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Let's talk about Abby Russel at Giantbomb's GOTY podcast...


All culture is "appropriated." We didn't wake up one day with everything prescribed to different groups. Culture is exchanged. It's funny that the "diversity is best" types are the same ones who want everyone to stay in their own boxes - who are the bad guys again?

Even ignoring that, where do you draw the line? Everything that Blacks, Whites, Asians, etc. invent have to be exclusive to one group and never exchanged or evolve? What a boring and depressing world view.

As for Fortnite dances, you must be joking? Who cares if people know the creator of a dance? Most people couldn't tell you the creator of anything. Why is that important? Without looking it up can you tell me the creator of the internet, keyboard, lcd screen, etc.? Yet here you are using them.

And yeah, Corporations like to steal and exploit ideas, welcome to earth. It's not "cultural appropriation."

It might under Appiah's model count as exploitation, even to someone who doesn't believe in a legal monopoly supporting it. I'm personally skeptical of such laws. The moral concern, particularly with the type of person who wields the cultural appropriation charge is how dominant culture will co-opt and economically benefit from culture in a way that doesn't flow back to whoever was responsible for the originality but that's the story of every subculture. The star model doesn't necessarily reward originality as much as it rewards packaging it for the mainstream. Anyway, those dances were created by millionaires not some down and out people in a less economically developed country
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Gold Member
I have been a subscriber for years. The agenda that some of the staff have been pushing has made me not want to support them anymore. The site was founded on stupidly fun things and games ... not anymore. The GOTY has always been a joke for years. Many times there are games that get way up the list with only one person that played them. Don't take their lists to mean much of anything.


GB has become trash the past few years. No one there has a spine to stand up for anything anymore. Your best bet is shut the fuck up and nod in agreement when anything about sexism or identity politics is brought up. I'd be surprised if any of their core audience from the Ryan Davis days is still around listening.
Is this true? I was an original member of GB, had an account the moment it launched. Ryan was a good dude. Jeff was always a50/50 guy for me... But the site is full bless SJW now?! That's super disappointing ...


Is this true? I was an original member of GB, had an account the moment it launched. Ryan was a good dude. Jeff was always a50/50 guy for me... But the site is full bless SJW now?! That's super disappointing ...

See, that's what has me going back to them at the moment. I was die hard, gotta get my gaming shit from GB kinda dude for years, then Ryan passed, I got out of gaming a bit too, then moved on. Caught on a bit a while back after that goober Ben joined up and didn't really stick with them any more. I hear this and that about the site these days, but figured I'd judge it for myself. I was in the ol' Jeff can do no wrong crowd back then as well.

Figured i'd check out the site for a week or so and see if it sucks or not.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I think the issue isn't that they talk about this sort of thing, but they do so in a group that consists of only one general viewpoint, while being dismissive of and often misrepresenting other opinions, if not outright mocking and insulting those who disagree. And at that point, it doesn't matter if it's maybe 1%, because it's still too much.

This is true and I can see that. I do agree that he'll be nice to get some Colin Moritarys of the world back into Video Game podcasts. Diversity of thought is 100% equally as needed as diversity of race or gender.

All culture is "appropriated." We didn't wake up one day with everything prescribed to different groups. Culture is exchanged. It's funny that the "diversity is best" types are the same ones who want everyone to stay in their own boxes - who are the bad guys again?

Even ignoring that, where do you draw the line? Everything that Blacks, Whites, Asians, etc. invent have to be exclusive to one group and never exchanged or evolve? What a boring and depressing world view.

As for Fortnite dances, you must be joking? Who cares if people know the creator of a dance? Most people couldn't tell you the creator of anything. Why is that important? Without looking it up can you tell me the creator of the internet, keyboard, lcd screen, etc.? Yet here you are using them.

And yeah, Corporations like to steal and exploit ideas, welcome to earth. It's not "cultural appropriation."

Literally, the working definition of cultural appropriation is the stealing and exploiting of ideas for self promotion and profit, without giving acknowledgment and kudos to where you got it from. Exchanging ideas and culture is one thing. Nobody is asking for people to stay in their own box. Why would you think that? That's dumb for people to think.

Fox Mulder

RIP Ryan Davis. RIP Giant Bomb.

I fell off after the Whiskey Media era ended. It was a magical time before thousands of youtuber personalities and streaming really took off.

I don't really care about their goty stuff though since talking for 6 hours each day is a bit silly to me. They used to do fun stuff with it years ago.
Literally, the working definition of cultural appropriation is the stealing and exploiting of ideas for self promotion and profit, without giving acknowledgment and kudos to where you got it from. Exchanging ideas and culture is one thing. Nobody is asking for people to stay in their own box. Why would you think that? That's dumb for people to think.

