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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 6


Turtle problem is that he has bad posiotioning, adrian did a good job protecting him, i think this bot lane have huge potential


Ugh, that was a rough match to watch. As a C9 fan, it's obvious they have a lot of work to do. That said, Immortals is just an undeniable powerhouse when it comes to individual skill. Will be interesting to see how they do throughout the split.


And another double lane swap and fast push leaving the top laners behind, except DIG's top laner is Malphite, who doesn't need any gold to deliver a big fat knockup, vs. NRG's melee carry Fiora.
Team Immortal played as I expected.

Sadly I was hoping for TSM to actually perfom well, so I didn't place immortal's players as starters in my fantasy.


I remember people during season 4 talking about Shiphtur being in contention for best NA mid laner.

What happened?


I remember people during season 4 talking about Shiphtur being in contention for best NA mid laner.

What happened?

The guy never showed up, ever. He was hyped but he was just another middle of the pack NA mid laner.

Bjergsen stole the show.
gbm deserves such a better team

who'd believe he'd be in the same roster as cris

Yeah but it's only for this first game (week? I don't remember).

Also, I think anyone who is a dig fan at this point was a fan a few seasons ago. The only reason I am a dig fan right now is because I was a dig fan in previous seasons. And yeah every season sucks being a dig fan.


oh that's good to know

both teams looked real rough, but i guess if nrg is getting its full roster later you'd have to be more worried for dig

and yea it's hard to be a fan for dig without qtpie
I definitely was originally a fan of dig back in season 3 because of the personalities (such as the memelord himself) and not necessarily their performances. Seriously though, every time you see dig throw at baron and cringe just imagine how it feels to be someone who is rooting for them. :(
Heard there was a woman playing. Hope she can cope with one of the most flame happy communities in gaming. Would hate to see Remi leave because of thirsty 14 year olds.


Heard there was a woman playing. Hope she can cope with one of the most flame happy communities in gaming. Would hate to see Remi leave because of thirsty 14 year olds.

Her Thresh was banned, she's an absolute monster on it so it's probably a good thing for Team Liquid.
Her Thresh was banned, she's an absolute monster on it so it's probably a good thing for Team Liquid.

I haven't seen her play, honestly. I only casually follow League these days. Will be watching this match, though. This team has some pretty interesting players.


Interesting matchups here. Alex Ich is struggling a bit against Fenix on Viktor, but Freeze/Remi are outperforming Piglet/Smoothie.


I'm glad that Remi isn't wearing the bandana and the camera isn't avoiding her like it happened when Renegades qualified. Felt like that was giiving power to the stupid people.

Hope she does great.


Such an interesting ga-
End this game! End this game! End this game! <-- What people should be chanting.

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