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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII DEMO - OUT NOW* -

I think the staggering comes faster if you know how to optimize yourself before-hand...That boss is vulnerable to Thunder and it seemed spamming those greatly raised the chance of other attacks (like Jump) triggering Stagger?

I didn't have enough Thunder spam to test if I could just spam Thunder until he staggered though.

If you press R2 you can check the monster's weaknesses as you attack. He's actually weak to ice attacks, not thunder, even though the tutorial suggests that he's weak to thunder.
I think the staggering comes faster if you know how to optimize yourself before-hand...That boss is vulnerable to Thunder and it seemed spamming those greatly raised the chance of other attacks (like Jump) triggering Stagger?

I didn't have enough Thunder spam to test if I could just spam Thunder until he staggered though.

Yeah, same thing happened with me. I spammed Thunder as much as I could, then switched to Dragoon and the first big attack I did (Jump) triggered the Stagger. I'm not really sure how the staggering system works in this game. To be honest, I would prefer the bar like in XIII/XIII-2, lol.

EDIT: yeah, I noticed he was actually weak to blizzard/ice according to the Libra, lol.


From what I saw, they sort of took to the Souls games as inspiration. If you have that social stuff turned on, in the beginning room of the demo, NPCs are walking around with player names, and you can "talk" to them to see a screenshot, a message, and you can buy something from them (if they are selling anything). It's kind of weird. Not sure if I'll be using it - it looked weird seeing all these NPCs pop in when I walked by and just walking around mindlessly. Distracting in a way.

Ah, gotcha. I think the screenshots were throwing me. Like, why am I looking at this picture? And then I noticed the item you could buy, but hardly any of it seemed beneficial. I bought a sword off one dude…..that I apparently already had. The "Cheer" feature is neat though. I'm presuming it's like recommending a message in the Souls game? Free heal or something?

But yeah, I agree about those NPCs. They seemed so out of place. Most of them were muttering to themselves or staring at the walls. Very odd.


Yeah, same thing happened with me. I spammed Thunder as much as I could, then switched to Dragoon and the first big attack I did (Jump) triggered the Stagger. I'm not really sure how the staggering system works in this game. To be honest, I would prefer the bar like in XIII/XIII-2, lol.

Not sure why they even bothered taking it out in the first place. First time I saw trailers for this game, I thought they were finally done with the stagger nonsense. Now it's just more difficult to keep track of...


When you attack, the wavy lines around the enemy name is supposed to show how close you are to staggering.
Who needs health bars when you have strawberry jam in your eyes.

Who needs a chain gauge when you have wavy lines.

The next step for game developers is to eliminate being able to see how much currency you have, replacing the visible number with the tempo of the game's music or some shit. That would be nice.

They should reserve precise displays for things that need to be known precisely. Like the amount of leftward force currently on the right analogue stick. They should have a hard meter for that in the middle of the screen.
Eyes to the future.



Is there a reliable way to dodge the fireball that the boss spits? I feel like I successfully evaded once, and never again. In a game where health recovery is so limited, it seems like it would be important.
Playing the demo on PS3 at the moment, but have never played any of the other FF-13 games.

The combat is... kinda confusing? It feels like an "active" version of the classic menus, but the class switching on the fly is rather different. The different classes are pretty neat, and the costumes look good. What's up with the graphics, though? That shit is rough. lol

Edit: Beat the boss, got 5 stars. The Stagger system is something that I would definitely need to get used to, but the combat is really fun, even with all of the shit that's going on.


I had fun with the demo, combats better imo and the costume system is interesting, I also love the fact that you can take screenshots. I just wish the camera moved better when trying to take one. I may have to get this at release but I haven't quite decided.






Played the demo a few times today and I have to say I really enjoyed it. The combat system is really neat and changing classes (schema :p) on the fly is fun. Graphics look fine. In game is nothing crazy, but CG is top notch. This demo has convinced me to pick the game up at some point. Maybe not right away, since Bravely Default comes out the week prior, but maybe in March.

This is coming from someone that despised the other XIII games. I hated how linear the original was, story made no sense, and combat wasn't fun. Lightning Returns, at least for me, seems to be heading in the right direction. It's a shame that it took SE 3 games to figure it out.
Played the demo! Thank goodness for Sony!

I don't know what to think. I need to get to the world map or something. So far it felt like the beginning of FFXIII all over again, linear, battles, etc. Battle system is not confusing but chaotic, in a bad way.

Wish they added one area to explore. Can't feel the whole game with this demo.

I'll get it anyway. Don't know if I'll like it but I'll still buy it.

As I was playing I felt three things:

1) This is what Final Fantasy has become!
2) The demo says "this is the end," but perhaps it had a deeper meaning like the "end of SE and FF?" :O
3) Would we even have three FFXIIIs if Verses was finished on time?

