to believe it. The footage of YouTubers all having the same opinion in unison is disturbing, and frankly a sign of the times. We’ve seen it in anything from politics (nothing more sacred) all the way to commonplace products. One wonders exactly what is real anymore.

I remember thinking around, oh, say, 2014? That I was surprised by how much Nintendo coverage had changed to the positive overnight, across every mainstream outlet. I found it bizarre, and joked that Nintendo finally sent the paychecks out. That might have been closer to the truth. They finally learned how to play the game.


Gold Member
His website has gone and the Facebook page has been closed. Something's going on...

Maybe he was made an offer to good to refuse after everything that's happened?
In his last video on story mode, he mentioned that a guy from Norway got in contact with him and wanted to buy the whole collection as he was planning to open up a museum. The offer was pretty good going by what Joel had mentioned.

Given that there have been no new videos since it seems like he may have sold off. Can't blame him if he did, but it would be good to know what's happening as it's been left on a cliffhanger without any indication when we'll find out what's happening.
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Been following Joel for quite some time now. Pretty interesting video on how stern to downright nasty some of these companies can be in the social media sphere.

Pretty hilarious insight to how these “influencers” that are given review products, literally follow a script as well. Cringe.

Who's the hottie in the video with him?
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