If credit and acknowledgement are large parts of this, do you feel that the developers giving credit to the creators in game should be enough, or do you think money has to change hands?

A few other thoughts on the issue that I'd like to hear your opinion on:

Michael Jackson didn't give credit to the people he took dance moves from whenever he was on stage, but he was definitely honest about his influences when asked in interviews and such. But where does race / culture factor in? If he used moves from a white performer, is that different than if he used moves from a black performer?

A lack of credit and acknowledgement leading to a misunderstanding of who was originally an inspiration is an interesting topic, though. I've often thought of that situations as it applies to rap music. For example, I've heard a line or two from Slick Rick's "Children's Story" re-purposed, rewritten, or referenced in lots of rap songs, and I'm sure a LOT of kids these days have no idea where those references are coming from. So is that also an issue of culture? Is there a difference between Kendrick, or Eminem reusing or sampling Children's Story? But that's the same culture, so what if instead a black rock or even country artist referenced the song, as opposed to a white one? Does that matter, or am I not understanding an important aspect of your definition of cultural appropriation?


What do you think about this and what should they do to avoid this annoying thing?

first of all, whatever we decide in this message board will have ZERO effect on "what they do". you can do something though: ignore them! stop listening to them! if you don't like it, don't give it your time. there are plenty of other places to get content.

it is funny, i have never heard of this podcast. you posting this post about why you don't like it has only given it MORE publicity. all you are doing is unwittingly promoting this.

you say she was on last year and you didn't like what she did then? you should have stopped listening then. instead, you continued, then promoted the podcast. this seems like the opposite of what you should be doing, if you don't like the podcast anymore.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If credit and acknowledgement are large parts of this, do you feel that the developers giving credit to the creators in game should be enough, or do you think money has to change hands?

A few other thoughts on the issue that I'd like to hear your opinion on:

Michael Jackson didn't give credit to the people he took dance moves from whenever he was on stage, but he was definitely honest about his influences when asked in interviews and such. But where does race / culture factor in? If he used moves from a white performer, is that different than if he used moves from a black performer?

A lack of credit and acknowledgment leading to a misunderstanding of who was originally an inspiration is an interesting topic, though. I've often thought of that situations as it applies to rap music. For example, I've heard a line or two from Slick Rick's "Children's Story" re-purposed, rewritten, or referenced in lots of rap songs, and I'm sure a LOT of kids these days have no idea where those references are coming from. So is that also an issue of culture? Is there a difference between Kendrick, or Eminem reusing or sampling Children's Story? But that's the same culture, so what if instead a black rock or even country artist referenced the song, as opposed to a white one? Does that matter, or am I not understanding an important aspect of your definition of cultural appropriation?

- I personally would feel good if they gave credit through the game, but at least calling the dance what the real name is. And not giving it a new "Fortnite" name.
- I heard Michael Jackson always talk about Fred Astair and James Brown with the moves that he used as you said in interviews. That's good. And no it doesn't matter if it was from a white performer or a black performer.
- And rap music is the king of using samples from other people's work. The whole mountain of hip-hop stands on using samples in creative ways. It's not spun as "We created it from scratch" when an rapper or Producer samples someone's work in Hip-Hop.

Again Cultural Appropriation only exists when someone uses someone's work/style without credit AND also tries to make their audience think it was created by them, instead of the group of people that actually started it. That's stealing. If the 2nd person gives proper credit and acknowledgment then they are only borrowing it and that's actually encouraged. Now, to be honest, there are extremist that don't even like folks "borrowing" from the culture, but again they are the extremist. And I personally don't agree with those folks and most black folks don't either (or they simply don't care about the subject at all).


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Corporations do this with everything, nothing to do with culture. And you still haven't explained why it's important. If Epic did give credit to the original creators, what exactly does that change?

Epic is currently getting sued over their dances, so it's up in the air whether they are legally in the wrong or not. But apart from that, what else can you ask for?

Sometimes it's just about the principle. And giving credit is the right thing to do. And getting the proper credit gives a spotlight to those that put in the work to create the "thing" and/or make it popular.

And no corporates don't do this with everything. In many cases it's illegal to just take someone else's work and then sell it for your own personal gain without permission or credit.
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I may be a bit late but as far as Mike goes he was always open about his influences white or black he credited and shed light on where break dancing and pop locking came from but also gave credit to Fred Astaire for smooth criminal. The problem lies when you out right steal, pretend you made it AND act like you didn't while painting the culture you stole from as Savage and stupid and treating them as such
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