Obviously a dlc fest with all the costumes. Total value of all dlc will be $127.36! :p

Oh and graphics looked bad with jagged and blurriness. Crazy because when FFXIII first came out it looked gorgeous. Either the graphics are bad, my tv sucks, or last gen is dated. It's probably because last gen is dated now.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Demo was too short for me to really form an opinion on. But man the change to stagger is dumb, just makes it harder to see what you're actually doing.
Is there a reliable way to dodge the fireball that the boss spits? I feel like I successfully evaded once, and never again. In a game where health recovery is so limited, it seems like it would be important.

Heartstealer, back flip Light off screen. (Don't forget to zoom out)


Beat the demo couple of hours ago. I have to say the social stuff is pretty hilarious, one of the last things I expected to see in a mainline FF game, oh well it seems mostly ignorable. The battle system from what I played and from that video posted here show a lot of potential, especially mapping the attacks to buttons instead of menus, but I'm just not sure if I want to go through everything else in the game just to experience that. At this point I rather just wait for a massive price drop before getting the game.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
[...] But even with that, I think the game should have started with
Lightning waking up on the throne and coming out of crystal.
Then you journey, meet Bhuni/learn what's going on, find Hope, etc. But the way LR starts, all that [very important stuff] has already happened, and you just have to hear about it. It just feels so disconnected from the previous game.

That's because usually in jRPGs they prefer to start the game with a climax – to make the player interested – and then go back to explain what actually happened. They did the same with so many titles in the series that I can't see why you're surprised. I usually prefer this sort of storytelling than the boring wRPG storytelling with the little farmer becoming an hero after 50hrs of fetching shits.
I'm pretty sure later in the full game you'll know everything abour her awake, her meeting with the God and so on.

The environments and textures also seemed much better than I was expecting too. Was not an ugly mess.

The game is really pretty-looking, I'll never understand all the hate it got in that regards. First area is quite impressing, I don't expect the same polish for each and single area of this open world, but even if few looks like this call me already impressed. This is not a linear shooter a la Uncharted so certain downgrades are expected here and there. Art direction though makes for every loss, that's the best thing of it.

From what I saw, they sort of took to the Souls games as inspiration. If you have that social stuff turned on, in the beginning room of the demo, NPCs are walking around with player names, and you can "talk" to them to see a screenshot, a message, and you can buy something from them (if they are selling anything). It's kind of weird. Not sure if I'll be using it - it looked weird seeing all these NPCs pop in when I walked by and just walking around mindlessly. Distracting in a way.

Ehm wait... you mean with that option on I'll have random NPCs infesting every single area and dungeon in the game? Ewwww... someone please confirm this to me <.<



Yeah, I've very nearly never engaged in this sort of action game. Just finished the demo, still fumbling like crazy by the end of it. Took over four minutes on that guy, the game still gave me 2 stars ("The Godesss pitied the fools who didn't get around to playing Bayonetta", or something).

Seems "relaxed" enough to acclimate to, though. Feels like once I get a feel for it it should have a lot going for it, although some things should be more explicit (and overall the battle interface should probably be more crisp).


The "subtle" approach to sticking background exposition into some of the dialogue made me giggle, oh dear. xD

"Mr. Hope Esteim."

This game will bring much joy...



Graphics weren't quite as rough as I expected.

Texture quality could have been better, and it looks like MSAA isn't present.

Performance was overall not that terrible in the demo. Or at least it didn't bother me much; I haven't analyzed it too closely, but if they're still using double-buffering, that could be why. Double-buffering gets a lot of flak, but I'm a sucker for its particular breed of consistancy; I'll take a double-buffered spike down to 20fps any day over 29.9fps triple-buffering.

Despite a hefty degree of simultaneous shimmering and blurry materials, I thought the overall aesthetic result was decent.


Played it. Breezed my way through it. Had no clue what I was doing but it didn't seem to matter cause I was winning. So whatever. Staggering that boss seemed random as hell. I'll try again some other time. That devil may cry of rpgs thread just seems really silly now that I've actually played it.
Ali Hillis performance for lightning has always been unique, distinguishable and effective.

Ali Hillis is to lightning as David Hayter is to snake.
??? So she got worse after the first game?


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Mmmmm just got around to playing the demo and mmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmm was it delicious. The customization possibilities are scrumptious.
I really enjoyed it, I think I prefer fighting solo without a party. Loved how quick the schema switching was. Although as someone mentioned earlier the social features really did take forever to load, it really broke the pace so I just didn't bother in the end. Shame too cause they clearly put a lot of work in those.


I played the demo yesterday, and I will admit I like it more than what I was expecting. I think the narrative is a fucking mess (I know this is a demo, but I know it does not improve). I do wish that more of the game was shown in the demo, as I didn't really get a feel for the game. The social features didn't actually work when I played, either. I kept getting errors. Unless you have to use that for quests, I'm sure I won't use it in the final game whenever I get it.


