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Let's put it to bed. Your last word on the current console generation.


The PS2 is still the GOAT in my opinion, but the PS4 is fantastic. So many amazing games, especially the exclusives.

There was hardly any competition for exclusives. Xbox One was dead on arrival and pc/switch could only fish some soft porn visual novels out of it because Sony killed Vita


Gold Member
Mine are that it was a decent generation but honestly nothing truly special. I think there are maybe 5-6 games that really will be remembered for a long time (at least in a good way).

It was more of a evolution of the previous generation than a revolutionary change. Not that it is bad to be that of course. I feel that every other generation simply refined the stuff from the one before and then the next one does something new. This generation will do fast loading and how that changes gameplay drastically.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
theres still plenty of good stuff to play tho, and I don't even download all the patches and shit, and game install times are like literally 20 minutes most of the time.
theres still plenty of good stuff to play tho, and I don't even download all the patches and shit, and game install times are like literally 20 minutes most of the time.

It's not just the patches and install times. I guess I'm just nostalgic for a simpler time that isn't there with modern gaming.

I need to face it. At 35 I'm old. Gaming has left me behind.

Walter Matthau

Gold Member
As an outsider to PS4 and XBO there isn't much to say about them. I'm happy that Japanese studios started recognizing PC as a viable platform and Nintendo continues to keep its identity as an innovative company that focuses on fun first.


I came in fashionably late this gen, but I enjoyed it very much nonetheless

My PS4 has pretty much been used everyday, in one way or another, since 2016

But I’m looking forward to the opportunities of new hardwares and techologies on day 1 in less than a month. I am very curious about that ssd and can’t wait to use/test the shit out of it
I played a total of 25 games on the PS4. That`s the highest number I´ve ever had on a console.
Sony´s first party offerings this gen were amazing.
Time to upgrade the hardware and make the next generation even better.
I think it was disappointing. Microsoft absolutely shit the bed in terms of software but had a renaissance in hardware mid-gen, Sony zealots overhyped everything and gave them a free ride on some truly unimaginative samey shit and Nintendo just rehashed the past mostly on underpowered hardware.

Also, loved it.


This gen I owned a PS4, then PS4 Pro, PC and a Switch (for two days).


-Lot of great games. Multiplat and Sony exclusives. Excellent generation.
- Mid gen upgrade was a blessing and gave the PS4 new life. Still sold my Pro end of last year because the performance wasn't enough and it annoyed me.
- Jet Engine noise levels
- Sleek no BS UI, really liked it. But shitty store integration.

Gaming in general:
- Lot of sacrifices in game design because if weak CPUs
- the rise of always online GaaS games. While I had fun with like three online games simultaneously, it quickly began to be too much "pressure". They are fighting so hard for your time and attention, that I've felt like I'm always missing something if I don't I best the time. Stopped playing online games with the exception of Rocket League.
- a lot of masking load times through crawling, squeezing etc.
- the open worldification of linear games. No, you don't have to include big sprawling areas just because it's trendy. Oftentimes it just wasn't more fun.
- Singleplayer games made a huge comeback. Yeah! Thanks ... Sony I guess for making most of them hehe.
- the great comeback of Doom made me so happy. Such an amazing game.
- after the mid-gen refreshs, a push towards performance modes happened. Much appreciated!

I quickly migrated to mostly PC though and am still lovin it. Reahade, mods and high fps are a godsend. Now also raytracing with my 3080. I'm a happy gamer.

All in all, great gen, but am happy it's over. Let's get some progress!


For me the PS4 is the best console for Sony games: Bloodborne, Horizon, Death Stranding, Uncharted LL, Ghost of Tsushima, Infamous SS, God of War, Gravity Rush 2, Dreams, Spiderman, TLU2, Days Gone and many other titles that I thoroughly enjoyed, it also has the best third party "exclusives" of the gen, like Nioh, FFVII Remake, RE 7 VR and others.

Also, it is the only console with VR and even though it gives me a little of headache, I enjoy it.

For me this generation was a rerun of the PS2 gen, the PS4 was head and shoulders above the Xbox One and the Wii U.... The Switch is a strong contender, but it came too late for me so even though it has impressive games, it was not enough for me to pay enough attention to it.

For me it was:

PS4: the best.
Switch: interesting.
Xbox One: What the hell they were thinking?

Anyway, I loved this gen, Death Stranding is incredible, Nioh is an amazing surprise, Sekiro is love, Ghost of Tsushima is everything I wanted from an open world samurai game, Red Dead Redemption Online is my most relaxing game to play so far (I still hop in and go collect some shit online with friends just to enjoy the world of the game, while talking about random stuff), MGSV gameplay is sooo good, God of War is incredible and so on.... I could write about so many games that I really enjoy from this gen!


BOTW was my game of the generation tbh.

Having had PS4, XBOX One and Switch, the Switch has been the best in terms of content


This gen I learn that if I can't beat a game because is too much hard I earn the right to call him a souls game.


It's the generation that pushed me towards PC gaming. The consoles were restricted by their CPU's and it crippled the whole generation for me. I didn't really know any better during the PS3 days so I was happy despite knowing the games were trash compared to 360 (multiplats).

There have been stand out titles on each console such as Bloodborne, Breath of the Wild and Forza Horizon. All things considered it's probably the best time ever to be a gamer for the choice, but in comparison to previous gens something just seemed lacking. It sounds contradictory, but I know what I'm trying to say.

I'm happy to have a new generation where it looks like we won't be crippled by dated hardware from the start. I hope next gen exclusives have 60fps modes. That's all I ask. I'm on the PC bandwagon now for the foreseeable future.
Overall I'd say this gen redeemed itself by the end after a slow start and the PS4 is one of the best consoles I've owned since the Master System, but I agree with the sentiment that there wasn't enough variety and risk-taking. Everyone played it safe for the most part, both big studios and indies.

The lows were indeed really low as many have shown here, but let's not forget the highs were really high as well. This is the first time in my 35 years of gaming where I didn't find serious game stories to be absolutely laughable for the most part. This generation gave us legitimately thoughtful and moving experiences like Yakuza 0 and Death Stranding, for example. Also, the action genre has never been better mostly thanks to From lifting all boats. Sekiro is an absolute masterpiece of game design that unfortunately will go largely unrecognized due to its difficulty. Battlefield 4 was another high watermark for me with epic 64-player destructible terrain matches that still blow my mind all these years later.

There are definitely a lot of worrying trends, but if it's any comfort, many if not most are completely inorganic and driven top-down from outside the industry, so I don't foresee them lasting long term. This will be the case for other media as well. Personally, I think there's lots to be optimistic about, especially as we get out of our current existential trough in the months ahead.
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