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Laura Dale: NX battery 3 hours max on dev kit, dock improves performance, touchscreen

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If battery life ends up not being great, it'd be in Nintendo's best interests to at least have quick charging available for people who use the dock frequently. Going from 0% -> 80% in a half hour would be a big boost.

I guess it needs asking ... but what if the Switch doesn't come with a dock or a wall adapter? >_<

I think that would be passable if it's a micro usb, not ideal but more excusable.


3 hours is about what I get out of my Shield Tablet while gaming, so no surprise I suppose. Horsepower needed to push skyrim graphics ain't cheap on power draw.

Gotta remember this is a HUGE LEAP from the visuals provided by the DS line.


Plug in ac guys. No big deal.

It is a big deal apparently.

Everyone was expecting 25 hour battery life. Even though battery technology has made minimal improvements in the last decade, so what they are doing as a band aid is to reduce charging times.

Two things wrong in this thread, firstly we are discussing something that has ZERO context, and a large abundance of posters with known post history shitting on this thing before the battery life "leak" was made.


so you're going to have to worry about finding a place to charge it (and in public places thats not very easy), then you have to spend time charging with it plugged in and watching it from afar or standing over it... and if youre using it while its charging 1. will you get much charge for it to be portable after? which will also defeat the purpose...2. youll be playing tethered to an outlet also defeating the portability purpose.

You mean like 100% of the people with large screen, high def smart phones? Me included.
Battery technology hasn't improved much since the 80's. Over the years tech has developed more powerful devices but battery life continues to fall because the battery technology isn't advancing with the tech


Actually, they do. The problem is those tablets have batteries as large as 9,000mah. This thing probably has 3,000mah, unless they pull another WiiU gameplay nonsense , and stick 1,500mah.

The Switch will have to have a large battery as well.

There's nothing mobile on the market with a GPU as strong as the Nintendo Switch's currently, except for the Shield Tablet, so it's hard to get direct comparisons.
Bamboo &#31481;;221001664 said:
Expected. High power portable device in general has a mediocre battery even gaming laptops in general has a mediocre battery duration if used just for gaming.

Not a problem for me tbh. If you want more capacity just buy an external bank and you call it a day ad I do with my gaming laptop.

My thoughts exactly. The last time I had a gaming laptop, I was lucky for it to last 3 hours while playing a game on battery power. A max of 3 hours while playing a game like BoTW sounds incredible to me.

Also: If I'm sitting down somewhere to play a game for more than 3 hours at a time, chances are I'm near an outlet. That's just my personal experience.


Not surprised at all w/ the battery life given the form factor of the system. Will be interesting how it is in the real world and what battery pack options are available.

I have an OG Vita and get in the 4 hour range (when playing full fledged Vita games w/ full brightness) which sounds pretty bad but in practice isn't that bad. Granted I don't have a ton of time to game so I'm rarely playing for more than an hour or 2 at a time. Though 3 hours MAX makes it seem like you're more likely in the 2 1/2 hour range which is pretty awful.


Well, my daily commute time is 6h, 3h30 being train. I'm fine with 3-5h if it's servicable, but 3h max would be low.

Many of the trains have power, but still...

Great googaly moogaly...in your place I'd probably care more about getting a new job or place to live over the Switch battery life...

That being said, if you could charge at work that'd cover all of your train commute (or if there's a car charger).
This is why I didn't want a 720p screen. With the power and screen, the battery life would be atrocious. Naturally half of GAF fails to grasp this. Now you guys are shocked?


It is a big deal.

Everyone was expecting 25 hour battery life. Even though battery technology has made minimal improvements in the last decade, so what they are doing as a band aid is to reduce charging times.

Two things wrong in this thread, firstly we are discussing something that has ZERO context, and a large abundance of posters with known post history shitting on this thing before the battery life "leak" was made.

Sad thing is, reporting context for battery life is industry standard.
I think most of us expected Nintendo to not fuck up again. A maximum of three hours is beyond abysmal.
That is, of course, if all of this is true. It's a quote from Ubisoft, perhaps an outdated dev kit
If they kept the power down to improve battery life, wouldn't they have "fuck up" anyway?