I like the new combat. It feels like a faster paced Requiem of the Goddess, which was the best part of XIII-2.

I just can't believe I went through the demo and they didn't bother explaining what that ep was for...


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I like the new combat. It feels like a faster paced Requiem of the Goddess, which was the best part of XIII-2.

I just can't believe I went through the demo and they didn't bother explaining what that ep was for...
For the overclocked thing I believe, it uses EP.


Well after finally playing the demo for myself it certainly confirms my suspicion, combat really is just a natural evolution of what the previous games did. Most importantly they got rid of all the elements that were annoying (party members/navigating menus for commands). Honestly as much as I loved 13-2, I wish it would have went even further with refining the combat like this game seems to be. Really the only negative thing I've seen is that the new stagger meter is a piece of shit.

Best I've been able to pull off is 24 seconds, I am quite curious how you shaved off another 7 seconds. I'm not exactly sure what I could have changed to make the fight faster.
Played the demo. I didn't do so well on that last boss honestly. I really had no freaking idea what I was doing. This is me. Switch jobs, spent all my atb and try to stagger it with lightning. User Overclock and do more damage. Rinse and repeat. Took me 4 minutes to kill it.
At least switching jobs is seamless. Can you run while in a battle? Lightning seems sluggish when I try to dodge the enemy attacks.
Got an X-potion from talking to one of the npc. Social features took a while to download and upload.
Demo is short. Meh really.
So just played the demo and the game play feels real nice to me. The plot on the other hand seemed to be a mess. Granted its a demo of a JRPG so the plot is always gonna be a mess in a demo.

I also skipped 13-2, should I just go read a wiki on it and spoil that game if i'm gonna play this?


So just played the demo and the game play feels real nice to me. The plot on the other hand seemed to be a mess. Granted its a demo of a JRPG so the plot is always gonna be a mess in a demo.

I also skipped 13-2, should I just go read a wiki on it and spoil that game if i'm gonna play this?

If you are not going to play 13-2 before LR, than I suggest you read the wiki/watch youtube since Lightning Returns will spoil 13-2 stuff anyway.


Played the demo. I didn't do so well on that last boss honestly. I really had no freaking idea what I was doing. This is me. Switch jobs, spent all my atb and try to stagger it with lightning. User Overclock and do more damage. Rinse and repeat. Took me 4 minutes to kill it.
At least switching jobs is seamless. Can you run while in a battle? Lightning seems sluggish when I try to dodge the enemy attacks.
Got an X-potion from talking to one of the npc. Social features took a while to download and upload.
Demo is short. Meh really.
'Running' doesn't exactly exist in battle, you tend to be using commands for quick movement towards the boss.

The movement speed using analog stick in battle is strangely slow considering the combat system is action-oriented.


ADD New Gen Gamer
The game looks good and plays well. I am cautiously optimistic. I like the battle system. They are trying something different. Very confusing though, too many bars and buttons to keep track of. Graphics look fine in the demo. No complaints there.


Played the demo.

Ended up falling in love with the battle system, but the rest of the FFXIII bullshit came out to sour me on the whole thing. Wonky story (which judging by the impressions thread, will not get better), horrible cast of characters and more linearity. I like linear games, but not in my RPGs.

They really need to save the battle system and put it in a better game. Bravely Default shows there's still talent in Square, I just hope the show it on a console sometime.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Otherworld/Facebook, Twitter stuff is too slow. Asking an NPC something and having to wait for their profile to load so you can see what they're selling is pretty bad. Why bother with that service outside of getting the outfit from the demo from it?


Played the demo.

Ended up falling in love with the battle system, but the rest of the FFXIII bullshit came out to sour me on the whole thing. Wonky story (which judging by the impressions thread, will not get better), horrible cast of characters and more linearity. I like linear games, but not in my RPGs.

They really need to save the battle system and put it in a better game. Bravely Default shows there's still talent in Square, I just hope the show it on a console sometime.

BD is not made by SE and LR has open stracture the demo is just linear. But yeah LR has good battle system, nice customization for those that care about such things and very good music everything else though is shit.


BD is not made by SE and LR has open stracture the demo is just linear. But yeah LR has good battle system, nice customization for those that care about such things and very good music everything else though is shit.

really? who made it?
Why show the cutscenes minus the voice work before you press start, only to have to go through the same exact cut scenes but with voice work after you start playing? We're already off to a great start.


Silicon Studio the guys that made 3D Dot Game Heroes. From what I gather the producer is from SE so they got money to make this game from them.

Damn, you're right after looking it up. I have no faith in Japanese SquareEnix developed games at all now.
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