3 hours isn't unreasonable if it's a tablet doing that much processing for 3 hours straight. I wonder if you can turn the brightness down on it and get a little more?


3 hours? Lol. Good think I'll be docked most of the time. And that dock better improve performance.

You can be docked?

Damn, this is pretty much Game Gear levels... but if you run graphics like Skyrim (even if it's between Wii U and XBone), it's going to drain your battery like no tomorrow. Good graphics on the go pretty much means you'll want a portable battery.


3 hours maximum battery life is not good enough. Needs to be 5 hours.

The dock thing sounds like the tablet is running downclocked when out of the dick and runs at full power in the dock. That makes perfect sense to me


Laura said the Ubisoft dev is going off of a dev kit

Laura Kate Dale&#8207; @LaurakBuzz
@Erimgard Ubi source is most familiar with the dev kit, but believes the retail jkit won't see a big jump.

I mean the dev just "believes" it won't be much better in the retail, but this isn't final.

I suspect the final product will match the 3DS's batteryin active play, so at most 3-5 hours. Don't expect any large jump from the dev kit but a small increase. Also the source is definitely reporting 3H max under heavy load, they aren't just letting a dev kit sit there to see its battery (its also going to have like zero built-in sleep mode or any such powersaving options, its meaningless for a kit).


Sad thing is, reporting context for battery life is industry standard.


An ipad will last longer browsing safari than it will playing Infinity Blade.

Just as I expect the Switch to last longer playing a 2d game than Skyrim.

I'd rather wait for proper hands ons where context is mentioned, i.e playing Mario Kart with wi-fi enabled gave x amount of hours.

Ultimately we were never going to get 10 hour battery life, battery technology has not improved in the last decade, all they've been able to do is create faster charging technologies to take the sting out of having short battery times.


About what I expected. The only time I'll use it on the go is when I'm on a train. Those trips usually take about 2 hours so I'm set.


iPad Pro battery life under benchmarks isn't really indicative of the whole picture. A benchmark pushes the hardware to its absolute limit, when most software doesn't do that.

A review stated:

That's about 5 hours for intensive 3D games. Less intensive games tend to drain iOS devices' batteries at the same rate as web browsing and messaging and so on.

The issue with that is that there isn't a single game on iOS as graphically intensive as even Zelda BOTW will be.
As far as the battery life goes- for comparison, the OG Vita tends to clock in at around 3-4 hours. So it's not completely crazy by handheld standards. Also if any part of the hardware is likely to change from the current dev kits it's probably the battery.

But yeah, I feel like this may be sort of a Japanese thing where they just have commuters in mind when they think about battery life- ie if it's long enough that you won't run out of battery on your commute to/from work/school then that's good enough. And there is some logic to that- most use cases where ~3 hours isn't enough are ones where it's reasonable for you to bring/use some manner of recharging solution, be it a USB battery pack or a car charger or whatever.


Exactly, thanks for posting this.

>10~ hours of websurfig is not comparable to with 3 hours or playing Skyrim.
You're right, almost four hours on a benchmark while pushing 2048×1536 on 10 inch screen isn't compareable.
And thats not taking into account the battery size. It's a terrible comparison, and I don't understand why it's being brought up.
You aren't going to play games like Zelda or Skyrim on any modern tablet or Smartphone for more than 4 hours. I imagine battery life will be in line with current Shield Tablet.



An ipad will last longer browsing safari than it will playing Infinity Blade.

Just as I expect the Switch to last longer playing a 2d game than Skyrim.

I'd rather wait for proper hands ons where context is mentioned, i.e playing Mario Kart with wi-fi enabled gave x amount of hours.

Ultimately we were never going to get 10 hour battery life, battery technology has not improved in the last decade, all they've been able to do is create faster charging technologies to take the sting out of having short battery times.

We finally got our first context

Laura Kate Dale&#8207; @LaurakBuzz
@Erimgard Ubi source is most familiar with the dev kit, but believes the retail jkit won't see a big jump.

An estimate based on a dev kit.

This is just sad lol
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